PAGE FOUR DAILY ROQIB B1VBH OOt'IUKK 81NDAY, Al'tll'HT l. !. HITS AliD CRAFTS SUSPEliO CEINS At Uta buatneas meeting ot the Society of Arts and Cratte held Fri day afternoon at the home of Mr. . W. P. Counts, It was decided to In detlnttly postpone all meetings of the society, owing to war condition!. It iu planned to hare a picnic supper at the park, but oh account of the unfavorable weather the plcnlo sup per was held at the home ot Mrs. E. ;, Harris, on East A street There were IT present and the affair was very enjoyable. Lunch was brought by Individual members, and It Is nntAworthv that there was not a piece ot cake on the table. $1,000 CONTRACT 11 MERCHANT SHIPS DEPARTING (Continued from page 1) boards and the food administration, help ships the larger policies under lying the. use of American ships In war time. The charts tell whether the ships allotted to a certain trade are enough, too many or too few; whether they bring In too little, or too much; whether they are on time; ahead ot time or behind time; and whether the trade movement is too slow, too fast or' Just right. The charts also serve to guide the ship control committee in the assignment of vessels to various trade. By com paring import requirements against deliveries, the charts show when vessels may be transferred from one trade to another or released to the army. American Exploration and Devel opment Company, with headquarters in Grants Pass, which has been oper ating extensively in Josephine and Del Norte county mines, and has also handled grading contracts on the Pacific highway, has been dissolved, and Is succeeded by the John Hamp shire. Company, Mr. Hampshire tak ing over the stock ot the American company. , A message received her on Satur day announced the awarding by the highway commission ot a grading contract on the Pacific highway to l,v. inkn lUnnuliIra Pnmnanv. This IUV ,UH . M .. i - . - - contract Is for about 14 miles of road between Galesvllle and Can yonvllle. at a price of approximately IJOO.OQO. It la expected that work will be gin within the next two weeks and It will require In the neighborhood ot a year to complete the Job. The completion of the Wolf Creek grade by the American company shortly, will release grading machinery ' in cluding a steam shovel. The excel of the work on the Wolf Creek contract was one ot the factors which influenced the awarding ot the new contract. PER52NAL LOCAL Hwt tVoe 1WWW I A dance for the benefit of the American Red Cross will be held in MARRIED WILLI AMS-HOGl'E At ttie Chris tian church parsonage, Friday. AugUBt 16. Arthur Edman Wil liams, and Minnie Evelyn Hogue. both of Kerby, Rev. Charles Drake officiating. SEW YOD4.1 I GST THE NEW KIsdzo Dental Cream Aims to protect the teeth in the natural way by keeping the mouth free of the sub stance Hint footer grrmx, arid and decay. 25c Clemens Sells Drags The IteuUl Storo ,! Aomricn ad RATES. Si words, two Issues. I5c; six Issues, 50c; one month. $1.60. wheh paid In advance. When not raid In advaace, C ngrjllnejoer issue.) JOS. MOSS AGENCY Fire Insur ance, plate glass liability insur ance. 20 4 M Sixth street. tf INSURANCE Any kind, beat ol companies. L. A. Launer, raal estate. u VAS'tED Capable woman to care for elderly '.avMld day time. Phone or tall 654 North Eljhth ctrt.t. phone 191-R. . . tf FOTTSALE Wheel chair with cu slT- Inn. in first class condition. In quire of E. G. Harris, 1042 East A street, phone 341-R. AT LELAN'D hotel dining room, au- gust 24. 8:30 p. m., a dance for benefit of American Red Cross. Tickets Including supper, 75 cents. (Signed) Arrangement Commit tee. 45 FOR SALE Two acrebf corn. Just right for green fodder. Inquire Mrs. O. W. Murray, or phone 40-Y. 41 Mrs. A. J. Klocker, ot Medford, is spending a tew days here. 1 IIIB IUO III UMIIll UVI I t l tons Sun-Proof paint at Cramer Droa., I.eland hole! dining room, Sat The J. N. Johnston family went to!"'' AuUil 4- Tl'k I!"-' Crescent City Friday on a vacation i"1 8c- trip. Poultry tonlo tor molting hens at Cramer Bros. 40 Edgar Firth, returned last Friday night from a business trip to Rose-burg. Woodbury's Facial has it. the by Mrs. H. T. O'Mell relumed last night from a three months' vis It at Portland and Hood River. lawn seed at Cramer Bros. 40 Mrs. Sam Neas returned last Fri day from Portland, where she spent several weeks attending a millinery school ot Instruction. Hand sprayers at Cramer Bros. 40 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nichols ar rived Friday night from Junction City to spend a few weeks with their daughter, Mrs. W. II. Batman. Jelly glasses at Cramer Dros. 40 Rev. Robert McLean, ot 1-os An Chas. R. Drake, minister ot Church of Christ, accompanied several auto loads ot people from hlj congregation, conducted services at Merlin last Tuesday evenlnir. On soap SablniS,,nj,y a jBrgB nu,Mufr (r, planning 40, I AAV ft hatre aflat Ih Hinnln home vices. They will alio go to Hugo for a basket lunch and conduct ser vices there In the afternoon. Delivery IMseitntlimed The Moore Baking Company will discontinue delivery of bread after August IT. 40 Prominent Ivturrr II Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Arnold and daughter of New York City spent Saturday In the city. Mrs. Arnold la a member of the national commit tee of One Hundred and Is touring Joy Tkeader 0 HI' X DAY ,OXI.Y FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and . BEVERLY BAYNE In "Cyclone Higgins' - A comedy drama In S acta Added attraction Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew lit another of llielr delightful comedies (XtMl Ml WEDXEWDAV awl Tilt RHDAY WILLIAM H. HART In THK THiEH MAX" Soles, arrived here Saturday evening .M country as a special represents SOME ELECTRIC "',d for head and tall lights and for HTAIITIM1 HISTORY tight on the duah. He not only ail- , vocati'd low-voltage tamps, but prov knoa'S uwiivi rvuu wnv iuaaiuia iH)i 0 to II vult iv loins than with great ,. fl.vnlt avalam That - "Nearly every car owner that Mr. T. A. Wlllnrd had a live ot the national bureau of edu cation, and speaks In the centers of population on "Amerlcanliatlon," from Brookings, where he spent a week with his son and family. Mr. McLean will spend a few days here. Flv Knocker at Cramer Bros. 40 Mrs. J. W. Bybce snd son. Billy. !lKn-born population mother and brother of Mrs. J. O. Nlblev. arrived Saturday morning from Sacramento to spend a few weeks here. Mason self-sealing and economy Jnra at Cramer Bros. 40 Mrs. Elizabeth Day and her daugh ter, Mrs. E. T. Robblns. of San nioffn shn have been vlaitlns here for the past two months, went to " necessary, by communicating from , el f dry Mv,ri Pnrtl.nrt on delaved train No. 16. " coum7 ,cn"0' penmen neni. deal to do with the starting butlr ry.;Ml(lur ,. now r,rt.,y i found. 'on account of car trouble. Teat-lien at Training H IiimiI Teachers desiring to attend training school at Grants Pass be ginning next Monday,' can obtain good board and lodging and pay tor says C. A. uncn. lo'tu wninr i ex pert. "Dm oniy a lew anew oi u.r, The moit, n(( prrh.llB ,ho part he took In making cle.lrlc gtr.taf Aail .ii.t Flint Mt U'lllatPfl advocating the education of all for-i.tanlng and llghll.t ...rmtlcal for mM(e ,u iulonu)U, BCtr,0 elgn-born population. Mrs. Arnold automobiles. j,lllhtln) ,, h, Tnrr,,,d In. U not nera to speak, but la delayed ..i on i,.forB ti-ctrlc llululng was mii.ii.i., iu ihi. inv.mion ih. seriously considered, Mr. Wlllard of durablo, long lived rubber Insula had lxrfecled a trtt ry f-r IlKhtlng Hon In aiitonioblln starting nnd I railway roachrs :iml was fntnlllar llifiitlnn liiiii lr. i muln nmallila 'no,wlth every detail of the system. Thls'for the first lime. In a way that was was In the days when all motor cars i haracturlstlc of Mr Wlllard's Inn were 'autos' and had to be 'wound genulty he solved the problem of In- up" when acteyieue ngnts were me sorting nearly .00,000 tiny threads same out of first two months' sal.; , b hB(J ,,, e,wo , Mh 0M of h- Mnf ,.,.,, your your 0 tilrl Scout Pniiy drugs' Tlle ,le1 Pli"0' of the (ilrl 40 Scouts, tfoop No. 1, held a business and knitting party at the home of,""1' th,e "". ,0 h ke"1 Friday morning. Your soldier friends enjoys lotters. Write often, but buy stationery of Clemens, sells and Books. The Rcxall Store. Stone Jars st Cramer Bros. 1 40 Mrs. Arthur Carter and two chit dren, of Roseburg, returned" here Qttl.iF.lav mnrntntf frnm Aahtand. where they visited relatives. They! Afer hfarty l-lcnlc supper the girls will visit here with Mrs. Carter's par- nl. Me .nrf Mr. Herth. WIBIn. Where an J t ...j ... ik as enjoyed by the following r.sner. scra .u uuu .r extra-brush system of regulation uo pouna v . "l.Mn. .m), Tev.e rh.rin. To.h-'whlch regulates the charging regard "Come up and let us explain the , "Electricity had one big Job on Threaded Rubber Insulation, bone the automobile Hint It didn't havs Wlllard battery." 39 on the Pullman that was starting. Aa starting, even with tle most ero-. COM1XG EVENT nomlral motor Utk co;:i:.!. ?:'.b'e c; , their lieutenant. Miss Vers Murray The afternoon was occupied with a short business meeting, and knitting. adjourned to the home ot W. P. charged. "One of 'At. WHUrd's blggtst Jobs In automobile starting and lighting was to make a generator that would! keep the battery 'on charge' all the. Aug. ID-Sept. 8 Josephine county teachers training school. Aug 1st it. Saturday Pumona granite will meet at Frulldale. cpt. Openjij of city schools. Qulnlan. where an Informal dance.'1"8 el" 'nl' 0' Mlsae Ing very slowly. He developed the, STATE F.111 SALEM. MtK.. FOR SALE Six cows, eight heifers, two year-old yearlings and winter calves. Mrs. F. M. Rathbun, Mur phy, Oregon. Phone 108. 41 F6RTALEGbodow7"twin auto seat top buggy, 3-burner oil stove, 3-lnch Bain wagon, light wagon, fStoughton platform spring.) Geo. U Morris, Rt. 1, phone 502-P-12. WIREGRIP TERES ARE OUTWEARING CORDS We Have Them C. L. HOBART CO. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marmlon, ot Spokane, Wash., passed through this city yesterday by automobile en route to San Francisco. Mrs. Mar mlon was formerly Miss Elene George. Lice powder at Cramer Bros. 40 Miss Lucy George who spent her vacation at Kerby accompanied by Mrs. B. F. George, of Kerby, are in the city today visiting friends. Miss Ceorge, who Is a teacher In the publls schools at Portland will re turn to that city soon to resume her duties. Beef srap, oyster shell, ground bone and charcoal at Cramer Bros. Mrs. W. A. Fuller and daughter, Bertie, of Portland, arrived here Fri day night. Mrs. Fuller will visit her aunt. Mrs. "M. H. Shlnn. While Miss Bertie will be the guest of Miss Grace Presley. The Fullers were residents ot Grants Pass some years ago, Mr. Fuller being one of the In corporators of the Best-Fuller Real ity Company. ' row, Vernetta, Lynettaana Here-."7" l"" s' i-. nice Qulnlan. "Another Important thing Mr. SEi'l EMHEIt 3:i 84 Our classified ads bring results Splendid exhibits, excellent music, ' high class entertainments and a su- Wlllard did was to help ported the pert) racing card. For particular small low-voltage lamps that are write A. II. Leo. Salem, Ore. 41 MIhs Katharine Bridges, telegraph editor for the past three month at the Dally Courier, left Saturday morning for Portland to visit her parents for three weeks. She will return to Grants Pass to resume her duties In the high school, being teacher of English and Latin. . ' E Hugh Barnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Barnett of the Illinois valley, ar rived in Grants Pass Thurstlay night and went out to his home the follow ing day. Mr. Barnett has been serv ing In the U. S. navy for the past two years, and had been at a French port several times. He had been 111 for some time, and was finally dis charged for disability. His mother recently went to Salt Lake, where young Barnett wag In a hospital, not expected to live. She returned to Grants Pass with her son, who Is now mu"h Improved In health. TheReal Live Buster Brown and his Pofj we Toikz store of c The Golden Rule Friday, August 23rd GRAND FREE ENTERTAINMENT ! " 1 ' Everybody Invited An Entertainment that will Amuse and Interest both -Young and Old v , : FREE SOUVENIRS TO EVERY COY AND GIRL