Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, August 18, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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LH m EiB Ol
PaMleaed Dally Except Satnrdar
4. C VOORHIES, Put. aa4 PtoP'
aatr4 at postofflc, Great Paee.
Or., m mcos4 elut nail Batter,
Display epaee Pr Jach..
Loeal-persenal column, per Itne 10c
lUader. per un. -
By Bail or carrier. pr jew.... ft 09
By mall or crrlr, per month.. .60
By mall, par Jr ..
, Btt Editorial Association
ereioa Dally Nowapapor Pub. Ann.
Tbo Associated Prou la exclusively
titled to the use tor republication
t all news dispatches crodlted to It
or not othorwlM credited In this
apr and alao the local nowa pub
Uiiti her tin.
All rtghU of r 'publication of ape
atal dlp .tehee herein are alto
SIXIUY, Al'Cl'ST 18, 1018.
f Tonight and Sunday probably 4
f fair; gentle southwesterly
Does the German high com.nand
atill believe It can win a victorious
decision Jr. te west? C? pu the
Germans lost so many men that they
cannot afford to risk a further at
tempt to destroy the allied military
strength? ' '
If the Germans still believe' that
they can score a derisive victory, It
would not be logical for them to sp
ply their main efforts In the direc
tlon of Paris. The capture of Paris
would not end the war. It Is more
likely that they would attempt to
destroy the British force In the north
and capture yie channel ports. This
would enable them to use the Eng
lish channel for their submarines
nd force the English to transport
troops and supplies to the western
coast of France, where the submar
ines could more easily attack them.
as well as American transports. If
they still believe In a German victory
we might also expect them to risk
a general naval battle with the allied
fleets. Obviously, to be victorious In
the west, they must keep American
and British supplies from the French
coast by the use of submarines or
the German battle fleet. If, however,
they do not atmpt either to capture
the Channel ports or vanquish the
British navy this summer, It may
logically be concluded that the kaiser
o longer expects to destroy the al
lied armies in the west, and will at
tempt to continue In favor with the
German people by annexing new ter
ritory in Russia after a successful
defensive until the end of the war.
meanwhile satisfying the popular de
mand for military victories by minor
. successes In Italy, the Balkans or on
the Russian front.
Qualify First
Kinney & Truax
'HBIB'S ' ft' IWt"M
miBiai-Jt- urn Mr I
the German Influence In Russia from
the Baltic to the Black sea. This
wtll prove as difficult as the fight-
Ins In Franco will be severe.
It would seem that the time has
come to declare war upon the Bol-
shevlkl. Tho Bolshevlkl authorities
have been assisting Germany to gain
control of banks and trading corpor
ations in Russia, and apparently In
an underhanded way are cooperating
with the German army to prostrate
Russia under the kaiser's heel. The
ambassadors of the allied govern
ments In Russia hive been aware of
this condition during the past year,
and the fact that they have fled from
central Russia to a port of refuge
In tho north indlcatea that the Ger
man grip on Russian affairs has en
tirely destroyed the Bolshevlkl gov
ernment's position as a neutral pow
er and that the Bolshevlkl execu
tives' pro-German acts have become
notoriously flagrant.
travel over graded highways, dirt
roads, plank roads, corduroy, and
macadam; soma stretches ar good
for SO to S3 miles an hour, while
others are to rough for a flce-mlle
speed. When the Camas valley road
It Improved for about 10 miles each
side of the Douglas-Coos county line.
the trip will bo one of entire enjoy
ment. Even two broken springs and
delay In negotiating the Rock hill
grade, due to the failure or gasoline
to feed Into the carburetor, owing to
the extreme grade, failed to make
the trip of the Josephine county dele
gation anything but enjoyable.
l'nUii Outdoor Norvlnw
At the Junior High or Central
school grounds at 8 p. m. this even
ing. Rev. Melville T. Wire will
preach. Should the weather bo
rainy or otherwise very Inclement,
tho service will be held at the Meth
odist church, as a resolution passed
It Is agreed that the allies could. by the preacher's association provld-
not do much In Russia at present. M ' "
. . . ... er, me service in 10 uo mm-u iu
even It they declared war on the of the pagtor wh0M t(lrn
Lenlne-Trotiky autocracy. The Oer-)U wa8 , preacn on that night. It
mans are still In possession of a con-jg probable, however, that no such
slderable area of Belgium ana icontingency win arise, ana tni me
France, and allied man power on the e at the school grounds
western front Is not yet superior to
"Tho Tiger Ma"
In th portrayal of western char
acters ot a distinct and vlrll type,
William 8. Hart Is, porhapt, th best
known In th cinema world. Mr.
Hart hat a new picture, "Th Tiger
Man," directed by himself, which
will b presented at th Joy Theatre
next Wednesday and Thursday.
Thlr la a remarkable story ot tht
wct. Hawk Parson, a bandit chief,
widely known as "Th Titter Man,"
because ot his ferocity and cruelly,
lurks on the borders ot a desert In
search of prey, A wagon train It
halted, owing to th lack ot water,
and tho emigrant suffer great pri
vations, Among these la Ruth In
gram, wlf of a minister of th gos
pel, who volunteers to go In search
of aid. She encounter Hawk, "Th
Tiger Man," who alter hearing her
story goes to th relief of th Im
perilled emigrant. Th party Is at
tacked by Indians and they are driv
en away under th leadership of
Hawk rarsons. Hawk conceives an
Infatuation tor Ruth and he carries
her away with him (o his cabin In a
secret reces In th desert. She at
tempts to alty herself, then swoons.
This Is th beginning of "The Ti
ger Man's" regeneration. He sub
sequently etcorts her to a settle
ment where tho rejoins her husband,
and then gives himself up to th of
ficers of 'the law on condition that
they bo permitted to hold their re
ligious services unmolested. The
picture Is one of Intense thrill, strong
situations and th highest dramatic
A soldier with cold feet can never
win our war. Rally to th colort
tnd enlist In the corps armed with
knitting needle.
(Paid Advertisement.)
Independent (onillilutr fur
County Clerk
as usual. The (act that the evening
tnav be a little cool will make no dlf-
the German. We must establish n-fcrenpe. peope art requested to bring
American army oi iwo nmuuu " .ineir camp cnnirs,
three million men and communica
tions which will supply such an army
before we ran become vigorously ag
gressive In Russia. With the cooper
ation of the Japanese and the Cze
ch o- Slovak army, which Is already
doing good work In Siberia, however.
It would be possible to establish al
lied supremacy In Asiatic Russia this
yesr, and pave the way for a gradu
al movement toward Moscow and
Petrograd In 1919. The recent as
sassinations of von Mirbach, the.
Ilrtlmny Presbyterian Chnrch
Morning aervlre at 11 a. m.. ser
mon, "Measuring up to Require
ments." Sunday ahool at 10 a. m.
Evening service In union with other
churches In open air service on lawn
of Junior High school at 8 p. m. Miss
Parker and Mrs. Hansen will sing In
the moaning. Food for thoui?ht and
a pleasant welcome awaits you.
h. Myron Bomser, minister.
New nm ii M. K. Church
Preaching by the p.istor at the
church jih iiaunl At 11 a m . nnrf at
German ambassador at Moscow. andthe unI(m OIltdoor ,ervce at fne
von Elchhorn, German dictator In junior High school grounds at 8 p.
the Ukraine, suggest a smoldering m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep-
flre of nnyleldlng protest against jorth League at 7 p. m. A cordial
.... -i vr.i, :miiiiuuii iu an
uerman militarism in miasm wuh-h
should leap Into a flame of open rev
olution once the allied armies appear
in force sufficient to restore law and
Melville T. Wire, pastor.
Continued from Page One.
Church of Oirlst
I Bible school at 10. A thoroughly
organized Junior department will be-
gln its work this Sunday. Commun
lion and sermon at 11. Subject, "Dl
vlne Blood Atonement vs. Human
Good Atonement." Junior at 2 -.30
and C. E. at 7. Evening service will
be at the Junior High school with
Rev. Wire officiating. '
Chas. R. Drake, minister.
set beach and an Informal, dance in
On Sunday the entire day was
Baptist Church
There will be no preaching service
.i,ht -pin nd ln-,at " BaPtst cnurh this Sunday, as
eluded a trip to Myrtle Point by rail; pM'or' KeT' ' J,n,ch' " at
automobile tour of that section and e" the Baptist mid-
visit, to two of the many cheese fac- mer assembly. There will be
torles whi-h' help to make that dls- 18nd7 school less on at 10
Of course, the allies expect to pre-;trlct prosperous, then to Coqulll
Amy Booth Holmes
)i'iiiiHrnt:c (.'uiMlltlnio f'r
County Treasurer
"Sea 'Coti-ll' Pcsl
OK Tfcii C:rn."
Lmvm Thi To at Smooth aj tht
Palm of Tow Hand.
Th corn nvr u rw that "O la
It" will not trt It nvr Irritate
th fleah, never makM your to tor.
Juit two drop of xiMa-Il" aid
prtsioi to oora-Mia tioiidh.
Pm u
bbertly you
th orai right
o'clock, also young people's meeting
It , . . ' .,.-.. i;St 7 p. m. It Is hoped there will be
Tent the kaiser from assuming per- PC.J" "LJ I few ' tendance at both these meet
manent control of Russian territory.8, magnificent myrtle grove s .
territory." " ' ... ,lng,
and the Balkan states. To dictate we,conie Mtended by CoqillIIe pTO.
Peace terms to the kaiser, however, Pie wag hearty and sincere and made
the allies must score a decisive vie. friends for that thriving city. A
tory. In what will a decisive victory steamer ride of three hours landed
' consist? in the first place, In order the edItorla' Prty at Bandon beach,
; to restore Belgium and recover Al-' beaullful ,ummer re,wrt, whlch
cMum ana recover Al-(W,n be v,8,ted more )t becomes
ace-Lorralne for France, It will be heUer known and transportation
necessary to drive the Germans back more direct.
" to the Rhine through a long series, A ride of three hours by automo-
Of hard fought battles and thorough- Dlle over tne Seven Devils road from
;1y prepared campaign. In the second Bandon t0 Mar8hflell me tne J-
i -m v - . . sephlne county roads seem like
place It will be necessary to advance u , . . . , . ; u
" ,boulevarda,.ln .conliiarison, el when
northward from 8alonlca In the Bal- the difficulties ?of roai construction
kans until Tnrkey and Bulgaria have In Coos county are taken Into consld
. been separated from the Teutonic eratlon It appears that they have
empires, and to organize a military done more than M1 other counti ,D
,ruaa worx.
force In Russia sufficiently strong to
A trip by automobile from Grants
unseat the Bolshevlkl and destroy Pags to Coot BaJr an(1 return ,ndlldeu
Catholic Chnrch
Masses on Sunday at 7:30
t: 30 a. m.
Rer. Father J. O. Vlen.
First Church of Christ Scientist
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday. In the W. O. W. hall,
at 11 a. m. Wednesday evenlnf meet
Ingt at 8 o'clock. The siibfecf fo
today Is t'8oul."
Readln room It open from 2 to
4 p. m. dally except Sundays and
holidays. The public Is eordlallv in
vited to attend the services and 'to
visit the reading room.
American sports introduced by the
T. M. C. A. In France Include pit-hint;
off with your flngtr and there yon
are psln-fre and happy, with th
to a smooth and oorn-rre a your
palm. "UeU-It" Is th only sat
war In the world to treat a corn or
cillus. It's th tur war th way
that nvr fall. It la triad and true
used by million vry year. It
always work. "Oeta-It" make cut
ting and dinning at a corn and fust
In with bandasret, Mlvet or any
thin entirely Unnciry.
"Oats-It," th iruarantd, money
bark corn-remover, thaonlyaure way,
com but a trill, at any oruf itor.
- MTdbyE.LawranoCo.,Cblcaao,IlL
Sold In Grants Pass and recom
mended aa the world's bett corn
remedy by George C. Sabln.
Full LLHd bf Autd i Supplies
Grasls Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T, llreen, I'mpr.
R. Glikllngn, Agent
Big Pierce Arrow Cart
Easy Riding
Office JoMfihlne lintel Ulmk
Teloilnine tf.'N'J and IN.i
mm kmu M DM, tHL Aln htrw.1
v Mr
Tht Oalifornia and Oregoi
CoMt Xailroad Company
time cAnn
Dally except Sundaj
Effective May 1, 191
Train 1 lv. Grant Pans I t
Tra'ji 2 lv. V'atert Cw k t 0; ;n
All I : iln lesvf lii i f ('
le corhi-r of O and U 'Iiili '.i
Dimslt I 3n ilh i 'i . l"'.ir. !.
. Vr all Information ref.'ln
(ri;u ion piti' rvti.e ml.
the oti m .f . ,iMf.,iv i . i iijf.
bull.llti. nt ,.ti -i . H mi,
OI KU.IKAUK U KjulpM"d fur rtj kind of rvpalr work, and
our workmen r rKrt In ihrlr ll"". .Nothing la ever hnlf
done, no tktall l ever overlooked.' It la properly flnlthrd on the
spot. Our price are reasonable,
Iluy jour kiippllca from u. We rharito no riMire than ilio forelua
(Id lor for the ha mo, artl.lo, and VK I'AV TIIK KltKKill T and VOl'
Iluy your unnolltio from n. tl I tlin beat ami our prices nro al
hmjk at tlin bottom. It pay to liny your gawdlne here.
Fashion Garage
and Machine Shop
Burke & Son, Proprietors
Just As Particular
As You About Hres
,TJR customers are thrifty, calculating
fellows who know tire up-keep costs.
Believe us, we've looked into this tire
proposition from top to bottom.
.-- j -j t r: iu. I
lane our auviuo axiu uuy uuxuivuuo, uia
one best buy on the market. The Dia
monds we have sold our customers are
running farther, giving less trouble, and
costing less in the end than any other
tires wo knov.
Put a Diamond Tube In a Diamond cat
Ing and you have the ideal tire equipment
; 4 Grants Pass Hardware Co.
209 6th St Grants Pau, Ore.
f ' . .7.