PAGE TWO DAILY HOtilU H1VKH COIKIKH Hl'Mi.'.Y. Allil sT I, IUIH. Mil B06UE RIVER COURIER Published Daily Except Saturda;, A, C VOORHIES. Pub. tod Propr. atnterel at postofflc. Grants Pas. Or.. as coed claa mall matter. ADVERTISING RATE'S Display apare, per luoh lie Local-personal column, per Hue 10c Headers. pr '.Ine - &c DAILY COURIER y nail or carrier, per year... $6.00 2j mall or carrlor, per month.. .5w WEFKLY COrRlEU y mall, per yar.... II. 50 MEMBER State Editorial Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Tub. Assn. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PKESo Th Att&odaled Prvn la exclusively entitled to th use tor republication Ot all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In ' thla pa?er and also the local newt pub lished bertln. All rlghta ot republication ot spe cial . dlspi.tcbe herein art also reserved. SEITLAICEPS WKI.SK uauf.iht 1MMF.NTO HOLLAND not kirt t;ui:i. rini.K I'AMFMItKltr TILLAMOOK Al l. UIKIN OF MKailsr gl'AI.ITY TRY SAlMt IIOI.A tlllC.Mr AM S WUWH llol.A KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY gCALITY KIKSi St3p lltcljl C:rnj Quit Hill'GsJs-ll" Th Great Corn-loosener of th Age. Haver fail. Palnloo. Watch my strpt What's th ual I iit aloiiM "r tttlit alUu mi without uii," pii with onus biv.ui 1 u Mvii-ll '. the iml. in-liKi-.i. nuim-p.ul cui u r.niovur. I trlrU ih.r way valor, until 1 wus blua J-h J. KIXDAV, AKil ST 4, IOIH. OREGON WKATUEU f Fair and warmer Sunday ex- - cept near the cost. Gentle westerly winds. ( TREYING' ON SOLDIERS' IR E.NT3 A shameful practice has come to light with regard to the settlement ot the affair ot soldiers dying In the service. In many cases, parents have no sooner learned ot their son's death than they receive a notice from some lawyer in Washington, informing them that they will need legal help in collecting the son's back pay, along with liberty bond rebates and other claim on the gov ernment. The lawyer agree to look after this business on a tee basis of 20 or 25 per cent, and asks the par ents to give him power ot attorney. Such service Is absolutely unne cessary, and no member of the legal profession, except a shyster or a harpy would so misrepresent the sit uation and attempt to prey In this manner upon the bereaved parents. It has been explained over and over again, in official statements and in newspaper comment, that the gov ernment itself will attend to all the necessary details without charge. In most cities, moreover, there are capable and reputable lawyers, representing their bar associations, who will gladly give free advice on auch matters. In case of doubt or delay, they should be consulted. Or if the established machinery does not seem to be working properly, the local congressman can be appeal ed to. For all ordinary cases the words ot Representative Quinn of Missis sippi apply literally and fully: "No lawyer should be allowed to get one cent of the soldier's back pay or gov. ernment insurance as a fee for col lectlng It. N'o soldier, nor the par ents of a soldier or sailor, needs the aid of a lawyer to get his money The war risk bureau will pay every dime due the beneficiary tinder the policy. Also, if necessary, every con gressman will aid his constituents In collecting the money." Reading room Is open from 3 to 4 p. m. dally except Sundays and ! holidays. The public Is cordially In- and to we were made to suffer various In dignities," he said. We were compelled to harness ourselves to carts which we bud toivlted to attend the services draw through the streets to the sta- Ivl.t th reading roam tlon or postoffice In order to fetch our parcels and any commodities to camp. It was at tnis ramp aiso mat ( saw 300 Russian soldiers working. all of whom were In the last stages of tuberculosis. The poor fe'.luws could not get enough to eat, and they would eagerly scrape discarded tin cans In the hope of finding par ticles of food. I have even seen Gor man aoldters do the same thing. We were glad to search the cinder paths. at any opportunity In antli Ipailoo of! f'.ndiug bits of coke or coal wlth n h'cu to coo our food. The captain said his ship waa tor pedoed without warning and that af ter he and all his men were afloat In life boats the submarine appeared on the surface and he was taken pris oner, the mates and seamen being permitted to start In the direction ot land. Describing the submarine the British captain said: She was fairly large craft, of recent numbering, having three tor pedo tubes, two in the bow and one aft, and carried ten torpedoes. She was also armed with a gun for shell fire, Just forward of the conning tower." Continued from Page One. J had learned from others In the uer- -vlce what terrible weapons dnpth bombs were In the hands of sMlirul seamen. "For some moments we waited; engines were stopped and a'.l means were taken to prevent giving indi cation of our position. Minutes ya rn ed like hours in such a situation. I'll admit that I was turning over In my mind whether I should sue my family again. No additional explo sions took place, however, and after remaining some 18 fathoms deep for a long period we continued our voy age. "A few days later we had another experience with depth charges, or 'wasser bomben' as the German sall ors call them. A sailing veel had Just been sunk by shell fire when two allied destroyers were sighted, and don we went. Hy the mlcio-j meetings will lie discontinued until phonos th propeller could itf the return of tho 'pastor. heard, and as the vessels came near-j I Cwa Stiaply Cat StaplMV. lWCto-ltl" er and nearer we, lu the submarine. could hear the thudding unite dis tinctly. To and fro the lU-tlimiy I' i i,ui liurvti Mnrnlug service at ;i a, M ser mon by the minister. Sunday school weut searching for us.'nliy at III a. in. Union service at S p. in. they picked up a clue. or tarry oroj()n lawn of Junior hlh school, cor two explosions shead but not so jm.r Fourth and C streets. A cordial ua as that first from the cm 1st r. but I invitation to all. quite close enough to cause the sub- Myron, minister. i u . . kl. -I .!... mil ' marine lo ireiuuiu an i in t . about as though in a heavy hen.' (Imnh of Christ KckutiMt Prison camp conditions lu Christian S.-lence services are held fended as the w.rH's best muuy were aescnoea uy me nrnibu , ,Very Sunday. In the W. O. W. hull, i remiuiv hv Count O. Huhln. captain as being deplorable. at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet-1 1 "Although we were merchant ship lnga at 8 o'clock. The subject for captains Imprisoned at Hiundenberg, today Is " Love." In th furs and rd In hi toes. K tnor fur mo. I'm it nvtr fni la Touch any corn or e. lu with two Oroi' of "(IrU-li" ami 'llts.i" lo th rt. It' rller to b aliU tit imp ruttlmr corns, rtinklnc thun bltd. writiMUm; lhm ui Ilk im.'kK ami unluw Hi ky tup and vitlv. It rcinov.n any eorn elr and elrsn, kuviitic lh to a amooth your palm. You can iir thono nnw ihOKS wlihuut t'n In. tlnnc and b frltky on your lrt. It o iih "iMi-ll." "llts-lt.' th RuranlU. money Dai'kcorn-rtnovr, Hi onlv aura way, r.!'fJ,u f trin l ir, 'rA M rdbykLawrncACo.,Clilt'af.lll Sold In (irnntit rur ami reco in-eora CHICHESTER S PILLS Zi,) mui iia k J V WMMMf. rr IT INI irrw.. hiMI -IIW ltV.TK) lUMoMSt MHANM VlUJk t Si yam hMMM Sm. 4lMt. Alf Mli4 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVtRWHLRE WOOD BIDS WAXTEO A Denney & Co. FRUIT MARKETING AGENTS Specializing in the distribution of North western Boxed Fruits U. D. MIHILLS, Representative . a ' , ItlXTH 1'ASS Htl lT ASS(M'ATU)X WAHHIHM SK I'llOXK :Ut (iKANTS I'ASS. OKLt.ON Main Office Chicago, 111. Wrotrrn Offlco I'nvMlc, lilntiit F. II. IKKil'K, Western Miimmer Classified Advcitising lo; kali: foil SAI.K- W'J AiiKont guitl ami kids, Kor p-.-tioulnn udiln-Mt K H. W'Ue. Kirly. Ow. bUtf n)lt SALIC 1DI7 modit fi-,iMKen-k-r Ford in ( mil eoli.lltliiti, Clyde K. Mies lMf VUOU- lime m tl r ol Ino laln evenly rut. Cood wood Kill bo very hith lli'.n winter. No mou to cut. I It cb it o;ir order liiv. It won't lust I' nw. I.'.M) i; r tier. How many Her do ot w:m(.' I'hono IM, U A. Liuum, 1 MI'MIKSIIIKK o, inniiHis, Wflght. I'm) po.ittils, Mill plit siiou', silbjcvt to reglntiyi also Duroo Jersey hour, ft months, for ul. Apidy 315 Rokuo Itlver Ave., at noon or after 0. '.'9 FOR rT.vT.K4n rrglHlered Poland I'hlnn sow. Karrowed lit lliii Ick stock farm. Further Informa tion at C. P. M. Kurlane. Rt, i. Kox 10. (Iranta I'nss, tire. 30 FOR 5. LK - Otto Cren ntplaiii'r. Address A. C, .MiinnlitK, Rogue River. Ore, 7 WiAR TIMK SACltlFH'K-invrstl-gnte fully, hnd aubmlt your best offer. Chance for teal bargain: agents proloeted. 8V'4 of rTec. 35. T. 3T 8. Rang ft Went; K'i of NK4 of Sec. 3. and SKVi ot See. 3. and KS of NKU of Her. 2 and NRV of fl.o. 1; and NWki of SW of 8c. 11. all In township 3X8. It. West. Joaiihllte coun ty, 9oH acre. Also see a real Imranln 5-room, class A, double construction house, three lots, furnished or un furnished, Annie fl. Nixon place, 701 South Fifth street, (irants Pass, Oregon. V4 of RBU and K'4 of SV4. Sec. R, township 40 R R. 1 West, also NB4 of NK(4 nf Sec. 17. T. 40 8.. R. S West. 2"0 acres, stork and Implement go with place. Your own term. Now hurry for these. Write offer quirk. 11. C. Irwin. 22 North Tenth street. Portland, Oregon. 211 TO rncvr . . I " ' TOR RENT 8-room bouse with i bath and large garden planted, j 209 Foundry street. Inquire op- posit, er Moss renting agency. I 86tf Notice is hereby given that the County Court will consider bids for thirty-two (32) cords of body fir and eighteen (18) cords of body oak four-foot wood to ke delivered at the County Courthouse on or before Sep tember ISth, 1918. All bids must be filed on or be-, fore 10 o'clock a. m. ot the 7th day of August, 1918. The court reserves the right to re ject any and all bids or award the contract according to the best Inter ests of the county. By order of the county court of Josephine county, Oregon. E. L.,COBL'RN. County Clerk. . i flttbeCtoirclw Church of ClirlM This In to be a special day tor us in that we are to have at our f?uestn the .Merlin and Huso people. They will meet with us for th? Illlile school session at 10 o'clonk. This department of the church Is growlni? in usefulness under the leadership of Dr. Ma?y and a competent corps of teachers. Communion and sermon at 11, subject, "Christian Allegiance a Test of Patriotism." There will be spe ial music by our vlHltorn. ' At noon all will go to the park and en Joy a basket lunch together. A hearty Invitation to all to come, and enjoy this day of good fellowship with us. I'nlon service at the Jun ior hi?h grounds In the evening. Chas. U. Drake, minister. Xewmnii M. K. (Iiureli The morning sermon at 11 a. m. will be preached by Rev. H. J. Van Fossen, district superintendent. Sun day school at 10 a. m. En worth League at 7 p. m. The congregation Is Invited to attend the union ser vices at the central school grounds at 8 p. m. Thursday evening prayer SQUEEGSkPO TIRES Demanding Every Diamond We Can Make "CVERY Diamond Tire our big factories can ' produce is demanded by enthusiastic motorists who have previously driven on Diamonds. More than 2,000,000 Diamond Tires are In use more than one for every three cars in America, Every one of these Diamonds has displaced other makes. We feel that such popular demand Is stronger proof of Diamond super-value than all the claims and guarantees we could make. the diamond Rubber Ca ' (Incorporvled) , AKRON, OHIO The best combination U a Diamond Tube in a Diamond casing econo my of money, lime and temper. jmwm Wf Red Sides FOR RENT Furnished modern 5 room cottage, gas. Inquire Ileal Fuller Realty. OOtf WANTED WANTKD Miners 4 per day; la borers, $3.50 per day; eight hours; board fl. Sixteen miles on auto stage from Cottage (irovu, Black Butte Quicksilver Mine, B!a'k Butte, Oregon. 30 U'ANTBU Ten cords of fir. Ad drssa M., Box 4L", (linnts Puss, Oregon, 30 MI8 KLLANKOt TKT1IKROW Pliimhlng and Sheet Metal Works, ttlli F street. 21 RARNF.3 ft CO. Cash Stort Frosh groceries; dry goods, general stock merchandise; second hand goods of ail descriptions. 400 South Sixth street. A square deal . to all. 33 foil TAXI rUMlVICK Call ls.l-j"; country of city calls; stand at Stag. A. J. Cowers. 4(t SEK T1II0 NBW grocery store, rirst door north of Oxford hotel. New, neat stock, courteous treatment, fair prices, honest weights. Try mo. J. II. 1). Hrown, I'ropt. 29 PDA RS READY Pears are now ready. We will commence pack ing Monday, August 5th. We have an attrnctlvo cash price. Como and see us at Klnnoy & Truax wa re house, Klsmnnn & Hunt. Phone 257. 29 - -- t t ; .. . i - i , ' ' ATIOIIMYM U, U. .NORTON. Altorpry-atlaw Predict a lu all Htst slid )'dral Courts. First Nutlonal Hank IHdi COI.VId A WILLIAMS. Altoni. ) HU, U.uult Pass Hunk UK Co, UliU., tlrniit I'sss, Oresou ) K. S. VAN PYKK. (Ice. Ill nil iiiiirt. Hunk 1114k, Attorney Itae- Flrot National t). ' A. lll.ANCH Altl), ttorrtiy at La'. Colileii Uitl. llulldln Ph. Hi. i ;'70. Ur:inls I'shs, OreKon. III.ANCUARl) A IILANCIIAIII. At lorn)s, Albiitl llldg. Phon lis J rractlc in all ourts; lam board attorneys. C. A. HIDLKR. Attomey-al-Ls. ref eree In bankruptcy. Masonte leniple, Orsnts Puss, Or. VI1FIIIXAHV MMMiMlS DR. R. J. IIKSTFU Veterlnarlaa. Office, rsldenc. Phone 30S-K. , MIVHKHNH I O. CLKMF.NT, M. U., Practice limited to diseases of the ey. ear, nose aud Classes fitted. Ottlie hour -12. or n ap point tnent. Office phone fl, resl dencn phone SSO-J. S LOUQUIlllMlF, M. 1).. PliMlola and aurKton. I'ltr or country call attended day or iilxht. Resldenc phone 209; iiltln phone 181 Sixth and It. Tuft's tlldg.' DR. J. O. NIIILKY. i'byslclan and surgeon. I.undbiirg flldg. Health oiricer. OITIc hour. to U a. m. and 1 to II p. tn. Phone 310-J. A, A. WITH A M, M. I). Internal medicine and nervous diseases; 003 Corliett Iliilg., Portland, Ore. Hours 9 a. m. to 1 . m. PKNTISIH K. C. MACY, U. M. D. Flrst-cluae dentistry. 10V South Sixth street. Grant Pass, Oregon. rnoTo HTi'iuo TUB PICTLHK MILL makes fin photographs. ' Open dally except Sunday from 10 a. m. to & p. m. Sunday sittings by appointment. Call, Mill. 2S.1-U or resldonee 140-J. MI HR'AL I.NHTIIICTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher ot vole culture and singing. Leoas given at horn of pupil if requested. Ad dress TIC Lee street, DHAYAUK AMI TltANSM I! COMMERCIAL TRANSrER CO. Al kinds ot drayag and tranafe wrk carefully and promptly don Phone 1S1-J. Stand at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. THK WORLD MOVES; so do w. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co, Phone 397-R. F. Q. I8HAM, drayage and transfer. Safes, l-lanos and, furniture moved, packed, shliipod and stor ed. Phone Clark & Iloltnan, No, 60. Residence phone 1Z4-R. The California and Oregoi Coast Railroad Company timk r.n Dally except Sunday Effective May 1, 1J18 Train I lv. Cranta Pass.. 1'OOp. m. Tran !i lv. Waters Cretk r:00p. m. All trains leave Granf l'aa from, he corner of O and K's'oth strnets, lpposlte tLe Southern Pacific depot, ?" all Information regarJIng fiotgM and passep r service call at the onVe of the company, Lundbtirf building, or phone 131 for snm. ' All kinds of Commercial Printing at the Courier ')lllre. Grants Pass Hardware Co. 209 6th St Grants Past, Ore. Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. W. T. Ilreen, Propr. If. rildilliigs, Agent , . t Big Pierce Arrow Cars Easy Riding Office Josephine Hotel Block ' Trli'phono 22H-J a nil in:l Jt