TAGS TOO DAILY ROGUC RIVER OOUKIBR 'I BROTHERS REUNITED - ' AFTER MANY YEARS WE I!A1 IT Published Pally Except Saturday . S. VOORHIES, Pub. aid Propr lJ 4 1 r t It means full-powers J ntersl at poetofflcs, areata Pass. Or., at second elm mall matter. high quality ' gasoline, California Head Lettuce KMil'LAR KIUI'MKXTH AIUUYH MONDAY, WMKSAY AND I IUKAY every drop I tlW sure it'i ADVERTISING RATES Display spaee, ptr larh ...1S Ijooal-personal column, per Itna We Readers, per Una.... - It Red Crown before you fill, STANDARD OIL COMPANY DAILY COURIER y mall ar carrier, par year .... 00 By Bail w carrier,, par meath..- .50 S II eras ' ' ii r. j 6 v'4.-s as y i m i WKFKLT COURIER By mail, par yar. .$1.10 ; . MEMBER fltata Editorial Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Aasa. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESo The Associated Press ta delusively atltltd to the use fei repabllcatioa of alt news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credlttd la thla paper and alao tha local aawa pub- Uabed hertia. s. . i AU rights of republication of spe cial dlspittches herein ara also reserved, i . ..t t ' - ....I i 1 1 I. i . TUESDAY, JVLY S3, 1918. OREGON WEATHER Fair; gentle westerly winds. 4 POTASH AND CROPS We learn from German authori ties that the United States la suf fering grievously for lack of German potash. Germany, as everybody knows, baa the largest kntfwn . da posit of thla mineral fertiliser. Before the war the rest of 'the world depended on It to great -tent. Now, deprived of potash, so the German professors assure the German people, our agriculture - Is languishing, our fields are barren and starvation for tha allies la cer tain. , Germany's potash , monopoly cripples us more effectually than our blockade, cripples , Germany. Her potash, mightier than arm or gold, will bring her a triumphant peace. To paraphrase the ' words of ' an ancient sage,' it Is just as well not to know so much aa to know all that ft German professor knows. - It happen that: we are cultivating about 20,000,000 more of our "bar ren acres" than ever before, and do ing it with what we honestly take to be considerable aucceis. We are going to have probably 300,000,000 bushels of wheat more than we had last year, a far bigger corn crop than usual, and more barley, rice and rye than ever before. The staple food rops are also excellent in Canada, Bn gland 'and France. ., As foe. Ger many herself, all accounts from neu tral sources agree that her crops this season are extremely poor. What's the matter? ' .Isn't Ger- many taking her own potash medl eineT . Or Js the soccesa or failure of the war,, after an, not dependent on German fertilizer or any other Ger man product? "1 I The conservation . pf beds, recom mended "by the war industries board. oureiy we a green to tjr l pa triotic public without any great sense of hardship. If the brass and steel are needed for war purposes, we can surely get along without ask lpg manufacturers to make us new brass beds for some time to come. Wooden beds are surelv aa tnir. able s wooden ships, and both were' found tolerable for a good many1 hundred years. Indeed," what mid-' die-aged man f 'wAmlii' ...':j' -- ----- vi, u whs ; not born in s wooden; hf 'what!.'' J ' 4 . . . . . . 1 m soq,noHgB ior itne lathers andji grandfathers Is jsnrely good enough' for the' children, ' afways excepting' the old, round, knobby four-poster with a creaking rope cat's cradle In stead of sprln)ts.: ;' " ''' ' ! '" There are fewer beds needed, too, KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY ' QrAIJTY because ft couple of million, young men have left them for a bedlesa oc cupation, and there may be another couple of million beda left vacant be fore long. We can make thera go 'round till the boya get back. Aa for children, the matter Is comparatively simple. One big brother's bed. supplied with a stout partition In the middle, will serve nicely for two youngsters. Cradles are out of style. There is no ban, apparently, on the baby'a crib. If there should be, father, can make one himself. Cuba haa adopted July 14, France's "BastlleDey',Naa her, own national holiday. We should' have been pleased If our little neighbor, lack ing any special national festival of her own, had chosen the day on which we declared war on Spain and clinched her (dependence. But as long as France gets the honor, we won't quarrel about it. The war Industries board has cut the number of bed davenport styles from 75 to 10. This is Intolerable. How can we ever get along with only 'lt It klnda of davenports? S0LD1ERLETTERS -' Pet tinker Jfow-. Obtain J Mr. and Airs. J. A. Pettlnger re ceived ft letter from their 'son, 'La ther, who left Grants Pass sit" yean ago to accept a position as manager of the advertising department of the 8tar Bulletin, the largest paper In Honolulu. When war was declared he en listed with the national guards and was made sergeant and held that po sition until he was called to hla pres ent position. His letter is as fol lows:.',! I i!11 - I1 li i ; ! vi 'J"' Honolulu, H. I., ' July 7, 1918. Pear Father and Mother: Your letter of June ISth and 25th received today and am glad to hear that you are both well. . , . ,,. This morning . I got a telephone call to come to the office. When 1 got there I was Informed that I had been made captain of the quarter master corps of the national guard of Hawaii, and assistant to the U. 8. property and disbursing officer. A'; A property and jlisbufslng office! Is appointed by 'the secretary of war for each ptate d termor, be Is under feond. . and. all equipment and supplies are charged to him person ally and he is personally responsible for all property In his state or ter ritory. He In turn issues the pro perty to other organizations of the national guard. He pays all bills ia j li FIRST Incurred by the national guard. Bo you see there la a multitude of de tail and work to be dune. I also have to take care of most of tho work In connection with ordnance and quartermaster departments as well. I have a clerk and a sergeant instructor from the' regular army under me. It keeps me busy from S a. m. to 10:10 p, m. moat every day and sometimes on Sunday. The first thing out of the box I waa put on the reception committee to aid at the governor's reception tor Secretary Lane from Washing' ton. D. C. . You should have seen me all decked 'out In my white ' uniform, white cap, while shoes, white gloves and a shiny sliver sword hanging at my side. It waa some reception too.' I guesa I met all the mucky' muks In the Island aa well aa Secre tary Lane's party from the capital. 1 went out to the fair Tuesday and saw the exhibits and entertain ments.' It certainly was some swell little show for these smalt islands to set up. - There were about 21,000 people there and when yon consider that some days at the exposition In San Francisco there was only about 75,000, I think that going some tor Hawaii. Only wish you could have been here to have attended with me for I know you would have enjoyed . I would like td be there and get some of those cherries end berries that yqu are canning. I " haven't tasted cherries over here 'except '' In a piece of pie now' and then."' "' We have strawberries all the' year round and "battanaa and papal (sort of cross between eantetonpe.'pamp kin, watermelon and other' things', It has lot of peppermint In It' and tastes real good after' you learn td like It.) (- The 'cantaloupes are just coming into the market. Well It is time to go to work agaln.'so will bring this propaganda (as Earl calls .it), to, ft dose, with love from your son. ... ... t- .. ... . LUTHER . ; OAPT. J. 8. PITTENOER, . Office of the chief quartermaster and V. 8. property and disburs ing officer.. r ,, ... i ,.. ., Drawing Lets for Wife. I love the way they once faced the grim realities of life snd fought fire with Are. Marriage was a lottory, , they settled Jt by lot The way of . man with a tanld might upset the ci eolations of the wise man in Proverb: but It (Ndo't feaxo the early Moravians, They', got Otrt the lot bowl put, the names in ; prsyed ' that ' the drawing would be providentially guided, and went ahead In faith. And those mar riages so arranged were such successes that one Is slmosttempted to winh for a return of the custom, In disuse now for many a year. Exchange. . : ' " ' Pro(jrestn(."'r Widower Hefore I mnrried I onnMn' lave a ilollnr; now that I'm mnrrlc' 'nnd my wife Is dead I save atiiicmt half my, salary, , - , , , ,ti - The war has brought . together In New Tor city two French brothers who had not aevu each othes tor ten years. One la Rene Humbert, a mem ber of Pershing's army In Frsnce, now home on furlough, and the other la Mnrcet Humbert, a member of the dlvlnlon of the famous French Alpine chnweurs, now visiting the United States. Both Rene and Marcel Hum bert were bora In France, Ten years SRO the Humbert family emigrated tP America, Marcel remaining behind. Ue joined the famous "IUue Devtla" at the outbreak of the wnr and has been In many battles. Meanwhile Bene Joined the regular American army and went to France with Pershing's first troops, returning two weeks sgo with t detachment of Americans who were sent to the United Stntes to aid the tlberty Loan drive and also to boost army recruiting. The two brothers were attending an outdoor meeting In New York city a few days sgo when they reeoimlxed each other, and the reunion began right then and there. .( tyes Tell the Truth. When the eyes ssy one thing snd the tongue another, the practical man relies on the language of the first Emerson. , - , - . Ti t ) 1 ! - V 1.4 ' ' ' yr i I I ,.,,..,:. .....r,, . .;' u..i..U,.m'.. .1 ,,V.l .i.i, ' '' ... " ' It . - : , v 4 "... ' .-, ' ! i : ''l . v : tfi . - ") ' ' :' ' ' " ".'"'''',,.) ...... ,..,.- . '' . 1 - ' ' ' : .- .. :. .i .. ' ... -- r :; WE O. 1), FI1CH, Rperlnl Agent StaiuUrd Oil Co., Grants Pass Full line of Auto Supplies TIRES-AU Sizes . ..,.. ,i . : i .. ...t. . :l! .l.'i.O I.i C. L HOBART GO. ' M I ! 4, I I , t. . i Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. so . A it 11 ti . t '.- '.. - '"'' ' W. T.'Breen, Propr, .'''-" It. Glddlng, Agent Big Pierce Arrow Cars Easy Riding Offtre Jonrpiilne Hotel Mock: , . ' Telephone SW and tM .'' ' IPlLEASE . . .... i-. '.... .. nu vi t. su t.-i m ;:tu Kf.' ;. . . ' I i Pi DO (S. :i i i'.ri. r'5 J!' I . t r - r-1 ! ' If; V' IT