Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, July 16, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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if. y
.i kv-
r am two
daily noeri turn oevima
Fsblished Dally Except Saturda;
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A. E. VOORHIE3. Pub. and Propr.
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10 IJ1. SK. Git AM AM VWIH
l 1.11. VH.U) l-
f', SUte Editorial Association... i
brejoo Daily Newspaper Vub-
" The Associated Pre ft wlunlvely
aatltled to the us for replication
of all tows dtratchss credited to It
" or not otherwise credited la this
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All rlghv.s of republication of spe
cial dispatches hcrela are also
QV.tUTf Klltff
TUESDAY, Jl XV 10, 1918.
4 Fair In western portion,
f Fair and cooler In the east por
f tlon; gentle westerly winds.
The "Intense and pitiless light'
tn.nHnnpd br President Wilson in
amine some cheese and so how It
suite htm. i
I Juitt IhmiI over and said, "What
Is It that smells so had?" ami there
was a Knrsl laugh for It was thnt
he-eeu. Oh, thnt Is om eheose,
II..... I I. L. - afc. . . .'
. m.w a inm mere are aurn awful
mei a in in n rnunlrvT ...... i
... .mi, j ,111 j
j'H that clear Over where you are?
I liiii reminded tf what you used to
tell almm trying to junk some cod
fish c.nkn bulla ,) nn,j the codfish
souk all'' night ' i4 heil " '"
down In the morning foun'.l it moil
ing so badly that you threw bl'Ckct
and all of the content right don
over the bauk, and then had to mnkej
explanation to tin lent main.
Sitting on the table also I a final
bonnet of frili flower which thfl
French woman who keep the hot'
where 1 have my room sent m tblt
morning. 1 sny e; pvr to me for
For Sale
cut out tor congress this sumnur.
A woman living In Spokane.
Wash., takes exception to the grow
ing practice of cussing the kaiser.
"We should not say 'damn' In war
or any other time," she says. "A
nerson who savs 'damn" ts not1
2 ton Truck in fine
condition, new body
If you need a truck, see
this big bargain
$825 .00
VALLEY CaRA'GE, Mr-dford, Ore.
kaiser, but damntnK
The kaiser Is damned
damning the
his own soul.
TH. IHMa nv 'Thou shalt not
. . , ' German, but tho cursing was
ar If I should swear I would . A ..... .
be a child of the devil.
mlxht Interest you, thnt under or
dlnary circumstance .1 might notj
write. The other liturnlng 1 took,
together with my assistant. Care of
several French soldiers who were
wounded by shells exploding and It
Is really remarkable how br.Te APd
patient the poor fellows were. 1 was
awakened to a pucullar thing as I
watched my assistant work. lie Is
a big six-rooter aim a regular two
I am not "'IC(iping in my room
.! la t bomti-proot wmuir-
fisted fellow, and as ho dressed the
poor fellow's wounds -with the ten
derness of a woman, he constantly
cursed the Huns and everything
I moat melodious thins that I ever
The kaiser nearji an,i he meaut every word of
Is one of the devil's children, and It, too. I know that thin fact will
would very much dislike to be In the, scorn funny to you. father, but thene
same family with him." i''"0" '"" ,a'V'. w ar
Can you beat It? Without wo- "VJ nJ know 1
van yju " God. In all of His goodness, under-
turlng an opinion on the ethical Llnn(lg these curse and Judgi'i each
problem Involved, we are driven to!0ne In a crisis like this, not In words
express our admiration for th In
genious way In which the Spokane
lady gets all the benefit out of the
cuss words without actually doing
any overt cussing.
Having damned the kaiser herself
with such artistic vigor, surely she
t,,rM tn he wllllna- to let less clever
W. address to congress last May is. ,n
heating, a. he said it would, upon ,rthrteht war.
., I- ,1.1. v.
"every man ana every acuvu m iu
tragic plot of war that la now upon
the stage." It 1 beating now par
ticularly npon the profiteers, as a
result of the revelations made by
th MfTSl trade commission, . .
There art strenuous 'efforts being
mad by Interest Involved to con
fute th altuaUon. It Is possible
that lA some Instance the ' figures
ot the commission "give 'the wrong
Impression, and that lome of. the al
leged profiteer have . made less
mgaey, or made their money less
4nesUonaMy. than th conclurton.
tapiy. But the public is not tnter
ta details.' It U Interested In
the main fact, which looms up clear
ly enough out of all tho mes of ar
; gument ''' recrimination, that
I there haa been profiteering on big
nl ahameful scale. . ,
v,! Packew, mllleM, eopper men, to1
men, oil men, leather men. sti
ren,.cannera. virtually U
i Interest controlling h5 tn-
pessaries of Hfe, teem to ravv taken
AvantaM of the "war . situation . to
14 harg "all the traffic woulfl bear."
r They have found their opportunity
jt-'tn a.tate of oconomlc - confusion
-which made It -possible tor them to
' raise prices on false pretext, with
- ut the public being ble to prove
. CKtortiOB .,,( , .,, . '
, : In some Industries It seems almost
as If manufacturers, Jobbers, whole-''-
salers and retailer were engaged In
one great conspiracy td persuade
, ..consumers that prices were bound
:to rise, and then, having reconciled
' ' them to the Idea, raising prices arbi
trarily In fulfilment of their , own
ptophecy. "Everything's going up")
has been . the trade motto,' and so,
s. naturally enough, everything has
' gone up.
It is time to stop this movement,
to eliminate whatever parts of It are
' artificial and dishonest. In some in-
;,,;'.( stance, legal., prosecution may be
proper. Enlightened public opinion
may accomplish a good deal. For
-the rest,' th president himself of
' fered sound suggestion in that
same speech'' to ' congress:4 "The
profiteering that cannot be got at
hy the restraints of conscience and
love of country can he got at by tax
ation." " .", ; T.;. ' ' '
la a vnnA. hit lofo Of WOrk
spoken but In deeds done. I am In
terested in the papers that I recelv
from borne. I am also glad lo t
the Masonic papers.
I hsve a "Vet" here who
crackerjack. He Is the funt
fellows snd bis witty say In
keen source ot enjoyment
times, and he Is as tenr
animals as a doctor
tlents. He I a big c'
oozes enthusiasm f
his skin, snd fatf(
he was In coll'
collegiate chr
you can Im
die he Is
Somewhere In France
June 20, 118.
rvar Father:
If you were to see your son io-
nlght you would laugh. I am t -
tin in our quarters, mj
surgeon Is sitting to my right
ing. one ot my vetertnary
.... a - Vji Hohf' BaV w
ts suung w "- " M wndles
are burnmg .u . - - 0iMJnng full
or oia meucu that dlBh
' P 0B top.0f turned up wood
.1 ranfhAfl V
OX. s.,c,j i , ..VI. urn.
subject and th ,m ...
th loch thing ti order
in the ma XT' . . ,w. ...
f?" y-ve,, meal which I am
g to cook. ' Believe me I have
iri,id to cook like mother. ued to.
can cook water without burning It,
nd am going to make a pot of cocoa,
tor tm boy are rery fond of the
beverage. As I write thl we are
able to hear the Hun gun and bur
own booming and It la altogether an
exciting affair, and do you realise
how odd It Is to he cooking a meal
under such condition? These men
that are oing to eat this meal that
I prepare are a couple of dandy fel
low only one of them, my assistant,
cusses every time he opens''1 his
mouth, and you know how I hate
to hear a man swear, but somehow
or 'other the chappy ' swears very
artistically and It doesn't grate on
my ears ss 1 thought It would He
and the "Vet" are my constant com-1 wrote
is a
(at of
i are a
at all
,f with the
j to his pa
arid he Just
.-in Very por of
er. JMhlnk, when
it he was th Inter-
aaMeU wrestler sno so
AirThe what a husky lad-
th. V. 1 1 , . .1
don't d- ne "
auph y trt khythlng with two
g0 ' say hbout, but they would both
JiroYigb anything for me and it
my comforting and encouraging
tm have two such rowdies with me,
because I csn depend on them In any
Here's a funny one: The otner
night Dr. Hess and myself almost
got hit by a big shell and we only
escaped hecause we ran Ilk every
thing and when iwe got to the dug
out Dr. Hess started to swear, and
I said to the boy ."tut-tut." and he
ald, "H major I think I will
say, my prayer tonight, that was a
close one; and I said. "Why don't
you say , them now for that was a
very providential escape, and he
said, "Why I - It major; I would
n't know what to say now I'm all out
of breath and having a,' H of a
time finding out If we are both here
or If I'm Just dreaming."
Well the water Is burning and the
cocoa IS about ready to consume, so
I will close with the arways present
hope that desr father la enjoying hi
usual good health.
' Very likely by this time you nav
guessed that It wss not ' me. who
wrote the preceeding. I started the
letter And then the boy wanted me
to start making tbe cocoa which we
are going to have for a little lunch
before going to bed. One of the
boy said: "If you make the cocoa
major.'1 I will write the letter to
'your father," and he sat down and
If It was really a letter
Itround chamber. Now the German
srw main shclllnir and the noise j
I Tight through th Uet-.
The fiends broke I Is kluns out of
the little bulltllii ft ml the windows
look teirlWv, la be In su'h romlltlou.
When we mado thnt run and escaped
that shell which broke Just bi k of
us thore certainly was a couple of
thankful officers. That sholl struck
In the. road Just where both of ns
had been about one second before.
It broke the hard stoni road and
broke the thick atone fom-e which
Is at the side of the road. ',
I have not had a letter from you'
for a long tlmf. and today 1 hwird
there wss no Mors mall belny ient
s ross t'jo Ot r,an to us. 1? that Is
true It aure -will b a great dlnsp-point-
-,m 0 an of the hoys here.
T'1 y rertnlnly do depend upon those
w .ti-r from home to cheer them up
f jd they do surely work hard and If
It Is true thnt no more letters are to
'I come In from horn It will be sad.
.et W have not hsd letters for a long
time. Pncknvos hsve already been
stopped and If letters are now to not
arrive wo will be without news of
sny home Interest.
MAJ. RLI.19 E. W. GIVEN, M. It. 8.
IStlt t. 8. Field Artillery,
, Amer. Ex. Fore, , ,
Full Une of Auto Supplies
TIRES-All Sizes
Butter Wrapper prlWsd t com
Ply with the law at th Courier.
Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co.
W. T. ftrwn, Pmpr.
' ' If. GUMlng. Aanit
Big Pirce Arrow Cart F,aly Riding
Office JoM-pliIno llolel llhxk
Te-plmiie U'JH-J and W
panion and they are both rogues,
but at the same time two of the best
fellows that I have associated with..
We are at present in the greatest
battle that the world has ever seen
and the Americans have more than
demonstrated that they have no
equals as soldiers anywhere in the
wide, wide world. I would like to
give you- details, tut, you know tnat
is Impossible as we must not put
anything In a letter that would give
any Information r to ,. the enemy In
case thls letter should fall into their
hands.' Tonight I had the pleasure
of congratulating the commanding
officer of the First Battalion of the
regiment with which I am on duty,
on the efficient manner In which he
has managed his outfit; Just think,
father, he has only lost one man In
his entire command, and this re
markable record is due entirely to
the manner In which he has placed
hi batteries. . ,
Well, as this letter is a great in
spiration to me I will continue to
discuss some of the other things that
from me. only he said things which
I would not say'. We are really hav
ing a- good time when we have our
late sapper, and w try to' have a
little to eat before we go to kd and
we don't go very early. ;'
I have not had my clothing off
for almost two weeks, and my shoes
have not been off more than two or
three times In that time.' The shells
come over and the gas come over
and that Is a vile thing. Our masks
are ready with us at all times and It
takes Us very little time to get them
Today the fiends shot Into ' our
town and shot out the kitchen where
we used to have officer's mess, and
It sure would have made a differ
ence to us If we had' been there
when the shell came In, but we had
been out of the place some time.
. The hoys are here now, one on one
side reading McClnre' magazine,
and the other on the other side
reading the "Ladles Home Journal,"
at least they were a .minute ago, one
has put down the "Jpurnal" to ex-
Don't Slow Up
Advertising Now!
a tiz
' 1 VI Vftsl 4lk.ftW.fal traafttfiira at i itfMat WJaT aTk at VI wisI1!a U a.
mmo mwv vckwi m iav uc iuf y uwiil HAD i
Ukel more ieeilj for MERCHANDISING NEWS.
; , ;' Never hat there been a time more auspicious fer the
enternriein; tradesman to secure HIS FULL SHARE OF
TRjtDE Khan new. '
People must continue to eat, to wear and to use.
t 'J .' The teUracy Is te cut ost Uxsrles, and luxuries ar osly a rla
4ry small proyertla .f yor buslnas. For every loiury st' ut yea
i ; Mi a Chan to laereas your movement of ttaplss.
f . ' ' '' ' ' ";- ' ' " " j.
1 1 l.w hw hrt-lght4 I the policy of r4ulg artllag vpena te
;." : Ten wUI oily lose tr4. Too will only los prsstlxs.
AdvrtlM I Insrtas sal aid msk ssor may; don't out It nut
yte av moy. :l , , ;, . -:
Study your advertising as you never did before d it wisely sad 1
"" well. ; I " ' " '
'(!... ... , , .. ;
Be prosperous and lt th people know that you ar proaperon.
Sueeess was NEVER achieved ' by stopping advertising r by wear
ing oM (lathes aid talking pesilmli as. .
Be Wise and Advertise!
. t-
i v