M ''''.,,.. VOI IX., No. IM7. YANKEES (ISH HUNS, ADVANCE AND Figktisg Keeps Up With Fierce Ictensity American Ma chine Gens Mow Down Across Open Fields Paris, Jul 10. Tim (irrmita of fmwW. In bow tm a grrat a M-ale m UuU of laat March. The fighting eoaUniHwt UmImjt In violent lnn anil irranilc' Mid lightning. The wwthcc la ow clearing. Alll)d amilw arc eotiflrlont. With the American Army on th Mam, July It. Word (rum the front east of Rhelnie ehowa tha al Had defense la not only holding up tha German advance but appaara to :have broken tha enemy 'a spirits. At on point where tha Americana war fighting thay organised a imall countur attack lata yaaterday on the flank of tha aallent established by tha Germani and drova out tha Ger man In ahort order by hot fighting. Tha Americana occupied Intermedi als ioaltlona In tha roar of tha f I rat line and let tha Germane come through, but whan thay triad to cross tha open flelda up a alight grade, tha American machine gunnara and In faatry mowed them down, tha ana- my breaking and retiring In many plaoaa. German prlaonera taken today aay that ahey art convinced .thai their eominandcra bava been beaten. Tha Americana have (hot down a courier ' pigMi;" arrytng"maaa'Trom " a Carman division at headquarter!, aeylng that tha altuatlon la aerlous aaat of Chateau Thierry and that tha Oermane law no chance 6f mak lag further progress there. , Two American pllota ihot down Gorman airplanes today. With tha American Army on the) Marne, July I (.At 11 o'clock to day, reporta from one end of tha battle Una to the other lay that ex cept for a few minor localltlei, the great German offensive haa ao far aen B failure. ALUED WAR EXPQSITIOII. CflLLECTIOIl Ml FIT: RELICS, Oil EXH1TI Ban Franclaco, July - It. France, England. Belgium,' Italy and ; tha Americana under tha command of General John J. Penning have com bined to present to the American people a coniprehenilve exhibit of war tropblea. , Thla allied war ex position now la being held here and la attracting thouaanda or vlslton dally. Eventually It will be ahown lo all the large cities of the nation. It la a governmental exhibit under the direction or the national commit tee on public Information. While the Itinerary of tha exhibit, after It leivea San Franclaco haa not ai yet been completed, Loa Angelea, Den ver, Xaniaa City and Chicago prob ably will be among the early point! In the achedule. Practically everything ahown la war material enptured from the ene my Including Uermani, Turka, Atia-tro-Hungarlani and Bulgarlana. The fact that It takea approximately IS freight cara to transport the ar tlcloa from point to point will Indi cate the Impossibility of attempting to enumerate what may be aoen. The exhibit Includes objects of Intereat from a tank, captured airplanes and submarine to ateel trenoh helmets and Iron croasea. ' All manner of cannon ara ahown and practically all of them ahow the scare of battle which are eloquent of tha ferocity of the righting which handa of the allied armlei. Among these Is a German mounted antl-alr-plane gun. Hi condition beara every evidence that an allied shell must liave struck In close proximity. Al Enemy as Tkcy Dash Indon, July 1. Tha American troopa recaptured Possoy and Crxan- cy on tha aoutb bank of tha Marne today, which were taken by the Qer- mani whan they croaied tha Marne yeiterday In the Initial ruah. I'arla, July 11, Tha battle la con tinuing violently all during tha day aouth of tha Marne and Dear Cnatll lon. In tha pi area where tha enemy gained, ha penetrated not over four nillea at any place. The French and AniVrlcans counter attacking, are taking many prlaonera. Iondon, July 1. Tha German! continued their attacka agalmt the French Una thli morning and were repulsed nearly everywhere with heavy loiiee. They threw six bridge! across the Marne between Reulllle and Durmana, but nowhere pene trated over four mllei. rarla, July 1C. Long-range bom bardment on I'arla waa reaumed to day. . Par la, July 16. South of tha Marne the Garmana bava not ad vanced beyond Stagnon 1a Chapella, and MonthogonLlsloree. Tha French hava taken 1,000 prlaonera In thli region. Tha German loiaea In prla onera tha first day waa extremely heavy. London,' July It, Tha Rrltlih Im proved their Una eait of Amlnni In the Vlllers-Bretonneux aertor. London, July It. Tha French entrenched tonight at- Prunay, be hind' tha river Visle, two mllaa be hind the original Una. Thla la the deepest penetration that tha enemy haa made east, of Rhelmi. ,- ., lied soldiers doubtleaa spent some time In collecting and putting the plocei together again. Huge plecea of ordnance with the barrel! buret open where a premature exploilon of the ahell occurred bear testimony of their explosive force. One Qerman bonVblng plana la fairly riddled from the electa of a barrage fire." There la ecarcey part of It but what la .pierced and torn by ahella and bulleta. It la not atated whether the men operating It were killed or captured. It probably la taken for granted that the appear ance of the airplane automatically amwers the question. Veterans of the war who' have been Invalided home became their Injuries wlll prevent their further participation are on hand to explain to visitors the varloua polnta con cerning the exhibits. Not the least Interesting part or their talks are tha occasional personal experiences which they Inject. The tank exhibited, the "Britan nia," took a prominent part In some or the moat desperate fighting on tha western front last year. It Is In working , condition and Is put through Its ipacea by the greater part of Ita original crew of fighting men who guided M over the ahell torn No Man'a Land. One of the feats of this tan,k and crew waa to capture and bring In St4 German prisoners. Among the exhibits la a section of a trench "an exact reproduction of the real article. To make It more reallstlo a aqaad of United States soldiers la detailed to occupy It and (Continued on page 4) DAILY EDITION nT-T t T-r-r- , M, 1 , . .- mum PASS, WBM OOCHTT, ORXOOX. 1 II I i . n 1II1JU .1L JIUf.K 2117 BREAKING 1I wmsif" V MR If FHV NU KS " FRONT THRILL O IMP Ul LML inuiinn DIM j- ,, ? nmpm,. TEUTON OFFENSIVE u. u. uiiiuinuu HELD UP FIVE HOURS I,ondon. July It. Tha great Ger man attack waa definitely held up on the whole froat aaat of Rhelms five hours after R waa launched, ac cording to the latest advices reach ing London, and tha only Oermai galna worth mentioning were in tha neighborhood of Bouala road, and Prunay, where they succeeded In penetrating for about one and one half mllea on a narrow front. At both these places tha French atarted strong counter attacka late In the morning. On tha front west of Rhelms tha Garmana had rather more aucccas, but tha only Important gain to their credit for tha morning's, work wai tha crossing of tha Marne and a xoni a little more than a mile beyond ou a front of about 10 miles. Tha Marne In thla district la only a small river, it la ahallow and can easily he cross ed In the early morning ralits. Its loss to the allloa, however, derives them of a fairly valuabK defensive landmark. ALLIES ARE QBSJINATE Amsterdam, July It. Baron von Burlan, the Auslro-Hungrlu for eign minister, la quoted aa saying' 'There la hardly any difference be tween tha general prlnclplea enun ciated by the atateimen of both bel ligerents. The enemy'a obstinacy regarding territorial domsnds con cerning Alsace-Lorraine, Trieste, Trentlno and the German .colonies appear Insurmountable." We are prepared to dlacasa anything except our own territory." . ..... ' . ! HOiH MAKE- ATTACK OX U. 8. HOSPITAL With the American Army on the Marne, July It. The Germane ap parently deliberately attempted to ahell several of the American hos pitals near the Marne front today. A number of shells fell Intermit tently a ahort distance from them. They did no damage, beyond dis turbing the patients. ' i WM SOS IE Washington, July 16. The presi dent algnei the wire control reso lution today. ' Right Wing Halted ' "i sai aaaaaw .law. i filial aaaaial OUTSKIRTS OK VILLAGES MOUTH OK MAHNE REACHED 11 V ' HUNS Allied Forrea Helieve Supreme Teat of Their Defense llae Itcwa Met Successfully Paris, July It. The Germans continued their efforta today, fur iously launching new attacka, and made progress during the night but It haa been decledly slow In compar ison with tha aweep of Teutonic la- glona in prevloua offensives. They have reached the villages of Blag nal la Chapella and Monthedon, ap proximately a mile and three quar ters south of the river Marne, but have been held In the outskirts of these villages. They have also been atopped thla aide of Bouqulgny wood Juat to the northeaat. The Germans are already 24 hours behind their achedule and there are no Indications that they have the eame striking power aa when they began. Between TOO, 000 and 800, 1 000 German troopa were thrown In to the battle. . ' The allies seem to have reason to believe that tha supreme teat et their defense haa been met auccees- fully. Waahlngton, July It. Tha altua tlon In Russia and Siberia la daily presenting new phases. At three to one the . soviet government haa atrengthaned Ita .positions. Oa the shores of the Arctlo and White aea, the amall entente force which haa been holding the railroad terminus at Kola and Wurmansk haa been conaiderably reinforced and la understood to be advancing south ward along the railroad towards Vol- goda aad Moscow. GERMAN'S ATTACK V. ft. i r PLANES UNDER DISGUISE Parla, July It. Five German air- planea, modeled after the machines the American aviators are using, and carrying American Insignia on the wings, attacked one of the American sausages aouth of Chateau Thierry laat .evening and managed to get ao close under the disguise that they were able to fire Incendiary bulleta Into the balloon, which burst Into flamea. The. occupants of tha eaui- age made their escape by meana of parachutea. ' TUESDAY, JULY 16. 10IH. "TT1 Parla, July It. German aviators last nlgbt bombarded an American Red Cross hospital at Jouy. Two en listed men were killed and nine of the pereoDoel of the hoapital ware wounded. Including Miss Jane Jef fery, American nurse, who was slightly wounded. GERMANS MOULD DEVELOP MACHINERY INDUSTRY New York, July It. Announce ment waa made In German newspa- Pra received here that an associa tion haa been organised In Germany to make a technical and acientlflc atudy of the manufacture of ma chinery ao aa to develop that Indus try In Germany to the highest ca pability. FOR LIMITED SERVICE Portland, July 16, Calls have been Issued on thla state today for 70 chokermen, 60 bead huckera,, 24 doggers, six general aawmlll fore men, and 25 planer trlmmermen, to be furnished from Class 1, special and limited service only, to he en trained for Vancouver barracks, July IsV-for'etigagemcnt ' la , producing apruce for aeroplanes. " Men who are technically qualified under above oc cupations and who are qualified for general military aervlce, may volun teer from Classes J, I and i, up to and including July 23. If oa July 24 a sufficient number of volunteera hava not come forth to fill the allotmenta of the local board, the boarda will be directed to select a sufficient number of men from Class 1 (special and , limited service only), to fill their allot ments, ' deducting voluntary Induc tions.- IB ADVANCE Oil HANDS AltlTKIt'EES With tha American Army en the Marne, July It. Along aa extended sector of the Marne front the Ameri cans were In the open ground. - The German were on hills on the , op posite bank, ahowerlng high explo sives and gas ahells upon them. But the boya from the United States went forward with gaa maska, crawling at times on all fours. When they came close enough to come to grips, they drove them back quickly. ' In a measure they repeated today the heroic deeda of those who defended the road to Paris in the second battle of the Marne. . Southwest of Jaulgonne thla morn ing the Germana crossed the river with a ruah and started to fight their way aouth. The Americana and the French held up thla advance ao that two houra after the time set tor by the enemy for reaching his objective nine miles away, he waa still far away. i EARTHQUAKE FELT HERE PROBABLY IN ALASKA Victoria. B. C, July 16. F. Na pier Davidson, meterological observ er, reported that an earthquake of unusual severity waa recorded on the seismograptsal instruments at Gonxales Heighta observatory at 15:25 p. m. Sunday. The quake wai distant about 900 miles, probably in Alaska, and waa believed of suffi cient extent to have been recorded on Instruments the world over. FIIWT RIO VICTORY OF YANKEES CAUSES ENTHUSIASM TO 1KB man at capital GEKERAL FOCH OUTWITS EKEUlf Military AnthorlUea Ilelleve That Tevtoae Are Checked and Lia W1I1 Be Held Washington, July It. An air of elation waa apparent la government circles today aa Associated Preea dis patches from France unfolded the story of the valiant stand of Ameri cas troopa along the Marne against the renewed German offensive. Official advices were slow and no formal report on the German effort to drive the Jaws of a great pineer movement about Rhelms on a 45- mile front waa available at a late hour. Press reporta made It clear the enemy had been hurled back by American counter-attacks along the Marne, where thay hold the left flank of the great battle front, while the French arm, aided near Rhelms by Italians, atood fast over the far greater extent of the line they de fended against fierce German as saults. L i t mi,, n - r. ' , i . Wilson read tha account At the war department Secretary Baker. General March, chief of etaff, and other of- neera at the department, read eager ly the brief glimpses of the battle flashed across the country In press bulletins from the tattle front After reading today'a reporta. Sec retary Baker made the following statement to, the Associated Press: "The attack made by the Germans la evidently the result of careful pre- paratlona. It covers a wide front and is made In force. We are at the end of the first dar of a great bat tle. . The reporta ao far are encour aging and seem to Indicate hoth heavy fighting and effective resist ance along the entire front The prompt and hard driven at tacks of the American troopa at twe points, sent a glow of enthusiasm through the whole war department. when the word first came. Befor the results were known, the fact that the counter attack had been launch ed was cheering. It showed the Am ertcana were meeting -' their ' first great test like' veterans sad that the- German effort to overrun thnni tiuf rauea to disorganise or demoralise- their fighting power. ' ' ' Then came word that at Vaiix sot only had the enemy been atopped. but hla advancing Infantry had coF Uded with Americana who first del uged their opponenta with machine gun fire, then leaped forward to dis rupt completely the blow at thla sec tion that had been1 In careful pre paration for more than SO daya. Meanwhile meager reports front. London aald the Marne had) been crossed by the Germana at several points. Details were awaited with some apprehension. Hour oy hoar the story filtered In, but the bulle tin that told of the hurling back of the foe In the Conde sector where his first rush had pushed the Amer-. icana out of the aallent they held op posite Joulgonne, did not come un til later. The message set all doubts, at rest. Again the enemy had been outmatched by the Americana. He waa driven hack to the river and) many prlaonera. trapped by the des truction of their bridges behrndt them,- were taken. 4- -f 4 V. 8. CASUALTY LIST 4- Washington, July 16. The army casualties today are 102. Sergeant R. D. .Studebaker, of Robert, Ore., Is missing in action. The marine eaaualtlea are 17.