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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1918)
Maura aim mih urn, vi.y is, ins. 1 I Mir ROGUE RIVER 0 Fobltshcd Dally Except Saturday A. B. V00RHIB8, Pub. and Propr. afeterci at poatofflct, Oranta Pass. Or., as second elasa mail matter. v ADVERTISING Display Pe. Pr lnf h Ijooal-personal column, Benders, par line... .. RATE'S 15i per Una ltcj ............w 6c, . PAJLT COURIER XI niall or tirriof. per year. By nail or wrtlor, .M.oo; per month.. 0 ; WEEKLY COURIER 'y mail, per year ..$1.50 MEMBER State Editorial Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assn. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PREho The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use lor republication tt .ii .tv iHsnatchs credited la It or not otherwise credited la th! -aper and alfo the local nejrj pub- ihd iwNn. , All rights of republication of spe J dlspi-.tcheo nereis are- also erred. . IT BAD LKTTl'CS TOMATOES CAIIUAGB BEETS GRKF.X OMOM c.uuurrs rfRt5 Kl SALAD Oil. KINNEY ;& TRUAX GROCERY QCAUTY FII5ST equivalent to the output of a mil- tlug time blew several duck boards lion horsepower station for l mil-!0'' 'he urch steeple, and had all lion rears." the townnpooilo and several majors out to fee the stunt. I guess the Shall we remain forever unable td ;JrJ mvU Qilu , flM m.,r8l0n tap the merest fraction of this in- witn the fireworks. conceivable energy encompassing usj Walla, e Coutanl ind 1 nre back car V on all aides? Hove that some day Many scientists be-.'n.the old camp together now, and we read tne courier togemor. i a mechanical i want to thank the Courier for senJ- 1 MONDAY, OI LY 15, 191S. OREGON WBATHE 4 Unsettled weather; cooler to night and Tuesday. Gentle 4 westerly winds. ...0. genius will succeed where Gl,e',in-me the rarer. It's next to a let- a pleee of cold attel a kts rlfta Ciej start making trecka for Berlin, that ta, those who are ant strapped te their machine gnus. The worst they ran do la to set oa their knees aud holler ."kamerad.". ' Their plea for .life la very dramalc, they plead that tor the sake of tholr wife and children their life should be spared. Hut tho marina never arguea with them. He acts aa the borne would If the conditions were reversed. There are so many thlu.l I could lUU you but couldn't write, so be prepared to listen to a long story when I come home. I Just received the Weekly Courier of May 3 and was rather surprised at seeing three of my totter uib- Uxhod therein. I suppose letters from the front are very Interesting to tho people If I go to the front I will have lots of material tor writ In if. Send me some Murei once In a while, 1 don't think there la a law against It. I meet so many people that If I haven't a pb-ture to refer to oni-e In a while, I might fowl what yon looked Itko. Tell dad and tho kind, and anyone t'lso Interctt- od !n my welfare that I would like to hear from them. . Tleaje wrlto soon and often to. . FIBRIN. the lot of the good, i nencerortn win no If so. have, tailed, human race enviable one. All man has ever dreamed of material achievement and leisure may become a loir Sale lz - 2 ton Truck in fine condition, new body if you need a truck, this big bargain see $825.00 VALLEY GARAC .Uhil 0rc. - n fi . .. . I j a Full Line of Auto Supplies TIRES-A11 Sizes Glragosslan and all his predecessors of from home, and that's pretty Wallace Is on a road dotal!, I 1 1 , . . . . 1 . . . . I .n . . IB wnue i, unioriunainy, i iuuinnni think, km In the quarry. Today while I was In (ow n an air plane sailed low ovef the houses, reality, .banking and diving straight at ua, then sailing upward again. The s- AUSTRIAN DREAD 'lator does this nearly every norlft Any American dissatisfied wtthW T. He knows a bunch of Ae . . . . boya billeted In the town anl vy uur 'war urvu rvuu, mm in -ur- fit to soul and stomach, this descrip tion of the bread served to the Aus- "FREE ENERGY" narwbed" lias tailed. A com mittee of scientists, appointed by congressional resolution, has pro aoanced a failure the mysterious Machine invented by an Armenian resident of Boston, and much ad Tertlaed as a producer of "free ener gy." They were convinced that It was oaly one more specimen added to tie long list of "perpetual motion Machines." with which Inventive "tranka" have , occupied themselves tram time Immemorial, and wnlch radical science pronounces an lm feasibility. It Is an axiom of science that yon eannot set something for nothing In the realm of energy, any more than lm the realm of finance. All the Machinery evolved by civilised man has never really "produced" any energy; It has merely transformed e rials hinds of energy Into other kind, which happened to he more mseful fo onr purposes. At no sfolnt. In any of the various processes U titer any evidence ot any gain of eowsr. Every successive step is at lltBBw D' 'on lou ot perceptible . ..... Acttally, the theory is, tha Quintt- tg of power never change.' Some w use for work; the test disappears la (be .form of dissipated heat, slec- rkdtr. ate. Toa cannot heat Na- tare'a game.. The best yon can do Is to obtain and tap Wg reservoirs of sadly trtlUsed energy, neh as coal Mlaes, prtroleum wellsi water falls, : ttaeVete."' " ' r ';".;',, r And ret. are we always to be bound by such limitation T Granted that we eannot create energy out of aothlng, will It be forever Impos sible to tap unseen sourees of energy after the manner professed by the ' Boston Inventor? We know that the world Is In stinct with energy, that the whole anlrerse Is energy. Big scientists agree that the "ether," which fills and permeates all space from here to and beyond the outermost star, is vibrant with energy Intense and con centrated beyond anything we can 'maglne. , ' Sir Oliver Lodge has worked out trlan army, as set forth by official chemists employed by the Italian government: "Thirty-two per cent oat flour, the remainder consisting ot ground wood fiber, straw, hay and other un identified ingredients." The bread of the Austrian civil populaUon Is worse still, and served In smaller portions. The situation In. Germany la not much better. We are living In luxury and plen ty, compared with our enemies. them a visit In this way. Well, It's late and I'll have tfb 'turn in and make up for lettt Silcen, It they'll let me. Love 11. "Your brother, Dana. PVT. CHAS. "DANA ANIENT, Co. A, 2 3rd Eng. Amer. Ex. Forces. SCIDIER LETTER t r" i ' ' Franee. Jlay J. 118. Dear Alice: I have been wandering around try ing to find a place to write finally got one in the T. II. C. A. tent. The tables are nearly always full. The last week baa been the ame old grind of hard work behind the lines, preparing for an emergency, and repairing what the Hun has man aged to tear down. Sunday, after onr usual Inspection, we went on a little excursion on narrow gauge railway turned over to the Ameri cans by the French. The American engineers ran the little train at the terrific speed of II km. fcsr hour, gnd only got. t off the track once. There Vera about twice as many cars as the French would have undertak en to manage. We went to a small town 20 miles or so away where they had a band concert and baseball game. Most of ui, however, wan' dered off up the canal, going from village to village, until time to go home. About I o'clock w started hone. : Oot along fine hfc'tli . we caught up with a French 'troop train. Wa wot It side-tracked had sped on our way only to mee With disaster Lt the hands pt the bpch. Florin Sauer Write HiHne 4 Place Dlena, Paris, France. June 11. 1118. Dear Mother: I suppose you are more proud now than ever berore ot tne act that you have a son over here In the marine corps. I would sooner be a private In the marine corps than a captain In the army. Friday night a whole bunch of marines came In from the front to the hospitals. We paid the boys a visit and found that the hoapltal was short of help. About 20 of us vol unteered to help out on Saturday. We got all the tobacco, cigarettes and candy we could buy and played the role of "Lady Bountiful" by dis tributing It among the boys. We took off our hats and coats and soon beeamje stretcheij bearers, nurses, orderlies snd even surgeon's assist ants. We worked at this until 6:30 Sunday morning then we came back to the hotel and had an hour's sleep. Then we had breakfast, and at 10 o'clock we began work according to the regular Sunday morning sched ule. That's what we call Semper Ftdells. I hare teed some awful sights, but none ever has nor ever will com pare with what I saw Qd Saturday night. All tho worst e&ses were sent to this hospltaU Men. with arms and legs cut off, wt'ra laughing and Jok ln. Everyone was anxious to tell his little story of how be stopped the boche ammunition. Being In from thl front I was In such a position to near stories that will never be pub lished In newspapers. One of the Incidents related to me by a marine, that I had served with In the tropics, was the way in which the Americans returned the brultallty they suffered The bru- C. R. root AtalnltrtttMb or Ttr'er Rabbit betti r make hH ee'f mighty krre en not go pro Jtrkln' roun1 whar derc's cookln roIii' on, 'cause a rntililt In a P"t Is er gnln' ter loK tvlnhty Rood to mo' ennyliody 'fo' long 'count er folks bnvln' ter save on meat. 'Hldi-s f.illtK'tl klmlrr have er nave do whent flour for romp'ny rn rnl bread mini onten dla yere "rihtltutt" Hour. lnt wise nt' owl done nay dnt to win de wti. you sot ter feed de sojrr bnyfc Out's dnln' . de flKhtln". Lut's w'ut's takln' d whut en meat. C. L. HOSART CO. Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. W. T. ftreen, I'mpr. II. UldrilngN, Agent Big Pirce Arrow Cars Orrlr Junrphlne Hotel Ubxk , TvlrpkeiKv "J2M-J and 1(1:1 Easy Riding mmW NEATLY 00X111 THE COURfER OFFICE two cars came off the track. Wo got ! uilty was of such aa Immoral na- them hack Oh, and away ws went ture that J wpuld never attempt to only to stop again out at the edge ot I writ It In detail, But one marine a wood. On lnvestivauon the delay proved' to be caused by an obstinate armv mule which a Sammy was vainly trying to Induce to lead. Well, we got home alright and had supper, the cooks having prepared a rare treat for us in the form of a raisin pie. As this was the first pie I had tasted since leaving the states you may imagine how much it was ap preciated. We turned In for a good sleeo before a hard day's work, but early in the morning our sleep was interrupted by Uncle Sammy send ing over a few "peace proposals" to Kaiser Bill. Fritz came back in his usual fashion, and it . wasn't : very f experiment and computation the:10" untI1 ja"n In our company Bii ccfc v m-9 aiii ickiuij, uu oicjv bunch were grouping about for gas masks misplaced.' So today I was rather sleepy headed. I'm going to have my mask handy tonight. I went down to divisional head quarters today to put in several holes, and blew out a hole for a sink iiur wane waiwrt in me aiiouens. we ulrming represent "an energy drilled away all day and about quit-, oazlng conclusion that every cubic niimeter of tho universal ether of MMW n volume about as large as he head of a small pin has In It ho equivalent of a thousand tons of satter, "squirming Internally with 9 velocity of light," and that this after being brutally. and shamefully treated at the hands of the enemy was returned to the American tine Upon seeing the , terrible condition of this one marine, the others let out a veil and dashed madly across NO Han's Land and captured 27 boches, and after treating them as ths ma rine had been treated, they were al lowed to return to their own lines, so the others might see that the Am ericans paid debts of Ingratitude at the ratio ot 27 to 1. ' After working all night with onr wounded brother marines, we swore that we should have revenge. We told our captain that we wanted to give up the battle of Paris and go to the front. I think the telegra phic order Is awaiting approval In Washlnnton now, So I hope that In the near future I may be cutting notches In my rifle and avenging the death of my compatriots. Some of the boche call us the Blue Devils, and some call us the Devil's Dogs. As soon as they see a marine coming across No Man's Lena witn Don't Slow Up Advertising Now! - KeVer has tkere Wa a iiaU he tie public has locked wore keenly for MBRCIlANDISINO NEWS tkaa fcevr. Never baa (here k&n's, 'tame more auspicious for the itenrjeiii tradesman to seoure HIS FULL SHARE OF rRtii)E than a. People must tfeyntisue to eat, to wear and to use. - The tesdeacy Is to est out. Islarles,, and luierles are saly a rela stvsy email proportion of year business. For every luxury sat oot yea lav a saasso to Increase your Movement of staple. ' ' Mow skctt-slghted Is tho potiey of ted t slag advsrtlstai evpens te "ssrvb aaesW Tea wUI oalf Iss trade. Ton wUl only Use prestige. Advertise to tasreaae sales asd Mak snore stcaey; don't cut It sot 'le save toeaey. - Stody year "advertising as yta sever dad bslere de It wisely sad' 'wen. , ' , ' Be prosperous and let the people knew that you avo proaporeas. Sveseas was VlVHl aehlsvad by suppiog advsrtlslag r. by, wear . 'tag old slothes and talking pesslmis m. ' Dc Wise -and Advertised,