age tvvn DAILY RIG CTB RI V Hit OOUIUkM riuiur, nut i a. iia. r I PER52N1L LOCAL Save on Ironing Join 111 more than 1.000,000 women who sow Iron the Hot Point way and uve on your Ironing save time. trvngtk.( patience iron in comfort. The Hat Point Iron hut many exclusive advantages. Such as attached. !. hot point. M0l aaad). tkam Vest and aut hn Hirer Hardware (CfflSCO f lb. ran -.1 i -SMc 1 H lb. can -MX t lb. ran $1.00 ) Ih. ran t $2.0 t Ih. caa fS.00 Why Pay More? THE Basket Grocery . 417 G .Street 1.1 HELD IN JAIL IS ; WANTED IN SALT LAKE .:. Archie McLdln who was arrested here three week ago, suspected of tieing a slacker is being held await Ing instructions from the sheriff at Salt Lake. Sheriff Lewis this morn ing received a wire from Salt Lake stating that a mjn of the same name was wanted as a draft evader. O. U. Carrtel left lant night for Kauiaa tlty. - J. V. Kraus. of Kerb)', wa in town today on butlnea. Hoy Dysert, of Kerby, U apendlut a tew day In town. ' Mrs. M. A. UtakK of lloilaud I a Grants Pan visitor today. U 11. Hrown of Peck's camp, near Holland, was In Urania Paaa on bna- Inesa today, Several iair of nio 'i oxford at SI. 10. Kinney A Truax. 10 Mr. Beryl lli aud II. v. l-auit-i nour, of 4ho Hotel Austin, Ashland, and Mr. Mary K. Ught. of Leland were In the city today. A rile Walker, of Portland, arrived last night to ape.nd sometime vWll ji 'rlenda. - JuUifled Cocoanut Oil." Babln haa it. 01 Mrs. II. K. Miller and two sons returned to Medford this morning, after having apaat several dart la the city. V. B. Klgg and family were southbound passengers this morning en route to St. Mary's, West Vs., where they will vUlt Mr. Win fath er. Ladle $( Soroals shoes, $3.75. Kinney A Truax. 10 Mrs. Luther Tlngley and two chil dren went to Portland today to visit relatives.' J. S. liehman, who visited hi daughter, Mr. Luther Tlngley, went to Salem last night. Indies four and five dollar loro sl pumps and oxfords, $2. Kinney Truax. 10 Sergeant Lyle Brace, of Und. Wash., stored off last night to visit the Sllnebaugh family for a couple of daya. Sergeant Brace Is returning north following his attendance at the reserve officers training s'hool at the presidio, San "ranclseo. Cal. Lravea for Th IMIv Mr. lister Heath left laat Bight for The Dalle, having received word of the lllnew of her father, iho makes hi home there. I'arloatl ut i tuvrol A carload of Chevrolet arrived (hi morning from Oakland, Cal., for Churchill Maxwell. lleHl KWkrr Held-. A man giving hi name m It. V. Koa, wa arrested yetterday, being unable to produce a registration ard and giving no explanation ( the fact. He cornea from Seattle but refused to tell anything of hi life liefore that time. He la being held In Jail until further evidence Is found. W. H. t'. to Hold Meeting The regular mvetlug of the (leu eral Logan W. R. C. will be held Sat urtlay afternoon. There will be In itiation, followed by a social hour Member who are visiting In the rlty are cordially Invited. Itr4vv fail la IVntal Itaeerve Or. Pert R. Klllott received notice from Washington today atatlng that he would receive his call for Imnie dlato artive duty In the dental re serve corps sometime within a two- week period. Dr. Klllott ha hi commission a first lieutenant. FACE BY STEEL RAIL C. C. Presley U badly cut and bruised aa a remit of an arrldont at hi saw mill near Rogue Rivrr oil Thursday. A stevl rail, whlrh wa b.-lng lifted atrnck him full In Ui face, the end of the rail hlttliif hi glasses and rutting hla fare severVly. Mr. Presley' fare I hndly aollrn and gashed, but no rmnnt It Jurle wore Inflicted, SCHALLHORN GROCERY CLOSES BUSINESS The S.hallliorn grocery ha closed it business and the stock haa been sold to local groceries. Paul Rchall horn, who haa suocwmfully vonduoted the liiislnea for ceven year pail, statea that tie had not a yet made up hla mind Just what he will en gage In, but he haa several. flattering offer. , t Altlt OK THANKS I Washington, July 11, An Amer ican naval launch, after aiding a Krench destroyer In towing a dis abled American aeaplan to safety, We wish to thank our friend and waa aunk by Merman abort hatterle neighbor, and especially the busl- today. Ruing two of the crew. They neaa men of Oram Paa, for their were probably drowned. Two were help during and since re fire whl'h taken prisoner by the enemy. Three occurred at our home', June 17th. other wam to ihore with life pre MH. and MRS. T. II. Tl'RNKIl1 server and landed unhurt on allied and FAMILY. territory. Grants Pass & Crescent City Stage Co. W. T. rtrron, Prour. H. Olddtnca, Agent Big Pirce Arrow Cart Office J.wetdiltM IMW lUork TrVplmnr SKJN-J nml 111.') Easy Riding EEF Spring Lamb Pork Chicken Veal City Market Phone fl Vr IMIvrrr. Rummage Hale (tontlnued The rummage sale at the Salvation Army, 413 G street, will be continued Saturday, July 13, from 1 to R p. m. !xt8 of nice children clothes. Pro ceeds for benefit of the work. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advertisement.) MRS. JOS. MOSS Independent Candidate for County Clerk For Saturday We hare a' fine- line of fre"h BKKP" ' v -Ml'TTON '"' " POKK and VEAL Also . SPRING CHH'KKNS Vne delivny to all trade ac ceptance holder, and C. O. D. oustotnen. Plrwt clan meat at popular price. TEMPLE MARKET We Sell for Cash Only Kteclal 8ol For one week more we w ill sell at bargain price any of our stock of lumber, flooring, celling, rustic, roof ing, paint, glass, finish, etc. Our stock als broken, but we still have bargain left. It will pay you to buy your fall needs now. Carson Fowler Lhr. Co. 10 Inflection Postponed M. D. Butler, specialist in horti culture, who haa charge of the atate war garden work, has postponed his visit to Grant Pass and will be here In August Instead of July. MUST SPEAK ENGLISH Medford, July 12. Because of complaints made by a number of rer- sons with son and relatives in tht army and navy that preaching in German takes place every other 9,m day at the German Lutheran church, Mayor Gates today Issued an order that hereafter no public or private meetings of any character where any alien enemy language la spoken would be permitted. - . JOY TOEATM Tuesday and Wednesday .MATIN Ms J O't'MM'K KVKNINd 7 ANI o OTIOCK July 16 and 17 Former Ambassador Gerard's VK'.V YOiMr CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 25 turds, two Issues. 2Ac; lx Issue, ic: one month, 11.50. -whtja paid In sdvance. When not paid In advance, 5e per line per Issue.) , GRAIN INSURANCE Cut, uncut or In sacks or stacks, $8 per $1,000 for 90 days. Tou can't afford to be without it this year. Write or phone L. A. Launer, fire Insurance. 08 If JI 1MB I t ic I V i :r iA '" ,;'; 'v1 k jl SL Ni HAY INSURED In barns. Six dollar . per $1,000 for 90 days. L. A. Launer, fir Insurance. ' 08 FOR SALE Choice alfalfa. hay In the field. Miles Mclntyre ranch, i Phone 809-F-12. . ' .10' FOR SALE Model 79 Overland.! Self starter and full, electric i equipment. . Practically new 'men.) Prfce $400. Will accepi Liberty Bonds at par for all' or part pay-' ment. See MacVlcar) C. t O. C, j railroad office, Lundburg Build-! Ing. 10 i TWO HIGH school girl In which is picturized, With all the force of fact and truth,' the courageous, even heoric stand, of one man virtually a prisoner within the borders of a war-crazed nation, having insult heaped upon him by tricky war lords and sneering puppets of a blood-thirsty monarch; defyi ing, with all the ardor of a man born to fight, the threats of murderous heads of the army and navy; all the historical facts of the years 1914-1918 that led up to America's entering the war ' -;- ' J ' a picture of . ' FACTS! FACTS! FACTS! wish em ployment. Will do office or gen eral houae work or will work in orchards. Phone 2 2 1 -J or address box 302. ' 14 SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE ORCHESTRA Matinee PRICES Evening 2Sc&35c 35c & 50c IV;