TIIIHMDAY. ,V II, IHIN. ..'IT i daily aoavm um PACE THCr" Full Line of Auto Supplies TIRES--A11 Sizes C. L HOBART CO. Origin of Ttt Drinking. Ten drinking seem to have orlg Inntcd In t'hlnn ; mid t tic Chlncm., no cording to Prof. King, In 111 "Kiirnirri nf Forty Centuries," drstik It firnl as a sanitary measure, Imvlnit found thnt boiling ihHr wster nved Ihein from typhoid unit afterward adding ten leaves to iiwike tin- boiled vrnti'i puliitiihte. tr. It. A. llortncr of Hie t'nlvemity of Minnesota, w rttlnit In Science, believes thnt thin In not an xct description of what iiiiii'IkmI, but thai the ilUovcry nf Hie clllcHcjf Of Ira as a typhoid preventive rnme after Itn gem-rnl nliitlua In Chins a pleasing Orlnk. WARM WELCOME FOR TWINS I' A Poet' Inspiration, , Blr Joshua Reynolds, who wis ; greot friend and admirer of Gold , auilth, ciiiiik Umn hi in unxpictiHlly ' one ilny whin lie was writing "Tim Tftiviilup " mi l.iiilmu atutrtiMi'liI lit . . .. . ... . . .... - - , ; ine niHir, ncsru iioiiiNiniin iiiscours. 1 lug immt iiinifHlljr an If delivering a sermon. Entering, tlm artist friend fuuiid Hit writer lecturing a little dog I which wn trying to balance, himself , on tili hind legs. . Looking over Gold ; amltli'a shoulder, Blr Joshua founu I thnt th Ink of tlm lust lino of "The Traveler" was still wet, ImlU'iitlnff 4 Unit dog nmy l? an linqilrutlon 'o ! poet Thslr Arrival In an English Hems ' Mtant Two Ixtrs lunar Rations for Family. Copt. Norman Thwaltr of the Hrlt lh Intelligence department said (he other day i The auimr shortage la felt keenly over the water. It's odd how you mlM your sugnr over there. Too long for It as you'd long for tubscco. "A Ilnyswater hti constnhle hur ried home from his best st the Mnr bin Arji the other evening to he pres ent on a very Interesting occnslon, niid, as he ant In his library lo the inn II hours, tlm nurse came to hire and Mild: "It's all right, sir.' "The I'.iiyNwiitcr man swallowed; be nioltitem-d his dry lips; thro he asked: 'Is It a boyr "The liursn mill led soothingly. "'One of 'em's a boy, sir she snlfl. "And the Hnyswutcr mnn, Instead nf turning pule or smothering m outh, as he'd probably done In in-net time. Uttered a glnd cry of Joy. "Thank heaven I' be exclulracd, 'that gives us two extra sugnr r. thins.' " . If you have ssythlog to sell try Hotter Wrappers printed to mm a elnnHlnVil ad. ply with the law at the Courier. . Jspsnsse Suptrstltlon, The Jnpuncse hnve timtiy curious superstitions shout huIiiiiiIk, the chief among which Is their belief In the su pcriinturul power of foxog. War Saving! 8tainis save lives. Uncle Sam Will Teach You How to Can Pood i More garden vegetables perishable food than .ever before are expected this year. In every home the surplus should be conserved. Every quart saved will cut family expenses and increase America's food supplies Home Qlnning ONE-PERIOD COLD PACK METHOD t r o n wo Nww IP tttf , AasiT Ospn eWWFef Mi Is est OsftsT ImMI '('-'. fARMERSf BOlXBTW S3 VWTtS fttATW DHWRTMBHT Of AOIUCVIrVW OmHkuAim (hw i 8um AetsHens fterviee T ' If. Va; . Get This Bulletin It tells in a simple, understandable manner the food consorying, methods tested, and proved, reliable , by Government specialists IT IS FREE ' To get this bulletin, clip, fill put and send this coupon U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D. C. Please send Farmers' Bulletin 830 to (Name) (Street or R. F. D. number) '7ciVy"iwd'''Bt5ttyT -IRST TEACHERS TO CHINA iliMlonaHes Follewsd the Closo a4 the War With Great Britain In. 145. The first genem! attempt to Intro luce (lirlNtlunliy Into Chirm dales 'rora April 1H4A, when the fhlnrso foveniniint, following the dlnntrous ar with (irent ItrlUiln, granted per nlsnloii In foreigners to leach the hiistliiu religion. MUnliiiirles from nany countries begun luiiiieillntely to lix'k to I'lilmi, but In inimt plnces the 'white devils" were rci'clved with lii tlllly. The Emperor Tiinil Kwnng. Alio In the lutler purt of bin relirn 'MVonil the IntriMhn Hon of Kurnix-nn irts nnil rellulnn, died In 1H.VI, uii'l 1 1 h win, llli im Kunjr, adoptnl a nue loniiry imlhy. (Inn of the oild rmiilts nf tin' Intro liiitlon of Chrl-tlunlty In (lilus was lie pH-iiriiui'e lu S.t of a rebel IihiI r f:;'!i.(! ;.! ,:. .1 .Tii-tull, and lm Uliiiuiiliiiil in. ,i -elf e the relator r (f the wor-lilp nf the true god, 1 1 11 1 -1 1 . uml ili'i'ivi d niRity of hit doc HM1 frniil the I'.ll.le. He culled blin ,!f the brother of Jeml. tlm nei'utld n of CimI nod the moii'ir' ti of nil m. leulh the skies, and ileiiiiinded uiil rersnl siiiiuilinliiij, liuurii'iit fol- nv rr f!i"l llieitiM Ive TueplllCS, or 'i'rlnce of piiire." hut the title was itti'i'ly Ix lli d hy tin Ir utrorloiu iIih'iIh. KUH BALK OH BALK Homo la Long Boack, Cel., good residential aeiAlon. Would consider good Income pro party In Oranta Pass. Also an Sfl-acre fruit ranch two miles north of Oranta Pass. Mrs. O. W. Murray, OranU Pass, Or. 11 OR BALE 1T Angora goau and kids. For particulars address E. H. Wlso. Kerby. Ore. tf FOIl BALK Tent. 2H30, and a - foot wall, for sale cheap. Joe. Fetzner, 655 North Hlghth street. l.hone 210-R. U3tr AHTK3 WANTED Four timber failure at once, best of wage. Apply A. U Edgerton or C. W. Ament Ollf WANTED An experienced man for atoro work; a stead Job. Address No. iel, earn Courier. . OS MISCKUaXKOVB . WASTE MERCHANTS Dealers m all kinds of scrap. Cnlon Jnnk Co. ! BALE One thre-qusrtr Jer sey milk ow. also her !-yar heifer and 6-monthi heifer. C. C. I'sge, Jones Creek. ' - 0 KOIl BALE Two ihoice Jersey cows. One Jemey-iloliiteln heifer. Each bred to registered llolstelg sire. Cheop for gulck sale. A. N. Psr ...ns.' 09 TETHEROW Plumbing, and Bheet , Metal Works, 610 T street, IMIONE 172-J The Owl, Ore fight- , crs' headquarters for day and olgbt. Jitney. D. A. Jones. 10 s:,:all sum fos "Camille" Alexandre Dumas F.ls Reseivtd Only 980 for Minurrrlpt of Crest Stoi js. In the Hotel Iirouot recently, the library of JhIuk CInletl. the eiulnetit i'leiieli Journr.llHt, noveCm, dramatic iiitlmr mid fenper (llre-!'r of the Couiodlfl Knininl-e, who died In lOld, ntis sold. Aiimiix other genu, bis rnl- ectlon of ImxiIis incltidi-d the innnn- wrlpt of Alexnnilre Dumns Kits' "Tnle f n Uittery." sixteen puges lu all, pub Mied In IH.11. The niunucrlpt con iilncil n h t'.er from Pumas to Jules rinretle. Informing the latter thnt for tbext nIxIi-i ii pages be whs paid the 01111 of vim. "I wns nlinoKt as much summed as I was pleimed," writes Ittimns. "to re ceive this amount. It wns fur more than I was puld for my entire ninnu tcrlpt of 'Ln, Dame aux Comelllns,' ablch I sold to Michel Levy for the uin of StO. Tills novel, which Michel Levy pur chased for (HO. yielded the Intter 1100.. H). Long after he htid slrned It Dumas regretted this contract which rnrlcbed his publisher nt so sUgbt a nroflt to himself. , (ill BALE 1sm welKhlng 1100 pounds each, wanon and barnee. cheap, D. A Jonea. at Owl, Phone 172-J. HOKSK3 for sale Uood work homes, 125 snd up; ao good dry mill wood 16-Inch lengths 12.25 per tier delivered. Amos Smith. 10 STEADY JOU for printer In coast,, town. Address-Courier, reacnt , Crty'.'Cal," " ' 1 ODtf GRAIN 1 NSl :H A NTB fcut, uncut or In sacks or statks, $ per fl.fOO;, ' for 90 days. Ton can't afford to s be without It this year. Write or phone L. A. Lanner, fire Insurance. - - OS I HAY INSURED In earns.' . Six hollar per $1,000 far 90 days. L, , A , Launer, fire insurance. , , OS FOR SALE 1917 model 5-passn-ftr Ford In (iood condition. Clyde E. Mica. FOR SALE Ford car In good run nlug order, $300 cash. Phone No. 1. 10 .ATTORXEV Ah H. D. NORTON, Attoraey-aWaw. Practices in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. COLVIO A WILLIAMS, Attorneyn-at-Law, GranU Pass Banking Co. Bldg., GranU Pass, Oregon. FOR SALE Stock, cattle, Including milk cows, homes', and hogs, also 30 tons hay. 2 good wagons and 2 sets harness. J. O. Rowlan, Wlldervllle, Ore. 11 FOR SALE at a bargain One sec ond hand safe; one second hand typewriter; one second band wag on. Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. 10 FOR SALE Two grade Jersey cows and a fine 3-months old heifer calf. R. K. Ross, phone 604-F-2. 10 QUAINT LEGEND . OF. ALSACE Race of Giants Who Saw Importance to Them of the Fcod Producer. There la a quaint, old legend, of Al sste, recalls the Oirlxtlno Science Monitor, concemVng a family of giants who, once upon a Jlme, lived .In a cer tain castle In till old country. . The moral of the story seems npproprlnte at a time when the French minister of agriculture Is mnklng cclul effort to encourage the cultivation of lnnd. The giants lived, snys the legend, far from the peasants of the plnln, and one day the daughter of the house who, though quite a child, was already 90 feet high, strolled toward the plnln nnd suw n laborer peacefully plowing his field. She plotted op the peasant the hone and the plow, and put them In her pinafore and returned to the castle to show what she bad found to her father. ' "What you think Is bul toy," said the giant, "Is what produces the food which enables us to live. Put back the laborer and his horse where you found them." From ' that time . on ward, adds the tale, the peasants wers never molested by the giants. E. 8. VAN DTKE, tlce In all courts. Bank Bldg. Attorney. Prae First National O. 8. BLAM CHARD, Attorney-ai-Lw. Golden Rule Building. Phone 270. Grants Pass. Orsgoa. B LAN CHARD A BLANCHARD. At torneys. Albert Bldg. Phone 2J8-J. PracMc In all courts; land board attorneys. C. A. SIDLE R, Attornsy--Lw, rf sres in bankruptcy. Masonic temple, Grants Pass. Or. . , TO RENT Bugs lit Francs.' ' In the reign of Loule-Phlllppe, a Monsieur Terrnt hnd liNn charged with the duty of lighting bngs In the bnrracki of Paris. It must be believed that the result was satisfactory, since by virtu of an order of the general Inspector contracts were made In 1846 with Monnleur Terrat for the destruc tion of these frightful Insects. Mon sieur1 Terrtit demanded 00 centimes for each Bleeping room. In ense the first fight with the bugs was not decisive, Snd If he should hnve to begin ngnln after some yenrs, the second operation should cost only M centimes a room. Moreover, In these operntlons he de stroyed the Insects in the arms-rack, gunrd house, police quarters nnd prisons. When he became old Mon sieur Terrat ofTem! to communicate the secret to the state for nn Indem nity. But this offer wns not nocrpted. The secret died with the proprietor. And thnt Is why the soldiers of today are yet struggling against the bug. Le Crl de Pnrls. FOR RENT l-room bouse with bath snd largs , garde . p Lasted. 20) Foundry street.. Inqolrs op posite, or Moss renting agency. 'OR RENT Furnished modern 6 room cottage, gi.s sad :rage. Mrs. 0. P. Jester, 21S C St.. Phone 168-R. OOtf VETERINARY BL'RGEOJI DR. R. J. BESTDL, VeUrinariaa. Office, residence. Phone SOML PHYSICIANS FOR RENT 6-room house, almost furnished, modern. Large yard for chickens. Sleeping room out aide for three beds. Rent, $8.50. Inquire Mr. Day, corner Fifth and Evelyn. 27 UMST LOST ou Pacific highway north of Grants Pass, bag containing auit- ..case pf .tqurlrt'Sjdfithlni and mis cellaneous articles. ' Liberal re ward. Finder tarve at Courier, of fice xare 1097.. 08 Toe CaliiQrnia and Oregoi Coast. Railroad Company - TIME CARD" - Daily except 8undy - Effective May 1, 1118 ' 1 1 " 1 lv; Gcanu Pass.. 1 : 00 p. t i lv. Water Crenk .9:00 p. at First African Explorer. The first wganlsed attempt to ex plore the Interior of Africa was made by Mungo Park, who set sail on his Initial voyage to the Park Continent 123 years ago. He returned two years nnd seven months Inter after having explored a considerable section of Africa never before visited by a white mnn, although he failed In his main purpose, which was to trace the source of the River Niger. Train Train i 1 V .Ml fains leave Great fas Up ue corner or O sad Eighth street, ppeslt t-s Southern Pacific dep , ail Information regaritot teii ae passensar ervlo call the otQte of the company, ,Lnd im, building, or phone 111 for same.. U O. CLEMENT, M. D, Pnetlt Umltsd to dlseaaes of the eye. eau. nose-snd throat. Glasses flttec OfCce hours'H-n, 2-5, or en at polntnient. OfCee phone, (2; Idenee phone 26 t-J. - - 3. nOtTaHRIDGE. M." D.. PkysSosssi and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or sight. Residence shone Iti: office phone 18S. Sixth and H, Tuffs Bldg. A. A. VFTTHAM, M. , D.. Physidasi and surgeon. Offlc, Hall Bldr corner Sixth ana I 1 streets. Phones: Offlc. 1M; -. residenee, 288-J. Hoar 9 s. m. to 4 . ss. 11 , . . DR. 0. . (HBLBT, , Phyalelaa .sad surgeon. Lundburg Bldg. Health ' offloer. Office hours, I t It a. m. and 1 to I p. at. pheM Sits!. ORNTT8TS B. C. MA6T, B. M. D. First-daaa (dentistry. 10fc Booth 8Uth .i street, OranU, Pass, Oreges. ' PHOTO 0TUIHO From Old Tins, $900,000. - A conference, representative of mu nicipal and ether local authorities In the Midlands, was held at Birmingham recently by , arrangement with the na tional war. salvage council to consid er the question of the utilisation of waste.'' ; "" '': The lord mayor of Birmingham, who presided, stated that in Birmingham 000 tons of old tins were collected an nually by the refuse disposal depart ment, and that the recovered tin was sold at $1,500 a ton. The sum of $35,- 000 was obtained from the sale of re covered waste paper. Food for pool try and pigs was mnde from material from the corporation slaughterhouses; condemned fish and meat, were con verted into valuable manures; fat was utilized for soapuiaklng. Brown Dyes for Leather. A brown dye for leathers may be mnde as follows : Boll half an ounce of Spanish saffron and a quarter of an ounce of annatta In water until the dye la extracted, to which must be added some alcohol to set the color. PICTURE MTLL W4U close) ter .va- cation: opent about . Aaiustjj 1. Watch for Aaaouaeement. 2tt ' MUSICAL INSTRUGTIOH J. & MACMURRAT, teacher f voice v culture and slaglnc. Lessens glTest . at home ef puptl If requested. ' AeV drs 711 Lee street I DRAYAQB AND TRANS b'H COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al I uuu oi urayage ; ana iransxe work carefully and promptly done 'Phoae 181-J. Stand at frelgh. depot. -A. Shade, Prop. i F. C. ISHAMv draraca and trsnsCar. Safes, llano sad 1 furniture ! movsrt. packed, shipped and Stor ed. ' Phone Clerk A Holmaa.jNoA CP0. Residence phone 124-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do 4we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 397-R. , .... ' . ; ' Do Your Bsl If your ambition Is Just to do your best, there is no reason why yes should ever be disappointed. Remem ber, nothing is more certain to weak en the mind than the habit of Inattention.