Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, July 09, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    .UiK POl'R
TTKNil.tV, Jl'LV D, 101.
! t
1 ?
' )
Tha director of Josephine Chsp
tar Red Cros met at luncheon in
the Chamber of Commerce room
today to discuse- matter and hr
There it to b t call (or uior ar
ticle from, ch of the chapter and
tit local chapter will toon b called
on (or greatly Increased quota,
which will require additional work
era. It will be necessary to have
many more helper and an effort will
be made to Internet more patriotic
wromen In the work. A plan for
enuring worker will be worked out
and detail made known later.
Chicago, July I. Ten men were
Indicted today as a result of the In
vestigation o( charges that waiters
administered "Micky Finn" powders
to non-tlpptnaj patrons of Chicago ho
tels and restaurants. According to
the testimony of chemists the pow
ders contained drugs which mad Ul
diners to whom they ware kirea.
word, two Issues, 25c; sit issues,
50c; one month, 11. SO, when paid In
advance. When not paid In advance,
8c per line per Issue. 1
GRAIN cut, unrut or In sacks or
stacks. It per $1,000 for 90 days.
Tou can't afford to be without It
this year. Write or phone, U A.
tanner, fire Insurance. 08
In sacks or stacks, 6 per $1,000
for 90 days. Tou can't afford to
be without It this year. Write or
phone U A. Launer, fire Insursnce.
. ' 08
WANTED An experienced man for
store work; a steady Job. Address
No. 1091, care Courier. 08
FOR SALE Stock, cattle. Including
milk cows, horses, and hogs, also
SO tons hay, 2 good wagons and
2 seta harness. J. G. Rowian,
Wiiderville, Ore. 11
tlH'XTY TltEASritKlt'8 CALL
.VII Josephine county (pink) road
warrants issufd up to May 8th, 1918.
and protested prior to that date, are
hereby called in and are payable at
the county treasurer's office on or
after the 10th, day of July, 1918. on
which date interest will cease.
-tCounty Treasurer for Josephine
County. Oregon. ...... OS
(Paid Advertisement.)
Independent Candidate for
County Clerk
. i
Save onIroning
"join the more than'S.OdO.fOO
. women who now Iron the- Hot
Point way and save on your
Ironing save time, strength,
patience iron In comfort.
The Hot Point lion has Many
exclusive advantages. Such as
'-attached stand,
hot. point.
cool r handle,
cord protector,
thumb rest and many others, size $ff.00
. Rogue River Hardware
C. E. Tucker, of Taklliua, waa in
town today on buslues.
P. Clement, of Placer, waa a
Grant Pass visitor today.
Mrs. Davy John, of William, was
a Grant Paaa visitor today. I
R. C. Crowell, of TAkllma, spent 'Move Into Xew Home
yesterday in Grant Pa. I Mr. and Mr. C. II. Carsou moved
.Mr. Q. M. Boyer. of Roxue River, 'tit the-lr now home on the corner of
waa In town on buslne today. fourth and A street, yesterday. Mr.
C. I). Pierce', an attorney from 'Carson is the manager of the tele
Washington, D. C, is spending a few ',,hon company here.
days In Grant Pass on business.
Mis Alice Owen returned thia
morning from a short stay at Ash
land. Mrs, T. T
Creek station,
Murphy, of Patrick
waa in town today on
Mr. and Mrs. liermsn Memetuer,
of Provolt. were in town today on
J. M. Spencer, who hits spent the
last few days In Grants Pass, return
ed to his home In Kerliy last night.
Miss Greta Stre.kel went to Cen
tral Point this afternoon to spend a
couple of weeks.
Mrs. J. M. Isham returned this af
ternoon from Yoncolla, where she
spent several days with relatives.
Mrs. L. L. Walter and three chil
dren arrived this afternoon from
Bandon to visit Mrs. Walter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Wynant.
and other relatives. .
.Mrs. W. J. Mahoney and youn
son, and Mrs. Mahoney's mother,
Mrs. D. J. Whiter, left this mornlmc
for their new home at Uend, where
Mr. Mahoney has a situation. They
will stop to visit at Rosehnrg and
Portland for a few days.
On the 7th day of July there strav
ed on my enclosed land two bay
mares: one has white hind feet and
star in forehead, the other has a lump
on right side of Jaw. Any one claim
ing said described animals can obtain
possession by calling on S. H. Crol-
sant, 403 Rorue River Ave.. Grants
Pass. 06
Plans Big Program of Sports, but
Ship's Commander Figures
on Safety First
In America Captain -Sklppy" would-
get credit for being a "self starter,'
or perhaps a "stem-winder." ,:
Be does not smoke, nor drink. lie
(s twenty-one, blonde, pink cheeked
and niHhes about bareheaded always,
like a schoolboy at picnic. And the
first day out he started the good
American school girl game of skip
ping the rope, thus winning his title.
But he is a "go-getter." . He got on
and off of Oalllpoll
No boy's cam-
palgn that for the officers and men. ot the 7th birthday of her daughter,
"Sklppy" has gone out and got a Conxtance.' The afternoon was
war cross for bravery. He also got spent with games, after which re
hlmself n cuptnlncy In the British 'freshments of Ice cream and cake
army; and he has come safely were served on th por h. The color
through three years of war. ' hBma ,, ,, wh. ,,
n,,auA . I. I. , .A .
on record that he Infests that spoi
the ciptaln has been Just about the
life of the party. He started gallop-
Ing promenades with nurses, stealing 1
them right and left. - Blurting also
dissensions and muttering among' the '
less fortunate. . i l
V'VeT-daZ" Utef h WM collectln
" "u irom everyooayana pre--
firuMiin iurn m mv uanu. f WIS
he who discovered the ship's "grama-
phone" and bad It carried about deck.
At the same time he waa organizing
sDorU" and msklmr a sneech to-the
assembled American officer, enlisting
thelr aid In mastering oat their tal -
ent ' 1 ' '
"We'll have pillow fights, tug of
7!L "? h ntTt 7a TJ 00 Md
of fun," he said, "and we'll give eoni
prlzee-a wooden spoon or some such
It was going great guns when the
captain of . the ship explained tt ;
wouldn't be aafe to try to crowd the t
entire ship's compnny at one spot on .
the bout Plans have been changed -i
and the movement goes forward now !
for a mighty concert In the first cabin ;
dining room. , . :
Aged Woman' War Garden.
Mrs. Mnrle Crawford, age eighty
four, of Koko.oo, Ind.,' Is cultivating
a war garden-and that means she is i
st u m ox v !
b, Zl , u 7 "7," Tim other, mink, sixteen, l with fi
explalnlng It, snld that it wns no!,,,,
speclnl fent of strength, "t am not , ip , f waf , h Au.rIu.nnn.
stiff with ngc j et," she snys. 1 walk (
a mile every fair Snndny to church." j Krlw wn, d ,y nff(,c((!d who ,n;
-.r,. v.u.u very , tou, ot W;,)rni,, ,, cml,(, n,)t ,,(,wmp .a.
our Koiotrii, ufiu 'hi-.mi'i h f'c
trlotlc duty to help InTonse the coun
try's food supply. Her lmubnnd wss
a Foldlcr in tho Civil war.
Al: tt'rsus tf Co uioroia! Piiatlni
At tlio Co-.'.i-'cr illi.e.
tvea for the Hervlca
j Hal Truax left last night (or Port-
land, where he will take the dual
examination before euterlug the
Itcturaa t'rom Vonrtdla
Rev. Melville T. Wire returned
this morning from Youcolla, where
he was called yesterday to couduvt
the funeral services of a former par
ishioner. Slab Knits on Knot
J. I). Thorpe, who Is working a
tow mile out of town, was quite
severely hurt yesterday when a slab
which waa being thrown 'into the
fire fell on hi lustep, badly crush
ing It.
Thunder, ThuiHler m
Josephine county wa visited by a
real back eat thunder storm, with
the the exception of rain, at about
j o'clock this morning. IJghtnln
flushes were vivid and the thunder
veals msde the eastern people tl
at home. There was. however, only
x sliKht sprinkle of rain In the rl'y.
Many M. P. Peopl ,n 1'nrtlantl
Miss Minnie Ireland returned this
morning from Portland, where" she
visited relative and friends. She
was present at the Grants Pas pic
nic on the Fourth and she states that
the company in counting the number
of Grunt Pass people in Poitlttnd
had named more than 100 families,
who had formerly lived In this city.
Iliisinc "Meeting of Kpworth
A business meeting of the Kp
worth League ofthe Newman M. K.
church was held' last night at the
;ursonage. Several matters of Im
portance to the society were dis
cussed. Mlsa Helen Klfleld wu elec t
ed vice president to take the place
of Miss Florence Bocock..who sent
In hr resignation.
Knrly Morning Hre
A small blaze in the home rf C, J
K. Wolfolk on IlrUUe street- thl i
morning at about 3:3tl tailed out!
the tire department. The fire caught
in a small idle of wood under the!
flue, and the family was awakened
,by th "moke' The ,0 ec-J
count for the blaze Is thst mice msv
have been gnawing matches. There
was little damage except blackened i
walls. .' . . .
t eleUate lUrthday
One of the most enjoyable and
pretty partiee of the summer sea
son, ' was that given by Mrs. Sam
Bal(er yesterday afternoon In honor
lt was charmingly used throughout.
ThTe WM"e 15 IU,B ,,M, ,r",pnt
to pnJov the fun- 1
1 1 ' ' ' ( ' '
Grants Pass Omple Murrloil
I,eter D. Calhoun and Miss Eyiel
Hrockiev. both of Grants -Pass. wre
married In Portland on Sunday, July
7 ftt PreiUyterlaB nianw, Ke.
toyd officiating. , The groom is the
iOB" "on 01 LOUnl'r ""W'"" nn
Mm- - falhoun snd was born
In Orants Pass. He now holds a
.responsible position with the Stand-
!srd Oil company at Portland. The
bride. has been a resident of this city
: for many yeariI The), are both W(.
' favorably known. They will
' , , ' . ., .
,mak ih"lr ho'n9 fortiand. , ,
' . . . .
Ha. Two Son in th UnlUJ
State Army,
Anton Kuglo, forty-one years old,
iC St. Louis, who has two sons In the
military service or tno united Htntca,
;hH been refused final naturalization
; pnpers. He is a native of llungnry
ninl cume to 8t Louis In l'.HM.
.." '", , , T i ,h . , K '
nt enlisted mnn In the reguhii' nrniy.
One of the sons, Rudolph, .eighteen,
urn 11 zed while the country wii nt
war with this unlive Innd. "I wnnt
lo be tin Aitifrii.'un '." lie cried. "I hnve
given tny buys to tins country."
War Havings Stamps save lives.
r '
Even Whale Is Eaton by Ameri
cans Durinc War Time,
Says Bulletin.
One of the moat curious anomalies
of the present war, which lis been
called the greatest destroyer In the
world's history, has been the adilltlou
of ninny thuiml of dollars to the
nntlomil wealth of the United Htnles,
through the ullllSHllon of riNh food
which were thrown swsv as nvorilili.s
, Until necessity demanded their com.i t. i
vat Ion.
The radical rhuuge which has hcu
wroutlil by the wr In the IWiIng In-
duslry Is reflected In the fisheries wrv 1
l.v bulletin published by the iut-sit 1
of naileries of the di'pnrtment of rom
merce. Iutiiid of helm nittriiied i
solely lo Item ninremlng milimm, !
shnd, ohI and other flihes which huv j
hnl a tvmly sale, the bulletin il..vni.. I
much space also to news cimceniln j
lht rnttn of pole flounder, shark,
rny skniea, earn, groyhh (whli h for
merly rejiilced In the linlnvlllnit niiini.
of dogflh) ami other type if wnterj
fd. lleBiirtllnc the pole flounilcr, or
gray sole, the bulletin record thnt It
wns virtually unknown as finul prior
to the full of lDltl As result of tin' 1
bureau's final conservation cniiiputiiit,
which taught the value of h it.nin-.
tier nml attractive ways lo prcpure Ir i
demand for the flsh lncrese. unill ,
Inst season there Wi re tMrtv fl e bouts ,
taking flounders to the Xew Kiuihni I
nmrkels. and probably i.rtW.OXO pmimN ,
hnve ben insrkeiwl. Curp abound In
the Interior lakes. An agent of the ,
bureau was sent to W. Ioils, Kiiiiks
City, Omaha, Minneapolis. St. Paul,
Milwaukee, rhtcngn and IihII:iihici1I '
to atlinulnte the use of flsh. . u. !
letln containing recipe for cooMiuf
enrp was iirepansl. iitnte isunml' 'w
of Sllnnesotu, Wisconsin and Imliaiiii
co-opcrnti'd In Ihe work. The i.-nlr
was a grently Increiised ilcmrml i .r !
curp, which continual to grow In fn
vor as the public b.s-nnie nis)iin!hli'd
with Its vslue. More than 1..'mn.ot)0
poiimls of carp were sold from Mlntie
sotn lakes, and lt Mllwnukii the !
weekly consumption hns n-ncbed 2fl.-1
000 pounds.
On the Pnelflc con: I there Is n grow.
Ing demand for Nlinrks, rnvs and
whnles. Sharks sell for 10 to 12 cent:;
potiml. If Is said lo be i -ipeclnlly
delicious when snlted or smokml. Nu
memus canneries hnve tindortnken tn
preserve, the meat
Mother Animal Was Angry' When Cu6
Wis Kldnsued. '
To be chused acriws a pasture (iy a j
niopier benr thnt was trying to ger
close eniMiL-ll In Ms fleeing horse to
nvetigi; the klilnnplng of li. r Imliy was
the exiM-rlenee of Hardy lliiichiim.
who came to Mcrldnn, Idaho, recently
from his home six mlltfi northwest
of the town to exhibit the rub as evi
dence nf the thrilling episode which
took place In Long valley, where he
wns herding cuttle. ,
. The cub, which was less than a'
month old, was plnxliig tihotit 800 feet
from Its mother when ltliiKtnnn nun
a companion rode Into slulit. Imme
diately he began to run toward his
mother, but BIngmun got off Ms horse
und gathered Mm up before he could
get nwny. He protested his fiplure
by hnwllng nt tho top of his voice and.
ny trying to bite Ulniimtn luimlv
'.villi his toothless gums. With n.
rour the mother beur rnine tii resouo
her liuhy, and IllnInim nml hln com-
lilitiioii were couiieli'd to rldcut toi
speeo to escape nnr.
: 1:
Miss Alincc Hmlth of Wushlugton,
D. C, was selected by (he lied Cross
as tlit most attractive young woninn
to pose for the famous ixmter used In
the second war fund drive. Hhe Is
shown In this beautiful portrait posing
ts she did for the poster! "The Great
est Mother In the World."
. All kinds of Commer ial Printing
t the Courle Office.
Lm t v -
f -. : '.V.'
; f ' , . f
k : k
Joy 'THieater
WMlNKMIHV and Tlll llHltAV
Dug' Fairbanks
"Reaching For the Moon"
IhHig Imontea the king i.f uluorla ami then III troubles heln
Admission Ulc ami LV
XMI rlllhW sod NATt IIDAY
x Jl I Y. 1(1
"My Four Years In Germany"
Flom Aml.nssNilor ('ernrd's I look
fu! people make it 1 a
habit to read our clas
sified ads
Do you ?
These ads." are mon
ey, sairzs and. moncy
makers., , . t ,.
Keep your eyes on
them. c:J;n.,;:
There b No EJconomy
in Cheap Coffe
Don t figure your coffee cost by the
pound, but by the cup. j
If MJ.B. Coffee? costs you more
per pound than the coffee you are
usinc, we can guarantee M.J.B.
Coffee Will cost VOU less net run.
You can make more cups of eood
ff . . .! 11 i n Ft 6 .
1 !
coiree wun m3.a. tnan with
any other coffee.
, , MJ.B. surpasses all other cof-
fees in fragrance, flavor and
, fsmemeer
It Reaches
and IT
Joy Theater
, Tun Shows nnd 11:11 p. m
Aduilsslou line snd KH- '
Jack Pickford
"His Majesty,
Hunker Bean"
fletler tliiut Ills Ih'sI
, r.
' .
our CmamMn