X DAILY EDITION i-e RAGING ON ALL SIDES OF CITY MET BUDGET llSTii III ....... I w "MMIIVI II 1 mm (tonal I'mmmn. Army Appropriation Hill errylng Over Klevea Mil lion Hollars. lAlUM Allk.V IN IIIAHIIIY itl 1HHTUKT IWKItKH WITH IILAZINU TKKKH. IEM VALLEY FIGHTS FIRE Anio Truth Hauling Ore ThnHigh Hurtling IHaUrUl Nearly l truyrd Hy rlanira. Washington, June 2 The army appropriation bill, rsrrylna over 111,000,000,000 passed ih. ,,..,. today, This It the larcest budaat in ths history of ths world. U SOIL BUSH GAIN PRISONERS IN LOCAL ATTACK WHOUC ill MDR GREED IS CAUSE OF PROFIIEEIG roiUKB AUK oMmillATAr THOOIT THAT AltK HK.NT HM'M T MllM .AMt.llICA AMKItlCANH TAKK ROKTY OKU MAXs) IN OI'KKATION NOHTII W KrtT OF MO.NTDIDIKIl TWENTY THREE LEAVE WIS mm RECOVERED HUNS ORIVEN BJICK 1,500 MS No fcxcmalve iWu imUnu Al rrearat Time la Timber Jndoa fjr On Wert Coast. F0RCAMPLEWISJULY22 (Jeiimd March Hut. Croorai Mllua. Hon On Italian Front la Favor alile To Alllna Armlea. Kreach ItepuUe Attack of Soil bM; At Bllgay. Southwest lefeai Forest Ores art rsglng ua nearly very aide of Uranls I'aaa, filling tha valley with aniuke. Thar have re ullvd quite seriously In some places, burning rrop and buildings. The shortage of available men In the forget service bat made It hard to prevent the fire from spreading but the cltlsens have volunteered and helped all that they oould to at leant protect the homei and grain. The blase In the Moody Itun dl Ulct la spreading rapidly. It only half a mile from J. I 1'l.rce's fclaie and If the wind ahould change In all probability the Pierce Imlld lags would lie burned. Frldsy nluhl the fire In thla district I'rstroyed the building at the otd 21 mite hnuee Two section irewa and all the neigh bora are out fighting the flsmes. On tbe June creek aide the fire jumped Rogue river and la endangering the home of C. II. Gordon. The whole mountain aide aeema aflame, and burning trees fall In all directions A fire covering a large area la In Plnaaant valley. Many cltlsens of Grant i Paaa have been out protect lag nearby farm homes. The home of Mr. Bannister haa bwn In con aunt danger, having caught five or all tlmea. Each time, however. It haa been aaved from serious dsm-age. IS BY Two acres er swept by lire and approximately two tons of grain do- , stroyed at the Kl Orn ranch,' owned by P. L. Champlln. near oi Si 11 late yesterday evening, according to telephone reports rocelved lu thla city last night' The (Ire, which wus discovered by persons panning on the road hear the grain field, wua de clared by Mr. Champlln to be of In cendiary origin, and waa started by a "bun." After raging for about an hour, the lames were aubdued by the Kl Oro ranch crew and neighbors who had flocked to the scene, and an expedition waa tarted in pursuit of the person Igniting the grain. Med ford Sun. Tk. luiiowmg la me Hit of man causa tor service, to be sent to Camp Lewis, Washington wlthla a IWs day period beginning July l, llll: Ksrl Kara George W. Smith Luthur Augustus Armstrong ueorge Delbrt Vsn Dorn Frits Krauss Thomas Henry Croiton Oliver Chester Good now Dennis Paler Norton Hugh Ilohannnn Eugene Itobert Drown Hsrrlson James Maatara Charley Hsrry Edgell William Leonard Ridley Claude Klsworth Moore John Jtistloe Carr George W. Matthews . 8lephen Smith Clarence Vernon, Hunt . Marlon Lea frarnellle Forrest Johnatone . Luther Melvln Wyatt lister Lee Bparlln ' Charles Vernon Campbell, will "be in this draft If he nausea the physical examination. IE CONFLICT BETWEEN DESTROYERS Washington, June 21 The nr.i American troopa landed In Italy yesterday. General Marcn announc ed that It waa not a force sent by Oenersl I'erahlng but consists of units sent from this country, belns mslnly sanitary unlta and noncom- batants. Oeneral Perahlmc will aend combat troops. General March Raid that the liter al situation was extremely favorable to the allloa. lie made no com. ment on the Indications of the Im pending German attacks. He annoumwd that the Drat n. tlonal army to take up a aector at ins front Is the 77th, raised In New York, trained at camp Upton, and originally commanded by Major General J. Franklin nn ti.. were taken acroaa liv Ma lor Oer.i Johnaon! Fire American divisions, which were brigaded with tha British for training, have returned in General Perahlng'a command wltb tbe training completed. One la the 15th, composed of the Kansss and Missouri troops. General March 'said that official re ports from Italy place the number of I Austrlana captured at 18000 and al large amount of material. The Plave Una baa been completely re covered and at some points slightly advanced. Uindon. June 29 Four British torpedo boat destroyers fought a long range engagement with a Ger man destroyer force oft the Belgium coast Thursday. The sctlon was broken off before derisive results were attained.' . , PACSHC COAST YARDS Drnrnr umu unmDo lLUU!L.IIIUII iiununo London, June 21 Tha British took 400 prisoners In a successful ac tion on Flanders yesterday. Field Marshal von Hlndvnburic's troops east of the forest of Nleppe got a nasty and unexpected knock to day when the British suddenly drove rorward in a surprise atUck along a front of mora Utan three mllca and hurhd the startled German soldiers back to an average depth of 1500 yards. Tbe operation waa an unqualified aucceas from lu Inception and tbe attacking Infantry reached their ob jectives In remarkably short time. By this thrust the British not only have greatly Improved their Doaltlon In this Important and much-contested sector, wtlcb lias just north of Mer vllle. but they Inflicted heavy non- lahment on two hostile divisions tbst were holding tbe Una near the 12nd division of Saxons and the 4 4th re serve of Prussians. Urge numbers of the enemy were killed In the hurricane onslsuxht and some ISO of tbe more fortune had been collected In prisoner cages be fore noon. The front of the attack was 6000 yards In length and lay approximate ly between Vfeux Berquln on the north and Pont Tournal, which Is 1000 yarda northwest of Nervllle, on the south. ' , Wvbington, June II Th ri. i trsde commission announce that proflteerlnc um. UIVU American Industries, due partly to me advantage taken of war pressors for besvy nrodnetlon anrf . - - - ymi n iv nominate greed and barefaced rraua. A report was sent to tti u.i. . lowing investlgaUona la steel, copper, aiuc. nicae, sulphur, lumber, flour, canned milk and aalmon. The m. port aald that there was no exceealTe pronte Indicated In the lumber In dustry on the west coast akhonrh th spruea producers previously bad pro- uiea at tha expense of tha allied government Unusually and unnecessarily Urge ironis are indicated on tha part of souinern pine producers where thm profits on the net Investment srerag d 1T. QUESTIONNAIRES SENT TO REGISTRANTS THREE STORY BUILDING PRESIDENT Will NOT 5 Washington, June 29 The aenste rejected the amendment to the army appropriation bill today 'Direetlnir' the President to raise an army of .1,(11)0,0(10 ih soon ha the eaulnment for transportation Is provided. Hloux City, June 29 A three story building collapsed and caught fire here today. 'A score of persons are believed to be burled In the ruins. 81 Washliurton, June 29 The nrmy caaulty list for today, has 42 nnmes. rive were killed in action and 12 died from wounds. Privates Carrol Unties of Hlllsboro died from wounds. The marine corps list has 39, of whom 24 were kilted In action nd elxht died of wounds- Sergeant William J. M. McColm of Portland Mini killed In action. ' GERMANS TO RESTORE ORDER IN RUSSIA l-ondon, June 29 Germany Is re ported to be taking measurea to In tervene In Russia. Troops will be sent to restore order, assisted by Maxlmalllst forceB. Washington, June 28 Shipyards on the Paolltc Coast made a clean sweep of the honors awarded for the first time by the Emergency Fleet Corporstlon to planta excelling In construction of vessels. First honor blue flags, awarded on the basis of output In May, will go to the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Cor poration, (Union Iron Works Plant). San Francisco, for yards building steel ships, and to the Grant-Smith- Porter Company, of St. Johns, Or., for the yarda. building wooden ves sels.: C- ' v I- "; : TO IUCN'KFIT HOIiDIKIIH , "More than $100,000,000" will be the slogan ot( the American Y. M. C. A. In Its drive tor funds In October. 'aria, June 29 Southwest of Sis- sons French troops, In an attack over a front of four and a half miles, from tbe south of Amblemr to the east of Montgober, today captured German positions, and at some points advanced their lines to a depth of a mile and a quarter, aaya the French official communication this evening. Prisoners to the number of 1060 thus far have been counted. The communication follows: "South of the Elsne we attacked from aotith of Amblemy to the east of Montgobert In order to acquire armed places on several kilometers of front. We entered German works, took the Fosses above Laver- slne and the heights northwest of Cutry, sdvanced our lines near the west of 8t. Pierre Aisle and aUo on tk. kill V . uiii bvqib in inc village. "Our advance reached at some I points a depth of two kilometers. We have taken 1060 prisoners." Names of Realstranta to whnn. questlonnarles were mailed on June 28. 1918. -II -Dan Wellington Rlgel JO Glen Webler Wilhelm . SI Roy Clifford Sharlow 12 Frank fwev Rav 32 Albeit Arthur Tavla 14 Claud Herbert Keyte 15 Bepnle Leslie Hull 3 ' Orlando Hlller 17 Harold Benedict Hyde H SAVINGS VAIGN HAS 1840 PLEDGES DETAIL KPOttT ranis P10CTIVB DISTRICTS HOT VST AVAILABLE. lOODO IS fE0,'.!ISED E! W Tkresi Hove) By 10OS) Westh est war Hariaga svnd JoU lianat riult. Josjephlne eouatr haa mmju tin piedges to date during thla mp.ip which amonaia to IIOO.ooa rk. vised qnoU for Josenhlna cmwtw waa $170,000 and the county hopes to make that beore tha ih. a. completely over. Tha official rs Porta are) Incomplete, but imi capUlna not harinar renorid t,u It make it difficult for the cbairmaa HI aire daflalt BramveU. H. K. afiiksr aad Urm f- L. Perkins are added members of th limit club- having subscribed iieaa maturity value, tor war atampa. The meetlnga last aizhL u wer called by President Wiles ware a great eoocesa t tha antiTiM distrieta. many pledges being madsa. The meeilac In tows waa a faflaM mm only very few ware present FORTY Nil FLYERS FELLED IN ONE DAY London. June 29 Forty-nine Ger man airplanes were brought down by British and French alrola ne sanafl-. frona ThnrRdsv .MAt-ji. ,A .i. , -vvwmiug III in c OI- flclal announcements of the respec tive war offices today. In the alr-flghting over the British Uector of the line British planes de stroyed 20 German machine and forced down nine more enemy air craft .out of control. The British lost 14 machines. The British vigor ously bombed behind the Teuton lines, dropping 21 tons of explosives on railway junctions and other targets. V01II GAR W2 ATWERa ALL WOOL REQUIRED Chicago, June 29 The bulletin of tho National Sheep and Wool Bureau stutos that ,a large part of the present raw wool stobk'in the country and all to be produced w Imported to about June 20, 1920, will be requlr- ed for military purposes,,, ,r w-tv;', I (Continued on Daae 4) ' Hi " : . Choose 111 ' illlililiffilllWI!;!!;!!. . ... " " .. i .r-. i :!! ! ii"!!!!l!t!i!;iii!;i::::' . " T ,. i hi .n 0'.m v-rt n?'nf ft i raiM' iHnn in i ML.- Atr'' 'w III SENATEMAKESCROiDER 'LIEUTENANT GENERAL Washington, June 29 The senate amended the army bill today, mak ing : Adjutant General Crowder, Lieutenant General during the war. He' waa highly praised for his work in connection with the draft system. I'HKSIDK.Vr NOMINATES MKN M)lt ADVAXCKM K. T Washington, June- 28 Nomina tions for eight Brigadier Generals in the national army to be Major Gen erals and for forty-three Colonels to be Brigadier Generals were sent to Jie senate by the President todav. Oregon Weather Fair and warmer except near coast. Gentle northerly winds. U. S. FREIGHTER SIS IN SHALLOW WATER Watch Hill, Rhode Island. June 29 The Atlantic freighter, Ononda ga, lost its way in a heavy foir todav and struck a reef, sinking In shallow water, after the crew had been taken off by coast guards. An Overland ear owned by W. J. Banfleld, contractor at a Ohrensn mine tn 8elma district was entirely destroyed by Are Friday evealag at Savage Rapids. A truck owned hy H. Hals was badly burned Friday evening whew ' coming; through a forest fire on Ore gon Mountala. Mr. Banfleld had beta te Hedfordl to get new Urea tor his truck and waa bringing them home wrapped lm gunny sack and chained to the side of the car. It la believed that the sacka caught lire tram the exhaust pipe, for the first Indication of trou ble were the llamas, which curled around the Urea. The lames spread rapidly and although a fire ex tinguisher waa used. It was to ne avail. Campers at the Savage Rapids endeavored te smother the blase by the nse or sand but the car barned to the ground, leasing nothing intsct . except one wheeL The loss was fully covered hy Insurance. The truck was loaded with Chrome ore and going along a short stretch of road where the sins was harming on both sides. The tires caught Are first then spread to the body of the car. The fire was put out before much damage was done to the main part of the track, although the Urea and bed are completely destroyed. PRESIDENT VETOES POSTOFFICE BilL Wsshlngton. June 20 The Presi dent vetoed the postofflce appropria tion bill today because it provided that the government take over the pneumatic tube mall service between Chicago, New York and some other cities until March, and then have the Interstate commerce commission determine the disposition. Post master General Burleson opposed the provision but congress Insisted upon it.