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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1918)
f AQB TWO lAILY KOGIK RlVBIi CXH'RIKR Till IWDAY, JINK 97, 10IH, TU a farmers' account books, whlrh were distributed Isst yesr to unlit the farmer In putting hi' farm on totter paying basis, are benf summarized by. county agent C. D. Thompson, and R. V. Wright who hi here from the 0. A. C. for that purpose. About iS farmers hit used the books during the yesr and hare turn ed thM In to be examined and to receive suggestions as to better nie thods and plum. The account books are proving such a help to the farmers Mr. Thompson will have over SO In us here during the coming year. Classified Ads. run balk TOR'S ALK-UomTlu Ung" Reach. Cl good residential section. Would consider good Income pro perty la Grants Fast. Also an SO-acre fruit ranch . two mllei north or Grants Pes. Mr. 0. W. -Murray, Grants Pais, Ore. It Our classified ads brine: res-iMs A Fight for Life It has been light or die for many of ue In the past and the lucky people are thost who have suffered, but who are how well because they heeded nature's y warning signal In time to correct their trouble with that wonderful new dis covery of Dr. Pierce's, called "An-u-ria You should promptly heed these warn lugs, some of which are diuy spells, jwckarbe. Irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago. To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as Itrlght's disease, dlsbetee or stune In the bladder. To overcome these distressing condi tkm take plenty of eiercfew In the ic n air. avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely of water and at ench meal, take Doctor Pierce's Antirlc Tatilets ( double strength ). You will. In a short time, lint) that you aro oun of the firm Imlorsers of Anurlc, as are luousuud of neighbors. Mr. A.W.Ccmbib ssy: "I r uffered greatly wiin my back aud kidneys. I railed In doctors and they did me no good, but rec ommended an oper ation. 1 saw Anuria for kidneys and backache advertised so sent tip to the drug store and got a package, and It cured me. This was one year ago. 1 was down In bed and bad taken manvdlfTrtrnfil kinds of medicines but obtained no relief from them. - - Mas. Rosa Miklatc or GrrcMXL, "ASH. says : I was troubled with the backache for the last Ave years. I sent for a puckage of Dr. Pierce's Anurio Tablets, which cured me completely. I will recommend Anurlc to ail my friends who are troubled with backacoe. Step Into the drug store and ask for Anii-lc, or send Dr. V. M. Pierce, buffalo, N. Y., 10c. for triul bkg. Anurlc many times more potent then llthia, eliminate urls acid m uut wu.r mlu sugar, FOR 8AI.E 171 Anjora goata and kids. For particulars address E. H. Wise. Kerby, Ore. 8tf TOR SALS Three horses, four, rows, three wagons, two harrows, phonograph, two beds and other, things. . C. H. Gordon, Rd. No. 1 j 100 KOR 8 ALB Tourist auto, t00, In cluding extra delivery body, Protf . o-llte tank, Atwater-Keni Ignition system, and tools. Mlglit round er motorcycle la good ejnJU'oit In trade. C. L. Houaer, West Foun dry street. Phone S50-J. 101 FOR SALB Blooded Flemish Olant stock rabbits. Apply Til North Eighth street. Phone 1S-L. 19 TEAM, harness and wagon for sale. Also one good single horse and one saddle horse. Apply 711 North Eighth street, or phone 1S-L. 19 FOR SALE S-horsepower gaa en gine In .good repair. Have no use for It and will sell at a bargain. Box 11-A. Rd. 3, Granta Pass. 9 TO REST FURNISHED ROOM 3 Urge, com fortable and convlently located 411 C street. Stl PARTLY FURNISHED cbttage for rent, (0 feet from pavement, alsc unfurnished cottage on pavement 18 per month. Inquire A. B Voor hies. 2tf FOR RENT (-room house with bath and large garden planted. 209 Foundry street. Inquire op posite, or Moss renting agency. H6tf FtHMSHED house for rent. Mary E. Browne, 709 North Fifth. 94tf . . FL'RMSHBD Five room bunga low finely furnished, good shade. Aruthur H. Denlson. 615 11 St.. 96 tf. I.OST IX)ST Tuesday noon, either In city or on Murphy rosd a motorcycle muffler. Finder please return to Geo. Williams at National Drug store. ; 97. - Joy Theater Thursday and Friday Magnificant Mary Garden "THAIS" The story of a saint who became a sinner and a sin ner who became a saint BILL HART in a two-reel feature "The Desperate Chance' Two Complete Shows 8 and 9:30 P. M. Admission 25c and 35c Second Hand Fords $175 $300 $350 C. L. HOBART CO. We Sell HEBE A IMPROVED ' KVAPOHATKD MII.K JAR CAPS IXtttiOMY Kit I HAM MASON Pure Cane Sugar ritfeNKHVIMl KINNEY TRUAX Quality First 3 WANTED WILL PAY cash for good email quarts prospect, rich In gold. P. O. Bog 167, Rogue River, Ore. 97 WANTED an. Experienced dish washer. No other need apply, In quire of chef at Oxford. 94tf WANTED Mollybdem. Call at J0J Burgess Street. 8ce that man Derloks, ioi. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advestlsement) MRS. JOSMOSS Independent Candidate for ' County Clerk Placer and Quarts Mining blanks at the Courier. OV A CASE HAHIH On July 1 we will no on a strictly. Cash basis. No Credit-No Delivery Cash always, buys cheaper than credit, as the man who pays cash does not have to make' up for the one who does ot nay his bills. Cutting out delivery will en able us to reduce expenses, and give more meat for the same money. TEMPLE MARKET Phone 134 Trade Aecvptancea will be received. let us explain Trade Acceptances to you personally. WE HAVE DECIDED TO SELL OUT!- ' 3 I 3 AT GMEAT SEDUCTION , Our Complete Stock of Building Material, Glass, Paint and Roofing and close our yard until the end of the war . War conditions require only one avenue of supply for building material in Grants Pass. We were' the last to come and it is right that we should be the first to go. We will sell for the next thirty days, Barn Bills, Garage Bills, House Bills, Fencing, Finish, Roofing, Paintsany of our stock at bargain prices. If you have in mind building soon, get your material now. You Will Not Be . Able to Buy as Cheaply For Years We believe we have a place in Grants Pass in the supplying of building material, and after the war we will be back to serve you. Carson-Fowler Lumber Co.