PAGR TWO DAILY IttittlK IUVIUI COlKIKIl WKDNKHDAV, JUNK , 10tN. Classified Ads. AT THK MOVIKH 4 Thin." Presenting a striking picture of lite among the rich and plaure-mad In ancient Alexandria, staged with a mt.nlflcenoe that haa rarely boon equalled In picture production, nd featuring a "tar hoae fame ha ssread to every part of the world. Most of the scenes are laid amidst the magnMcence of Alexandria, and one shudders when he pannes to con alder what the sets for this produc tion mnst have cost. And the scenes In the desert and the huts of the Christians are equally convincing In their striking contrast of utter sim plicity. As matter of fact, this pic ture might well be called a picture of contrasts, for two more different figures that Thais, the idol of Alex andria, the queen of love and pas sion, and Paphnutlus, who gives up wealth and the life of pleasure to join the Christians, and to convert Thais from her paths of wlrkedneas so that those who worship her In the orgies of the earthly may follow her to the simple faith of Christianity. There aer many sensational ele ments to this picture that are bound to have their effect on the bos office results. The magnificence of the sets, and the gowns worn by Mlas Garden are little shoYt of wonderful. One scene reveils the rich of Alexan dria in their feasts that so many his torians have described. At another time Miss Garden appears in the flea, ert in a diaphanous garb that reveals every line of her form. And yet these scenea are so centered about the main story that there ia no trace of the Tulgar to them. Mlsa Garden proves herself the same wonderful actress on the acreen that made her fame In the opera. She tutoresses the varying motions con vinclngly, and maks the character of Thlaa truly at one time a queen of worldly love, and at another the re pentant daughter who la seeking hap piness In Christianity. From her work In this picture one feels sure that it Is not necessary for to follow in other operas for the screen, for he Is today aa great a picture success as any of the others who have been known in the silent drama for years. It would be unfair to pass the work of Miss Garden by without mentioning the wonderful dance which she executes In the open ing scenes. FOR SALE Home In Long Reach. Cal., good residential section. Would consider good Income pro perty In Grants Pass, Also an SO-aere fruit ranch two miles north of Grants Pass. Mrs. O. V. Murray, Grants Pass, Ore. II FOR SALE 171 Angora goata and kids. For particulars address K. H. Wise, Kerby. Ore. 89lf FOR SALS Three, horses, four cows, three wagons, two harrows, phonograph, two beds and other thlnga. C. H. Gordon, Rd. No. S 100 FOR SALE Tourist auto, it 00, In cluding extra delivery body, Pnnt-o-llte tank, Atwater-Keni Uniiinn system, and toola. Might count er motorcycle In good ondlt'on In trade. C. L. Houaer. Wast Foun dry street. Phone 350-J. . 101 FOR SALE Blooded Flemish Giant stock rabbits. Apply ,712 North Eighth street. Phone 13-U 99 TEAM, harness and wagon for sale. Also one good single horae and one saddle horse. Apply 711 North Eighth street, or phone li-L. 99 FOR SALE -horsepower gaa en gine In good repair. Have no use for It and will sell at a bargain. Box 11-A. Rd. 3, Granta Pass. 99 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com tortable and convlently located 411 C street ltf A Long life For You if You use Pure Shortenings Armour's Simon Pure Leaf Lard Armour' Pure Shield Lard Armour's Vegetole Proctor & Gamble Crisco KINNEY & TRUAX. GROCERY QPAUTY FIIUtT IMPORTANT NOTICE Pursuant to the call of the President of the United States all the citlsene and inhabitants of School District No. 7 are hereby requested to be present at a masa meeting to be held at the Junior High school building on C street be tween 3rd and 4th struts, In the city of Granta Pass, Friday evening, June Wth. 1918, at 8 o'clock. Thia meeting ia held for the purpose of securing the individnal pledge of every person In the school district for future purposes of War Saving Stamps Thia ia an hour of national trials. The Government expects every cltisen to do his duty. Board of Director of School District No. 7. By E C. Macy, Chulrmsn Edwsrd S. Vsn Dyke, Clerk. ffKW TOD IT WANTED Molly bdenum, rail at 203 Burgess Street. See that man Der leka. 101, PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent," 60 feet from pavement, alec unfurnished cottage on pavement ft per month. Inquire A. R Voor hies. ' FOR RENT 6-room house with bath and large garden planted. 209 Foundry atreet. Inquire op posite, or Moss renting agency. gtf FURNISHED house for rent, Mary E. Browne, 709 North Fifth. 94tf WANTED WILL PAY cash for good small quart! prospect, rich In gold. P. O. Box 167, Rogue River, Ore. 97 WANTED en Experienced dleh washer. No other need apply. In quire of chef at Oxford. 94tf All kinds of Commercial Printing Butter Wrappera printed to com at the Courier Office. ply with the law at the Courier. Joy Theater Thursday and Friday Magnificant Mary Garden In "THAIS" The story of a saint who became a sinner and a sin ner who became a saint in a two-reel feature "The Desperate Chance" BILL HART Two Complete Shows 8 and 9:30 P. M. Admission 25c and 35c Klerlrlc Wiring and Buppllre Dtrlng the war period phone your wants to 90 Medford. Wo will pa) phone rails on all orders received. Paul'a Electrle Store, Medford, Ore gon. II FURNISHED-Five room bungalow finely furnished, good shade. Arthur II. Dehiaon, 615 II St. 90 tf Reeinal Soap-Sabin hsslt. 96 LOST-Tuesday noon, either In city or on Murphy road a motorcycle muffler hinder please return to Geo. Wil liam t atNatlonal Drug store. 97. Placer and Quarts Mining blanks at the Courier. POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advestlsement) MRsTjOsfMOSS Independent Candidate for County Clerk Save on Ironing Join the more than 5,000,000 women who now Iron the Hot Point way and save on your iroiilor eave time, etrength, patience Iron In comfort. The Hot Point Iron has many exclusive advantages. Such as attached stand, hot point, cool handle, cord protector, thumb rest and many others. 6-lb, aise 9(1.00 Rogue River Hareware COMIXQ EVENTS Jun 19, Saturday Dance at D'1 Creek by Red Cross auxiliary. CHICHESTER S PILLS nj Thl UM II HANK. A jr.: I'll la UMUI MM Nit Mil ', tt eebeeM eWM.Me!. A ( lnil tm SOID BY ORL'QGISIS IVIKYHHlRfi nryi k H.i - V w. r t -Volufre, 7694-1774 Tit otififxtto assistant) not to orcoJlGturv' JItlHIIIIlHlllllinHllllllimillHIIIOJIIJUnMIIMMIIJll"! "Mamma, don't &ive me Castor Oil" Second Hand Fords $175 $300 $350 C. L. HOBART CO. Such is a familinr entreaty of childhood. AH children hnt coster oil. Grown people themselves won't tuke it. No child minds Stnnolox it ia tasteless, odorless, colorless. So it's not like) medicine. Slunolox is not a cothurtic, laden with habit-forming dru&s. It does not stim ulate the intestines to abnormal action. Stanolaz is a lubricant. It softens the bowel content, and oils and soothes the intestinal walls end makes elimi nation easy. i By this fcentle, but certain method, all toxic poisons are carried away. Thus auto-intoxication is prevented. By the use of Stnnolax one prevents chronic Constipation, with nil its resultant ills. Stenolux represents the new-day way as opposed to harsh purgnlives; The nnturnl way us opposed to violent treatments.. Draft-laden cathartics afford only tempo rury relief, Stanolux, tulvn regularly, say teaspoon nt bed time, will keep the intestinal tract clean and ever ready to function properly. Your dniftftist has Stnnolax. Buy one bottle. It will convince you that old -cathartics are needless. Standard Oil Company (liulUn) Chicago, U. S.' A. ' , I ' l SfANOILM FOR CONSTIPATION STANOLAX is for sale in Grants Pass by MIKE CIvKMEIVS , Si tcBOoapcooocoooooooocBonDoncfloccoooaoocosrjoBDiooocoitooBoocootciocacffotpoooDO ratf f i 7, .