MflK TWO l All-V IMrfitK niVKH OOl'IUKIt mmtv, at sk sm, join. Classifitd Ads. rtR ftlt.K U. C. GRANT LANDS--BluTpriTl Plata showing lands Ib Joaephta county, 11.50. Addteea A. K. VoorhlM. Granti t'aaa. If FCyi SALIC Home lu LuDg Uench, Cl., good realdenllal action. Would consider good Income pro perty In Grant Fa. Also an 80-aora fruit ranch two miles north of Grand Pass. Mrs. O. W. Murray, Grants Pans. Ore. U FOR SALE 179 Angora gonU ut kids. For particular address E.' H. Wise. Kerby, Or. S9tf FOR SALS Three none. four cow, three wagona, two harrow, Phonograph, two bed and other things. C. H. Gordon, Rd. No. 100 FOR SALE Tourist auto, i00, in cluding extra delivery body. Trott-o-llte tank, Atwater-Kenv Unit Inn yitem, and tool. MW!it ouM er motorcycle In good eon.U'.Vu In trade. C. U Houser, West Foun dry street. Fhone S50-J. 101 FOR SALE! At a bargain One fj room house, with concrete base ment, one acre of One garden. lots of water, and a fine summer re sort, close to good fishing and hunting. Also 40 to 60 head of good cows, steers and calves, all on good ramie. Add reus P. O Boi 754 or Fhnne 117. .05 EMERGENCY STOCK Y(U' KHOU.ll H.lVK THKKK KMIK IN TIIK HOI NI-. i. Hlilnt(tn lamtuut OiflTee , t Minute Tnplora n! Minute (lelutlne (ioUliiuilta III. Willi Mill ' t Van t"Hm lurk and llcan I X I. lUvl.dl Van Campa Hardin PaMe . Olympic Olive) Naur Cempttoll Hu . I KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY jl' HMM awaygt. - jg. f m. C ITALIAN! ADVANCE. -; iO.HI.Mi Mr... is IS STILL I'NCHCCKED June I, Saturday Uuuce at D- ! Creek by iiud Cross auxiliary. FOR SALE Blooded Flemish Giant stock rabbit. Apply 712 North Eighth street. Phone 13-U 9!) TEAM, harness and wagon for sale. Also one good. single horse and one saddle horse. Apply 711 North Eighth street, or phone 1 J-L. 99 , FOR SALE 6-horsepower gas en gine In good repair. Have no ime for It and will sell at a bargain, i Box 11-A, Rd. 1, Giants Pass. 99 Italian Headq'iarera The Austrian army h attain beyond the Piave Their ctu-lu'fl forces were pumued amis the river and the Italians orcupiid strong bridgeheads at some minis on theeant em hank Had nut I ho sudden lift rent fillcn rapidly, the enemy wculd have lost immeasurably more men. The extent of the Italian victory ia not yet clear. .There are no present indications of the Italian advance rontinuii'tf east wa'd from the I'iave Aiy Austrian forward movement 'will pntiably be delxyid The allies ate waiting an other I lew Mini tie Nunh ta to Switzerland. T'iki". June V5 Newfpapera report to lay th.t Jaan haa decided not to comply with the Entente request, end will refrain from an intervention with Siberia at present. 5 FOR SALE 10 head of shoats; two brood sows. F. M. TUtbbtin, Mur-! phy. Ore. 95 I T Re'VT FURNISHED ROOM 9 Largo, com fnrtahle and eoiivienlly located 411 C street. 8tf i PARTLY FL'RMSHKU cottage for i (rent, 50 feet from pavement, alsr untarnished cottage on pavemer.t t$ per month. Inquire A. K Voo hies, ttf FOR RENT 6-room house w!th bath and large garden planted. 209 Foundry street. Inquire 0i poslte, or Mors renting agency. 8fltf FURNISHED house for rent. Ma y E. Browne, 709 North Fifth. 94tf WAXTKTl WILL PAT cash for good small quarts prospect, rich In gold. " P. O. Box 167, Rogue River, Ore. 97 POSITION wanted by all-roual v ok, camp, restaurant or hotel. Room 29, Grants Pass hotel. ' WANTED Loganberry pickers, 100 women and young folks', beginning toon. Good wages and pleasant outing. Auto will take you back and forth or may board at the berry field. Send your name and address at once or phone 600-F-2. Country Club Orchards, Merlin. Ore. , . 95 WANTED an Experienced dish washer. No other need apply. In quire of chef at Oxford. 94tf Joy Theater Present the nmt celebrate! Moulin In tlio HC-rld fi r her II rM M ti-vu a,i I eftraiKH Mary . Garden la "THAIS" "tt'a a (ioldwyn Picture", Thursday and Friday 25c & 35c T:q Gasoline, Red Crown it a straight-distilled, ill refinery gasoline, not a mixture. Its contin uous, uniform chain of boiling points makei easy starting, quick acceleration, power and mileage sure. Look for the Red Crown sign before ' you fill. STANDARD OH COMPANY (Calilorala) Ife fi't t1 m C. T. FIKB, 8ierlnl Agent Rtnmliird OH Co., (irnnta laa POLITICAL CARDS , (Paid Advestlsument) MRS. JOS. MOSS lnileiendvnt Candidate fur County Clerk Second Hand Fords $175 $300 $350 ' ' a(aIMKVXV C. L. HOBART CO. Save on Ironing Join the more than S.OOO.non, women who now Iron the llu Point way and save on yoi Irnnlng eava lime, atrcnKth, patlrnre Iron In comfort. The Hot Point Iron has many exrlualve advantaxes. 8 irh as attached stand, hot' point, cool handle, cord protector. thumb real and many others. rI .1.(MI Rogue River Hareware nitH4io WK Til Kit Fair warmar Wcdns-day: northerly wlnih. London, June 25. The Italinn line waa nut or ed lo the water's edge trday. The river began rlaing again, wahini( awrt.v some Italian bridges, thus hlndori lug the (ivrault lluy W. 8. 8. . - KleMiic Wiring ami Hupplie D.iring the war period phone your want to 9U Medford. We will pa) phone calls on all orders re elved, Paul Kiuctrlc Stoie, Mvdford, Or gon. - li Buy W. 8. 8 TKACII KltH' KXAMINATIONH Notice I hereby given that the county mperlntundent of Joaophlne county, Oregon, will hold the ren lar exnmlnatlon of applicant for state certlfi-ates at Grant Pas In the county court house, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 26, 1111, at 0:00 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Snturday, June 29, 1918, at 4:00 o'clork p. m. JVexlnemlny i OMimm V. 8.. History, Writing (Penman ship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, Reading, Manual Training; ' Composition, Domestic 8 lenre, Methods In Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods In Arithmetic. Thnrdy Forenoon Arthlmetlc, History of Education, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestlo Art. Thnrsdny Afternoon ' Grammar, Geography, Stenog raphy, American Literature, Thyslcs, Typewriting, Methods In language, Tbesl lea Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography," English Literature, Chemistry, Phy sical Culture. " ' Frldny Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Hotorday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon Oeneral History, nookkee" ,