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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1918)
MONDAY. Jl'NI U, 1918. DAJXf BOGUS BITS OOt'RIEB PAQK TBET3 Classffied run IALK 0. 4 0. OIUNT LANDS Blot print Plata showing lands In Josaphlns county, II 10. Addrssa A. E. Voorhle. Orsnts Fun. K roil BALK Horn In long Usscb, Cal., good resldoutlal eectlon. Would consider good In corn pro perty In Granta Pass, Alio no I0-tor fruit ranch two miles - north or Orsnts Psse. Mrs. 0. W. Murray, OrnU Pass, Or. 1J lOn BALK 4-horss team, weight. I, 100 sachj nsw l wagon and sew 14 trsllsr; complete frelght the outfit. Address B. Frldsy, Belma, Or. 21 FXHl SAlT9A"ngora goati" nrTd kldi. For particulars address E. II. Wise. Kerby. Or. 89tf fori SALE Tlires horses, four cowa, three wagons, two barrows, phonograph, two beds and other things. C. II. Gordon, ltd. No. s 100 rOR BALK Tourist auto, 1 1 00. In cluding extra delivery bodr, Prot-o-llts tank, Atwalsr-Kftu Ignition , system, and tools. Mlcht lonxll ; er motorcycls In good cjodlt'oii In trad. C. U Uousor, Wsst Foun dry strsst, I'hnns 850-J. 95 FOR BAl.B At bargsln On 13 roora bouts, with concrete base ment, on scrs of fins garden, lots of water, and a fins aummsr rs sort, close to good Ashing and hunting. Also 40 to BO bead of good cows, stsers and calves, all on good rsngs. Address P. O. Dai 7M or Phons 117. 95 FOR SALE Blooded Flemish Olsnt stock rsbllts. Apply 711 North Eighth street. Phone 12-U 09 TEAM, harness and wagon for sale. Also on good single horse and one addle horse. Apply 712 North Eighth stret, or phone 12-L. It Til RKXT FURNISHED ROOMS Urge, com fortable and constantly located 411 O street, ltf PARTLY FURNISHED cottags for rent, 60 feet from pavement, also unfurnlshsd cottage on pavement, ft per month Inquire A. R Voor hies. atf FOR RENT Six-room houso, 727 North Firth street, psrtly furnish- . sd, bath, sleeping porch, acrs of ground, poultry yard and house; ' also 4-room house, 321 Rogue River Art., sleeping porch, poul try house, three fourths sere. Git key from Mrs. Jennie Moss. (4 FOR RENT 8-roum house with bath and large garden plnnted. 200 Foundry street. Inquire op posite, or Moss renting agunry. ' .... Htt WA?TTED WILL PAY cash for good smsll quarts prospect, rich In gold. P. O. Box 1(7, Rogue River, Ore. 07 POSITION wanted by all-round .rok, camp, restaurant or hotel. Room 20, Grants Pass hotel. 0o WANTED Loganberry pickers, 100 women and young folka, beginning aoon. Good wages and pleasant outing. Auto will take you back and forth or may board at the berry field. Send your name and address at once or phone (00-F-2. Country Club Orchards, Merlin, Ore.' 05 MISCELLANEOUS WASTE MERCHANTS Dealers in all kinds of scrap. Union Junk Co. 10 ' Butter Wrappers printed to com ply with the law at the Courier. cndiSave theVo for Our Sffta : : " r-T"; ; ". r-1 JOB PRINTING NEATI Y DOUE Advertising ATTORNEYS II. I). NORTON, Attornsy-at-law Practices In all Htsle and Federal Courts, First Nstlonal Ilank Dldg. COLVIO W I M.I AM S, Attorneys- st-Law, Orsnts Pass Ilsoklng Co Mdg., Orsnls Pass, Orsgon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prac tice In all courts. First National Rank Dldg. O. 8. HUNCH A RD, Attornsy-at- Law. Golden Rule Building Phone 170. Grants Pass, Oregon. BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert Dldg. Phone 2II-J. Practice In al rourta; land bosrd attorneys. cTX'BlDLKlCAUoVney-at-Uw, ref eree 1 In . bankruptcy, Masonic tempts, Grsnts Pass, Ore. VETKHINARY HlltGKON DR. R. J. BKSTl'U Vsterlnarlan. Office, residence. Phone 906-R. PIIYSK1AKS U O. CMC MIC NT, M. D., Prsctlc limited to dlsessrs of the eye, ea: noes and tbrost. Glasses filter, Offlce hours 9-1 2. 2-5, or on aj. polntmsnt. Offlce phons, It; res idence phone 859-J. 8. I.OUailRIDGE, M. P., Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended dsy or night Residence phone 2(1; office phone 112. Blith snd II, Tuffs Bldg. A. A. WITHAM, M. D Physician and surgeon. Offlce, Hall , Bldg., corner Sixth ana 1 streets Phones: Office, !(; residence, 2M-J. Hours I a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBI.EY, Physician and ' surgeon. Londburg Bldg. Health officer, Offlce hours, 9 to 11 a m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 210-J. PHOTO KTI'IUO THE PICTURE MILL open dally IV a. m. to ft p. m. For Sunday alt- tings call Mill 282-R pr residence 140-J. DKNTI8T8 E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-cls dentistry. 109 H Bouth Blxtb street, Grant Pass, Oregon. MIMICAL IXHTltl'CTION J. 8. MACMIRRAY, teacher of voice culture and singing. Lesions given st home of pupil If requested. Ad-' dress 716 Let street. DIMYAGK AXI TIUNHKKR COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. Al kinds of drsyago and transfe work carefully and promptly done Phone 181-J. Stand at frolgh depot. A. Shade, Prop. F. O. I81IAM, draysg and transfer. Bafes, pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped snd stor ed. Phone Clark ft Holman, No. SO. Residence phone 114-R. THE, WORLD MOVES; to do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone S97-R, rhe California and Oregop Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD Dally except Sunday Effective May 1, 1018 Train 1 I v. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. ra Train 2 Iv. Waters Creek 2:00 p. m All trains leave Orauts Paas from .ha corner of O and Eighth strsets )pooilte the Southern Pacific depot For , all Information regarding freight and passeaser service call at the office of the company, Lundbur? building, or phone) 121 for same. Our classified ads bring results AT THE COURIER OFRCE JhkZmi 'HUM CURING HAY WITHOUT STACKING IS WASTEFUL O. A. C, Corvallls, June 24. This Is a giHid yesr for Slacking hsy. The practice of cutting hay, rsklng It, and curing It In corks where It Is left until it Is baled save coins la bor, but Is an esjiennlve and waste ful prm-ess from ths standpoint of forage. "Much hay Is spoiled snnually by bleaching and by wetting," says G. R. Hyulop, profnasor of farm crops In lbs OrsKon Agrlrultural college. "Most of the loss In quality snd shrlnksge may bs saved by stacking the hay. labor at bating time Is required, and the hsy Is more uni form. In addition to this, the ex rnmlve drying out snd biittlnnen may be svoldAl, giving a lesfy, tough, palatable, nutrloua type of hsy with good color. This Is the kind of hsy most In demand by feed ers and the hsy which tops the mar ket when offered for sale." To build a hay stsrk a foundation preferably of polea or boards, or of old straw or weeds or some material of that sort should be put on the ground to prevent molMure drawing up in the stsck, points out Profes sor Hyslop. The hsy should If pos sible, be pltrhed on the stsck from both sides, as the large amount of tramping on one side when hay is only pitched on from that side, re sults In uneven settling. The middle of the stack must be kept built high so that In settling there is alwsys a tendency for any moisture whlh msy penetrate the stack to run out. Care should be tsken not to build the stack too wide ss It will nersHltste extreme hlxh handling In order to top It entlrfsc torlly. Iluy W. B. 8. TF.AtHKIlH' EXAMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent of Josephine county, Oregon, will hold the regu- lsr examination of applicants for ststa certlArates at Grants Pass In the county court bouse, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 28, 1218, at 9:00 o'clork a. m., and con tinuing until Saturday, .June 29. 1918, at 4:00 o'clock p. n. Wednrwlay i orrnoon U. 8. History, Writing (Penman ship), Music, Drswlng. Wctlncadny Afternoon Physiology, Reading. Manusl Training, Composition, Domestic Silence, Methods in Reading. Course of 8tudy for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic . Thursday Forenoon Arthlmctlc. History of Education, Psychology, Methods In Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of 'Study for Domestlo Art. ' Thnjwlsy Afternoon Grammar, ' Geography, Stenog raphy, American Literature, Physics, Typewriting, Methods In Language, Thesis for Prlmsry Certificate. . Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, English Literature, Chemistry, Phy sical Culture. t . Friday Afternoon ' School Law, Geology, " Algebrs. Civil Government. , Saturday Forenoon , Geometry, Botany. ( Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping.!.. Buy W. S. S. . . , 4-4- COMMIMCATEU Mr. Jrwell Write ' Mineral Wells, Tex., June, 1918. Editor Rogue River Courier: . With your permission, I will con tribute a few lines to your paper for the benefit of my ' Grants : Pass friends and avoid an extensive corre spondence, and also save my good disposition during the extreme heat here at this time. I think the min eral water here beneficial In ninny ways, especially for rheumatism and similar ailments. . There has been a decided Improvement In my health during my visit here of only two weeks. ' This would be an Ideal health resort with our southern Ore gon climate,' but the extreme- heat Is almost unbearable here at times. People come here from , all the states. Some are here now from Hot Springs, Ark., , and . other noted places. Many come only for pleas ure. No closed season here The recent discovery of oil In this and adjoining counties has creatod quite an excitement and a great many are coming here to Investigate oil lands. Some of the wells hore are heavy producers and a great many are under construction. The oil men have thslr headquarters here. Bines my arrival there was quite an ex lilng occurranos on ths land ing station here for aviators. An 'air plane dropped from a height of 120 feet and was completely wrecked, but tbs occ upsets were not seriously Injured. Another plena also went wrong, ths wind carrying It Into ths limbs of a tree, but it wss not dam aged much and made ths Journey esfely on to Camp Bowie. It Is an Interesting sight to watch thsro sail by apparently with ease and great speed. I visited ths Red Cross rooms here and find the women greatly inter ested In the work. The tana Star State, like our own Oregon went "over ths top" In her second Red Cross drive. But I find It so every where. We expect to return borne by the first of August. MR8. STEPHEN JEWEM. Buy W. B. 8. HVK TH)I BAN1 WAU GARDEN 8 IX HALT MKK Bait Lake City, June 24. Five thousand community war gardens and everyone producing and in ex cellent shsp, Is the report of , the jcommunlty wsr garden committee of I Salt Lake City, and issusnce of the report recently, brought with it an appeal to war gardners to can, dry 'and preserve all exresa fruits snd I vegetables. The wsr garden crop here will produce Tar more than can De used at t&e time or picKing, ana with ssvlng uppermost, and preven tlon of waste, the local committee Is now urging the people to pre serve everything possible. 'Hi'P f'1' I' I 'T'i I " it ff ' i a -' 3 ' I siP 1 l .,.... I . .. i, -i :.r.;,-iii ( .-'. f if m n a J j II r ii jl i I v i SI II A w a m n a m mm . . a ss . w - .. - PS 5 m ; Second Eland Fords $175 $3C0 - $350 C L. HOBART CO. BY CARELESSNESS Portland, June 24. A letter urg Ing renewed efforts toward Are pre vention has been sent out by State Forester F. A. Elliott and Federal District Forester G. H. Cecil to 2( district Are, wardens, 62 cooperative state and federal Are wardens, 100 forest rangers and 200 lire patrol men in the state. "The dry season is at hand," ssys the letter, "and lire protection plans must now be. brought Into effective operation. For a number of reasons forest losses are at this time parties nlarly lamentable. "Since the forest fire warning was first sounded In the United States an army of trained forest Are Aghters of no mean efficiency hss been de veloped. To this army you belong. PI TTfTTrTiri ri 1 1 1 1 i c i i ! i it' ) 'I u 41 ' 51 ' a ' 71 ! s r 1 5i 1 Why are motorists ; the world over I ; equipping their cars with oversize tires? To get the increased mileage assured , by, this additional carrying capacity. LEE Regular Fabric White Tires are BUILT OVERSIZE. You can SEE with your, own eyes this r extra mileage. ;,., ; Measure any one of these tires. You'll . find it OVERSIZE. That means MORE mileage 1 Examine the rubber. Its WHITENESS proves its purity ! and strength. MORE mileage 1 Notice the big, rugged ZIG-ZAG tread. -MORE mileage! See why you should use LEE Regular Tires? ;, . i : , : Don't buy any other tires ' until you have examined these? C0LL1NSAUT0 CO. Tht big, heavy rttggtJ Zig-Zag tread gift the heet protection against ekidding and intaree extra mileage. , Many of your former co-workers. skilled in fir protection work, aro now la France. Therefore It I aa to you to carry an additional burden. "Ths huge drain on this country's resources because of war has drmw hosts of men from productive Indns- ; tries and Increased the cost of lhrlng Every forest fire needing men au4. supplies for Its extinguishment la a further economic drain. It Is par ticularly our present duty to prwraot this waste as well as waste of tim ber. "Seventy Ave per cent of afl Bras are ahowa by our records to i to caused by careless or art! design "In the coming fire season tksss against the government of the Unit ed States will not discourage das- tructlon of government propertx. Loyal citlxens will cooperate and am them you must rely for success. Every pstrlot must act as ths reprs--sentative of ths public put osrl small Ares, himself snd report tk large ones immediately to tbs nans est forest ranger. i i i i.i ' i -1 iio i in 1 i'; V f