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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1918)
PAQB rOl'B DAILT KOGIH IUVKK OOIIUKR SIM) IV, JI NK IM, !. JOHN LEGETTI SAVES John Legettl, ot the Joaephlne ho tel, rescued ft mi all boy from drown ing In the Rogue river across from the bathhi use Friday night. The lad swam serosa the river and Without stopping to rest, began to awlm back. His strength gave out in the middle of the stream where the water la swift and ha called for kelp. Legettl swam out and brought him safely to shore. This Is the second boy that John Legettl has saved from drowning this season. PERSSNdL LOCAL Xew 1evrleta Frank O'Kelly and V. D. Johu. both of Williams, bought new Chov- rolet rara thla woek. MMETI FILES SUII Grover Grlmmett filed a suit Kri day against C. A. GUmore, William Gllmore, Ruel Gllmore and Bud Al bright for unlawfully taking; posses Ion of the Martha Anne mine. Mr. Grlmmett claims that he ta the lawful and exclusive owner of the property and had In his posses sion about 15 tons of chrome. He claims that the defendants took pos session and were transporting the ore and he demands the Immediate possession or delivery ot the ore. If It is not available he demands $500 which is the price he could hare re ceived for the chrome. Mlsa Creesle Ramsey and Miss Oearhart spent Saturday In Ashland. Camp neceesarjes at Cramer Bros. II. B." Hendricks, of' Waldo, H spending a few days In the city. Swim Kape At Clcmeus. 98 Loafer Darnellle, of Murphy, was In town Saturday, Thermos bottles at Cramer Bros. Orln Cook, of Missouri Klut, was Vin Mmh-iv a Grants rasa visitor today. I .hi. 4. u. V.IUHK, ,oi tvianinm Falls, arrived this morning to visit her mother, Mrs. Kenyon. Mrs. Col- 1 1 tHtto on Furlough "Heine" Ahlf arrived this morning from Bremerton on lough. a 10 day fur- Steel Goea East F. R. Steel left Saturday after noon for Chicago to take up his duties with the Gossard Breeders as sociation, ot which he has been ap pointed general manager. Mr. . Steel's headquarters will be in Chi cago but be will conduct his Winona ranch business, visiting here often. (TEW TOD IT (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 16 words, two Issues, 25c; sis issues. 50c: one month, 11.50. when paid in advance. When Dot paid in advance, 6c per line per Issne.) JOS. MOSS AOENCT Fire insur ance, plate glass liability insur ance. 204 H Sixth street. tf .INSURANCE Any kind, bast of companies. L. A. Launer, real estate. tf TOR SALE Blooded Flemish Giant stock rabbits. Apply 712 North Eighth street, phone 13-L. 89 TEAM, harness and wagon for sale. Also one good single horse and one addle horse. Apply 712 North 'Eighth street, or phone 13-L. 99 WANTED Loganberry pickers, 100 women and young folks, beginning soon. Good wages and pleasant i -outing. Auto will take you back I nd forth or may board at the "berry field. Send your name and i address at once or phone 60O-F-2. Country Club Orchards, Merlin, Ore. 95 Guaranteed cotton garden hose and lawn sprinklers at Cramer Bros. J. R. Fretwell spent the duy In Grants rasa Saturday. SS-pIoce lunch seta tor 33 central Cramer Bros. 93 William Martell, ot Rogue River, was In town on business Saturday. William Unkhart. of New Hope, was a Grants Pass visitor Saturday, Trout files In all patterns and new trout rods at Cramer Bros. 93 Lloyd Barrow, of Applegate, was In town on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Frost, ot Os teite, Cal., were In town vtsltlng friends Saturday. Miss Minnie Ireland Is In from her mining property near the Blue Ledge for a few days. Water bags and canteens at Cra mer Bros. 93 Mrs. L. P. Coolbough and two sons srrlved Saturday from Bakersfleld Cal., to visit relatives. Tou can catch the limit with our fishing tackle. Cramer Bros. 93 Miss Josephine Palmer went to Monmouth' Friday, where she will attend summer school. Camp grids and camp cooking utensils at Cramer Bros. 93 Mrs. Bertha Coates Asborn left for Roseburg Saturday, where she was called on acconnt of the Illness of her father. Clenso Toothpaste At M. Clem ens. 93 Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson snd dsughter left Saturday morning for Fossil, on account ot the serious Illness of Mrs. Thompson's father. Mrs. 8. E. Welsenfluh and two children srrlved Frldsy from 8e- auim. Wash., and wilt spend a few weeks with relatives. Hot weather oil stove, the "New Perfection" at Cramer Bros. 93 Mrs. C. E. Selllck and daughter. Elolse. arrived Friday from Berte ley. Cal., and after spending a -few days in the city, will go to their ranch at Murphy for several weeks. Jonteel Talc At Jf. Clemens. 93 Miss Milllcent Borrougb. of Cot tage Grove, Is the guest or Mr. ana Mrs. Ralph Davis for a few days. Mrs. Borrougb, her mother, went on to Ashland to be with relatives for a few days, and will stop off here on her way home. Picnic wooden ware Itrarh sets, 38 pieces for 35 cents at Cramer Bros. vlg and Mlsa Vlda Moore, who ac companied her. will spend a month here. ' VUittng From Portland Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Campbell and daughter. Ethel, of Portland, are spending the day with Mrs. Camp bell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J Dingier of this city. Miss Amy Tur ner, of Portland, accompanied them Fighting F1 Wallace Nllea. George Riddle Jr.. Lynn Sabln and Wlllet Murray spent a good part of Friday night fight ing fire on the Scovllle hill. The fire was spreading and endangered the borne of Mr. Sackman. Rrtnra. for Visit- Mrs. John Summers asd son, Stan ley, arrived Saturday morning from Lebanon, Ore., where tbey have lived since the begtnning of the year. They wfll return to their home Sun day. Mrs. Chaa. H. Caintr, chairman of the Oregon division of the Worn- an'a Committee ot National Council ot Di'tenae, and president of the Ore gon State Federation ot Woman's Clubs will be In Grants Pass Tues day, June 35. Mrs. Castner has just returned from a conference of the National Council of Defense at Washington. D. C, and In writing says: "I must bring to the women of your commun ity the Inspiration of the Washington meeting," . Realising that many will desire to meet Mrs. Castner and hear her message, the local committee has planned for a meeting at Riverside park Tuesday afternoon. June 25, to which all are Invited. There will be a plrnlo supper at :30. People from the country and from other towns of the county are especially Invited, and It la desired that this meeting may be not only of great benefit, but that a general rood time may be had by all. Mrs. Jenny Kemp, representing the stste food conservation commit tee will also be present and contrib ute to the Interest ot the meeting, Bring your basket and come. Another Teacher Resigns Miss Maud Oilman, teacher of mathematics In the high school the past year, resigned her position to day. Miss Oilman will teach In the Lskeport, Cal.. high school the com ing year. C. E. Hold Social Meeting The C. E. society of tbe Bethsny Presbyterian church bad a social meeting at the home of Mrs. II. C. Bobtten, Friday night. The evening was spent with music and outdoor games on the lawn. There were about 24 of the society present. Birthday Supper A supper party was given In the park Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Lund burg In honor of the birthday 'of their son, Harold. 4 Mam m iln1tt.e..1 nlMtt xinnA tli. filter u-imiii,iii I'm,.,: D,t,rj., .. htht Psrtv evening was spent with swimming . vt, i snd canoeing. Osmr Wilkin Improving Oscar Wllklns. who received such serious Injuries In the sugar beet factory over a month ago, Is now Im proving rapidly. The cast was re moved Friday and Vr. Longhlrdg said that bis bark Is almost entirely healed. Mr. Witktns I also begin ning to have feeling In bis lower Rmbs, which Indicates that he will not be paralysed. Joy Theater Two Slum SUNDAY ONLY and 0i 15 p. m Ailmllou IK ami lkt "The Shell Game" The HnturtUy Kwtiltig ,t M4rp,, ,.tKts sTtal EMMY WEIiLEN Also a ihikw com:iv (XIMINU ThurwUy and Frl.'fj, MAHV GAIlDKN in "THAIS" SOCIAL EVENT AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH POLITICAL CARDS (Paid Advestlsement) MRS. JOS., MOSS 'Independent Candidate fur County Clerk More Fords In Tse Recent sales of Ford cars by C. L. Hobart company: Clarence Strong, Kerby; Thomas Tocum, Kerby: Hal Massle, Merlin: Geo. Duncan, Kerby; James Dean, Grants Pass; Isaac O. Nevelle, Rogue River; Ethel B. Gib son, Merlin; Joe Hill. Grants Psss. and D. W. Renfro. Grants Psss. Compose Song The Red Cross Bnlletfn of last week has the following paragraph ofl local Interest: "Miss Cora Smith of the Grants Pass, Oregon, schools has composed a Junior Red Cross sonp which has anusual merit. It Is ex pected that tbe song will be publish ed soon." Foir Best Paying Garage Business in Southern Oregon Including agency for oae of tbe beet cars on the market. Owner will be called next draft. Write care box 819 Medford, Ore. Deserter Taken to Yanronv Sherfff Lewis took Eugene Kelly, who deserted from Camp Lewis a week ago to Vancouver Saturday. rhe matter was reported to Camp T.ewls and a telegram received Fri day night from the commanding of cer to deliver the deserter 'mm-'- rflately to the nearest mtirttry post. The Water Is Fine Swimming in Rogue river Is now tbe popular sport and scores of peo ple are enjoying It. On Friday about So took advantage of the municipal Bathhouse' privileges and the total mimber of swlnrmers was more than 100. Saturday the number was In creased. The water this year is very clear, and not as deep as last season, saturaay a naa a tempera ture of T2 degrees. Girl Not Serlootdy Injured The 12-year old daughter of J. S. Sweet, the tourist whose antorawblle turned turtle near wnderrille Fri day, was not seriously hurt. Sbe was hit on tbe bead by a typewriter which composed part of the bsggage and a slight bruise Inflicted. Tbe Sweets are from Phoenix, Arts., and are touring Oregon. The cause of the accident waa tbe gtving way of tbe bank when tbe maohlne went too close to tbe edge of tbe road In pass ing another machine. Electric Wiring and Snpplle During the war period phone your wants to 90 Medford. We will pay phone calls on all orders received. Paul'a Electric Store, Medford, Ore gon. A delightful dinner part was given by Mlsa Cecelia Harris at her home on East A street Saturday night. June 15, The table was beautiful with lis Isrge bowl of sweet pens and corsage bouquets at esch place. Som merwt snd knitting were In order during the evening. Those present were the Misses Clsra Calhoun, Ethel Bocock, Etbelyn Tlartlett. Lulu Dene- dirt. Katharine Bridge. Mrs. Olcors Adams. Mrs. Harris and Miss Cecetla Harris. 9 .Mr. Evans Visits W. A. Evans, of Portland, a for mer resident, stopped off this after noon. Mr. Evans has general charge of tbe farm labor work of the V. &. department of agriculture In 11 western states and visits them every two or three months. J. W. Brewer. 704 Oregon Building, Portland, Is the Oregon representative. Efforts are made by these state agents to secure as much labor as possible for harvesting tbe crops. Special atten tion Is given to sending out boys, girls and women In camps to pick berries and fruit. In Oregon over 400 have already been recruited and sent out from Portland to Hood River, The Dalles and Marlon coun ty to pick strawberries, cherries and logan berries. Mr. Evana states that none of the western states have any surplus of labor for farm work and that It Is up to every state, coun ty and community to do its best to handle their crops. No serious la bor shortages are yet reported, but there wonld have been many If It was not for tbe exceedingly dry sea son wblcb Is general throughout these states. The reception to the new minister ot the Christian church. Charles Drake and wife, waa a very happy occasion and one long to be re in em bered In the splendid fellowship ex pressed by the different ministers of the illy. Brother Uooier emphasis m the generosity ot the Grants Pus people; Brother Finch, new al so In his labors here, exiresslng the Joy he bss already found In serving his people, and association with his fellow ministers. In Brother Wire's talk the pulpit aa a placu first of all to sound out the gospel message was emphasised. Rrother and Sis ter Drake both were seneroua In their expressions of desire to be of the greatest service possible. Dr. E. C. Macy spoke a few words for the church membership, expressing the hope that we would not have need of a like occasion for years to come. Mrs. J. J. Hansen sang' the beautiful solo, "Lead' Kindly Light." Mrs. Bert Lewis gave a reading on "Our Ab sent Soldier Boys." Four of our Bible school girls. Mel ha Macy. Louise Everton, Wilds Huggcrth and Eleanor Courts sang a sunshine song It being also the occasion of Broth er and Sister Drake's wedding anni versary, the church presented Mrs. Drake with an electric iron. Re- freshmenta were served and In this formality gave way to Informality and everyone chatted nntll a late hour. MRS. GRANT THRASHER. Dinner Uumta Miss Florence llocock, Robert Iteatul and J lie I Host ill were dinner gueata at the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. R. Herman Friday night. Sf:p Lively! Ccm Qiil nilh'Gslflt" The Great Cora-Loosenar of the Afe, XtTW fails. Painless. Watch my slept What's the .) I a alona" "riant side up without cwra." .v.n with corn, baiaua I us " tbe palnl.aa, ort-lik.-a-ba-nan-p..) vorii r.inov.r. triad lhr ways gators, until I was blue '-tZ,.,,. (swvcwifwih,waUMHcir in the fsrs snd rd In the lo No more lir me. I'ae "ots-H.' It S.r.r falls Tou'-h any corn or rsl lus with two drops of "(l.ts-lt," ' and "U.(-Ii" dn.s the rest. It' a r.ll.f to b. able to slop cunlnir corns, making them ble.d, wrapil th.m up Ilk. parksg.s anil ualii stlrky tape and lv.. It r.mnv.a any corn clear and leaving ine io as mnoiR aa your palm. You ran waar thoaa new ahos without pain, rinnco ami b frlaky on your Ivl. It'a arrant to uaa "tleta-tt." "(Irts-lt, Ih. suarant.fil, money, aura way. coaia but a trill at any dm atora. MTdby sVLawrnoeCo..Chluan.1l Sold In Grants Pass and recom mended aa the world's best corn remedy by George C. Sabln. AUTO SUPPLIES Large Stock of Ford Accessories Full Stock U. S. Tires H'K DO KINK HIIOK KKI'AIIUSU Jewell Hdw. Go. From Rhode Island- Arthur Boozer, of Providence, R I., father of Rer. L. Myron Borfzer, arrived last night and will spend a few days here. Mr. Boozer has been In Arizona for the past four weeks Investigating mining properties for a New England firm, with whom he has been connected for the past IB years. Red Cross Dance at Deer Creek There will be a dance given by the Deer Creek auxiliary ot the Red Cross at the Grange hall on Satur day, June 29. Big ball, fine floor, good supper and the Mahoney or chestra. Roads are good, evening's fine, and there will be a warm wel come In a good causer. Tickets $2. HARNESS Mow BUY IT FROM US You may think you can get along without that new set of Harness But will it pay you? Some Single Harness at your own price GRANTS PASS HARDWARE i.