r AOR TWO IttllV UOGl'B lUVKIt COVIUKIl IN DAT, JINK 80, I Old. Oil ROGUE RIVER COURIER, Published Dally Except Saturday j A. B. VOORHIES, Pub. and rropr.' . ,. i Entered at postofflcs. Grants rasa.; Or., ai second dasa mall matter: ADVERTISING RATFS ' Dlaplay spacs. per Im n 15 Local-personal column. jwr Una 10c Headers, per line - &f Pure Filtered Goods ItOTTI.KD lY 18 VNOKU Of II OWN lAW.h AXD AIWOM TKr.Y a'AniTKKI CIDER VINEGAR SALAD OIL OLIVE OIL KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY Ql'AI.ITY HIWT DA1LT COURIER By mall or carrier, per year... . 00 By mall or carrier, por month.. .& WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year -....II. &0 MEMBER j State Editorial Association j Oregon Dally Newspaper I'ub. Aaso. MEMBER OF "ASSOCIATED TREs- The Associated Preaa Is exclusively stool conttrm-tion, the foreman rivet entitled to tba use for replication i . . , ,..,, . ..... of all ue s dispatches credited to It I v ' or not otherwise credited la thls'wer all laid up In hospitals and: paper and also the local new. pub-,the,p wer, bdng m,ed by u. All rtgh's of r -publication or spe cial dtsm.tches herein are also reserved. is In a new Horn puhlUhvd in the Courier Inst Monday meiiilou was iiiuulo of the 'tst)llnhmriit of a nuvul hospital noar ()iieeunlown. Mrs. At Inn Hay Wise, of Rd. No. 4, Informal the Courier that the building re ferred to la Roxtrllen caxtlo. five miles' from Queenrtown, across the eovo of Cork. Mr. Wine, was born In the ca.tlle, which Is very old and at one time was a nunnery. A broth er of Mr, Wise owns the adjoining estate, and wrote shout Hostollon being lined as an American hospital. Rnaollen has 6.000 acres of land, a son wall and a private pier, Mrs, W! has a photoitraph of the enstlo taken more than 40 years nfro. SrXDAY.JlXE 23, 1018. slstant just recovering from attack of disease. Inspection showed that the yard lacked sanitary toilets snd equip ment for serving the men warm meals. It had too small number of drinking fountains. Moreover. IE SPECIMEN ORE E. W. Shuttuck of the Apptcgatp section was In the city last week on business, lie brought with him some flno samples of specimen ore, and also a bottle of gold whK h. he had tanned out from iliromrm-ti,i a large city sewer which ran over the rock from . ,odR9 whh he fwnt. tide flats near the shipyard was y opened on Thompson creek. Mr broken open, making easy the spread Sliattuck says ho has a bucket full x l ORHGOX WEATHER Probably fair; cooler tonight . In east 'portion. Gentle winds of disease through tiles. The ship yard company had called the atten tion of the nearby city to the bad condition of Its sewer, only to be told that no city funds would be syll able for repairing the break until July. When the government stepped In through the shipping board, back ed by the military authorities, who . that yard until the sewer was re- SAXITATION AND SHIPBUILDING paired, there was a hurried meeting What the United States learned at'' unc11 nd Pclal great coat la digging the Panama proprlatlon of $6,000 to make re canal Is beginning to pay rich Mr- P1- 11 took ipec,al "nance ldends la aiding the construction of u M done flve da" fter rnc,e ' e a at.. W th mat new merchant marine now oam Bl on i J" of specimen ore In which free gold is very plentiful, and he has out on the dump a lot of $100-ore. The ledge, which has been traced tor a considerable distance, Ilea between slate and porphyry walls. The spe cimen ore was taken from a chimney at the Junction of six stringers of free gold bearing ore. ' Mr. Shattuck has been mining on Thompson creek since 1910. building. Comparable In size and Im portance, the two jobs have other striking similarities in the problems of sanitation which threatened the Success of work on the) Isthmus, but; which are being solved quickly inj this country through radical reforms In health .regulation and community spirit found so effective there. Under direction of Lieutenant Col- IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY t B D. W. H. The work accomplished by the Junior Red Cross in Josephine coun- onel Philip 8. Doane, the shipping (ty la of special interest, not only to board's department of health and,the cnola" of the schools, but to 1 parents, teachers and friends. The sanitation is supervising every one excellent work our young people of the scores of shipyards for the ha?e been dolng the past gx months protection of workers. Eager co-hows the same patriotic spirit, as operation has been received from has been shown In' everything our state, municipal and industrial agencies, which recognize that Improved conditions sought to the be county has been asked to do. Alpha chapter, organized at the East building In this city on January 17 V9i iha firer In iha rmtntv snd created are of more than passing; the flrst )n the gtate and g,n(,e nn benefit in the matter of health, asjgchools nave Deen organizing auxll- well as "good business." Results . aries so that at the present time we have Justified the efforts by leasing the labor turn-over, decreasing the loss of time due to sickness and hastening the output of the ships needed to win the war. Some striking Instances of the de partment's work were made public recently by the shipping board. Some weeks ago, at a little ship yard recently set down In a rather Refnffee garmenU 18. camp the POLICE. HUG NINE Amsterdam, June 22. According to a dispatch received here today nine strikers were killed and 36 others wounded this morning in a clash with the police In the novrrn ment railway shops u( Budapest. DRAFTED MEN LEAVE MONDAY (Continued from .page 1) William Kdwln Machin. Ross Crow. Prank Leslie Tato. Charles' Marvin Randall. Forrest Johnstone, (ieorne. Dora. Calvin Homer Zuver. Edward Sanford Maloney. Arthur Wheadon Ash. Collin William Campbell. Ray Hosea Wilson. Clarence Edward Chapln. Donald Audley Wilcox. Mil ford Elbert Brock. Walter Earl Ferren. . Edward Pnrsons Fnrcnteau. Jamev Alonzo VanDorn. Alternnto Robert William Kltterman. Herbert Bull. Frank Robert Warner. Frank Otto Grove. Leo Jacob Wledcrkehr. Karl Karg. w Stars on Hug Five new stars hnve been added to the servl;o flag of Newman M. E. church. They are for Morris Bo--ock, Cuthbert Courtney, Carroll Cornell, Warren Armstrong and Reuben Close, who have entered gov ernment service. On Saturday another call was re ceived by the local board for St more men to be sent to Camp Lewis to entrain during the five day period beginning July 22. This call for S4 men exhausts the Ctnss 1 list and leaves 20 to be provided from other sources. Our classified ads bring results coming EVi::ns June 25, Tuesday Mrs. Caslner speaks 'for Council of Defense at Riverside park, afternoon. June 29, Saturday Duuce at DiM j Creek by Red Cross auxiliary. have 50 schools organized In county, a total of 1,650 pupils. The last two that organized Just before the school year ended was I District 33, Kerby, Margaret Coch rane, teacher: District 54, Heleije Knlps, teacher. The number of articles made by the schools In the county since the Junior Red Cross was organized up jto the present time are as follows: sun- sieepy Atlantic coast town an out- plies, fun books, 102; gun wipes, break of dysentery was reported j 90,000; kitchen holders. Ill; gun among shipyard workers. The ship-!"?8' 1-032: rol,a- e'T hospital ping board's sanitary engineer found 'I!6' palr; dom,no,, amI .. . ....,.,. (checkers, 3 sets; puzzle picture, 3; that, while the drinking water sup- dlsh towe!s m. Iavetteg ply used la the yards was entirely j 6 pairs; hospital supplies, property pure, being chlorinated, there wasibags, fiO; wash cloths, 738; bed DISTRICT CLEUK'S ANNUAL REPORT St hool District No. 7 (This report Is a duplicate of the District Clerk's Annual Report, as kept on file in the District Clerk's Record Book Section 188, Oregon School Laws of 1917 and must lie tilled out, forwarded to and filed with the County Superintendent not later than nve days after the annual school meeting In each year.) - Financial Statement Cash on hand at time of making last annual -report Juno 18, 1917 - I 4,975.88 Iter'elpts Received from County Treasurer from district tax.... 23,159.51 Received from County Treasurer from county school fund 10,760.00 Received from County Treasurer from State school fund 2,418.00 Received from tuition Co. H. S. fund ' 4,822.50 Received from high school tuition, fee 83.52 Received from all other sources 1,019.55 spreads, 27; comTort pillows, 548; fracture pillows, 37; surgical masks, 23. Miscellaneous articles, sweaters, '4; scarfs, C; socks, 1 pair; wristlets. 97' nnplflnir hfivna IrnltMnfl best way of eliminating all chances needles, 2 pair, napkins, 323, tray In the matter, the sanltarv engineers covers, 84; handkerchiefs, 498; a temporary water supply for con crete mixing, In which polluted river water was used. Workmen had drunk from the concrete water sup ply, despite warning signs. As the Total : $47,208.9(1 147,268.90 ItlMlnirsrmentM Paid for tachers' wages $25,136.39 Paid for rent of rooms and lte 60.00 Paid for fuel and school supplies 3,941.64 Paid for repairs. Improving grounds, and janitor work 2,699.75 Paid on principal and lnteretit on bond and war- , rants 3,712.99 Paid for insurance i :.. 83.30 Paid for district clerk's salary 300.00 Paid for all other purposes 3,719.32 Total ! $39,053.39 Cash on hand 7.615.57 $73,000.00 NONB arranged for purifying the concrete water too, using chloride of lime to make it safe to drink. dust cloths, 20; knitted squares 142. Through the untiring efforts of Mrs. Mary I). Canby, chuirman of chapter school committee and her The Pacific coast threw Its energy eo-workers, Josephine county schools into shipbuilding to each good pnr-bave made a record in Junior Red pose that it launched the flrst mer- Crofl work that wonl(1 1,6 h!ml ,0 neat. Plans are now being formed for the work to be taken up In Sep- chant ships and made the first ship building records. Likewise, In Its eagerness to build ships, the Pacific coast occasionally overlooked good sanitation. One yard In that locality was handicapped by sickness. Workmen were hired only to quit, and during a single week the euperintendent of tember. the beginning of the term. fall r-iienaunesi Pays. Cultivate the Imblt of meeting folks with a show of friendliness. Life will be made sweet to you If you tiiko more Interest In your neighbor's health, business, hopes, success and failures. Amount of bonded Indebtedness Amount of outstanding warrants Amount of other Indebtedness NONE Total Indebtedness w $73,000.00 (icncral Number of acres in school grounds thirteen Estimated value of gchoolhouseg and grounds $11 fi, 000. 00 Estimated value of school furniture and apparatus 6,000.00 Amount of insurance on schoolhousos and other property 78,500.00 Average monthly salary of male teachers 138.33 Average monthly salary of female teachers 80.00 Amount of special district tax levied ; 7 mills Valuation of taxable property In the district - $3,004,000.00 Vrl Ideate of DIMrlet Ollloers We hereby certify that we have carefully examined the hooks and ac counts of the District Clerk, as required by Section 195, of the flilmol Laws of 1917, and that we hnve found the. same to bo true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. We further certify that this report Is an exact copy of the annual re port In the District Clerk's Record Book, and we believe the same to be full and correct. (Signed) E. C. MACY, Chairman of .Board. (Signed) L. B. HALL, Director. ' (Signed) GEO. E. LCNDBIIRO, Director (Signed) EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, District Clerk. I, W. R. Jeff era, do hereby certify that I have carefully examined the books and accounts of Edward 8. VanDyke, Clerk of School District No. 7, and have found the same to he entirely true and correct. I further certify that I have prepared the financial statement et forth herein and the var ious Items and totals thereof have been InBertd In my own hand-writing and are entirely correct. I find the books and accounts of the said Clerk kept In a complete and satisfactory manner. , Dated this 13th day of June, 1918. W. R. JEFFERS. Black 'fiend Red SkJosl v--' i., '.-.l:Rnv ..vr.'.r T Ltl Hill. .l I & One Diamond For Every Three Gars In America MOTORISTS nro buying Diamond Tires in such numbers thut over 2,000,000 nre now in service easily, ono for every Ihreo curs in America. Tliis putronngo Is significant when you consider thnt tho bi'4 demand for Diamonds comes from motorists who huvo used them In previous yeurs and insist upon Diumond mileujje again. Such demand can bo commanded only by tires of super-vulue. A Diamond Tube la likely to outwear your car itself. Mad In Gray and Red, in sixes to fit any make of tire. IhCiDiamond Rubber Co. AKRON, OHIO Local Distributor Grants Pass Hardware Co. 209 6th St Grants Past, Ore. T I Til III T T T T T T 1 lTTl n I I I T 1 I 1 I M BSMlWHagP TIRES SQUEEG Second Hand Fords $175 $300 $350 c. l; hobart co. tz? i A MONARCH in qualitya demo- vm) III " crat in service. These tirca &p ' 'lfci U-f 'CJl 1 J S have AJAX Shoulder, of Jif f V, .mI III A MONARCH in quality a rr;it In nrrvice. Thrao t have AJAX Shoulders o Strength bu;lt m to stvpurt me trcau wncre ciran u v more mileage be ' cause of jr More 1 read .1 - on me 4- Ai 31 TfnA J r"SZ' 11 ; 61 Wfl'S 1 .. T'f g J yt wy y- mm. Irpnotli ili' DaMa d;Ai ua,u r K, lllddle, Miiiiiikit "l "WhiU Others Are Claiming Quality, Va Ar Cuiranteclng It" wiTtinnTiTi'ir:;""i-t.-'W-iiA'j-,t.r-r