Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, June 20, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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ninu rnnnr
L.L mm niun uuuan
Pabllthed C-eept Saturday
A. K. VOORHIES, Pub. and Propr.
BatereJ it poatofflce, Granta Pasa,
Or, m second data mall matter.
Meplay tpaee, per lach ,T"r !5
Laeal-personal eolumn. pr tin loc
BMltn, per lint.
By man or carrier, per year .11.00
By mall or earrlor, per month.. .
By mall, per year. ILeO
8tate Editorial Association
Oregon Dally Nowipaper Pub. Ann.
n. i..vuxl Pmu la exclusively
titled to the ate for republication
mt all wt dtspatchea credited to It
....via prcdlted In thU
paper and alto the local newt pub
lUhed henla.
AH rights of r publication of tpe-
taai aiapi.icnee nrreiu r mimi
THVK8DAT, JVKS 20, 1918.
Probably fair except pro-
tble bowera In the extreme
southwest portion. Gentle
fiijU fnnatlv walterlV.
Stoiiee from the front in theee big
days testify that onr aoldleri are
fighting "like demons," and laugh
lag demons at that Their seal for
combat Is matched by their high
spirits. They go Into battle eagerly.
with song and jest They wield bay
net and grenade with a laugh. They
return shouting if they are unhurt
and smiling if they are wounded.
"The front," writes a eonrespon
dent, "Is probably the most cheerful
place on earth. Where shells fly
and life Isn't worth a nickle, noth
lag matters to anybody."
Other nations, generally speaking.
light grimly. Even Tommy, the most
exuberant of our allies, Is somewhat
sobered now. But the American,
who has always what Kipling calls
"the cynic devil in his blood," and
what most of us call simply a een
tense of humor, grows merry where
othera grow gloomy.
"I have heard more funny stories
and more laughter among our men
in the line In one night," says a
veteran correspondent, "that I have
heard la all the rest of the time I
have been In Europe."
It Is not flippancy, as our Sam-
sales' heroic record attests. It is the
night touch" of strong, confident
men, who know exactly what they
arc doing and how they are going
to do It Their apparent frivolous-
Bets Is the foam that covers a strong
deep current It Is a by-product of
tremendous energies In action.
Beware of fighters who laugh. Our
toys' laughter Is the death knell of
Now congress has settled down to
serious consideration of the taxation
problem, there Is reason to hope that
we shall have tax legislation worthy
of the time and occasion. The pres
ent Intention Is to rewrite the pres
ent revenue act, doing away with Its
confusions and Inequalities. There
will be a tingle comprehensive and,
let ns hope, intelligible law, Instead
of one crude law superimposed on
another to the perplexity and des
pair of 'taxpayer and' tax collector
alike) . ; . -! . . 'j'.: '
This simplification In Itself will
fee a great gain If the work is well
done. Still more Important Is the
limlnatlon of oversights and Injus
tices Inherent In the present system.
.Nobody apparently it to be taxed
Ask For
more lightly, but those who hare
heretofore escaped their due obllga-;
tlon will be taxed more heavily.
The S per cent surtax on certain
of tamed Incomes will remain, and
the rate on other Incomes will be
leveled op with It In the case of
unearned Incomet a still higher rate
may be Imposed. Corporations that
have escaped paying excess profit
taxes through the device of overcap
italization and a nominally low rate
of Income will be taxed according to
their earning! on actual investment.
"Profiteering" In general will be
handled without gloves; congress
may tax war profits nearly as high
at England, which collects SO per
cent At much as SO or 90 per cent
of our largest personal Incomet may
be taken.
Congress hat an unusual oppor
tunity to do a big, statesmanlike Job.
IU progress win be watched with In
terest by a nation which la willing
to pay any number of bllllona to win
the war, provided the taxes are ap
portioned wisely and equitably.
Portland, June 20. Neea of rain
stilt Is the keynote of the crop sit
uation, according to the weekly sum
mary of weather tnd crop conditions
Issued by the wetther bureau here.
Beneficial showers fell in a few scat
tered localities, mostly east of the
Cascade mountains, but drought con
tinued generally throughout the
state and a majority of the staple
crops, where not Irrigated, were suf
fering from lack of rain, lays the
report. With unusually hlgn day
and night temperature! cropa under
Irrigation made rtpld growth tnd at
the close of the week were In a sat
isfactory condition. Aphlt were
itni numerous In the Willamette val
ley tnd htd made their appearance
In Wasco county, while complaints
were received of damage by grass
hoppers In Umatilla and Klamath
Some Injury to winter wheat In
Umatilla county resulted, from the
hot winds of the early part of the
week and thlt crop wat also begin
ning to fire in other districts dn ac
count of the drought Rye was poor
to good, In some places having been
cut for hay, while in others it re
ceived some benefit from local
showers and was In better condition.
Spring wheat also wat much In need
Our Guarantee-
Your grocer "will refund
the full price you paid
for iWJB if it does
not please your taste, no
matter how much you
have used out of the can
Quality First
of rain, was heading short and some
fields were drying out and others'
soon will burn. Barley and oat
were In fair shape on Irrigated lands
bat very poor on dry farms.
The first crop of alfalfa Is practic
ally all cut In Morrow and Umatilla
counties, cutting has begun In Mal
heur, county and haying will prob
ably be general during the coming
week, with poor to fair yields ex
pected. Noa-lrrtgated paaturet and
ranges are drying up and livestock
are beginning to show the effects of
drought, although still doing fairly
welL -
The strawberry season is nearly
over In the lower Hood River valley;
early cherries art ripening In many
localities and picking It under way
in Wasco county, with some or
chards showing fair crops. The out
look It favorable for an ' excellent
crop of loganberries, and pickers
are urgently needed to assist In har
vesting this crop.
Under the favorable temperature
conditions corn made rapid advance
ment but now needs rain; potatoes
are still promising but still need
moisture to Insure satisfactory re
sults. Many gardens tre Infested
with aphis and this Insect pest ha
worked great Injury to pess and
other truck crops.
Might Htve All Right But fer
Unfortunate Happening Inventor
Ceuld Not Fereeee.
The poets tnd others, mainly other,
have sting of the virtues and blessing
of sleep. No class of men guards
sleep is carefully as the doctors.
Some one, with all the wise theories
of tdvertlslng. decided to mnil his lit
tle call for buslnesa to the medical
men of Indlannpolls. He.ient a large
sum getting up some real snappy staff.
He figured out sll the psychology and
personal appeal, with til of tbe big
"I" stuff he could, tnd then some. He
laid plans to reap a harvest. He did
His good money' went to the print
er. More went to Uncle 8am for
stamps. This wise ad writer put a
special delivery stamp on each of his
Result: The doctors of Indianapo
lis were awakened about 1 a. m. to
sign for bunch of printed matter.
Every doctor seen says he tore up
the booklet snd with curses deported
the unread pieces In the waste pnper
basket or elsewhere.
With groans and harsh words the
medical men went back to hed. It
was a great Ides. Indianapolis News.
Tractor Vs. Mule.
Ten mules can haul, about two tons
of material and their work tt limited
to ten hours, hut the tractor hauls 25
tons and covers t distinct of 20 miles
at the. same time. .
Most. ;
Ask your grocer
! The Country Club orchards uear
I Merlin, have 15 acres of Loganuer
jrlea from which a good crop will be
sin to ripen during the early part of
July and at least 100 pickers will bf
needed, women and young folki
And loganberry picking profitable
and pleasant work, The wages paid
for this season are the hlgheat ever
offered for thlt kind of work.
The berry vines are trelllsed on
wires, ao there Is no need of much
stooping tt In picking strawberries.
The berry Held Is keep tt clean as
a garden and everything It to be
done to contribute to the comfort
and pleasure of those who aid In the
picking. Many of the pickers are
arranging to ramp along the creek
which tklrtt one tide of the berry
Held. Others will live In the teveral
houses which the company has
thrown open and provided with
cook-stoves, ttblet, wood, wtter and
other conveniences.
Beveral parties are arranging to
club together and go out and re
turn In an automobile to be furnish
ed by one of the party, but the ex
pense to be borne by all. A truck
hat been engaged to carry those who
must return to their hornet In the
city etch evening. A very small
charge It to be tsked for thlt truck
trtnsportttlon, to be deducted from
the etrnlngs of the severtl pickers.
This Is said to be the largest lo
ganberry Held In southorn Oregon,
snd the women tnd young folks are
much needed to Insure the saving of
the berry crop. Those who csn ar
range to spend two or three weeks
In the berry field should pnone or
write to J. P. Ferry at once address
ing him at Merlin, or phoning him
over OOO-P-J.
Those who volunteer for this work
will not only be assurred a fair pay
ment for their services, but will en-
Joy a pleasant outing, snd can feel
that they are playing a very useful
and patrlbtlo part In saving the
berry crop, which Is so much needed
to whet the appetite of the soldiers
Of course we ire entitled to It
And we should ttkt great paint to se
cure the fullest measure of' It. Bo
much msy be taken for granted; the
Important queatlon Is, when and where
kail we find pleasure? Sir Walter flag
shot give hit opinion thtt business Is
much more arousing than pleasure.
I suppose he niesnt that man who la
in love with hit work will get more
real "fun" out of It than wis ever gath
ered In so-called "places of amuse
ment" Many of onr pleasures do little
more for us than kill time. They do
not kill care, for tt comes back again
the next morning. He Is a wise man
who more and more learnt to get hit
tmnsement ont of tht serious work
he Is doing. Then If he tskes an occa
sional hour or dsy, for sport or the
"passing show," he will come bsck to
bis real task In life to find his resl en
tertainment What finer art than that
of having i good time In the thing
which one has to do? Immensely wiser
tnd more profoundly philosophies!
than the practice of plsrtnlng for the
good time afterward. George Clarke
while; at wad
Kuoriib, Oni!floN,-"I certainly owe a
groat deal to Dr. Pierce's Iti-medies; tlirnn
aiuareiit times they
have saved my lite.
One time 1 had
trouble with my
lung snd the doctor
said that 1 could not
Jet well. I took
W. fierce' (Joldun
Medical Discovery
and It cured me.
During another III
neea the doctors said
there was no chance
for my recovery. I
took two bottles of
Ir Plarm'a l.'.nlt
Prescription and cot well. Again doctors
said that the only thing to save my life
was an operation, and at once, too. I
again took tho 'Favorita Prescription'
and the'Uolden Medical Discover,' and
they bronght mo throngh Just line well,
snd without sn operation, so I cannot
speak too highly of thnsn wonderful reme
dies." Mrs. Alma Jabvis, VU W. 2d 8t
RosNiURO, Orrooh. " During expect
ancy I was ho poorly I could not keep a
i ii i ii K on my
stomscn and mr
head and back
ached terribly all
the time and I was
so nervous. A
friend told me
about Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion. I took three
bottles tnd never ,
afterward. The
first dose helped
me. My baby was
a nice, healthy
child. 1 think the
'Prescription' Is simply great I am glad
to recommend It." Mm. C. A. Friend.
851 Mother titreet.
"Favorite Prescription" and "Golden
Medical Discovery " are both pnt op In
liquid end tablets. If not obtainable at
c tiers, send 10 cento to Doctor Pierce,
invalid-'. HnU'l, Buffalo, N. Y tnd he
will mail trial linkage of either tablet
m M;
'IV SH i
The Standard Oil for Motor Corf
The Popular Motor Oil
More ZEROLENB Is used for
lutomobilti on tht Pacific
Coast than all other olit com
Leading motor ctr distributor!
prals ZKROLKNE, correctly
rthned from selected Califor
nia aiphalt-base crude, because
it maintains Itt lubricating
bod tt cylinder belt tnd gtvst
perfect lubricttion with lest
wear and lest carbon deposit
Get our lubrication chart snow
ing tht correct consistency lor
your ctr.
Alt 4mHn v)rvwAr tuitf SihSW
CM Swvm Sltimn
' (CMia)
C. I. KIK8, Special Agent
Standard 00 Co., GraaU rasa
Amsrles's leverttt Winter,
A letter from John Whiter' t Rev
Dr. Cotton Mather rtewrllies grtiih
Ically the aevereit winter mihI itwi
snow ever recorded In Amojim : "It
held the north hslf of the imminent in
Itt grip. In the Illinois miiiiir.v in
thlt winter of 1716 tnd 1717 Hi
fell to t depth of sis feet mi the
pralrlea tnd bided ao long lhal all
wild animal life, turh t Hie larger
game buffalo, elk, deer and tntelui
died. The buffalo snd anti'lne never
crossed the Mississippi river, and
these two species (peculiarly plain
tnd prairie rnmlnsnts) never rame
back, but elk and deer and other large
gnme 1 1 I.
Notice it hereby given this the
county superintendent of Josephine
county, Oregon, will told the regu
lar examination of applicants for
'state certificates at Grants Psas In
the county court house, is follows:
Commencing Wednesdsy. June 2.
1I1S, at 1:00 o'clock a. m., tnd con
tinuing until Saturday, , June 19.
118, it 4:00 o'clock p. m. " i
WeOneMlny h ore noon
IT. 8. Hlalory, Writing (Penman
ship), Music, Drawing. .
Wednesday Afternoon
' Physiology, Reading. Manual
Training," Compoaltlon, Domestic
Science. Methods In Reading. Course
of Study for Drawing, Methods In
i Arithmetic. t
f Thumday Forenoon
Arthlmetlc, History of Education,
i Psychology, Methods In Geography,
; Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art,
'Course of Study for Domestlo Art.
Thursday Afternoon " .
j' Grammar, Geography, Stenog
raphy, American Literature, Physics.
Theslt for Prlmtry Certlfieite.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthography
(Spelling), Phytlctl Geography,
English Literature, Chemistry, Phy
sical Culture. ,
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology,'-' 'Algebra,
Civil Government"'
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon
General History, Bookkeeping.
Positively the World's Largest Attraction on Tmir
- Present the Mggest Dramatic Spectacle on Karth
"The Wanderer"
Staged by David Delasoo ' . ' . f . I
Greatest All-star Cast In litatcriof American Stage, Including
Nance O'Nell, James O'Nell, Claries Dalton, Frederick Lewis, Olga
Newton, Jean-Robertson, Morel : Braham, .Florence Auer, Sydney
Herbert and a host of other start.,, ,
PRICKS BOc to $2.00
Mail Orders Now, Thlt la NOT A MOTION PICTl'RB
IMPORTANT NOTICK The Mora have been to arranged at U
provide plenty of good seats for everylliody's purse. '
Correct Lubrication
' for the Air-Cooled
Type Engine
Engines art cither wa-tar-cooled1
or air-cooled.
Thlt, tht air cooled
type, like til nremef
eoflihvtffoa enfiMa, re
quires an oil thlt holds
itt full lubricating qual
ities at cylinder heat,
burnt clean In the com
buttlon chambers and
goal out with tahtust
ZEROLENE fills these
requirements perfectly,
ec4MM It it cornel! re
AW from 111 Calf.
fnrnia tpKttt- b onus.
In iiit'i' lift iiifilii!:
Built on Honor
Rogue River Hareware
Geo.' It. Riddle, Mgr.
SB a 'u,
i-u.l. .:.