Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, June 19, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    WinNKAIiAV. Jl'.NK 10, IttR.
Published Daily Except Saturday
A. S. VOORHIES, Pub, and Propr.
iater4 at poatofficv, Grants Peae,
Or., a second class mail matter.
Maplay apace, par Inch lie
Leoal-pereonal column. per Una 10c
Headers, par Una....
By matt or oarrler, par yer..;.U.OO
By mail or earrtar, par month.. .50
By mall, par year ...$1.60
M.I. Villlnrtal AMnClSUOB
Oregon Dally Nawapapar Pub. Amu.
Tba Aaaoelatod Press la exclusively
titled to tba at for republication
of all newa dispatches credited to It
r act otherwise credited la thl
mptr and aiao tba local lews pub
Uabad heriin.
All rlghta of r 'publication of spe
cial diapt.tcbaa herein ara alao
Tha U.S. Feci! Administration
Try RYZON fc&j Pmvdrr
. ...-
Fair and warmer Thursday
except near the coast, moderate
orOiwaatarlv winds.
no better, and no worae. than their
government. Both have reverted to
barbarian). Both are our anemlea.
Both muit have the fear of Ood
pounded Into them.
Addressing A college graduating
dase, an American educator aayi:
"If German boys commit atroci
ties. It is not because they are by
nature more brutal than other boys
It Is because they have been apeclnc-
ally trained so that when the order
for an atrocity rlnga out, though a
young man's whole nature may rise
up In opposition to It, instinctively
' "We are not the enemies of the
German people. We are the friends
. of the German people, helping them
to fight against their own worst ene-
my the German government."
A Nearly all pf us used to think that
way, . write that way and talk that
way. We'd like to do so atlll. But
; we can't. All the facto fly In the
' face of any theory that distinguishes
morally the German kaiser or gov
ernment and the German people of
this generation. The Germans them-
elves hare Indignantly repudiated
all attempts to make the distinction,
and their acts support their words.
j We can't blame it all on the Ger
man rulers. There have been plenty
of atrocities committed by express
order; but there lent any evidence
that orders were ever issued to bay-
onet babies, mutilate women and
crucify captured foes. It Isn't the
kaiser who spits In the faces of help
less prisoners as they are paraded
thronrh German towns. It isn't
HIndenburg or Ludendorlf or Tir
pits who smashes a sick prisoner on
the head with a rifle butt, or lashes
him till the flesh is raw and pours
lye on the wounds. It Isn't the reich
stag that tortures starving men with
. . the sleht of food, throws filth ' at
- them and calls them "swine-dogs."
It Isn't abstract German authority
that pours coffee on the ground rath
er fhn riva It to sick and famished
captives It's German Red Cross
Cnttlng prisoners' throats, pre
tending to surrender and ..then
treacherously shooting the captor in
:. the back, defiling occupied homes
' and sacred places of the enemy,' all
the multitudinous cruelties and hu
miliations inflicted on men, women
And 'children coming into their pow
er by the rank and file of the Ger
man army and by the civilian popu
lation of interior Germany, we are
driven to credit to the German peo
ple themselves, '
go far as we can see now, they are
By C. C. Lyon
With the American Army In
France, June 1. I have Just come
out of the trenches on the American
firing line.
I have alept with the American
boys In their dugouts, stood guard
with them In their lookout posts,
seen them go over the top with fixed
bayonets, and have aeen some of
them wounded and killed by German
I have talked confidentially with
hundreds of them, all the time trying
to form an opinion as to Just how
waaA soldiers our Americans are. - 1
now feel that my Judgment ia worth
something. Here it is:.
If the United States will put one
million bayonets on the western
front within the next few months and
pull oft a real offensive, in co-opera
tion with the French and the Brit
ish, this war will be over in a Jiffy.
I am firmly convinced now that
nothing can stop our Americans once
they get started.
They have the recklessness ana
the daring of the best Canadian
e he big
(Continued from page 1)
move toward the rear of the famous
Monte Qrappo key to the Italian
mountain positions, or else to men
ace the Venetian plains and the city
of Venice, It Is certain that the. Aus
trlans are fighting desperately to
hold what the have so far
Washington, June 1. Many self
acknowledged contingent fee agents
appeared before the department of
Justice today to explain their opera
tlons and ask clemency la any action
taken to break up the exposed system
of defrauding the government and
WalUee Owuuil U New Camp
On Active Service with the American
Expeditionary Force
May 11, 1111.
Dear Folks:
, Have your letter of April 14. I
have been farting pretty well la re
gard to wall. The Courier of April
Ma la the only one I have received
aa yet, and have the Observer for
April 10th. It comes every week.
Our deUchmenl moved back with
the rest of Company A last night and
I saw Dana Ament.. He Jumped on
me for getting le'ters through ao
often. He has written about every
week and his letters must have been
lost somewhere In transit.
Am not surprised at the Murrays
coming back to Orants Pasa but they
will all do It after they see any other
country and live there the year round
.Received the Mount Pleasant Cour
ier along with other second-class
mall a couple of days'ago.
I thought ' told you about meet
Ing Worth and also Dana, besides a
fellow from Mount Pleasant by the
name of Cady, who Is also In Comp
anv A. We were schoolmates at
the Kinney school.
, One of the boys gets the Oregon
Ian and another the Detroit News.
So I am pretty well Informed a mon
th or six weeks late. It la good to
look them thru anyway and tee the
advertisements of honest to God
things for sale in the good old U.8.A
I don't think I am going to like
this camp near aa well Sa our last
one. There are many, many more
men in this camp. : With a couple of
games of : base ball and boxing
matchea every night here, 1 would
sooner have the camp w bad before
with the little creek to wash and
bathe In. Even up here It Is hard
to conceive thai there Is war going
on in this sector. '
. The big guns can be heard and oc
casional airplanes from both the
Boche and the French van be seen
high up In the sky. At the other
eamp we could see the planes nearer
the ground.
For Just week we have had no
rain and it la trying mighty hard to
keep from It today, but I am afraid
that before the day it finished It will
rain. .
Had a letter from Clyde Smith the
other day. lie la working out of
Marshfleld, but was expecting to be
firing mogul out of Portland toon.
Had a very interesting letter from
Howard Bradford soms time ago In
which be gave me quits a bit of In
formation about the young folks
In Orants Pass. He Is working on
his homestead near town. Speaking
of homesteads, you want to pick out
a good one for me. For when I get
bark I think that Is all I'll be good
for. Am still working the.roads.
With heaps of love to all and my
regards to the Courier force.
' )
Blsbee, Arli., June II. Harry
Wheeler, former sheriff who made a
large deportation of copper miners
last year, cabled today from France,
where he It now a -espials In the
United States army, assuming ; i
sponatblllty for the deportation.
Unduii, June II. The British
successfully raided the German lines
today In the region south of Hebe
terne and north of Albert. The Brit
Ish outpost recently captured by the
dormant near Vleux Berouln was)
recaptured snd some prisoners taken.
Horace Munger, an American sol
dier, writing from France says: "The
Frenchmen rail us 'Wild. Americans'
aad the Oermaos .call us 'brave
fools.' TheeY. M. C. A. It right up
In the trenches. They carry the
tuff right up la the front line tot
the boyt that have te stay there."
Placer and Quarts Mining blanks
at the Courier.
We've noticed one thing. Spontane
ous combustion never starts a fire te
the kitchen ttove. Browning's M ga
ll n.
AiM TtiU
Fart to Your
- Knowledge
Hhww a
Kidney disease often advances e
rapidly that many a person Is flrea
ly In IU grasp before aware of Its
progress. Prompt attention should
be given the slightest symptom of
kidney disorder. If there la a dull
pain In the bsrk, headaches, dltsy
pells or a tired, worn-out feeling, or
If the kidney tecretlons are offensive.
Irregular and attended by pain, pro
cure a good kidney remedy at once.
Your townspeople rerommsadl
Dosn'a Kidney I'll Is. Read the etate
ment of this Grants Pasa cltlien.
J. P. Morse, IIS Bridge St., savt!
"Dotn's Kidney rills are all right
and I don't hesitate to tell anyone I
hear complaining of backache or
lumbago about them. I have bena
nearly down and out with these
troubles at tlmea. but when I hsve
taken Doan's Kidney Pills. I hsve
soon been relieved. It Is a year or
more since I have had any trouble
from my hack or kidneys, but I
would know what to do If I should
ever have need of a kidney medicine
again." ;
Price 0c. at all dealers. Dent
stmplv ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney pills the usee
thst Mr. Morse had. Foster-Mllbura
Co , Mf-rt , Buffalo, N. Y.
They have the courage and
inni hpsrts of the best of
They have the bulldog tenacity of
the best British.
And. on their own hooks, they
have a supreme contempt for Ger
man military bluff and bluster.
When a certain American division
was in training under the supervl-i
slon of the French, a high French
general said to me: -
"Your troops are wonderful! They
perform like my own veteran French
trooos. I predict that before this
war is over you Americans will all he
shock troops. ' You know we use only
our fittest for shock fighting."
The general belief which prevades
the American army Is that the pri
mary purpose of their being In
France is to' fight, and not to fiddle
around with an enemy.
Instesd of a tlt-for-tat affair, with
.neither side suffering much damage,
the American craves s knock-down,
drar-out light. He thinks the qulck-
t wav to end thle war it to give
the Germans his hardest llckt in the
shortest possible time,
Put enough of this kind of Amer
leant in the line, and tend them over
the top against the Germans, and
something Is bound to happen.
The only fear that many Ameri
can anlrilAr have is that the war will
Via Atrflf hofnm America's full
strength Is thrown Into the balance.
Her soldiers will be keenly dlsap
pointed If they lose the chance of
pulling off a tremendous offensive of
their own.
The German newspapers sneer at
the American soldier, but 1 was pres
ent in a French battalion headquar
ters, iust on the left of an American
battalion, when several German pris
oners who- had deserted were brought
"Why didn't you go across to the
Americans and surrender?" a French
officer asked them. '
"And get killed?" answered one of
the Germans. "Those wild men
haven't any more sense that to kill
us If they got a chance!"
3& a fire is cxtiuisAcdAyoxcoss fuel, so is tio nat
ural Aoaiomo jSody destroyed y careless diet iu
Lazy Bowels Lazy Brains
Lowered efficiency csn often be traced to
Do yon tire easily I Does your work lack
interest? Is it hard to concentrate?
II so, your intestines may be closed. This
often poisons -the entire system. And
. . other' ills result ' .' .
. Constipation should be treated knowin&lr.
' Don merely buy some remedy htatily
rudy the new snd better way.
- v
' '
The crudest treatment it violent cathartic.
It spurt the system into an abnormal action.
Then comet chronic Constipation. The in
. testinet depend upon artificial activity,.
All this is neediest. All these old-fashioned
purgatives have been replaced.
" Stanoltx it the name of a new and reat cor
rective of intestinal debility. '
Stanolax is s lubricant, not cathartic It '
keeps the walls of the intestine! clean and
healthy. It dissolve! and carries away the
treacherous poisons. It encourages the nor
mal muscular contractions of the intestines.
Stanolax it absolutely' neutral titleless,
- odorless, colorless. It is devoid of dru&t.
It csn be taken in lare or tmall doses with
out the slightest injury. It posset throu&h
the system without beinj di&eited or
Sttnolax ctuset no violent, krippinfe action.
Nor does it injure the intestinal walls. It
soothes while it lubricates.
Free yourself from Constipation now and
stay freed--by keeping your intestines
lubricated with Stanolax.
Your druggist has Stanolax, or will get it
One bottle will convince.
MmufcmrW OnI sr
Standard Oil Company
CUcslo, U. S. A.
Two brothers recently met In s
Y. M. C. A. hut In London. They
had not seen each other In two years.
Subsequently in reading a newspa
per they, came across photographs of
their mother, three other brothers,
themselves and two cousins, all do
ing their "bit." : ... ..
. i ,
STANOLAX is for sale in Grants Pass by n (
ill fltei eI
II II ' ll II
III J"? "''' 2g Ills
iHiiEt" Jul
tasseatsa-MSk "w i n - iiivM-sxeisMB-asBwxwsBrMsBt(HBjsKxsK. ssstswMtt