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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1918)
h M'MI.IY, JINK II. IUIN. d.vilt noaiB Riven ooinicii PAOE RT& si VI - 0 V SUNSET IwuDlNabnAMA ROUTES Changes in Train Schedules Beginning Sunday, June 2 South Shasta Limited No. II discontinued. No. It (o Bun Franclsrn leavra Oranla rM at 1:07 a. in. Instead of, 9:06 a. m. No. "3 to Ban Francisco leaves 0 rants Pssa at 1:50 p. ni. limited of p. m. No. IS to San Frandieo leave Grants at 10; II In load of 10:00 p. m. j North Shasta Mmlted No. II discontinued. No. 14 to I'oitlitnil lear Grant Paa at 1:47 a. in. Instead of 1:16 a. m. No. 54 to Port land Iravea Grant I'aat at 1:10 p. m. InaUad of 6:60 p. in. No. It lo Portland leave Oranla I'aat at 1:11 Instead or 7:20 p. in. , For particulars ask Local Agent Southern Pacific Lines ' 4 (answer to criticism mads b tbc ataU food admlolalratlon. Sunday (obool at 10 a. m. Chrlatlan Kn deavor at 7 p. m. Oood mnalr and a haartjr welcoma. U Myron Hooter, minister. r".",,b,,.l,",,' 'VlnT Hunday, In the W. O. W. nail, ' . I . 2 . 7 ? . I WOneaday evening meet- (IlllUllh 4 llnIIM 4 Imnli Tli ihI.t' theme ni'i ulna will lis "The Paaaoer, What and Why." Tho Urd'a Hu. :r will lie ra'rbrati-d at till c'oin of the dln- roil limit a Lost World." Sunday a hool at 10 oVtnrk. II. Y. P. V. at 7 o'clo-k. Iteintiiilii-r alo the piayer me.tlng (in Thursday evening promptly at I o'clock. A cordial Invitation la ei tended to nil who dralre to worship with ua. B. A. Finch, pastor. Newman M. K. t'liunh Preaching by Hit pator at II a. in. and 8 p. in. At tht mornlny ser vice Iturn will b a aolo by Mra. Arthur Wlble; at thn evening eer vi a an anthem by the choir. Bun day school at 10 a. m. Kpworth league at 7 p. m. A cordial Invita tion lo all. ' Melville T. Wirt, pastor. (Iiurrh of TiH nilile ahool at 10, f)r. E. C. Mary superintendent. ThU la the tearhlnc department of the church and we are raining the standard of usefulness rontlnunlly. Communion at 11 fol lowd by aermon on "More Than Conunerer." .'iinlnr at J. C. K. at 7. Kvenlni arvlre at . Subject "A Trinity tf Trntha." ! ('ha if. r-abe, minister. Fin t'hurrli of Christ ftrlenllst r'hrlatlan Srleuce services are bald Inita at 8 o'clock. The aubject for today la, "Ancient and Modern Ne eromanry, alius Mesmerism and llypnotlam, Denounced. ' The reading room la open from 2 to 4 p. m. dally except Sunday and holldaya. The public la cordially In vited lo attend the tervlcea and to vlalt tho reading room. HI. takes Ivplimipal Sunday school, 9:50 a. m. I p. m. evening prayer and aermon. Rev. Philip K. Hammond, vicar In charge. A cordial Invitation la extended to all. fathoMc Cfcarch Masse on Sunday at 7:10 :t0 a. ni. Rev. Father J. O. Vlen. and Classified AdSvert&rik rOH SALIC O. 4 C. GRANT LANDS--Blua print Plata abowlng land Id Joaephlne county, 11.60. Addrata A. K. Voorblaa, Oranla Paaa. tf FOR SALE Oood modern bouae, clot In, north aide. Inqulia No. 1111. ear Courier. 2ltf IIEMBTITCHIN3 and pacot edga, 10 cent per yard. Mall orders will receive, prompt and careful atten tion. Tba Vanity Shop, Medford Oregon, 114 Waat Mala. 07tf FOR SALE CHEAP-eTbree-quarter ton truck, lo good condition. New tire. Churchill and Maxwell, tf MONEY TO LOAM LOANS Money to loan on city pro perty. Payable monthly, like rent. L. A. Launer, realtor. f I LOOT LOST Automobile tire pump on 81xth atreet Return to 810 car of Courier. 71 ATTORNEYS PAXON'B Superb Dabllaa. Plant flow and up to June 20th. Field grown root, eight for $1; eljht for 2; eight for fl, and up. Par cel poat paid. About half florlat'i Hat price. Write R. H. Paxaon, Central Point, Ore. 4tf II. . D. Norton, Attoraey-et-lew. Practice la all State and Federal Courla. First National Baa Bide COLVIO A WILLIAMS , Attomeye- at-Law Oranla Pees Banking Oo, Bldg. Oranta Paaa, Oregon. Merlin Hervioee Rev. O. W. Black will preach Sun day, June 2, at the morning and evening eervlce at Merlin. Tbe le r vlcea will be at the naual hour. All are Invited to attnd. Newspapers 5 & 10c Bundles- Courier l ilh.m, rpeli) trrlnn tliurtli Morning c;lio at II . m., aer mon by the nilnUl'-r. Ktetilnt ser vice nl h p. in., aililra by mlnlntcr, Thn llm.nM.Ind the Wnaf." an 1 ' 111 V . ,' ; ." .3." ;j. 'i' v..'. :: liff C ' .' 1- ; , ;'v!A;','':i:',,,.:' H;V:'!:;l'i! ;i''!i V ' i f 4 Si '" ' j ' . ! l, " rn rni rm . S J I J I J ' uiani fsananananaaaniHrj E29xd Better Tubes than LEE Tubes can't be made. Take hold of one of these tubes. . Stretch it notice its unusual thickness and tensile strength, its tough yet pliable resiliency. You can actually feet the superiority of LEE Tubes. . " And you know that they are made of pure gum rubber, that they are full size and will fit the casings perfectly. - ' ' v' Then when you consider the leak-proof splice and vulcanized valve base, you can see why LEE Tubes are absolutely proof against slow leaks and why they insure long life to your casings. Two colors to chooiie from Honor (Red) and Hercules (Grey). s COLLINS AUTO CO. JOSEPHINE'S QUOTA IHIIES Continued from Page One.) Ovorge Linton Hay Taldwrll. Roy York. Hobart Ralph Cllflllan. William I. Powere. Bertie Francis Harmon, Redley Floyd Borotirh. Fred Frederick Contain. . Ury Miller. William Albert Gran. .Charlea James Cotton. Marlon Baldwin, (leorge Alfard Sargent. John Lout Matter. Wlllnrd Earl Crawford. Knimin et Other Point Roy Frederick McFarlln, Fred Critcaer. Donnld Prsha-. Henry Hess. Alternate! aul Lorent. TrnnKfi'in-d Heir I'y Ctltv ltwrli lame David West. Wllllea Ross West. FOR SALE Small quarts mill, will grind ton In 10 hour, also jaw cruaher, price $160 for, both. Alao bavt for aale, ISO feet three- fourths Inch pipe. Addreas H. H. McCarthy, Rogue River, Ore. 76 O. S. BLANCHARO.Attorner-at-U Oolden Rule Building. . Phone 270. Oranta Paaa, Oregon. BLANCH ARD ft BLANCHARD, At torneys, Albert block. Phono 12 (-J. Practice in all court; land board attorney. FOR BALE One lorrel horse weight, 1,160, good any where. ten yeara old; one Iron wheeled truck; one single surrey; one aet expreas harness; one leaf barrow, and one one-horae cultivator. Box 13 Three Pine, Ore. 77 GOOD gentle horse, between 900 and 1,000 pounds. Work single or double, good to pack or ride, for sale or trade for good cow. O. H. Pease. Placer, Ore. 77 SNAPS 6-room house and 1 lots, finest of garden land. Price only 1300. Good small hoilse 10th and J streets at $500, black soil, price $500, $5 per month, no Interest. How's that? 6-room bouse. 10th and J atreet. One soli, price $450 on monthly payments of $10, or $250 cash. L. A.' Launer, realtor. 75 FOR SALE Brown wicker baby bii(??y, almost new. Call morn Ings 403 I street. 78 Keep your money at home - If you nro buHillnic ue Beaver Portland . ' Cement which Is mMiiufncturetl t tauld Hill, Oregon, and Is gwtrna- teed by tho ninnufnrliirera to' bo strictly Wsh Rrailo In every' r'iert. Yia enn buy this from your local: dealer TIip' 0;ku Omenl Krwor l'it J , Tllo To. . . ;' , I. .'. : ... : Beaver Portland i E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice la all court. First National Bank Building. : VETERIXART SURGEON DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian. Office la Wlnetrout Implement Bldg. Phone 11J-J. Resldenee Phone 105-R. rHTSIClAXg U O. CLEMENT. M. D. Praobee limited to dlseaaea o( th eye, ear, nose and throat. G lanes Qtta4 Office hours !!. 1-5, or on ap pointment. Office phone, 61; dence phone 15-J. S l.OU.HKIDUIi. M. !.. Physician anj t irgeon. City or country (.alle atterJed day or cl;ht Residence I'Luno i st; ofle phoLe 1(1. h nii ii iif i ii uMik. A. A. WITIIAM. M. D., Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg . corner Sixth and I streets. Phones: Of fice. 116; residence, I88-J. Ho are. I a. m. to 4 p. m. FOR SALE Team of bay geldlnss four and five years old, weight 1200 pound, well broken, un blf-mlnhed. price, $400. Unblem Ishfd bay maro. eight years old. weight 1600 pounds, with colt by her side, price $225. Mrs. C. C. Hamnierly, R. F.' D. Xo. 2, Grants Pass, Ore. 79 OR. J O. NIB LEY Physician an surjeon. Lund bur; Building. Surgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. ' Health Officer. ' Officer hours, I to 1Z a m. I to & p. m. Phono 110-J. tatl faentCo. FflSNISHEO' .ROOMS Ltrne. com - (orlaUle . ud ronvleutly located 411 C street.";""' 8"t' PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent,' 50 fret' from pavemect, alsi uofuiulsbed . cottage on pavement. $8 per month. Inquire A. K Voor- hies. . 2tf PHOTO STUDIO TIIK PICTLRB MILL open dally 10 a. in. to 5 p. m. For Sunday lt tinirs call Hill ;J-R or residence H0-J. TStf IlKNTISTS E. C. MACT. D. M. D. Flrst-olaaa . dentistry. . .. 10 V South Slstn street. Crr.nt3 Pass', Oregon, j FOR RENT Six-room house, 727 North Filth street, partly furnish ed, bat'a,, a'.eoplng por ta, acre of yroua.l, r; Ury yard and hot9e; also 4-ruoin house, 321 Rogue nrvcr '".a., seeping porch, poul try liyiiso, three fourths acre. Get !tc r-.-."l Mra TAnnla Mno 94 MI SICAL I.XSTBCCTIOX J. S. MACMURRAY, teacher of rolce eulture ind singing. Lessonj given st home of pupil It requested. Ad dress 716 Lee St. I51tl drAtage ad transfer FCR RKNT 18 acres, house, barn. Crop In) corn, oats, potatoes, N etc. " .Very; low. tent. Jersey ' cow j for salo, $75, ,C. W. Johnson, Rd.,1. two blocks, from! tlty limits ' on Merlin road. " 79 COMMERCIAU TRANSFER CO. AU Kinds of drayase and tramfer work carefully and promptly done. Phone 181-J. Stand at frelghi depot. A. Shade, Prop. Township Maps j . Showing Oregon and Califor nia llnmeeteavd Lnmk, open to UliuK April a, 10IH, $1 per tVlMhlp. ' i il ,"' jj I'lenoe , jrlve 4onlilp ' and' rntigd. ' "'' "" ' ? r..:. . '. ' r--. :: I . lK)t'il,AH ABSTRACT CO " - ' ltnMeburg, Oregon WAXTKD WANTED-Middle - aged- woman- for boose "work and rook for"' mil! . men. Must know now to cook . No washing except for the house. , "Wages $35 nw intmth: Address Chas. Poi-; Crescent CltyCal.,75 E UY War Savings Stamps ! i:rf;i v. mvi:it water COMPANY I MEAN BUSINESS IHave real pur- . , chasers, for both an improved and i , an unimproved, farm,, but unless you are the . owner and have a good buy,' da wot waste time an . awertng, as I mean business. Mate .price, terms, and particulars.., In your Urst letter. H. 0. Irwin, 31 S SItock Exchange Building, Port t land, Oregon. . ' 75 F. O. I3HAM, dray age and Uaniler Sates, pianos and furniture movci packed, shipped and stored. Phone j Clark nd-:iolmaii, No. 50. "3.6al dence phone 114-R. ' t THE) WORLD MOV'iS; o d(f v Bunch . Bro.Tranafer. COvPhose,, 817-R. The California and Oregon. Coast Railroad Coapany ' " TIME CARD j W.VJTED Olrl or woman tu cle'k In stored No experience required. Apply In own handwriting; No. 903 care of Courier. 73 WANTED Furnished-. sTeoping room In private family. 'three. or four Mocks rom dopot. i Addrfs.i caroj Courier No. "S95.: : 75 STKXOORAPHER Enperlenced, wants work. Address Irena Cum- . mons. Grants Pass,,, ....... , Dally except Sunday j - Effective May 1, 1918; i Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p. m. Train 1 ,lv. Watern Creek i3:00 p. m. rjr ;:: ,"-""' : ,' j iAll tralW leave Grants Vass1 fr(, ti the corner of Q and Eighth Vtren 7 freieh .," ""m,uu" regai ling ""vice call a? "...iiii l"B "ompany, Lundbura building, or phone 131 for same i 1 CHICHESTER S PHIS Tn "S",'.,J TnL' i nr. ? v