1 FRIDAY, MAY HI. IIIIN DAILY BOO IB HIVCIl COlIIIKIt PAGE THJOT Girrrct I ulrkation fur th Vulvfin-I IcaJ.Type Motor Tht Valv-ln-head-type tiu lint illustrated htrt, likt til tntarnal aombuation angtnaa, rcquiifi an oil that holda Ita lubricating qualitt at cyl inder bil, burnt cUan in tha conibuation chambers and cote out with tahautt. ZtroWne filla thM require, mtnta perfectly, Ilia oornotly nAndfrom aahcttd California atphalt-baa and ROLEN The Standard Oil for Motor Cars It Keeps the EngincYoung! Expert airta In rtcommtnillng Zt KOLKNK beraust It kp tha angina jotm luil-powcred, kmootlciun Bin j, and economical In fuel and oil consumption, Tha majority of motoriits art now mine ZIIF.OJ.KNE, because they hav learned by expciietut that lint a ia do belter oil to be had. Correctly refined from aelecled California r .jj,! -jlt-Uw crude, 2likOLLNi give perfect lubrication v Jih les wear and lets carbon dcpit. Let wear because ZLK ' OLENE kcepe Ita lubricating body at cylinder heat Lee carbon becauae, being made from asphalt-baae ci w la, It burnt clean and t" out with exhaitt. Z I- KOLKNK It tht correct oil for alltypta of automo bile engine. It la the con ret oil for your automobile. Get our lubrication chart showing tht correct contia tency for your car. At ieaer avartfwhar and Standard Sanrita Station STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Ctlilwala) C. II. Fill Newspapers 5,& 10r if- " " ; --y- i Jl i, tsttM : t i i i i. i. j i ... . m r m i w - m m . m . I j ' ''' i" i i r P filUVfa PA. OfJFfiOX ttuwlles- Courier Here ia a wonderful new CORD Tire. It Is a tire of remarkable STRENGTH and RESILIENCE plus unequal! exl immunity from rim cuts and blowouts. The sectionul view below will SHOW you why it is so fur superior to other tires in WEAR and COMFORT. Instead of two or three plies of cord, this supreme tire has EIGHT. Note that these eight plies of cord are placed in transverse diagonal layers so that they give not only the greatest STRENGTH but also assure tho maximum ELASTICITY. You'll know a new comfort when you equip your car with these tires. And your tire bill per thousand tnfles will bo much loss. '. COLLINS AUTO vfj., , ..: m w l lift FN ARE HALTING E " New York,' Hay 31. The follow- Ina a bii in in m r y of tha lataat war iie fuml.hed by tht Aseoclated Mlttl; ; S'owly, but urely, tlit plunge of erltl.al aajieit of tht fighting tie (lirinan cronn prlnce'a arm lea la la" 'n March. Tht klllee are realm liclng halted by tha Frcn. h and ln h enemy' attack atubbornly, HrllUh arinlea. While the momeri- KlvlnK ground when overpowered tuiit of Hie (ionium mm-Mui ha nut and 'aya malntnlnlng a solid 'ut yet t.reiit Ititelf. there ia bien fmnt. a notable N!ai'knliig In It admn'e The wave of the advance I now during Inn pant day. The chh-f ef- approaching the valley of the Mar furl of th (inruian now :i to he lie, the nearrat approach lo that iMumd lo the !(Uiilii- of Hie k ! avenue toward I'arla being at the they have torr !n the pocltlona of village of VMllly, whhh He at the t'i. I'I'li'i bi'twrcn I'lriuii and Hrlin- extreme apex of the flerman wedse i.i.t. Tlila wuii. :oiii '.; pru.ti- and I about afven mile from th iln ii'.nwly atalni't the Am eratc re- river. n'.tKiirc of the allied fmca. ! The rnore forcea at the com- Thi- Krn;h hi re am righting on ,ld of oneral Foch are now iom famlllur ground, which J. Im-i-ii int0 t,.tU,n 0B rounj ch0H.n for m..d hlnlorlc by nuniero" bnttl. ' thm comhat by that maatrr atrategUt. aome of which arc named among the ,n, u j, ,,Mue that-a blow of ,re. declalve combata of hlatory. ' mndoUi proportlona may be etruck , The French having fallen ba-k .omewhere along the front of the from, the liuilta of the city of Bola. 0ermtn wa or on u WM,rn lMp aon have atood tht-lr ground agalnat whch iHemi ,0 ha open to ln at(arfc the attarka of th enemy and the which might rrujnplt up the Oermnn tlrrman offlclal Malmient full to ,rlnIfi ,0 the et of 8oMOBj . how mnterlal advancra there dur-i ? Ing (he day' fighting. i . , On the canti-rn .md of the fighting line aome of the forta before Hhelma are aald to have fallen, which waa to be expected fiom the fart thnt they have been outflanked hy tide' of Invanlan that hna awept far to tV '. nt nth of the rltr. ., The fighting ha taken on the fa-!" miliar apett of the tint Invaaton of Wiahln-iton. May Jl. Admiral Franee In, 1JH. tht advance of ron Wmma reporta the alnklhi of the 1 ' i ' i .'American transport President l'n- i 3 I I I GO. Markenaen alonK tha Kunajac and the fighting In Plrardy In March. Af ti.r Lreuklng the French and British 1"fnMve po'lf'nn. h"t n"t brciMni tha allied line, the .iieiman ur; attain moving their force out In a fan-ahapwl figure, fighting hardest on ,n ,llll, ot ,h "treroe front of mfir anvanre. The elt.mtlon, extremely ktrlciim while ' apparently ban not aanumeo s E cd!n, at 10 o'clock today, on ita re , turn from Europe to the United Stitei. No mention wna made of , caaualtlea. CHICHESTER S PILLS tViX. hui. i. a. f i uu -tZZrisr) I K..V- i. MM ank lilu Iwn. W Mbrr. H.. jmw V rjH a.k iii in .Tr.wa ' w Mnnmnlnl.S.IMlnllnil SOU BY DRUGGISTS CVCRVa1IC MARCH TO VICTORY Courage ia a matter of the blood. Witluint Bood red blood a man has weak heart and poor nervee. I III the spring ia the brtt time to take stock of one's cmulilimi. If the blood i thin and watery, face pale or pimply, general I v weak, tirea and lisllem, (Tne Bhonld take a apring tonio. One that will do the spring house clt'niiing, an tlil-fafhionel herbal rem edy that nt3 n.-cd by exervbody nearly 50 yeara ago is still safe and sane because it cuntnim" no alcohol or nar cotic. It ia made up of Blood root, Golden Hr-nl mot, Oregon G.jie root, Queen'! root, Stone root, Black Cherry bark extracted with glycerine and made into liquid or tabluts. -' Tliil blood tonic was flrKt put ont by Dr, Pierce in rendy-to-nso form and aince then has ben eold by million bottles as Dr. lleree's (lolden .Medical Discov ery. 11 UrugRiste do not keep this in tab let form, send lit) cent for a vial to Dr. Tierce's, Invnlide Hotel, Buffalo, N. V. Kidney disease carries awny a large pewntnge ot our people. W hat ia to be done? Hie answer it easy. Eat lesa meat, eat coarse, plain food, with plenty of vegetables, drink plenty of water between meals, and take an nrio acid solvent after meals for a while, such as Anurio (double strength), obtainable at almost any drug store. It waa first disooverwl by Dr. Pierc. MoBt every one troubled with nric acid finds that Anuric dissolves the nrio acid as hot water does sngnr. Yon can obtain a trial package by sending ten cents (0 Doctor Pierce'a Invalids' Hotel and tiurgiral Institute m liulfulo, N. Y. .i ip WioHlng Oregon aad CaliCor ' tla Hontvwtemd Iindn, open to Dlinx Apt II SO. 1018, 1 per townalilp. .. , . ... . IMeflw Mime. ' felve ton iMhlp aiil lMft;l..S ABSTRACT CO., . '' .(? i , Itoschnrg, Uretton War' Savings Stamps i;'v,-! i: i:;vi:h w.itkk CtWIPAXV' Class:fi2d port SAI.K 0. 4 C. GRANT LANDS- -liiue prist Plata (howlag land la Joeepbtn county, fl.SO. Addieaa A. K Voorhlea, Oranta Paaa. If FOR 8ALB Good tuodero boime, cloe lo, aortb aide. Inquire No. Hit, ear Courier. 28lf IIK.M3TITCHI.Na and pecot edge, 10 cent per yard. Mall ordera will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Tha Vanity Shoo, Medford Oregon. 114 Watt Mala. 07tf FOR SALE CHEAP Three-quarter ton truck, In good condition. New Urea. Churchill and Maiwell. tf r AXON 8 Superb Dahlia. PlantJ now and up to June 20th. Field grown roota, eight for fl; elsht for f 2; eight for $3, and up. Par cel poat paid. About bait florlaf Hat price. Write R. H. Paiaon, Central Point. Ore. ' " 66tf VR SALE Small f uartx mill. wUI triad ton In 10 hour, alio jaw cruaber, price $160 for both. Alao have for aale, 3S0 feet three fourth loch pipe. Addre H. H McCarthy, Rogue River, Ore. 7f FOR 8 ALE One aorrel horse, weight, 1,150, good any where, ten yeara old; one Iron wheeled tru.k; one single aurrey; one act expreaa harnesi; one leaf barrow, and one one-horae cultivator. Box 33 Three Plnea, Ore. 77 GOOD gentle horse, between 900 and 1,000 pound. Work tingle or double, good to pack or ride, for aale or trade for good cow. O. H. Peae. Placer, Ore. 77 SNAPS 6-room houae and 3 Iota, finest of garden land. . Price only $300. Good i-nall house 10th 'and J atrecta at $500, black soil, price $500, $5 per month, no Interest. Ho 'a that? 6-room house, 10th and J atreet, . line aoll, price $430 on monthly payments of $10, or $330 cash. L. A. Launer, realtor. . 75 FOR PALE Brown .wicker - baby bujgy, almost new. Call morn ings 403 I street. 78 T HrV7 FURNISHED ROOMS Large, corn fi.riiii le and ronxlcntly lucatei 111 C ftreet. sfif "ARTLV' FURNISHED cottage i fot mil. ,i0 fiet from pavement. a!a' nnf'irnlahed cottage on pavement, $S pi-r month. Inquire A. K Voc hies. J2t! FOR RENT Six-room house, t727 North Fifth street, partly furnish-1 ed, bath, sleeping poroh, acre ff.Aimil uniill. . .a n in .1 kr...... ' A v. 11 u ( fiuiiii.j j.u aiiu tfuusv, also 4-room house, 321 Rogue j River Ave., sleeping porch, poul try house, three fourths acre, Get key from Mrs. Jennie Moss. r 94 - -a Q, ISHAM, drayage and Uansfer. .. wTKrL . Ij i Safes, pianos and furniture moved WANTED Middle aged woman" for' VM, shipped and etored. Phoaa house Trirk and cook for. mill - Clwk nd ;i"lmn, NoO.Keal mci. ::rrt know how' to cook.' denc Pbone 114-R. No vnV.nt ex-ept for the house. vnc ; j;;.. per-month. Addre88 . C1...J. P.. ', Crescent City, Cal. tJ I BCS1NESS Have real par- ihasers for both an Improved andj . an unimproved farm, but unless! you are . the: owner and have a i . good buy,, do not waste time an-1 twerlng, a I mean business, hrtatc i price, - terms,' and particular in your first letter. H. C' Irwin, 315 - Stock - Exchange Building, - Port land, Oregon. ,75 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS Money to loan on city pro perty. Payable monthly, like rent. L. A. Launer, realtor. ', T5 Mlct1ee Book. - i " Mice can he kept nwny from hooks with ease tf pieces of gum cniupiw are laid pear them on the shelves, j Th California and Cregfi Coast RailrtyUd Company Dally except Sunday - Effective May 1, 191$ C Train 1 Iv. Oranta Pasai. !;00 .J r Train 2 Iv. Waters Cretk 3:00 p. n. '' ' " ;-" ! '' At! tralna leave Graiitx Pane frOl he corner of O and I'UliUi iiu"' aiiioilte the So-nhern Pacific de;io - For' . all Information i reaarlln. TsUtif and iassen.;er service cull a ihe ottl'-f1 nf the company, Liinljjr" juiljitig, or iib'inw X J t fur tame. Advertising ATTORSKTH t II. D. Norton, Attornty-at-Uv. Practice la all Sum and Federal Court. Flrat National Bank Bid. COLVIO A WILLIAMS Attorney. et-Law (Irani Prja Banking Oa Bldg. Oranta Paaa. Oregoa. ' el. B. VAN DYKE, Attoreey. PractlM la all couru. Flrit National Bank Bulging. , ; O. & BLANCHARD. Attorney- t-Law Uoldeo Rule Building. Phoaa 270. Oranta Paaa, Oregoa. ' Bl ANCHARD tt BLANCHARD. at torney, Albert b'ock, Phoaa , 231-J. Prartlct In ail court; taat board attorney. "r" 7 iM VETEKIXART Bl'RCEOSI i . , , , DR. R. J. BESTUL, VeUrlnarlaa. Office) lo Wlneirout Implenaai Bldg. ' Phone 113-J. Realdt Phone t05-t. rHTsicum U O. CLEMENT, at. D. Praotle limited to dlaeaaaa ot tha eya. aaCj no and throat. Olaaaaa flttaC Office boar 1-12, 2-t, or on ap pointment. Office phoaa. (2: dence phone 159-J. 3. l.filT.HKIDCK. II I) . I'hyilc'aa and irgoon. City or country ca!la aturJed day or i.ii,ht Realdena ptiooe , uifica tiliui.e 1st. Six h r.i II i,i..i,m. A. A. WITHAM. M. D.. Pbyaldan tod urgeon. Office: Hall liltl., curur Sixth and I etreeu. Phone: Of fice, HI; reaidence. 2HI-J. Hour. .- a.' m: la-rtr m.'.-r-tff.. DR. J. O. NIBLKY Pbyalelaa iurgeon. Lundbur; BulMlatV Burgtoa Utah-Idaho So gar t Oa. - Health Offlcar. ' Offleer koura, I t 12 a. m. "1 to t p. to.' Phoaa $io-J. f ittt photo BTinio THE PICTURE MILL open dally It a. m. to & p. tn. For Sunday all tings call Mill 2H3-R at resldeaea 140-J. 78tf DENTI8T8 E. C. MACY. D. H. D. FIrst-claja dentistry. : 10 to 8outb 8lxt tree!. Crroti Pata, (Oregoa. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY. teacher or voice culture and tinging. Lesson; gtrea at home of puplt If requested. A6V drest 71S Lea St. SSltt DRAYAGK AM TKN8FER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. kinda of drayase and transfer work carefully and promptly don. Phone 181-J. Stand . at freight depot. A. Shade. Prop. ' -:n (TUB V70RLD MOVi08; i do; Bunch Bro. H7-R.;- Transfer Co. Pboa ! your money at .j r. If you are building ne-' i.:tiLi-.i;;, . Beaver Portland; .. Cement t.. ! s which Is manufactured aC Goftf Hill, Oregon, and la guiiraiv d by the manufacturers to bo strictly high grade In every ,?s)oct. , Voa i . huy v this ;;from.our local dealerThe yvnieni sewer Plpo & Tffo Co, Beaver Portland Cement Co. iveep home i