wtUMimw, mv mi. idin daily tUXilE lUVClt COUUkUl PAOB THBX3 Esqirt AMm Jtoir (to AnntoM(S)H(3 . wmiBir Queries and Replies Covering Matters of Importance to the Man Who Runs Car pliton would II hav any ffct en tha Will you pica tell me how t Una lubrlcatlonf Do It attaek IrenT up the front whaal f a arf j lour nif treat Inn regarding removal In lining up thn front w heel the Brat of carbon la very Intercut lug, ami It thing U lo Uiake sure that (lis wheel aliould catme liu dlnVHlly provided fcearlnga a iv properly ailjutl. Tbey cart l takcu, but otherwla great atiuuM U Jut tlbt eiiouyh an that : havoc may result, i Uire I no aide pluy In lb wherlt; but, Caustic aola, ran I If iiotnah or an-' n Ilia olhcr band, they should not be Ulum or Hriiiiuiuui hydroilile will not llitlit that Ilia wheel Mud and do ' Injuru iron If loft In rutita t wllb H I turn freely. Tlila don, luka Ion r for only a duy or . Iut all theae to tilck or rod Umt will n- It from tlio imi,,,,. quk'kly dlasolv aluminum and Inurr edge of mi rim a. na lu Ilia tn- ,t .r jute and bras; ronmHjticntty It B.T tHlu of tho other. Then measure u liucratlvo that none of tlio eolu Jh,. dhdauc lielwecn Ilia rim edges ll(m ,,, Ua come In contact wllb uorirnntaiiy uaca or in inner or me wheel Marh lhUdUiaii'-fiMil'iaatlrk i u nu n ir7 i ..o in., rnoa nsoiiiaii.i lu front of the n Iut tenter. T'i" front illUiui should 1. one-fourth : Inch lo Hirco-elghtha lin k less than Hip i UMuii.b ai'ria:t Ilia buck uf tlia titiba. ' If you find tlii' tllntnurra aia not cor rect you ran irrt tin. uvicr ndjiiitment by Inking tip or k tllnit out on ilir ' aiwrlnir r. T", wtilrli parnlli'la th-i ax In and run armaa jn-t tiok of It r'trat kKwrn tk link nut at out vf thf rmla, thru taka out tb pin Hint (np tlirouirli tlia atMM'liis nrtu ami roka and 1 crw lb yoka out rr In. a lha raa lu,,","l w" luiuliium, aa raUlif, Tlinn lm k Ilia ahwl allirn. iom ,u "luW ,ull "rn wmt aKNln and llaktou Iha lo-k nut. & Thla I'I'H molora i , wltb crank ran uottuuia of aluminum. What la th abjaot f a dutch brakaf i lf ui'lr.balf of tb inmk faaa la A rlutt b braka I. a ilcv.t . rbccli . loiulnuw and th bottom U of ataH tb iiKMnciilum of tk d''i while . 'Ni Unnall cauaa for worry, rbaiivlnir Hda. finally wlim the, Any of tb aolutlon mrtillouad will jlutrU la tlirowu out or illHcimapl , " attack lubrkllug oil or auy mla It Iviida to aplu for ihp llnvp, do to ', ral oil, but ?a(rlahl oil will b turn tb uMucnlum It mvivtl f rout I he j d Into oap, JiKtll. tluli-li (fink ruba oi tu; ! ' rluUb or cluliU aim ft In am U a man- In lehl and watar mla nar aa lo alow It tin ait a In muka . tor la thr any way tailing, aaoapt julrt p'r ablftlm w Itliout linrln to wall for tb itvara lutnulrd .. I ! iurUd lo aaauui appro lniatily !- aaiu appnl, -h . Whan taking dawn rry ar I put th yllndtrt Int a oMlan f aauitla ad fi r mv Y eld na.lrt d hav V!t that th aolulleii tot k an aacallan aarkan ramavar. It asalaa th carbon right alt an-l laava tha aurf ac r!aanar kan after aaraplna. Could you tall ma If It wuld harm th motor t lnjct It Into th tllncV and lt It atand far a !a cr two, than tart up h motor to blow IH carbon Out thraunh th anhauttf If aom af It want by tfi Keep your money at home v If you ar bulbllnii u , Beaver Portland Cement Mhli h I ftianafurtwnxl at Uold Hill, ()rfpn, awl li 'wr. trril by the niauufncturrnt to bo atrlrtly hliiti iTade) la evrrf riert. Vou can buy thla from your locnl dealer Tb Oregon Cenaaat Rewror Pl TH Cm. , . ',; ', , Beaver Porlladr Cecent Cd ' I i ' i , ; i ... i ; Tpvcship Maps;. nhnwlng Oregon 'wd Callfr nla nomeatead f-nla( opea ta filing April 8, 1018. l Pr townahlp. '' , , . t'liWtn. Hive toWnalilu and IrOfOI-AS ABSTKACT OO., ......... Iloaeburg, Orrgon War Savings Sfairps llfMIl H RIVER WATBB COMPANY (MM - , auiwtanoee. , ,,.,. woflllli ,.rf.y , .. ,...,.. . . ...i. ..,., oil, provided you have Ike cylinder off, Imt It N doubtful If you will find It aafa wllb Ilia im.lor assembled ua le II UaiNna lliat your platoua and rrank can ar Iron or ccl. A rllrularly violent action mlgbt Imi wt Ui If Ilia pistons are aluminum, Uia aluminum aud rant Irou forming a battery, and rapid rorroaiou would re ault. It to dangerotia lu una tlila aolutlon lh,n "rrt ",'",d' hL ntaa f l!ho' !" liy Ika (MMif i byilroiuetcr. Kou tan Oil liu. rrdlutor wltb wliat you coualuVr tk i or iot proNirtlon of al cohol and water for tb tcuiiwraturr fondlilom vf your loraiu; sa4 tM tt iu'ia ao'ui.ou wltb hydrometer to detcrniln Ua aitet lflu gravity. One you buv found Ilia fluure for the cor ml uilxtuiea you rnu lull tbrreafter wbrtber th prrt'AitaK hna dropped by new teata wltb the hydrometer. What It th dlrtarano betwwan direct currant and alternating aurrantf I In dlrtvt uirrrnt the iltt'trk'al clr- 'cull I In one direction at all time; In allerualliiu turreul the electrical clr- 'mil vurlea Ita itlrMtlon Inlcruilttrntlr. To make thla clear aupiuaa you put ' a atrnw Into water nud diew with a ateudy tucilon with the mouth at tb fittior noil nt fllui alraw. Tlia Watar inuoiu I'aaa u. oif airaw iu v.ru lion In one dlrci'tlon. Tli elocttic current . doea llio iniM thing In all direct clr ctilta. Now, iii"'o you auck and blow 1 cMt (he -atrnw. allci-unilnit the effort I avenlv. 'Tin. wntir will nuaa rnnlill il i mil down the aim iv. Thin cone iniiiili In tt way the electric current acta In an alternating circuit, althonch Hut nltPi'iMiiirma are nf rourae treaien doiwlr mt. At nn example of th aH ci1 i.f (lie utteniiitlona a lamp bulb In an allerimtlnv current strea a afeady lluM wlthmil nii hai' Why la the diatano between the (rent whaala of a car greater at the top than at the bottom f 1 The roaaon for tlila la to makn ateer Inc cnnlcr. The object of tipping the wIii cIm lu ttibi manner la lo bring the point of ru'.itnct b tween the wheela nnd th'. rround In n vertbal Hue below tlio n.Nla of tli arpcrlnji knuckle, Wben the line of t!ie center uf the. etrerliiK knuckle pnUnied la rolncblent wltb the lontnn of the tire and th ground the iv lit nn tendency for the wheel to be thrown out of Hue when nn ouatruc I loli la met on I he rond. Ou the other lun id. wcra thla ixilnt t" he ra-wbiit Inrflile of (lie print of co.itact of tb' wheel aixl the pround tiiere would be n teiiiWnejt for tho wheel to 1i tnrnetl aWnrt tiie KtecrlnVknnrUla whenever an o'. a'ruci'on ni met. with the ra ault Unit there wou'd le, an Intarfer eiM With th arwliic ,. t . vr V i. How can I tall whether my motor la j timed eorro-.tlyf Whan cranking the j motor alowlv with th epnrk tdvanced ; it kicka baefct ' Dooa thia a iow that It la proptrly timed f ' ii!:i' liiut .i' la probably limed cor- fel.v. ' If yen wish tu che 1; up ou the timing act the n;'nik nt fil l returd mid Ihe i'jtnir of No. 1 cyliuJ. r nt top ileml entef. Tl) n exniilWie the brenk- I cr In t inetiniii kiii. ' If Ihe iolnta fur ' No. t cjllild 't uiV'JiiMt li'iiily In brenk the tlinlna la correct. ), Should there be any up onJ down play In an' oil pump drive a haft and would thia play cauae a knock audible every revolution of th cam ahaftt Tbe oil pinup drive alir.l'f nhonld ba rittiil, mid If II Im loime It nibiht cauae n knock. .. t ' . : Can the txta ehaft In a amlfloallng axle be taKen out without dinaatlng th axltf If to, how la thia don? ( lu n fcinlili nt tiitc nxlo the dm flu vn li mit In- removed without uolnu, tu1 the trouble of removing the almft benrbiKH will' li me IiuutiI In retnlneia. The Intler are In jjjos cntea screwed Into the lioualn-. . .,.. . 1 V-ILUJ, AIM, If . a .1. ..... Metropolitan Artists Noted Musical Company Headed by Mary Welch, American Contralto -r-- III- alary Welch, the American contralto, hcuda tbe Metropolitan Art no a lo b beard on the llilnl day uf lbnutnuqua In two prouranw. Ilvr rnr contralto voice wlili Ita rich, colorful tone, baa won dlatlnctlon for her throughout the Middle Wear. The Chlcauo Itw-onl llcnild an-uka of her a "having a contralto Voice of great rlcliiieaa, ninite and oer, and ahe channa her audience by Ihe earncatneaa anil, aliupllclly of her manner." The cellUt with the UetroHjlllana la Jo I'olnk of. Ihe Oilniuo Hymphony Orchealra. He hat appeared aa olo relllat In practically nil of our prcnt mualral center aloe bit coining to thla country In 1UUH. M!x AKtiea IdMlholt, the third mem ber of tb2 coiuiany, la a true artist ut the pSiiuo. Her ntrerliiK glow from th aureneaa, ahadlng and niualcnl thought v.lth uhlch abe pluya. CHAUTAUQUA TONIGHT 'i Mi WAR, THE FARM AND THE FARMER """"" By Herbert Quick : " Mtr.bir Federal Farm Loan Board W't-ct the Impeilal German govern ti uu o.Tenil thn U inert of America In ilt rul'ileoa ib;in;lne warfare wat not tno Io n of proiltii, hit tltvery to the t'tber rittlcr of Potsdam. He pur ponrd to make u slave by munler Ing the people who took our prud.iett to market, lly all th lawt of civil Ited warlar. commerce under a neu tral Hug waa fiee from any hindrance -cpt the legal Interference Justified by war. Hut the Oermana not only ttopped merchant vessel, they tank theiiL. Sank them without warning, without trar the most . devillah IMnj war hat teen tlnre the tavagea acalped our anceatora and threw acreaiulng bablea Into the flamet of burning cabin. Th Rrrman plan of alnklng mer chant veaselt without trace la based on th murderer's maxim that "dead men tell no . talc. it waa exe cuted by th nuiaancr of men, worn cu and children, who, having com- milled Ihemaelwc to 'mail boats tn the in e after their ahlaa were torpedoed, were mercllesaly raked with gunfire, and exterminated to tbe . last unprotected, unpltied aonl These are th maulers that atala the banda af the Kaharr, hla advlaera and mtn loa. Thee outragea were perpetrated on neutral veaaels when aTl that civ tlltod warfare gave the Herman right to do evea'wlth the merchant vessel under a hostile flag, was to ' atop It at a aad mak It a prise of war. To kill the civilians oa board, even ' under n hostile flag, waa nothing but unmitigated murder. And these mur dera were committed In order that we iiiIkM he enHlaved! Having the rltfht tn take the sea with hit fleet, but helnn afraid to do ao tor fear he might h-.e It, and being unable by ' fair meana to atop th telling of our nrodurta lo hla enemies, the Kaiser declared that he would do It by th foulest methods aver resorted to In ' wur. He declared . the tea closed'. ' and that he would keep It cloaed, not by war,' but by murder. .To have auhmlltnd would have coat u dear m proMperlty but that would have heen the leaat of our lota. We a'lould have had to grovel be fore the German government! - We aliould I'.ave had to accept mur- (Thlt It tha teoond of three article. Th ' Mystery. ! "Those iiuloM kiiioII tlroiiilful." rr innrkcd nn old holy. "I enn't nmlcr atnnd how l lint ilellcloua perfume wux ever culled 'mini of roses.'" ( der aa a thing a.?ai:it which wc could not defend ourcelvc. . We should bavt allowed this new horror to become a part of mi future ware, tnd have been respunilble for Ita Incorporation Into International law. W should bava proved that b cause the fire which bum up our tarmt utefulneta It beyond the hoii aoa, w would tubmlt to th kindling of It Wa might hav accepted th sev nty cent for wheat and tb tlx cent for cotton, but we could not have dona II merely because we were commanded to do It By to doing we ehould have accepted degrada tion. W abould have begun, after winning our ,- freedom In our own revolution aad1 ettabllthlng a union on the foundation of liberty In the blood and teara of our war between the atatea, to knuckle under to autoc racy! . We abould bava basely yielded np our birthright at American." Such thought It' tntoleraht. Peaca at tuch a price would not be peaca, but only a preparatioa for a future, revolt agtlnat aubjugaUon. Better any eort of war; better war forever, that Oat .', Whenever the time comes for new aacrlfJcea, let ua remember that we fight aot for our Uaertlet tomorrow Or aext year or twenty years, from, now, but for our freedom today. Not for the right to live m the future, but. for the right to auk a living! thia year.' t . German oppression bad begun! to pinch a before we entered the war. If we had not declared war, but had accepted the conditions of life ordered for ua by the Kaiser, we ehould today be a povei ty-atrlekea people, r Our factories would be shut down, 'our Workmen iinemolnyed, our people starving, our farnnra ruined by; tho poverty of tho for' whose conaunri tlon'they grow their cropa. There is loss and aacilflce In the war, but there would have been far more of loaa , and. sacrifice in accepting the German terms. We should have lo't more In money''than' we have apeui In the war, but we should have lot enuiclhltig far' tuo.e precious. ' W a'lp ild lihVA IppI r u1 rri lis.' ' ! 1 .. ti.lrd to be pu;.,:Ktd next week.) " World't Chief Battlefields. ' The World's hnttleflelila hnve hecii In the heiirf chiefly, lind there the Brent est herolMii h5 heen tecretly exe elsed. Heedief. ' Class:f kd FOR IAUE 0. 4 C. 0RANT LANDS--Bis t priot Plata abowlag Itodt la Joeaphlne county. 1.I0. Addraaa A. B. Voorhlaa, Oraau Fata. tf FOR SALS 0oo4 modern houM. Cloa la, Borth aid. Inquire No. Sill, amr Coarlr. 3tf HEMSTITCHINQ and pecot d. 10 etntt par yard. Mall order will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Tb Vanity Shoo, Medford Oregon, 114 Watt Mala. 07tf KOK SALE CHEAP Tbre-o,uarfr Ion truck, In good condition. New tlrea. Churchill and Maxwell. If PAXON'S 8uperb Dahlia. Plant now and up to June 20th. Field grown root, eight for II; elsbt for 12; eight for 11, and up. Par eel poat paid. About half florltt'i Hat price. Write R. H. Paxton, Central Point, Ore. 66tf KOR 8AI.K 143 ewe, 114 lamb. at R. R. Mlnter'a plac. Lee Sleeri, Eagle Point. Or. 73 FOR SALE Small quart! mill, will grind ton In 10 hour, alio Jaw cruaber, price f 160 for both. Alto hav for tale, ISO feet three . fourth Inch pipe. Addrest H. H. McCarthy, Rogue River, Or. 71 FOR SALE One eorrel hor, weight, 1,150, good nny where, ten year old; on iron wheeled tru'k; one (Ingle turrey; on tet expreaa harneaa; one leaf barrow, end one on-horte cultivator. Box il Three Plne. Ore. '77 GOOD gentle horae, between 000 and i.OOO poundt. Work lngle or double, good to pack or ride, for il or trade for good cow. 0. H. Peate. Placer. Ore. 77 SNATS 6 -room houae and I lota. flneet of garden land. Price only 300. Good email houae 10th .and J ttrecta at 1 500, black toll, price fDOO, 15 per month, no Intercut How't that? -room house, 10th and J ttreet, line toll, prl e $450 on monthly payments of $10, or $350 caah. L. A. Launer, realtor. 75 TT RET j FVHNI3HED ROOMS 'Large, ' com ! foHtMe and ronvlently located I 111 C ttreet. . " , !' PARTLY FLRXISIIED cottage for r'T.t. 0 feet from ptvei.ient, a'.s unfurnished coltase on pavement 8 per month. Inquire A. R Voo:- hi.. - 9?t!' lr.es. FOR RENT Six-room house, 727 North Fifth ttreet, partly furnish-,' ed. bath, tleeplng porch, acre of, round. poultry yard and house; j alto 4-room house, 321 Rogue; River Ave,, steeping , porch," poul- ... k... ihM r..rti.. fot v trm Mr. tennia Moss. 94. . awv. a . I , : WAXTKIl r-' WANTED Middle aged woman for bout work and coo.k for mill men. Must know bow lo" cook. No wcthlr.i except for the house. .'A'lEfj T-j Pr month. ' Address has, X.-S Crescent City. Cal. 75 ,'ANTSD One or two unfurnished or partly furnished roomt for light hansekeeplng. Mntt be close In. Communicate with county super .tktendent of a hoola. 72tf REWARD 12 REWARD tor Information lead ing to tbe conviction of tha fiend who killed my dog Sunday night. H; A. tDlllrnsharov A 71 MOXFY TO IX)AS UDAN3 Money o lo e"y pro perty. Payabt montaly, like rent L. A. Launer, TeaTlor. T5 l t ESS i"S end Save ; the VTt Mver'Mm ATTORJtKTa H. O. Nortoa, Attoray-t-U. . Practice la all 8UU aad Fdral ' Coutu. Flrat NaUoaal. Baak Bldg, j COLVIO A WILLIAM! AtUr7- j at-Law IQranU Fcaa Banking O. ' Bldg. Oraata Pa, Orgoa. t. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. FrMtta la all court. Flrat NaUoaal Bulldlag. 0. 8. BLA,NCUARD.Attormy-at-Uw Qoldaa Rnl Building. Phoa 1 270. OraaU Paaa, Orgoa. I BLANCIIARD BLANCHARO, At . torneyt, Albert Mock. Phoa :i-J. Practice In all courUr board attornaya. VETERINARY Bl'R&EOH DR. R. J. BE8TUU VaUrlnarta. j Offlc In Wlntrout ImplenMat Bldg. Phone 113-J ' Phone 105-R. Raldrat) . PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT. M. DPraaUM limited to dim of iba ay, ear, bom and throat Olaaatt fltta4 Offlc bourt l-l , i-f, or oa ap pointment. Offlc pben. (I; dene phone 151-J. ;. , LOIT.H RIDGE. M. D. Pbyilelaa and tirgeon. City or country raila attar Jed day ar right. Btaidaaat ' phone 'ft; offlc pboc lit. i:t b aU II. 1'ifl l-iilUiu. A. A. WITHAM. M. D-. PhytlcUn and. aorgeon. Offkd: Hall Ul.lg.; ornr Sixth aad I eUaet. ' Paoaea: Of-' ca. 11; raaidatM. 3lt-J. Moan. I a- m. to 4 p. ta. DR. J. O. MBLST Phyatoiaa aatl aargeon. Laadbur; Balldlas. Surgeoa Utah-Idaho Sagar Oa. Health OOcar. Offloer hoara, l.t 11 a. at. I to i p. m. , PaatM 110-J. . tltl PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL op dally IB a. m. to I p. m. For Sunday att tinga call Mill I8J-R or rldao 140-J. . , . 7ltf DEXTIBTS E. C. MACT. D. M. D. Ftrtt-olaaw dentlttry. 101 H South Blxtk ttreet, Grantj Paaa, Oregon. ' 1 MI SICAL INBTRl'CTION i. 8. MACMURRAY, teacher of Totoe culture and tinging. Leaaonj glva at horn of pupil If requested. AoV drest 71 Le 8t. ISltt IHIAYAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kIndg of y,-. and traaafac wor, crafnlly and prompUy doaaa. pDOn, jgij. sund at freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. ' . F. O. ISHAM. drayag and tranaftav 8afa. planoa and furniture move packed, shipped and ttored. Phoa Clark and Uolman, No, 50. ReaV dence phone 114-R. THE WORLD M0V8; to do wa. Bunch Broa. Trantfer Co. Phone S97-R. , ' The California and Oregoi Coast Railroad Company ' TIME CARD i - r Dally except Sunday EtfecUve May 1. 1118 Train 1 lv. Oranta Paaa.. 1:00 p.m. Train 1 lv. Watera Creek' S:00 p. m. All tralna lav GftuU Ptsa from the corner of Q and Eighth ttreett, oppoaita the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarding freight and passenger aervice call at the office of tha company, Lundburg . VaJUtng. or phone lit for tame. aW"" .. I.V.I -S5 ttf 3 1!;- i !.3 a 1 t,i IS 4 .':