Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, May 27, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MOM) AY, MAY tiT. ItflN.
Pntltshed Delly Except Saturday
A. B. VOORH1E3. Pt. and Propr.
Catered at the PotofIlM.3rajit Pa,
Or.. U second elaas aetl matter.
DUplay pac. per Inch........... 1
Local orpereonaleolumn. perllne 10c
Retdtrt, pr line l
By nH or carrier, po year...
By mall or earrler, per moat.. .10
But Editorial Association
Oregon Dally Nwpapr Pub. An.
The AHOdatad Praaa la exclusively
entitled to I (or repi:llLa;lon
of a:l ne dlapateh eredlted to It
or uo: otharwlaa credl'ed to thla
inner and alao th I eal news pub
lish herein.
' All rights of republication of spe
elal dispatches herein ara alao
MONDAY, MAY 27, 118.
4 - Fair; warmer tonight, except
4 near the coast; moderate north-
westerly wind.
The Northern Iron company pro
duce more than 60 per cent of the
low pho.phorua pig Iron In the Unit
ed State.. It 1 an absolute, primary
essential in the manufacture of guns,
projectile and many other appli
ance used in the conduct of the wai
In a letter to Walter F. Bailingor,
of the firm of Bellinger k Perrot.
Philadelphia, thla company mane,
public the fact that for weeka in the
middle or the winter It had one of
Its furnace ehut down on account
of the shortage of fuel, while the
brewing industry was using hun
dreds of thousands of tons of coal.
After an investigation the company
found that It was losing about 16
per cent of the working time of Its
men because of alcoholic beverages,
and that Its accidents were increas
ed 43 per cent by the same agency.
W. 8. Pilling, the president of the
company, transmitted to Mr. Ballin
ger a letter signed by the general
manager, L. P. Ross, which says
"We know of nothing that would be
as beneficial In tbe prosecution of
the war, and nothing that would add
" to our staying power as would pro
Many other industries were in a
similar condition, declared Mr. Ross,
and he continues under date of Feb'
ruary 6:
"We are convinced that one of the
very large contributing causes ' to
the present deplorable and disquiet
ing condition in which our country
is in ie the liquor traffic. For in
stance, there are hundreds of thous
ands of tons of fuel now being con
; sumed by the breweries and in the
places where alcoholic beverages are
dispensed. There is also an enorm
ous number of railroad cars requir
ed for the transportation of raw ma
terials and finished product of the
breweries throughout the country,
when the cars are sorely needed for
, fuel and war essentials. We are also
told of the reduced efficiency of coal
miners and workmen in war indus
tries through the consumption of
alcoholic beverages, and from our
own experience in the employment
of labor, we know this to be a sound
Roes stated that the Northern
Iron company was producing only
one-quarter of the tonnage it could
have produced If fully supplied with
You Can Make
Dear Folka at Home
I received no letter from home
last week out did receive an Athland
Record and a few Courier, which I
njoy. Yes, I will be glad to have
the Courier regularly; although I
don't know many people around
there It la Interesting anyway aa It
.eem. to give a brief resume of stat i; o Wn n ,n ,
and national affair, aa well a. ot- If more, we Journey
local happenings. Suddenly to the land of never-nev
You doubtless know that every
company usually ha tome kind of
mascot. Our squadron has been
without one ever since losing the
Texan pop on the St. Paul, which by
the way turned over recently at the
dock. However, we are making up
for lost time now. The squadron has
about completed raising fund of
1,000 francs with which we Intend
to adopt two French war orphana a
mascots for the period of one year
by the plan outlined In the Stan and
Stripe, the official newspaper of the
A. E. F., which I am sending yon
under separate cover. As you will
notice In that paper that many
squadron are doing the aame thing
and It 1 really a splendid Idea.
Recently our commanding officer
picked np a baby wild boar some
where near here, and is keeping it
for a mascot. It la about the size of
a cat and has auch a large head that
It almost balances on lta front leas.
It haa quite long hair, almost fur,
which runs In light and dark stripes
down Its back and some of the boys
keep it nice and clean and It I quite
They feed It out of a bottle
annougn u is sirong enuugu 10 iui-
low the boy about, however. It darej
not show much speed aa It Is con-1
stantly in danger of taking a nose
dive. Two weeka ago our captain j
shot a wild boar. They get to be!
about a heavy as an ordinary hog. i
I think, but are much longer legged i
and more active, and I guess are '
,.tw fnrmlrthta If enrn-reH
400th Aero Con. Squad.
A. E. F.
Camp Sheridan, Ala.,
May 15, 1918.
Dear Cousin:
Your nice letter reached a very
busy prospective soldiers In the midst
of preparations which will be fol
lowed In a short time by good byes
tq Montgomery from the 47th divi
sion. ' We surely have been pushed the
past month.. I actually haven't had
time to look at my French book, so
1 suppose I'll Just use arm signals,
and trust to the Lord that the
Frenchies will understand. How
ever, 1 don't think we will see
France very soon. It seems that wej
will have to combine with drafted j
men to bring our regiments up to
war strength.
, The boys In all the camps are an-!
xlous to get over there and have It
over with. For the ones who come j
back what great things are in store .
for them. It certainly will be over
before very long. If my little bit
only leaves me there in a neap wltst ,
some oi me oiner ieuo even mm
wnn't ha iia d'nrao T liallova wlfh all
my heart that not many more of us
will go over, and that the Infantry j.
"with dirt behind their ears", will
shoot their way to Berlin In silte of
gas and bayonet and shell; In spite
of submarine or aeroplane. We've
got the best shots in the world. Give,
us one fair shot apiece to our mil
lion and a half and the war will
be on it's last legs so will Bill Kai
ser., i
Say, It's so blooming hot here that
they make us double time with ga'
masks on to see how much we ca.
stand without smothering to death.
Did you ever see a gas mask? They
make a fellow look like a cross be
tween the devil and a deep sea diver.
Roman Meal
tX)ll 91.00
ib of Introduction gurnet aa well n
other, .un made everyone enjoy the
'to breath through, not for talking' J00 "qualnted.
' They also have a real f ' h?d
- J .i.-.n. u.i .vi-ii nood time. MUi Catherine lrow
i.i...: th.i.'and Edith nrown gave a very plea-
April lUlll." ;h"e' Tb.y WMlMliIW
L A..,y . k ai .. ,iii.,,frshment eon.l.ted of punch and
W uvea u v w w v w"
from "fit the form" clothea slnc
they fit the face ao tightly that a
feow hM B0 troub, ltt ..,0, j'mornlng the young people mad
face hut." If you haven't any plc -
ture. of th monatroalty which li
to keep u. alive I'll try to get .nap-'
'.hot one of these dy to end you.,
er. It's a beautiful thought.
they don't tell round trip ticket to
that Place. When I go the long.y My M-dftwd. Georgia
long trail I'd rather look a little Ins' William, of Medford and Mvlan
like a devil. ' look bad enough aa Iham of this city. Each group
lt j found a convenient spot for a quiet
The ..ddeat part Is that we wont tl.
(have) need th. band In th. front o Caesar th, .thing, that . C.t
line trenche. to wake u. In th. we.;-''- " GoA n"
small hours. There's .nough wlth-V' "od's," wa. applied o the pres
ort It. .o a. the "nol.e" leadera of t re.pon. blllty to our
the "Y" .ay.. "Now. boy., leta have government and our God.
I, without the band." Th. bu.ln.s. meeting followed
Please give th. boy. a word of . The officer, for the new year a.
cheer from comr.d. In misery ted are: President. Jo.eph l a te
when you write. Tell them to be-e- man. Medford: first vice president
war. of th. Infantry. It'e tough on Minnie Ashland; aecond
Let 'm aing "Hurray for Dixie'
I want to go back to Oregon.
Your rookie friend,
18,n miamry.
Camp Sheridan, Ala.
Wy to Test th World.
0(1.rmnp f(,r Mm9el wh, ,h.
,, ero..nff h,, ,nrM, All
ne hai t0 do u t0 nsCPrtnln whether
the number of people who agree with
him Is Increasing or dlmlnlxhlng.
Houston Post
Sewing Machine Aid.
Take a board that will fit enslly In
the machine drawer and drive finish-
ln """ " regular iniervnis
about two Inches spurt, put your
spools of thread on these nails, with
numbers up, arranging white threnil
on one ilde, colors on the other aii'l
silks at the back.
All kinds of Commer lal Printing
at the Courier Office.
. r
HK.N l la- lieniiiiiiM re
treated from long held
positions In Northern
France they girdled ev
ery fruit tree that time
permuted. Here Is
such a tree, hacked be
yond chance of the
tree' surviving unless
first aid measures were
; l i,
; I
: k.
. II
quickly adopted. In ninny nines the
advancing French troops bronchi the
first aid mnterlnl and sometimes suc
ceeded In saving the trees. Where the
tree was absolutely cut down ns hun
dreds were there was, of course, no
relief measure to employ. Members
of the U. S. Food Administration
brought this picture to America. Ear
ly In the war the German govern
mont Introduced a policy of strict
food conservation at home anil has
endeavored to curtail In every kmI
ble manner the French and KncUsli
supply. U boat warfare and ilea. ruc
tion of farming property nre pnrlH of
the same campaign.
The tenth annual Kpworth league
convention of Klsiiulh district has
moved most nc-esiful from a spir
itual a well at aoclul standpoint.
Krlilav afternoon'a urogram was
inmt hrlpfut. The convention theme,
"Keep the Uagne Flrei Burning."
wst emphasised throughout the con
vention ai each tiiliat fill hi own
place a well aa the place left va-
leant by onr soldier boyi. The de-
votlonnl lervlco and (alka were ea
ipeclally helpful.
The reception Friday avenlnt was
a'lve from atart to finish. A num-
Aa the aim waa rising Saturday
'"r'r ' -
' Pr'er meolln"' h,ch M
Ml- MHI. Thla wa.
w ..'' ".,.
D. remembered by all
'' ' coffee,
called the hungry Bp-
.auaage and eggs
worthlan. to
' Oroup prayer meetlnga were tea
vice Dresiueni, ....,
Wilbur; third vice president, wra
Herman, Grant Pass; fourth vice
president. I.yle Perrln. Roseburg;
secretary. May Llndlcy. Medford;
treasurer. Ernest Jeffery, Talent,
and Junior League superintendent,
iMIea Tooker. Ashland. "The CU
Drive" by the president, Mary Tin
ker. of Medford. the round table'
talk, and the department meetings
filled the morning.
In tho afternoon the visitors were
.hown around the city and ended
the afternoon with a hike up a hill
west of the city on the Merlin rond.
Supper was served at tho church
and thorouahly enjoyed by all. Mis
Helen Flflfild was toastmaster. Vlv
inn Isham ronresented the home
chapter, as president while the rc-
anective presidents responded. The
old and new rablnet also responded
Rev. L. Myron Booier, Rev. B. A
Finch and Rev. Melville T. Wire,
were guests, all responding.
A patriotic pantomlne under the
supervision of Mrs. Sam Baker end
ed the evening with a aober thought
Rev. Melville T. Wire preached
V V " ll
AineiKit nt loiluy the gleui larder of
the allied nations. Out of our food
stocks we must save enough to feed
our European associates In this war.
: 7
frr ' K'
the convention sermon on the "lUre
of Life." It wa especially helpful
to young people.
The Installation of Oliver and the,
communion aervlre filled th nfur
noon. , i
The Kpworth Uuguors gathered;
again at o'clock for the regular,
devotional meeting led-by the
went, mii Tinner, nr. j. r. itoiun.
of Medford gave a patriotic addreaa
on "Work." The Individual life wa
orougni out a mosi important, mo M ( lh Vntm KUlPi when run
roll call of th soldier boy. 9 In )n ,,, nam urndtni to
number, waa a mint .olernn rvlre. -,llhurll- lh, deuirtment of oom-
The conveatlnn song, "Keep the
league nrea iiiirnniK. a ong nn
throughout Ihe convention and
.v ...... .w-1
Uaguera heard Dr. Kerr nter In the "'"""
..nin 1,11,1 u'lfl" "rh w"l cnM
LJ v.j . v1 batted after the war by Ihe Amerl-
The home chapter deiervet much '",,,u K...... i.rn.
credit for the ucc. of the con-"" '; "' ' h
ventlon a. well a. the untiring cf- J ,0 l , ,
forta of the district cabinet. I The will be pictorial
Thoe present were: Ashland -or symbolic, recognliahla In all roun
Jean Anderson. Josephine Barber. rl reganlleia of lh langiuge
Mlnnl Beaver. Kdna 8tennett. Mln- apoken. The printed mark "Made la
nle Klncald. Medford-UcsU Jack- lT. 8. A." which some manufa.-tur-on.
Georgia Williams.. Iilnnche era have b.en using, was found to
Snot. Joseph lUteman. Mary Tin-, mean nothing to million of foreign,
her. May Llndley. Curtl Durby. Mr. . the Chinese for Instance, who
Meeker. Ro.eburg-I.ol (ledde.ipeak only their nall tongue. Am-
Margarita llorney and Kyle I'errlne.
Wilbur Uo IloUate. K.thleen '
wbur Uo Kathleen
Rant. Kdlth Brown. Talent-F.rnest
Jeffery. dold Hill flusaa 8trns.
Alice Johnson. Ina Gardner. Eleanor
Bverly. Central Tolnt Vorona Bren-
ner. Joy Hamyuck. Gertrude Wiley.
Iris' Marhall. Donald Brenner. .
It Is estimated that th loss to
the British Y. M. C. A. since the
German drive on the western front
In buildings, equipment, supplies,
etc.. I. more than 1200,000. 8cores
of huts have been wiped out by
.hell fire.
the great war-
time sweetmeat. 5
MSk -the benefit, the 5
A)wfj i pleasure, the economy J
Mjpvtcfs of a 5c package of J
I vorlte "sweet ration" ?
Ife 1T of thc Alllcd arm,es' 5
AfMlvMJ send It to your friend
vHl3i att,,eront:
Ht'8 the hand,Mt 5
fi vv vVAi longest -Castlna re- ij
m WmA frcshment .he can 5
C3rry ?
The Flavor Lasts
-ul,nn,Ml. .y 7,-A ualloual
l',-!,rl,.,rii for protection of Amerl-
M HoUg ibro, m ,0 ,llliur a
h ,un(Uri of MnHty will be
BViUbl, for lh, u 0f menufaclur-
... .i...ib ... n emblem and
r,1R(U, lu ,IMi
.! I" (ietmany
good and the
erlcan consular omcima frequently
ve urged that "Made In V. . A."
snoum i nr n m ..u. ...
In the language of the country where
they were to be sold.
Amcilean goods, rather than Am-
.erli ans and their persons, are to be.
the correct mean of winning rrunas
for this country." In th opinion of
officials. "The national trade sym
jbol If properly exploited and used
! should enable ua lo reach markets
and people a we have never before
A million and a half rake, of soap
went oversea. In on. Y. M. C. A.
.hlpment for American soldiers.