life- DAILY EDITION mm VOU VIII., X... 1H4I, OBAJOT PAM, JOMCPHllIB OOCnT. OREOOT MONDAY. MAY 27. I0IH. " unni i, 1 1 - i lMnKIt glTI PRES. W. J. KERR SHOWSNEEDOF CONSERVATION CH.M'TAl'Ql'A TEXT FILLEO WITH CROWD TO II Kill 0. A. C. I'ltKfllltKMT GRAVITY OF SITUATION IS TOLD Final Outcome if HlruKul Hri-end" I M the Hupvljr at Food, fur the Allies A parked tent greeted President Kerr of th. Oregon Agricultural col Iff Sunday night, when ha tame to deliver a nwHim from the. Moral aulhorlllea at Washington. Presl dent Kerr, with seven ut)ir repre sentative men from different parti of the nation, was called to Wash ington to confer with federal author Itlti and representatlvca of allied nation, and there ha learned the ac tunl conditions which confront the allied ranae and learned the serious m and even critical condition1 whlrh now prevail. Mr. Kerr, af ter an Introduction by I'renldent nramwfll of the Cham her of Com merce, talked for an hour and a half with an earnestness that left In the mlnda of hie hearera the conviction of the seriousness of the present food eltnatlon. Ilia atatementi were to the effect that the a II lea are look- in to America for help. The entire atock of wheat now In the I'nlted Stale.. If every ounce were shipped to Europe, would not 'bring the ra tioning np to 75 per cent of normal. Without the sufficient food for the allies they will collapse, and If any one of the allies collapse the Ger mans will be victorious In Europe. Then within three months will come a Oertnan Invasion of the t'nlted States. , President Kerr pictured scenes at the national capital, where every en ergy la bent toward tha proaecutto of t war. Tta told ot the iram... appeala for help' coming from Eng land, from Prance and from Italy, of the absolute need of sufficient food for the fighting men. and for the civilian r population to keep up Strength for the duties behind the lines. It was a dark picture but one noo RAISES ALLr R. R. RATES Fmlglit ami Vwmrnicrr I'rlcc In-1 rrcNMsl A Well A Cullman Tax No KtnMer Allownl PRES. 11 REVENUE LEGISLATION Washington, May 27. In order to meet the Increases In wages and the higher cost of coal and other supplies. Director General MeAdoo today ordered that all . railroad freight rates should be raised 25 per ceni ana mat passenger . ratea ... . .. I. i . . . . ,, vtssningion. May zi. jusi aa ine annum ha. I n n ... mm A I- l ...I. . mlU I i , . . " . , German guns thundered and hera d- Instead of the present rate of t . ., . . . ..-.. n. i- .k . ... d N"nl of th offensive, Pres- renta per mile In tha east, it Is es- ... tlm.t.d iwh.u ,.. k.,-. w"" Pl'rt unexpected In lioo nnn nnn t ton nno nnn Mor "ogress today and demanded more revenue yearly. Thl.'l. the lh'1..1 ,houl,, M,dT "! PoUUc" k.....t .... i. . . . consideration ana remain in session biggest rate Increase ever made In ...... . . . . . Inn... It tl a .n.-tan HIV lav law- tha hl.tnr nf r.llr..da Th. ( " - - Incre... will . !. ...... ti i,ld ,ht Polltl" "iJurned and the passenger Increase fceeomce "Tn vrnepl Increasei In taxes effective June 10 snouio. oe on incomes rrom war pro- All passengers on sleeping and "U luaurles." said the president lit I S 1 a . iL.i l sa a . parlor cars will be reoulred to iiav M,a "ll ,D "O"10 m,n tH centa a mile beside the regular Pullman fare. rommntallnn ra .ml .ii aini.nvor i.ri.u.... ...Miles. Distinct warning waa abolish. Ksresa baggage rharces Kln,,t lobbying In connection with tha . ..III ft. , " " -uju. fia urougm uui the fact that there was Indisputable evidence of profiteering now, which ShOIlM li rmmt'UoA kv I ka MAHW 1Ala I " " - il'i HTHAWHK'HItlKfl IXCHKASK Nation. "The only way that it can be Execctive Appears Before Congress and Decacis That a. a. S-a. .. ta rclitics be Laid Aside acd new Tax Laws Enacted -Luxuries to Pay More Ifestly unfair to wall until lilt be- for determining the new tax scbei- glven will J raised and other Increases made. HKI OIMH8 THKANt'ltY was gotten at Is through Uxatlon." the presldent'a closing thought. . ' After his prepared address, which took but It minutes, the president laid aalde hla manuscript and spu-e exUmporanoualy. "Just aa 1 was leaving the White House I was told that the drive had apparently be gun. Ton can sea how that aolemn Ued my feeling as I came to you and seemed to atrengthen my pur pose which I have tried to express." He then praised congress for theu cooperation with him. He did not appear to suggest any neglected duty on their part but reminded them of the common cause. Havana, May 27 The Cuban state department baa notified Cuban rep resentatives In all countries that dip lomatic relatione between Cuba and Mexico bad not been ruptured, and she eonslderers the affair only a passing Incident. Washington. Mar 27. Leaders In the taxation question have decided to begin hearlnga on the tax bill early In June. Seattle. May 27. First atrawber- rlea from Kennewlck, Wash., this year brought elose to 50 centa apiece for the Red Cross. The Ken newlck berries, especially the first to ripen, are generally regarded aa luxurlos. but FRONT LINE MEN ARE BUSY EVERY HUTE Indon. Mar 27 In a 1.1. er re- when they were sold I i.. .... t .. . . ,. . . . . - , "" w-j. imuiensni in a for the Red Cross here they aoared . - . ,to ..rlc nev.r h.r,.r. t. Undon witlm-nt saya, according to eratea netted I&07. . " Ue Dt-ll News:' "To give you some Idea of our last seven days, we were gassed and shelled and attacked every night and morning. Although we Buffered casnaltlea I am proud to aay we nev er gave an Inch and the raaualtles A serious accident resulted on the Psctflc highway last evening, when a Dodge car, coming from the north, ran into a roach loe drivnJy S. A. Adams, head mechanic of the Tord garage. The collision occurred at the sharp turn, eight miles out of town near Merlin. The Dodge car containing four touriats waa coming at a high .... ... IUvu auu tuw luuiiufi rate oi speea. woen jusi arouna me mr I .. ' I - .1 .... . ! ........ '"" rnemj were en- curve ran squarely into Mr. Adam s ormous. In parts of our front they) car, which waa occupied by lie eight and nine dean Of arniinfiaut I lr lilima an1 hla arkn a.r. Undon. May 27. A German sub- and dead. I've aeen more flvlitinii enminv nw.Pri. ihm The marine of the cruiser type waa sunk during the last month than during 'two car came together with terrific Ua II Im ak l-ala... rs a. let.- a. .. ... I . ... iU iNiuuuv ui oi. iiuo "hi mj prTioui io m on t ft i force, hurling the woman la VI n rant hir tllta.k I.e... I i il ...!. .... . BRITISH SImKB;G i CRUISER CARS COLLIDE Oil PACIFIC HIGHWAY mm HE HOT RUPTURED Cutkan Uovmnient .ViHlrlee Keor senUtlvea TtuU Mexican Affairs la Pawilng Incident AVIATOK PAIL BAER IS UKUKVED TO BR PMHOXER Tendon, May 27. It In now be lieved that Lieutenant Pan! Baer, of Florida, aviator, missing slurs May 22, may have been taken priijaef. MANY PEOPLE HEAR LECTURE ON VAR FOODS - i - f'"u iii muiiin.i ion-e, nuriing me woman m me Vincent by a British Atl.ntln e.port l.etu.l Vnh,Pltnral ltl (tla Ilia. A(MHl ...a Ik. t-v J a V ft. a V 1 wmv aassv put, iw iruui wi me avuuk7 iUTuusn inr submarine. The admiralty made this gether. One day we finished up with windshield. Mrs. Adams was also viiuin. auuuuui:riiiTni o.iuraay. . Cape St. Vincent la on the south west extremity of Portugal. The atatement aay a: that was msde necessary to bring Vn" or '" " tha American people to a realisation """" .7 T of the true condition of affairs. He r? ""L 08 11 ?' "l,,,,d' st.ierf ih.t .ithnn.h .h.e. .elof C"B 8l- Me". I'roceed- meattes. meal, and meatles. "noy , he sighted and the meat consumption had Increased. Mnk, rm" "'" ..j ..... ...l...-v 1 scout crulaer type. A heavy sea was pur flsta, and. as you may guess, In thrown from the car. All were bad mat art we had Frits beaten to a ly bruised but no one waa seriously fraxtle. We are now enjoying a few hurt. The two care are almost com- aaya rest." nletelv wrecked I1MY SIBIi HIT and that although there are wheat i running at the time. There were less meals and wheatlesa days, more economies are necessary. T...t.. V.. a (.ft . ... k .VI. morning (o continue hla addresses, 'bmarlne was sighted, but by swift (Correspondence of the Associated !S IT ID IIIIC, IS BIS .no survivors. .. . . i tj,g nortiy afterward another enemy Somewhere in France; Apr. 24.- murniMK la coniinue uis aaaresses, " j --"i ivorresponaence or me Associated expecting to spend several weeks of dlvln ,n " h o' P,e.. n- r ih- iiia ni. 4iiai-i ia u.a Iconsort. .1 COUNTY WES TO KEEP COUIilY AGEIU The home economics club met this morning at the courthouse. The community waa well represented and many Interesting subjects were dis cussed. Among the most vital was the subject or whether or not the county felt the need of keeping a county agent or not. The matter waa put to a vote and It waa unani mously carried ta favor ot having one. The feeling waa very strong on thla lubject Miss Turley of Corvallls was pres ent and gave a very Instructive pa per. After the meeting the mem bers all adjourned to the luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. "This being the first cruiser sub marine deetroyed, It has been de of the war Is the military aurgeon. No man haa been harder worked In the tremendoua fighting of the past elded to depart from the usual rule r"','' ntlng of the past of not announcing I he r WMkl Md hU work nM be0 Individual enemv .,,hn,.Hn 10 m0" cw PlMt. Madrid, May .27. The flerman One hundred people, both mea and women, attended the luncheon In the Chamber of Commerce rooms today at 12 o'clock. A very good luncheon waa served, after which Sam Baker, representative of the food adminis tration, . Introduced the apeaker of the occasion. Mlsa Milan ri.n the home economics department at O. A. C. Misa Milan waa appointed by Mr. Hoover as the representative for the state of the home economic department;. " Miss Milan spoke , in anch a way aa to make the people realise Just what we must do in this crisis of the food problem. Her main argument waa against the using of so much meat. "We don't need It." she said. "and the allies do.- Milk la a .nod substitute for meat and ' half the people do not realise It. Mlsa Mll.n pointed out all through her lecture the contrast between the rations of the allies and the United State. She showed how reasonable the anneal or our government really la. The extreme need of wheat was empha isea ana she showed how e it would be to do without It.- Miss Milan closed her speech with the little grace that she thought not oniy oeautlful. but fitting for the spirit of the times. Here we rather deal in Round Thv thl to h j . Tla thy gift our dally bread. Aa we gather to be fed X Nation, nluil f 4.ti Fighting aon and anguished mother, Orphaned children, all together Pray to Thee for dally bread. . At Thy common table, rath. Ask we all for daily "bread. H1SH17 OFFENSIVE Oil BEST- HIT ATTICMITIJIO TO REACH CUX. JTEL PORTS AJID Pl'BII OS TO WARD PA Rig mm mm cos Activity Over Wide Front But BHt tali ausd Preach Reailog With Vloleace , London. Msy 27. The renewal or the big German offensive which the allies hare been exepctlng, la new on. Reports are given thla morn. ing that strong German attacka have developed, following heavy bombard ments, between Rhelma and Solssons and between Locre and Vormexeele. London. May 27 German hu aumed the drive, apparently trying to push to the channel ports in the north and to Parts in tha aonth. striking near Rhelma. taklnr in . aector which haa been comparative ly quiet since last fall. With the British Army in France. May 27 Latest reports ahow that the Germans made small progress in aome places and made a stubborn attack northeast of Kemmel, which waa directed against ' ground tsken by the French May 29. Thai A nnln. In lh. .t1 .IH H a ssva uuvtwi .a I sac UUI Vll!Ujr III the regiment, however, who is the!leat the? Prlsh, swift and eager fortunate possessor of a cart, but l!?,r.? now oui J?a11' br?i- . .v. . . . ivive mronga as. u ureal Ail this leads to numerous complies- To n,, children dan7 bread. FORECAST FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY 27 TO JUNE 1 Pacific Coast States Fair except showers over north portion first half of the week; higher temperature Mondny' over interior district. erew of the U-boat haa been Intern ed In the Interior of the country POSITIONS TAKEN BY ITALI ANS tlona. There are aome thirtv-odd or- After th miiiie ui.. u'n.ii ms fleera In the regiment, and each onelthe ladles to give them a more defl- or tnem naa some rew trines which nlte Idea of how to conserve on food must go In that cart. If he Is weak stuffs. .enouKh to take them the e.rt I. nver-l - mere la not tne same romantic loaded and before Inn. hreak. rinvn stimulus for the medical man that 'and precloua medical stores have to submarine U-88 whinh .m.r.d th.P B " Ior ln" ,nlnirT or "iuery De abandoned. If he refuses to take . . ' Biuereq n offlcar K la one thing to dash about them him t.A....a k. ........... .u I "; ii auomer ining io aasn sole. because the accumulators of the vea-Lv.. ..j ..I h.d' k..n d-ma ...v h00"1 undr tlr nd Uk th The doctor doesn't ride, but "foot marine I. on. of the BOO-ton cl. ' hnc,m to those a,.. It wltB h and carrle. on. deck gun and two .:7k i.V, !.Tk.TM a. . the ,lme mud' the Mme wlnd torpedo tubes. .ri u i t Jam and the same peril.. His duties A Spanish gunboat has been sent I ' Y.. - ' v V . . " to caring for the III to Santander to. convoy the .ubmar- ""TTZ. V . , " lnJuMd- He must n')erv,M lh ine to Ferrol for Internment. - The irt "Jf.?Ti!2 ,,to, ot m "d blH.ta, en er.w of th. h.. !ultr clearing stations along the ,ur. th. burltv of drlnklna- water. front during a recent attack. ,,,. . ,ooknil. fo, ,.,,. mn The regimental surgeon In the Idemlca. maintain . enntlnnm.. e.m. British army haa In hla charge the n.l.n of innneui.tinm and well being of more than a thousand tlona, and fill out a 'nn-r ,'e ra men. When there Is no fighting on. record, and .mr fne-n. m h. ne nas plenty to do. He haa to strike to do his re,-t 'n the I'ght of his a happy medium In discouraging the special fcnw'ede to maintain the .iu.-iieea, wno come to mm as he-'th of his unit, and any remlss a means of obtaining a fortnight's neM 0n his part may lead to a ser rest, and In holding out a hU)lng ions diminution in it. nana to those who are . i -.. it---. . ' ... . Ixodon; May ,27. The German offensive on the new front is not on so extensive a scale aa previous drives, according to the statement published In the Evening Standard. The Germans have pressed hack the British for a short distance tne point near Rhelma. The Belgians repulsed three 'at tacks last night. at Paris, May 27. The Germane have launched an attack over the front extending between the foreet of Pinon and Rhelma. The British and French are resisting with ha bitual valiance. 1 COAST TO HAVE NAVAL PATROL Washington. May 27. A naval patrol along the Alaskan coast haa been established, to forestall any ag itation that might arise by the lead er, of the I. W. W. There has been no evidence of an : break In Alaska, but leaders are there, especially in the canning communities and It i. believed they are preparing to Interfere with the preserving of food. . Rome, May 27. The Itallana have launched an Important attack, capturing several mountain position, and taking 800 prisoner. inr M WW ARE AGAIN ACTIVE Paris, May 27. After an Inter- tress. If he Is too lenient, the com In real dls-' In WMt u h the d(Jed dllly of playing the role of medical at- val of quiet, the tfcrmina at I mi.iUni nnin i. ..i, ..i.... o'clock this morrlng, again bogin to er he Intend, to deplete the whole tendant 10 th villagers, as all the u,..u.,u .an. -in meir in.ig ange regiment: If he Is too harsh the French doctora in the country dls "' ' lllinior nmcer. and men Inaa lulliim. t.t,.t. v.... .... ' .wnv I'H.iiii . . i ik in ii a r uud 7. HORNER GUILTY TO MURDER MAJOR GEfJERAL V.tWO TO Cd,E TO COAST Washington. May' 27 Malor 'Gen eral Leonard Wood waa today assign ed to the position of commander of the department of the west with headquarters in San Francisco, suc ceeding Brigadier Oeneral Treat, who is now abroad.1 Haior General Leonard Wood was detached from hla division, which ha. gone to France. He will remain at CamD Funston. Kalama,-Wash., May 27. William I Horner pleaded guilty today to tl.e murdering of Mrs. Bassett nrd two children at Kelso. Me wa. sen tenced to life imprisonment at 'Wal la Walla. Horner declared that he went crasy when sho protested be cause he refused to marry her. TELLER GOES TO WAR War work proved more attractive than paying teller In the Seaboard National Bank, New York, to Ells worth Ferrelra, so he enlisted In T. M. C. A. and Is serving the soldiers "over there."