DAILY HOtilK IUVHK COUUKIt HtlUAY, MAY Ul, IIMM. PAQK TWO Ml ROGUE RIVER COURIER published Dally Except Saturday A. B. VOORH1E3, Pab. and Prop. KnUKd at the Poatofflce, OranU Paaa, Or., m Mooad elaaa sail matter. You Will Help IK YOl' IHK WHOI-K WHKAT FUH'R e) Pounds ltarloy Flour and B pounds whole wheat flour ADVERTISING RATES rMinlaV 1IUM. Mr Inch.. ISc Local or personal column, par Una 10c: Readers, par Una... - DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, par year....M.08! By mall or earrter, per month.. .60 ( MEMBER Stata Editorial Association Oregon Cally Newspaper Pub. Asaa. MEMBEI. OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press la exclusively rr. . .. i atttled to tha a e lor republication I .,-ini-- r.mne ot a:t newa dlspatchea credited to It 'ront and In the training camps or Dot otherwise credl'ad In this Is enormous. Thla Is ao necessarily, paper and also tha : cal newa Pl-1 Yesterday, (or example, one of our Ushed herein. planes was totally wrecked In a bad AC WK HAVK ItOMAN MKAL IN HI' 1K KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY yl'ALlTY Fliwr DOCTOR YAMAM0T0 AT CHAUTAUQUA Noted Japanese Scholar, Author and1 Lecturer an Japaneee-Amer lean Relatione. Dr. Yamamoto was educated In tha universities of both Japan and tha United States, hus written several au thoritative books on tha relations ot the two countries, and Is perhaps bet ter fitted than any other ninn on tha platform to bring thla vital subjoct to American audiences. Few subjects are mora tinKrtant In the public uilnd at the preseut time than tha one concerning our rvlatlona llectrle Oranfte. I'rt f. J. A HrhiliiK, In h lrlirv l KojmI ItiNlIt Ullttlt. I.i'inlnn. in n JllWllllc Mllilll'lliV. Mllll tlinl not ninny tin), mill nil In knew I lint nhen they nil nn orniiKe with a steel knlfu and a ullver fork a current of electricity punned tliroiiiih llielr hands, Tha acid In the orange acted on tde steel, and the orunge actVd as a voltaic evil. All rlshta of republication ot spe cial dlspatchea herein are also reserved. FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1918. SATURDAY can mu VHEATLESS sss5 w i ORBGON WKATHKH f Talr; moderate northwester- W wlda. AIRPLANES . The losa of an airplane at pres ent Is perhaps as serious aa the loss of a pilot, from a military stand point, for a man can be replaced more easily than planes, according to Major W. Thaw, , probably the best known American airplane pilot, fighting with the Lafayette Esca drllle In France. The battle for aerial supremacy is almost a drawn one at present and It appears almost certain that victory in this war will be decided in the air, says Major Thaw, In a letter to members of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum- - bermen, an Industrial adjunct of the " spruce production , division of the signal corps, of which Colonel Bruce P. Dlsque is commanding officer. The letter will he published In the cur rent issue ot the monthly bulletin of the "L. L. L. L.," one means by which the woodsmen members of crash due to a defective motor. Last week two pilots belonging to this combat group were killed In a col lision at 1 1.000 feet. A day or ao before that four pilots were brought down in combat, and so It goes from day to day. "Unless ws have new aeroplanes with which Immediately to replace losses we are ery serlouely handl capped In the work ot fighting our enemies. Odd aa It may seem, the losa of a machine at present perhaps Is s serious as the losa ot a pilot, for men can be replaced more easily than planes. "I think It may truthfully be said that we are doing our part In the work of making aviation mora cost ly to tha enemy than he makea It for us. We have destroyed a good many of his aircraft and we hope to con tinue doing so. But there la an Important fart to remember. ' Aa conditions are now, the Germans are making tre mendous efforts to make good their wastage in aeroplanea and the bat tle for aerial supremacy thus far Is almost a drawn one. It la nip and tuck and will be until America's air squadrons, trained and fully equip ped, are ready to take the field In force. "It aooears almost certain now that victory in this war will be de elded In the air. ARTHUR WALWYN EVANS CHAUTAUQUA LECTURER Member of Lloyd-George Family Gives Impreaslona of America. Arthur Walwyn Evans, the brlllln-.i: Welsh orator who cornea to Cbaulnu i qua on the second night, has had an unusual Ufa experience. He Is a I nephew of David Lloyd deorso ami! has known many ot the celebrities ol j England and the continent. Ho has ! I ,r AC I ... &&y "I" ' '.. -ft S I ) i r r J ARTHUR WALWYN EVANS . j ft. u j 71 5 VS'hat Is the best salt for a hungry man to lake? Dr. Mlnoaaku Toshl Yamamoto. With Japan. And perhaps few subjects are less unilenttcxMl. It will be a pleas ure at Chuutnuquu to heur Dr. Ml no suit u Tonlil Yiiinnnioto, Jninnese schol ar, author and leeturer, Ulncust thexe, problems from, nn Impartlnl stuml- j point I "Length of the Law." ' The phrase, "The lengili of the law," 1 mm ttm M all. .Villi, mm ImiiiTIK ' which the ancient atututva of Unvt ; Britain were inscribed. The prwent day ofllclal title of the "tnnster or Hie ' rolls" la a reminder of thla an- j Clent custom. Rome fulut Idea ; of the bulk of the KiikIIhIi records nmy ( be obtained from the fuel thnt a single Statute, the Iftml tux eommlMloncro' act, pniiHd In the llrt yenr of the reku of (ieorge IV nci-iirc when nil- 1 mIIimI upwnril of IXHl f.-el!- Iti holMiib ' timilny Herald. BUY War Sayings Stamps lUMilK IUVKH WATER tXtMPANY" A rake walk! Ttkr: A WALK TO Ol lt MKAT HIIOI' IT'K AN K.HV WALK KICOM MONT l'l.t I'H NOT A II )ll WALK r ItOM ANY VIM'K O.VCK IIKUK YOl' WILL IIVVK. Yttl'lt (TIOK'K UtOM A t llOlt : tll.l,M'IIO OK (HOICK MKATK! The City Market 4o;l (I NTIIKK.T 1'IIONr: A'J All kinds of Commercial Printing at tha Courier OftVa. rcQ7 ai Xs2 iwl. Heavy Winter Layen "kO Ln anakaM w M iO imm. UnM wlmr - J muA bJI J t-, anil Immmn. im 1 Im dxii wJ wk lam mm km S. C WHITE LEGHORNS BARY CHICKS 'ri i-bf W tH cMck. U mw UiM wl nm WE PAY a tXfRFAS CH.RCE3 THK E1HN HATCHERY LvswIkiSBVatU Cw m. Okt FCTALUM A, CAU traveled In fifteen countries and live 1 1 . In alx of them. He baa known, ainont; others, Lord Kitchener, Lord Rubens, "I wish that some of your repre- Joseph Chamberlain, John Ruskln, sentatlves, men who actually cut the Gladstone and Kipling. When he was spruce for our planes, could visit the twenty years old he was preaching western front, visit u. here at out " .IO IKUUIII(U, CVI IU, v jvm.v be has been delivering an average oi barracks and see the actual condi tions under which we are working. If ever any of you do come you will be sure of a right royal welcome and you will go back to your work In Am erica with a conviction that your Job Is fully as important as our own. We wish your organization all suc cess and hope every logger and lum berman In America may be urged over 300 lectures a year In this coun- try and Is In as great demand as any lecturer on the American pla'.form to day. Ills lecture, . "WUat America Means to Me," will be one of the U'a events of Chautauqua week. one c First Colonial General Hospital. It ih nn rYlirmiry 7. ifcil. that the first general hospital was thnrtered In to Join It If he has not already done the colonies the l'ennsylvanln state o . hosiiltnl In Phlliiileli.hln. Joshua Cms- Very truly yours.. W. SHAW, Major A. S. 8. C. IT. S. R., Command ing 103 Aero Purs. Sq. THISTLE IN SCOTCH HISTORY With! the legion are kept In touch the progress of the war. Major Thaw, who already brought down a number of enemy i Various Traditions Concerning Its Adoption by the Highland Clans aa Their Emblem. ' by was the ftrit president of the In stitution, and Itenjninln Franklin, who had been prominent In unclnc the es tablishment of nn institution for the care of the sick, was the first clerk. It was In this hospital In 17W thnt Thorn as Bond pnve the first cllnleul Instruc tion In America. The thistle of. Scotland Is said to has i be the oldest national flower, and tra-' dltlon traces Its adoption to the reign ' of Alexander m and the buttle of airplanes, writes from the headquar- Larga" (when an attacking Dane i ters of the 103rd Aero Pursuit! stepped upon a thistle and Involun-j Squadron, of which he is command-; o7,T ' lng officer, as follows: i "Another account of Its sdoptlon Is "Having received an account of, ' vefJ different character," writes the splendid work which is now be-. Catherine M. Beals In Flower Lore and lng done by the Loyal Legion ofi end: "A,bout tt ml(WIe ,of t ,he T . , . . t i fifteenth century a company of stern- Logger, and Lumbermen to further men met',n tbcoxl'octt cham. ine speeay .completion or America s great aerial program. It occurred to' me that you might like to have a ' word from an American air squad-, ron already in actual service at the , front. i "Our work here Is as closely con nected with your own and so depend- i ent upon it for results that I feel it i my duty to do the little I can. nt this distance, to further the more Intimate relationship between our branch of service and yours. ber of Edinburgh, and the occasion of that meeting was to discuss the ad visability of substituting the thistle for the figure of St. Andrew, on the nauoniu Dunner. ine proceedings oi , the council were secret, but soon after j the thistle appeared upon every Scot- ( tlsh banner. The national motto might , have been adopted with npproprlnte ness on either of these occasions: 'Nemo me impune lacesslt.' The polite reading of this Is, 'No man attacks me without being punished,' but the more simple translation of earlier days "It is encouraging to us and to all . was Touch me who dares !' while the other American aviators. I am siir. to know that such an organization i yours exists. We helonir to one r America's first flghtlnc cqimdron" and are In a position to know from actual experience how essential the; production of airplane material Is. "This Is particularly true of the spruce you are cutting in the forests of the northwest. You are far from the flrlne; line. It would not h" strange If at tlnies you were to lose sight of the vital importance of your labor. The wastage of aeroplanes at original Is supposed to have been, 'Who dare meddle wl' me? Another Inscrip tion which sometimes accompanies the Scottish emblem reads: 'Ce que Dleu garde, est blen garde;' That which God guards Is well guarded.' The thistle appeared officially for the first time during the reign of James IL who had It placed on the coinage of the kingdom and adopted It as his own badge. It also appeured upon the coins In the reigns of James IV, Mnry Stunrt, Jnmes V and James VI. The thistle morke was a sliver shilling. The thistle dollnr was a dou ble mcrke, Rnch took Its name from the emblem on tt." WR HAVK FOR HATl'HIMY HOMK VERY Choice Veal ALSO Dressed Hens OF KXTHA OO0 OCA LIT V TEMPLE MARKET Phone 134 , Btrauaa and Cos. ,asbW . ... th, glria . then I oonfort to & olothea 1 ! ,.4 Sf,,-0' ?;.ir knee '-.-iith tha P"" owtliwai bT thi aim btoa by w ttr, alnoareiy j tbxea T"- r: 0 rrltnd iA u:i'JT,M tot ox Reduce the High Cost of Living Buy OVERALLS lSS.i te uit B..U.S.Par.Off. I BUY NOW Ob andiftn Jum 1. owing to greatly batd eoM o( ill kisdtol material wa will be compelled to tim the price oi Xovertllt to 1 1.2 J the wit. The not! practical, healthful play time garments ever invented (of children I to 8 yean oi age. Mad in one piece with drop back. Eaaily flipped on or of . Eaiily washed. No tight eladic b'anda to (top circulation. Mad in blue denim, and genuine blue and white hickory atripei. Alio lighter Weight, fait color material m a variety ol pleaiing Luicn lowing letigns, all appropriately trimmed with fart color gtlatea. All garmenU made in Dut eck, with elbow ileevet or high neck and long ilesvea, Fold (in colon) ihowi di Deck. diSeient oateriaU lent free on request. OVE RALLS reg.u.s.pat orr. LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN rRANClSCO.CAL LOOK FOR THIS RED WOVEN LABEL A New Suit FREE If They Rip 11 your dealer cannot supply you, wa will tend them, all charge! prepaid, on receipt ol price, $ t .00 each. KOVERAIX3 WERE AWARDED CRAND PRIZE AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION Gutotdb, Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisco Mfra, of "Fredom-AIU" the new garment for women a