V .' DAILY EDITION t. . . VOI - VIII., No, INI. fin GRANTS PAJM. iOMICI'HIVE tYtvtrrw MMn ..... . I - . . WHOLE NIMISKK iWIO I f 1 P" "fr" Al"mi Mill mm mm m m m IminnA 1 ' - s 1 COMMAND 10 START ME AIJJK8 AUK I'ltKPAKMI KM MN.t:.xi't:rKi attack O.N TIIK tt WT 3 AMERICAN PLANES OROPPbD UvniMuw lla lmt iMii(ratlim of Troope All tho Way frYimt Ypree Ui Ithriuta EFFECT OF NEW RULES TO BE SEEN IH-aft Ag" Will Nut II IU(hkI Mmn I'imrr of lh 1. H. U Hufllrlmit A Loudon, May 14. U hardly ieius posalble tout the present culm on the western front will be continued. Gorman preparations for a -re ' lumptlon of th great offensive are reported to nave been completed and , the Teuton legions art awaiting the command ouce mora to launch them selves at tho lines from which the; rwollod In tha first two major opera tlona of tha drive. Allied leaders be lieve the German blow will be truck In few day and are waiting with auprvme confidence the trial or , itrenKth which may rove decisive. In tha meantime, only the artll- ; lary and aerial forcea of the con tending armlea are showing great activity. The German official report men- , tlona frequent French Infantry at tache on, tha western bank of thi Avre, but tlieie probably wera (oral operation for Raining better clefen alva position or disturbing the ene my In hi preparatlona for tha great battle. The enemy ha large concentra tion of troop from Yprea to Ithelma. In the air, however, the fighting haa aeemed to grow In Intensity. Prom several sector along the front aerial aquadrona have been engaged In combat In which heavy lone have been Inflicted. American airmen have inn do their appearance on the I,y battle hold, according to tha Oerman official re. port, which aya that three Ameri can machine were brought. down on Wednesday. Thl I the. first ttmi that American avlntor have been reported on thl part of the front, and It la probable that they are at tached to the large body of men that reached poaltlon on the British front recently, The Herman have been on raid ing foray behind the allied line. On Wednesday night a determined effort wr made by a German aerial squad rnn to reach rarla, but moat of the machine were driven off and drip ped their bomb In the airburb. One Waahlngton. May 24. Tha far reaching character of tba "work or fight" regulation will not be fully realised until tha effect appear In every community. .It will be more trlngant In Ita rule and mora cloie 'y applied a tha war goea on. The military authorltle at Waahlngton think that It will not be neceaaary to raise the draft aga aa tha man power of the country I aufflclent, If those now on tha draft list are ful uttlUad. In explaining tha need for tha new regulatlona, Crowder aaya, "Thla Is not alone a war of military maneu ver. It I a dvadly contest of In dustries and mechanic. Germany must not ha thought of a merely possessing an army; we must think of her aa being an army an army In which every factory and loom In tha empire la a recognized part In a complete machine running night and day at terrific apeed. We must make of ourselves the aame ort of ef fective machine. "It la not enough to aak what would happen If every man In the nation turned hi hand to effective war work. We must make ourselves effective. We must organlaa for tha future. Wa must make vast wllh-j drawal for the army and Immediate ly close up the rank of Industry tie hind tha gap with an accelerating production of every uaeful thing In necessary measure. How la thla to be done? ' "The answer la plain. The first step toward tha solution pf tha dlf (lenity la to prohibit engagement by abla bodied men In the field of hurt ful employment, Idleness or Ineffect ual employment, and thua Induce and persuade the vast wasted ex cesses Into useful fields." GREAT GERMAN ATTACK DEPENDS ON AMUS Conditions Are flinch Differed Tha oa Eve of Last Drive -German Confidence Gcae 2nd Allies Are Better Prepared --Territorial Loss is Expected m WANTS OU LEADS IP ! NATION WITH Republican Lrwlera Indicate Their Cooperation With LrglNUtloii If It la Necewmrjr Kdlnburg, Scotland, May 14 "We are on the ava of a great Oerman attack," aald Uoyd George today. "Those who know heat what the prospects are, feel the most confident about tha result. For tba German, aa wall aa for us, tha next few weeks will be a race between General von Hlndenburg and President Wilson. Tha Germans are straining every muscle to reach their goal before American help becomes available for tha alllea. I honestly believe that the government haa neglected no possible means for finding out If there la any possible outlet of this war." Premier Lloyd George also said that In tha month of April tha out put of shipping exceeded for tha first time tha losses by aubmarpie, mines, etc. "Therefore It Is necesary that tha II. 8. prepare for full participa tion In the war, for she doea not have tha equivalent of one-fifth Of tha fighting atrength which tha Car- mana received from the collapae of Russia alone." WIFE MURDERER DIES Salt Uke City. May 24. Howard DeWeese, convicted of the , murder of his wife, waa shot to death this morning. In the prison yard. Dc Weese, who was calm a he faced the firing squad, cautioned the marks men to make their aim sure. Death was almost Instantanous. . DeWrcse. self styled "king o.f Jewell thieves," those to be shot for tha murder of hia wife, Mra. Fanny Fisher De-Wees, of New York. Her or fwo German machlnea penetrated i , . .... . . ! . . I" .. " ". " 8-.pt nivher :5. 1916. The head had Wa negligible. There haa been some sharp fight ing on the Italian front; tut the com 'its have not been of significant character. REAL WAR SERVICE R. W. Hornung, the novelist, la working In a Y. M. C. A. hut close to tha front line on tha western front. ALSEA P0ST0FFICE . IS ROBBED-NO CLEW Corvallle, May 24. A poatofflce robbery last night at Alsea, which netted the robbers a little over $250 In cash and thrift stamps sent Ma jor Delch with a squad of 12 state police to the little mountain town about 22 miles southwest of here todny In the belief that the trick had been turned by Jeff Baldwin. apvnrnl hours spent In the local ity, however; convlncod Major Delch that the robbery wag not the work of flnldvvln. Deputy Sheriff Taylor, who rIbo visited Alsoa Is of the same opinion. oeen ao nattered and tne body so mutilated that every possible mark of Identification had been destroyed. ARRIVES TODAY An Atlantic Port, May 24 Prince Arthur of Connaught, cousin to King George, arrived here today aa head of the British mission to Japan. He lert 'immediately for Washington, where he will call on the president. On the French Front In France, May 24. I'mertnlnty still exists aa to when tha Germans will renew their offensive, and where their blow will fall, but whenever the Interrupt ed battle la reopened the enemy will And various disadvantageous condi tions In tha situation aa compared with the first stage of the struggle that he began March 21. For one thing, the German sol diers can hardly possess a degree of confidence equal to that which In- aplred them at tba opening of thl year'a great drive, now that they have the promise made them of a decisive fight which waa to bring rapid peace fall of fulfilment. Many of their best troops ha.e been daatroyed without tha armlea attaining their objectives. Thla baa depressed tha aplrlU of tha remain der, cauaing them to doubt whether further sacrifices may also be useless. A repetition of a powerful surprlae attack haa been rendered almost Im possible, since tha complete unity of tha French, British and American troops enables tha allied generalis simo to control tba whole front. The alllea art better prepared than they ware before, and are watchful for whatever may be com ing. Thua, although the German maaaea may be thrown against the allied front In a heavy, smashing blow at aome point, tha allied unity of command la counted upon to make possible an efficient Intervention or forcea at a propitious moment, to prevent any part of tha Una being overwhelmed. Loose of territory may be expected In tha Drat rush. but that la to be counted as unim portant while tha armlea are Intact Washington, May 24. Following a conference between tha prealdent and Director-General McAdoo, It waa announced that the administration win insist on a new revenue legla- latlon before the adjournment of congresa. Wilson left tba decision io aicAaoo, wno told tho congres slonal leaders that It waa impera tive. Th republican leaden Indi cated that If tha rerenue till waa neceaaary, they would cooperate. IMXXF.R MONTH TOR nriLDIXO STEEL SHIPS Waahlngton, May 24. Steel ahlpa completed so far In Hay. exceed any previous month In tha history of the shipping toard. Twenty-nine have been launched np to May 21. Waahlngton. May 24. It waa learned today- by a dispatch to the state department that a German dl- vialon, which had been ordered to nova from the eastern to the west ern front, refused, whereupon 50 of their number were executed and 1.000 others made prlsonera. AIIH'IN GO THROUGH SEVERE TESTS EEFOhE READY FOR ACTUAL FIGHTIIiG London. Apr. 24. (Correspon- selves in the first scrap they get mlx- dence of the Associated Presal ied un In. and thereafter th IIOIHJKM t).MMAM(KI) I . H. KVtJINKKlLS IX MAIKH How doea the British air servl t pick out from Its thousands of airmen the particular men who are destined to become the star "fighter" r.t the front? This quostlon was put to an official of the air ministry here by the Associated Press correspondent In an Interview. Here Is his an swer: "The pilot who la destined to fly the single stater machines of the air force la 'discovered' almost aa soot. aa ha haa been baptised In the air. "To begin with, he must have passed certain physical testa with a hundred per cent result. Many wist man, doctor and organiser, alt In conclave over these tests. They de fine certain factors that go to make up a 'perfect' airman. perfect alght, age 24 or lta equivalent in physical make-up, a total abstainer, good hands, quick brain, keenness, confl. dence. It la odd how much empha sis Is placed on a man'a hands by the examiners, whq argue that there s as much difference between fly ng a scout and an ordinary machine as there la between riding a thor-ongh-bred and a cart-horse. for, and aeem to enjoy, fight. An observer In hia official report casual ly remarks that Pilot So-and-so Is 'always wanting to tackle the Huna Instead of taking photographs or ranging guns,' and straightway his commanding officer sends the trouble hunter off to headquarters with a recommendation which landa him in a apecial post-graduate school : or aerial gunnery for training In what tha airmen, call 'flre-eatlng.' Here he meets the men aces the call them In France who have been fighting In single seaters, andj who are resting or have been sent back for uae aa Instructors. The public knowa little about these post graduate schools for young eaglea; tha work la Intensive and thorough; the science of alr-flghtlng la taught by atagea up to degree of perfection almoat unbelievable. 'To the airman who fights, such things aa tactics and .deflection, ranges and sights, must come by In stinct. The good fighting man, It la generally believed, Is born, not made. He must have the attlck f. a. Williams leads BY LARGE MAJORITY Portland, May 24.-2, p. m Complete unofficial returns show that Thomaa F. Ryan, of Clackamas county, la the republican nominee for state treasurer, having defeated O. P. Hoff, of Multnomah county, hia nearest rival In the race by majority of 262. Charlea A. Johns, of Multnomah county, la tha republican nominee tor Juatice of tha supreme court victor in a three-cornered content in which he leada John S. Coke, of Coos county, with a majority of 1,3(2. Fred A. Williams, of -Josephine county, la tha republican nominee for public service commissioner, hav ing defeated Prank J. Miller, of Linn county, Incumbent, by a majority of 849. These figures are as nearly accu rate aa possible until the completion of tha canvass of returns from the varloua counties at Salem. There may have been aome errora In trans mission, but the totala are made up from official returns from almost every county In tha state, the official count being Incomplete In only two or three counties, and In those only minor changea may be made that will not affect the result. A telegram received last night, shows that Fred A. Williams, candi date for nomination for public ser vice commissioner, Is sure of his vic tory over Frank J. Miller. At that time Mr. Williams waa 1.057 votes In the lead. The only county not heard from was Harney, which would have, at the most, only 300 vote. ' Washington, May 24. Colonel John Hodges commanded the 60th , flndIng new st(ln Rn'd trcks of Borne men show their dentin v brain that will dime tha h,i. .. from the first moment of training, j the Judgment of experience. He ' Men like .Ball and Blahop promise must have keenness, und n'o lucV vwell right from the atart; they rerel He must love 'IV in-,' althonrh In finding new stunts and tricks or.lt la not ncnrv th,t h. oi,m mmes engineer witn tne.meir own. long before their heavier- have been a sportsman, or a yachts IlrltlBh, against the Germans, dur- "nded brethern begin Mo attempt mnn or a racing motorist In his p re in f tho month of Match. ithe tnlnK that are safe on all mo- ar daya. . ro.llr;' , ,', la the general opinion among PHOHIIIITIOX AIM'ltOVKI. h ,J L 1 ,ow'jr,nd flnd '"ta that a scout fighter who has . trT I rR.H 8heer pl,,Ck nd, completed a month on the western Phoenlt, May. 24.-l)oth house. MlaB. , mm .l"". ""i rnt T p.asse(1 thr"h hI P'oba- of the leglnlnture ratified the nrohl- .,,., ' ",.:... """"'"- "" he good for a long time bltlon amendment todny. th n . Z . . . 2 ' ,nr wa n nod account of them- SAFELY IN NEW YORK unioaa bad luck or the chance bring him down." laws of Binghampton, N. Y., May 24. Katherlna Stlnson, the aviatrlx, who left Chicago Yesterday to fly to New York, carrying government mail damaged her airplane while 'attempt ing a landing two miles north of this city at 6:40 thla evening, The ma chine overturned, Just as It reached the ground, smashing the propellei and damaging one of the wings. Miss Stlnson wss uninjured. Having cov-c-ed "S3 n l.es from Ch!cao to thl city In 10 hoc.ra, Miss Stlnsw b. t teml by iU?Nt nln. m"'e t. die' tance made by Ruth I.iw In ;.e it cord-breaking flight In the Ml r' 1916. Hundreds of automobiles weie raced to the landing place and help was soon at hand after the plane came to a stop. Miss Stinson, appar ently none the worse for her mishap, directed the work of rlghtln? . the machine. HAHD JOSEPHINE tXRXTY LEADS ALL eor.vriEs op state in red CROSS DRIVE PUD R.a.fSES 515,(0 Outside District Reoort XmH. 9400,000 Already Raised aaul Mora to Come Portland, May 24 Again Oregon stands foremost among the alater hood states, having first attained mora than a complete quota for tha second war fund of the Red Croaav Juat before dawn yesterday tha wlra to Washington carried tba meaaaca) that thla etate had winged tha abaft of patriotic purpose atralght to tha target, scoring far more than her allotted quota of 1(09,000. For Oregon and Portland but night the Red Croaa total atood at 1716,888, with many, reporta" yet awaited. Outer state district re Ported 8185,461, with mora to coxa, Tba city alone, for example, with yesterday's noonday total of 1219, 511.95, aa contracted with tba orig inal quota or $150,000. may ye reach the height of $400,000 with out occasioning surprise to local reader, who know the Impetus of the organisation they onlooaed. Josephine county with a quota of $5,000 waa tbe first eonnty In the state -to report baring the amen at . subscribed. Josephine total aab acrlptlon will amount to nearly $7,000. TODAY'S CAOTALTT LIST CONTAINS 4S NAMES Washington May 24. The casual ty list for today number 44. Of theae 10 died from disease., and four were killed in action. GERMAN ZEPVEL1N BROCGHT DOWN IN SEA London, May 24 Fishermen, who have arrived at Asbjerg, on tbe Dan ish coast, aay that a German "Zeppe lin waa brought down In the North sea, the crew being rescued br a British destroyer. AMERICAN TROOPS MISSING London, May 24. British admi ralty announced today that 56 Amer ican troops which were on tba steam er Moldavia, are still unaccounted for. Washington, May 24. Nq infor mation haa been received previous ly concerting any mishap to the Mol davia. ' BABES BORN IN CELLARS Refugees from the Bom me are. Amiens, Compelgne and .Solsaona pour Into Paris, according to a let ter from a Y. M. C. A. war work sec retary who aaya that be aaw one family of eleven, two women and nine children of all agea. The night before, two bablea were born In the cellar of the station where he work ed. One family brought with them baby goat, a rabbit, two dogs and two chickens. r $50 FOR DYNAMITING Portland, May 23. State Game Warden Carl D. Shoemaker was fined $50 for contempt of court for dyna m'tlng a fish way through the cofTer daniB at the Anient dam yesterday by Judge Wolverton. The dam was In custody of the court through receiv ership and the warden failed to se cure the consent of the court.