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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1918)
Class;f led MvwMm Chautauqua Audiences to Hear New York City Marine Band t FOR SALS ATTORJIETS 1 t1;Xavr ' y : ':r :Y' y';' r ; ".!, ' 11 :4l. 'Aft r . I." -f 1 V- M VI, ..I a i( .. i tS 1.1. , ... ', , i .- V tl I 111 r J-l i 0. ft C. OH ANT LANDS--Blu print pitta iboKlac Uoda In JoMpbln county, 1. SO. AddrM A. E. VoorhlM, Ortntt Pm. t( FOR SALE Good modern doum. cloM'ln, oortb lido, loqulra No. till, cart Courltr. 2lt( HEMSTITCHING and pocot edia, 10 eaota per jrard. Mall ordart will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Toe Vanity Snoo, Medford Oregon, 114 Weat Wln. . 07U FOR SALE CHEAP Three-quarter ton truck, In good condition. New Urea. Churcblll and Maxwell, tf FOR SALE Five bead of horeee. One heavy team geldlnga, all and aeven yeara old, found and true, good logging team, matched. - Pbone I12-P23. Ed. L. Schmidt ft Son. FOR SALE One drop-head Wheeler & Wilson, and one ' drop-head Singer aewlng machine. Good a new. Pbone 10. (V ' Two yeara ago the Sew Yi'i ti City Mi !l.- r.i.ixl iiukU tour of the Weat and were nlhunlMtlcal1y received by the munlc lnvlng audli-oci-i In the target dilra, Tlirlr iiixnuiMiu-nt fur a m-miI Wvlrn trip fr 11118 over the Chaotaoqna ctrcult Is notable one. Thla tit the aume band which for sev eral lamtua HiNt hue htm In vuch doniuiid fr conventions and big guthriinga la the Eaat and baa achieved an antuual ntord for rcrn bUhI enRngementi at I'Rllwttlivt Park In Now York. ) t Tin. illrt'ctnr, Mnrltt Lit 7,1 1 it, la one of America's foremost band lrsders, the oldest brother and most wldrly known of the fumous Itallun family of that mi inf. The enlnlxt with lite bniul Is to be Mary Adil Ilsys, the New Tork coloratura soprano, who captivated Clmutuuqua auliincea last year. Miss llayo tin li'n rettirni'd na eololut on the express reqnest of town afti-r town. She has a glorious voice that renders the moat diiilrult colomtnra arias with rure, mid a i liiirinluK poraonnllty Unit Instantly wins ever audlrnca. T 14-4-ln Americans V Eat Com meal musk Oatmeal -Com flakes Hominy and rice witK milky. afj no wheat cereals. Leave nothing on your plate. T AT B FOOD AOMINIITH.ATION KHITSn GOOD YE 4R Tires. C. L. HOBART CO. . UST WORDS OF GREAT MEN Notable 'Uttsraneea That Have Seen Accepted by the World as Mors or Less Authentic Flrnt wurds of hnmao helnxs every ro are ns much alike In their nlpnl. flifnre ns pre In th cnitlnlii of do- reflrrrlon on the sxe, "TIs a sharp remedy bat a sure one for all Ills;" Maritime Bolaud's "O Liberty, what crimps are commltlml In iSy name!" and Knthan Halo's "I only regret that I have but one life to Klve for my coan try." Other "Inst words" embody a flying effort nt coherence or are mere ly tho murmurs of drllrlnm. Two fa mnui fnrewelln are attrlliuted to Rsbe- r-omlxncc- and tfulnitht Infanta !,a))Drilw lh, th. farct u v l... stammer them. Lsst words dlf- ,.ni,r(1," nnd "I sra going to seek a great fer si greatly In rurport as do heir, vhnrmn 0K,,he., pIe whlch tne .ittorers .i nee, experience, environ- hflt n(w(4 f0 uke keD mint, Intellect nnd character. Of tho i ,., ,hM mnr. -htr h., nmny "dying sentences" that hnve i:ifm-d Into tho cntegnry of fumlllnr quotations It Is, of course, linposxlbla r.lwnys to sepnrste the apocryphal frr.m the rent. To attempt such a di vision would not be worth the pnlns; It Is better to take on trunt ,the plnas Ihlo n'ld the fairly antbontlc. Some of these are the deliberate stM-eches of tline In full ppiMwion of bmllly slrenirth but about to suiter execution. Fueli nre Sir Tlmmns More's objura tion as he fiiii'il die scnffnld, "Sec me n fu up for my coming down I en a fliirt fT myself:" Sir Wnlter llalelch's 11 a mere modern counterpart in Tenny son's enigmatic "I have opened It," per lins roierrlng to the volume of K'li.hesnenre at his side but susceptible also of esoteric Interpretation. Duller Wrsppers printed to com Ilv with the lew st the Courier. 0. & C. Grant Land Blue Print Maps Josephine and Curry Counties f 1 .50 Jaekson County .. .iJ.-. ......$1.50 ' Uoth maps for $2..rr0 Printed from trneings made bv M. .T. Arniei-son .liv Mailed prejwul on receipt of price ' 'Vi,v'1ii',i,:,t!. ;i.sf''4.' .. J'. . A. E. V oorhies ! 1 f .f Jranls Piiss, Oregon Keep your money at home " It you nro liulliliiu ii m Beaver Portland -Cement lili h i.n liiuniifiictrre I iit. Cold Hill, tireon, niul b giinmn teed liy the mnnufuvtuicis lu b- Htrlrtly tiWU ruilo hi owry t'Urr. V'i.i rail liny this tmiti ytiur lovul ilculer l'ho iie-irn IVnient Sewer lio i Tile Co. Beaver Portland Co. TWO SHAN of young horses for sale. H. E. Oordon. Phone (10- P-J4. OrsnU Pass, Ore. . 70 PAXON'S Superb Dahlias. Plant now and up to June 20th. Field grown roots, eight for 1; elsht for 2; eight for l, and np. Par cel pott paid. About half florist's list price. Write R. H. Pazson, Central Point. Ore." 6tf FOR SALE Jlotel and grocery bus iness and stock at reasonable price. A good opening. For In formation and particulars address DeVsll Stevena Co., Leland, Ore - 71 FOR SALE Almost new brown wicker bsby buggy. Call at 40 I street after ( o'clock p. m.' t FOR SALE CHEAP Duroc Jersey sow, due to litter July 16. Must be sold this week. Address W. J. Ksyser. Merlin. (9 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlontly locaiec 411 C stravL . PARTLY FURNISHED eotUge fo rent, SO feet from pavement. als unfurnished cottage on pavement $g per month. Inquire A. R Voo- hlA. '' FOR RENT H-roora modern house, with basement, furnace. laundry with stationary tuba, and wired for electric range.' ' Also large garage. Mrs. A. C. Hough, 309 West A street. 70 w vrr,i WANTED Socond hand donkey en gine. Please give size, make and price, -Address No-. 844. care.; of Courier. ' ; t -: ;. ;, 70 Oil GUARD At this time of the year people feel wess, urea, natiess, tneir blond is turn, WANTED A man capable of tak- ' ing. charge, of small "box factory, One who can Invest 'a . small amount preferred. A. B. Loud, Reedsport. Ore. 71 they have lived indoiirs nnd perhaps fltviwtn.iiw. Mil iitni, i..i, a: k . i luuii enertrv find thfv nt tn kimnr hiar ivi!1- renew their energy and .stomina, over Cotue biadacliea and backaches, have clear eyes, a smooth, ruddy ekiu, and (eel the exhilaration of real good health tingling thru their body, (ioml, pure, rich, red blood ii the l-.-st insurance SRninst ills of nil kinds. Amiou all diseases come from iumure nnd impov erished blood. It is to tie mnicud in the pale or pimply face, the tared, haggard appearance or the listless manner. . Drink hot water a half hour before meals, and for a vegetable tonic there's nothing better th n Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Discovery, the old-fashioud herbal remedy, which has had audi a fine- tpputntimi for fifty years. . It con tains no alcohol or narcotics. It is ,rosd. Irhm (udden Sual root, Blood riKit, Oh'sjuii p-;ina rvit, Qneen's root, Black Cherry !urk, eMrncted with gly oerine ami luadc una tiiMws and. liquid. Tablets sixty ceiii-:,at ino.n dme stores. - In order to inmire pure blood arid to build op tlie system try this touic known as Dr. Pierce's tioldeu Medical Discov ery. Get it now I . MISCFXL.NEOV8 A. BRTAN. 411 Bridge street power and steam engineer am onla and cold storage" refrlgcrar ing engineer. Installation . ol plants Pipe fittings. Llthersge tight joint If wanted. 7 Township Maps Showing Oren and Califor nia llomeHtead Lands, own to. filing April 20, 1018, $1 per township. ...j , j .' Mease f jclve ' ' township r nnd IM)l(JlIS.ABSTHACT, CO.,,-. .. ':. - . Itoseburg, Oregon H. D. Norton. Attoraay-At-Uw. PracUce la all Ststa and Federal , Courts. First National Bank Bid. COLVIO A WILLIAMS Attoraey. si-Law OrsnU Ptsa Banking Oo. Bldg. Oraau Pass, Oregoa. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorasy. Practice la all couru. First National Bank . Building. 0. 8. BLANCH ARD.Attornay-at-Law Oolden Hula Building. Phone 270. Grants Pass, Oregoa. BLANCH AKD A BLANCHARD, At toiaeys, Albert block. Pbone 231-J. Practice In all courts; land board attorneys. VfcTEIUNAJtr 81KCKON DR. R. J. BESTUL, Vetsrlnsrus, Office In Wlnetrout Implemaat Bids. Phone 111-J. Res'.deoes Phone IOML PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT. M. D. Prsclle limited to diseases of the sye, car, aosa and throat. Ol fliu4. Offloe hours t-li, 1-1, or os so polntatenL Office phone, 13; rest dene pbene SIM. S. LOUOHRIDOE. M. D.. Pbyalctta aad sargeon. City or country calls atterJed day or tight aaHatm I'hoDe -i'; office phote Ml. Su-h snH II. Iffs H.iiI.Ihk. A. A. WITH AM. M. D.. .Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner 81xth aad I streets. Phones: Of fice. Hi; residence, lll-J. Hoars. ' a. n. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBLET Physician ani surgeon. Lund bur; ' Buildings 8urgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Cov Health Officer. Officer boars, I ta ll a. m. 1 to I p. at. Phea 110-J. lit PHOTO STTDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally IS a. m. to 5 p. m. For Sunday sit ting! call Mill 283-R or resldeneo - 140-J. -Tltt DKNTI8TS E. C. MACT. D. M. D. First -daan dentistry. 10H 8onth SHU street. Grants Paaa, Oregon. " MUSICAL INSTRUCTION . S. MACMURRAT, teacher of voice culture sod singing. Lessou given at home of pupil If requested. Ad dress 71 J Lee 8t. " Hltf IMtAYAGK AND T1U.S'EB COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All : kinds of drayao and transfer work carefully and promptly don. Phono 18 l-J. Stand t freight depot. A. Shade, Prop. ' F. O. IS HAM, drayaga and transfer. Safes, pianos aad furniture moved ' packed, shipped and stored. Phone) Clark and liolman. No. B0. Reat- dence phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do W, Bunch Bros. Transfer Ca. Phone , l7-R -: MAKUS DIRECT HIT - -An enemy shell struck the middle of the Y. M. C. A. headquarters la Soissons. ( ; . r . The; California and Orejoi Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD ' Dally except Sunday Effective May 1. 1911 I Train 1-1. Orahu Psss Traia 2 ,lv. Waters Crek 1:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. All trains leave Grants Pass from the corner , of Q and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundburg. building, or' phone 131 tor same. DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS Yes, Father wffl have to stick to his old battlefields ; ' - ' ' ' - mvi wm uavo w Suva,, w uia via Datuciicius WKAT'4 MS(E fV6: ITti A SHIS TiUV WOT ) MV PSAS Sir . VO ARSsT ,r '- " I ' ' . " . .! 1 TW6. Yj VV 7Gl ) yjrVnT HOT ,y 'too out, v,w Xfte. -roc; , ' 'HQ Ose.'. .' i , . ', too without r2r-S si, s lrrrr-j-i, -fZ7r 0Fr'L-- fr pooh ,ti), , . fEACe f-os. . r: . . ' ''" I '