MONDAY, MAY 1M, IHIN. HAILY K'XJIK HlVER COl KlfcR page' THIS HOW YOUR RED American Red crobb $ WAW y-i CANADA 500.000 Arm oa How did Die Red Cros ipond your money The tory of wheiv your' dollar went nil Hi dollar of the million of American who helped to make up the last ! 00, 000. dull food of t lie American Red Crons I told by a RtMttre at the mtp herewith. ThU limp explain very vhl.lly JiiaI why the American Rtd from i asking lha nation for $100,0000.000 this week. It shnwt where eery. dollar w aixiiit In Europe. It glvea tha anawer a to why Or ion ti being asked l- Dip Red from for lOOO.Ono. The total of tlio Red Crora war fund receipt. In hiding Inter!. To THE NTIN'KIIOI.IilillH OF THE IttMU'K ItlVKII utrrr A ' PKOIiirE AHWM-IATIUN Notice I hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Hoguo lllver Fruit A Produce Ataoclatiou fur tba election of director and the traJiiacllon of audi other bualuaiit a may properly couio before auch liinclhi, will be held at the public tlhrary, on Main atrcd. Modford, Oregon, the 21st day or May, 1918, l 10 o'clock a.' m. KOOL'E niVKIl FRUIT A PRODITR ASSOCIATION. Ry R. C. Washburn. Pres. ' Q. II. Dean, Secretary. Dated Medford, Oregon, April 20. 1911. FOOD Mem W aMed Aatorla Wooden Shipyard. Ctovernmont work. ' Good pay. Qukk advancement. No experience required, ftpkmdid working condi tio, Cool lummm CIom to brach resorte. Far lnd. Na fee (barged. BKE I A. LAI NKH T. W. EDGERTON, Astoria, Ore. GOODYEAR . Tires C. L. HOBART CO. MAP SHOWS CROSS DOLLAR WAS SPENT nts mouth ISA BRITISH VI, HUES 13,078.875 '343.304 1 INTMNATWIAL nro CR0BI t,800 amounted to 1110,134,360,47; the. total appropriation hava amoui.t "I to IS3.1I7.9U.82; while chapter received In refund for their mfll tary work $17,401,009.04. On April 15th, there wa available for distri bution 110. 618, 347.01 and thl will practically all have been expended before June 1. ..-. i President Wllion appointed ' the prreent war council on May 10th of luitt year. The synopsis of the prin cipal expenditure ihow the follow ing: . . France I30.J36.103.04 Belgium. ..... 2.086,131.00 Italy 4.588.826.00 1.206,906.67 Humanla 2,676.30IU Serbia ; 894.580.76 SOLDIER LETTERS . Camp Fremont, Cal. ' May 12, 1918. Editor Courier: Having occaalonnlly read In the Courier lettera from aoine of ' the home boya now Ir the sorvlce. Fred 'and myii'lf decided to "do our bit." We are now stationed ut Camp Fremont, Cal., a very good ' camp with plenty of place for amuapment, although rather hot and dusty. Wc understand that our 'division the 8th will leave for the front about June 1st. If the folks at homo could only reallae the "pep" that the boy hava they wouldn't worry about the outcome. The only thing one bears In camp la "Just wait till wo get to France," If we all do a much a we Intend to we'll aura knock tha "1" out of wllllam (note email w). Ser iously though I don't see how any equal nnmber of men can hope to stand np against auch determina tion as the boya down hero express. RUSSIA 11,243.845 AMERICAN J" AM PRISONERS C ' ,w 4200.000 ocrmahV V rvk-U. w "ashinu AN IYRIA 2.W0,000 ALtiTlnt - 1390.000 fl SEA Oro. Britain , i 3,2GM3M.7i : Kcllnf -work, ..oilio; I forelnn 4. 476, 300. uo I Relief ; work, Ainorl I rnn prlaoners In I Germany 361,664.00 .Equipment and ex j nenaea of Red ; f i Cro " personnel t ont abroad 201,300.00 jni-Uff work. I. 8.;. 9. 723. 123. 37 ' Work In tanltal. uur- j chaso of aupplles for resale to thnp- ten or for ' ahlp- liicnt abroad 15,000,000.00 Working cash ad- - vaneetfor France V and IT. 8 4,280,000.00 The 83rd fluid artillery is now re cruited to full war . atrongth but 200 men are need In tho sec ond rcclmcnt. If any of the home tinya we hope they will choose the field artillery, as we think It Is the best branch or the service anil lu all probability they would be a Hlgned to this dlvlxlnn. Fred and I have discovered that It helps a lot to have a friend from your home town In the same camp, Really sol dering (at leant In tho C. S.) Is not so bnd, we have a great many cour tesies extended to us. We have foot ball, buioball and basketball team, In fact all the athletics we care for. ' The field artillery will see sorvlre In most of Its branch aa artillery are guns from S to 6 Inch, as cav alry, Infantry, signal men and pos sibly will do some or the work or the engineer. Fred and I would surely be glad to receive letters from any one who might care to write to us aa It Is rather lonesome here when we have time to think about home. Hoping thla finds old O. P. In Its usual state of activity we are. Tour truly,' PVT. ALLEN T. UNDERWOOD, nattery A. 83th F. A. U. 8. R. Camp Fremont. Cal. WAGGONER FRED COLLINS. Battery E, 2nd F. A. V. S. R. Camp Fremont, Cal. MOVIK KKV8 NOTES 4 4 Tha Son or HI Father." Chariot Ray'a irat Paramount picture adapt ed rrom tho novel by Rldgewell C11I- Ium and produced under the direc tion or Victor 8hertzlager traces suc cessfully tha general lines of his former pictures and turns out to be a comedy drama or the highest clase. The atar't clean and youthful per sonality, his very naturalness in en acting', even his most dramatic scenes, the rarest accomplishment of all It appears, are again striking ly In evidence throughout the pic ture. Hit comedv la surn-Mre. he never misses a point in his dramatl scenes, he can fight a hand-to-hand affair with the best of them and In his love-making he la to delightful ly bashful that he makes one smile at tho realism of it. In fact, when writing star after Charles Roy's name one doesn't have to bother about quotation marks. This popular young star will be teen at the Joy theatre on Tuesday and vu;.UcUy u( tills wet.' KERBY Kollowlait I the program of ex cnUfi at the dedication of tha "Her- a Plug" In memory of the 39 boy of llllnola valley who are now In tha service of Uncle 8Am. Boys wh'i have orfeied tht-lr live aa a ae rifies that we may hava the Mousing of contlnimd frerdom. Hon America, i'ruyer- Her. C. O. Morrl. Song Onward ChrlMlan Soldier. 1 Flu drill Primary ichool chil dren. Belect rvudlnK "The Service nag," Hullle WI1IIU. rking The Red White and nine. Hcrlpture lemon. Solo "Keep the Mom Flrei llnrnluK," Mr. Morrl. 8ong-"Tbe Dattla Hymn of tha flopublle." I'reentatlon of tb aervlia fln Mr. Wlttrock. . t Addrea Ret, C. O. Morrl. Bong- "Over There" by the achool Ilenedlctlon. . The church wa filled for tha oc cjklon and the audience attentive and appreciative. 'On Htimlny evening the 19th, oc curred the baccalaureat lermon on behalf of the Eighth grade gradu ate at the church. On Saturday the 25th, the teach er' local Inntltute will take place. County Superintendent Mr. Alice M. Hacon will have charge and will be alted by AuUtant State Superin tendent E. P. Carlcton. Rev. L. My- iron Boozer will also bo present and I add rem the gathering, j The clan exerciae of the Eighth grade wll lbe held on Friday even ing May 24th. and Mr. Carleto: will add rem the cln on that ocraalon. t W. D. Ceorg representative from Kerbyvltle lode to the grand loage I, O. O. F. left for SVaiilde on Friday Mr. Minnie L. Wllllt aa delegate to the amenibly I. O. O. F. which alo meet at Sealde ntarted for that place on Friday. 1 Mr. Floyd, our local dentist, via Ited Oranta Pur on Friday. Election pawed off quietly on Frl day, there being between 35 and 40 vote ant In thl precinct. Chin Signal. '' The Chinese do not beckon, as wa do, with the pnlin of the hand turned np. the tliurer curled and the Indej finger surrpwilvcly bending and atnilKlitPiiiiig. They beckon with the flnifcrs ciirli'jl it"" mvnrd, sweeping the wli do biinil vU'irmisly back and f-rth. Subscribe This Week to the Second Red i Cross Fund Give Until It Hurts Rc;ce River lldwe. Geo. B. Riddle, f.!gr. n.e California and1. Oregon Joast Railroad Company TI.M8 CARD Dally except Sunday Effective May 1, 1918 Train 1 It. Grant Pass!. 1:00 p. rr Traln 2 It. Waters Creek 3:00 p. it All trains leave Grants Pbb frotr the corner of Q and Eighth street opposite the Southern Pacific depot For all information regarJiii. freight and paraener service call a the office of the company, Lundj'ir Oulldlng, or phone 131 for same. All kinds of Corrixnerrlal Printliit at the Courier Office. : , Class;fied FOH BALK O. A C. GRANT LANDS--Bin prist Plata (bowtag land la Joaephln county, 11.60. Addraa A. C Voornia. Oraata Faaa. tf FOR BALE Oood modera kouaa, clot In, north side. Inqulra No. 3333. car Courier. 2lt( HEMSTITCHING and pacot edge, 10 canl par yard. Mall order will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Tba Vanity Bhoo, Mdford Oregon, 114 Watt Mala. 07tf TOWNSHIP ownenhlp map ihow- ing O. A C. and deeded land In Joiephlna county for tale by tb Joiephlne County A b tract Com pany, (0 cent each. 65 FOR BALE- One team bay gelding and harneu; one 6 and on I year old. True In all barneie. Weight, 2,650 pound. Inquire Collin Auto Co. 69 FOR SALE CM E A P Three-quarter ton truck. In good condition. New tire. Churchill and Maxwell, tf FOR SALE Hone, 9 year old, weighs 1,500, true to pull and gentle, alco sorrel team, weight 1,100 each. R. Tlmmon. Phone 533-J. 66 TO KENT FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlently located 411 C ttraak ICtf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage rot rent, 60 feet from pavement, alsc unfurnlihed eottaga on pavement fg per month. Inquire A. E Voor hla. 92tl FOR BALE Five head of horse. On heavy team geldings, tlx and seven year old, sound and true, good logging team, matched. Phona 611-F23.' . Ed. U Schmidt A 8on. , 69 FOR SALE One drop-head Wheeler A Wilson, and one drop-head Singer sewing machine. Oood as new. Phone 50. 69 FOR SALE Three compartment tireless cooker, for sale cheap, In quire Mrs. Oeo. Parker, 403 Weat D street Phone 285-T. 65 FOR SALE 2 center tables: kltch en range; airtight heater; 1 double bed springs; 1 single bed springs, 2 porch teats: 1 oak rocker. 648 North Fourth St., phone, 165-Y. 65 FOR SALE 1915 model Ford roadster, with lota of extras, $350 M. Mclntyre. phone 609-F-12. 65 FOR RENT Six-room house, 727 North Firth street, bath, sleeping porch, acre of ground, poultry yard and house; also 4 -room house, 221 Rogue River Ave., sleeping porch," poultry house, three fourths acre. Get key from Mrs. Jennie Moss. Wm. Boog. 67 WASTED WANTED Work aa general black smith and horseshoer. . A. W, Dole. Palace hotel. (t 1H YERS OF NATIVE PLATINUM GILF1LLAN BROS.- Smelting and Refining Co., 217 V, West .Sixth street, Loa Angeles, Cal., are Is the market tor clean natlva Irido platinum.- 66 MISCELLANEOl'8 Q. A. BRYAN, 411 Bridge atreet . power and steam engineer am onla and cold storage refrlgerat Ing engineer. Installation ol plants. Pipe fittings. Litharaga tight joint if wanted. 70 FOR PROMPi' Jitney service, city or country, phone "The Stag" cigar store, 18S-J. Otto J. Knips, res idence phone 149-Y. 66 Township Maps Showing Oregon and Califor nia Homestead Lands, open to filing April 29, 1018, $1 per township. Please give township and range. DOrfiLAS ABSTRACT OO Ronebnrg. Oregon' BUY War Savings Stamps KOOI H RIVER WATER COMPANY A&vwtislm ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Attoraay-at-law. Practice la all But and Federal Court. First National Bank Bldg COLVIO A WILLIAMS Attoraeye-at-Law Oranta Paaa Banking C. Bldg. Oraata Paaa, Oragoa. C. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice la all court. First National Bank Building. O. B. BLANCHARD Attorny-at-Lw Oolden Rul Building. Phone 270. Oraata Paaa, Oragoa. BLANCHARD A BLANCHARD, At torney, Albert block. Pbouo 236-J. Practice in all court; land board attorney. VETERINARY Bl'R&EON DIL R. J. BE3TUL, Veterinarian. Office In Wlnatront Implement Bldg. Phona U3-J. Retreat Phone 305-a. PHYBIC1AXS L. O CLEMENT. M. D.-Practice limited to disease of tha eye, ear, dom and throat. Qlateaa fitted. Offlc hour 9-12, 3-5, or on ap pointment. Office pheno, 12; r. denc phone 359-J.- 3. LOl'GHRIDGB, M. D.. Phyict!i and iirgeon. City or country call aturJed day or tight. Reldoev phona '69; office phona lit. ix:h and H. Tuffs HiIIUim A. A. W1THAM. M. D., Pbyalctan aa4 turgeon. Offlca: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I atreeta. Phcnae: Of fice, 116; reildenoe, 388-J. Hoars, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR. J. O. NIBLET Physician aod - urgeon. , Lundburj BalMing. Burgeon Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. , Health Offloer. Officer hours, to 13 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. Phona I1B-J. - , , - , 1611 , PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open daily 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday ait tings call Mill 383-R or residence 140-J. 7ltf DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First -class dentistry. 109 H South tlxth street. Grants Paaa, Oregon. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. 8. MACMURRAY. teachar of Toloe ' culture and singing. Laeeou given at borne of pupil If requested. Ad dress 716 Lea St. 851 tf , DKAYAQE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kind of drayaga and transfer work carefully and promptly dona. Phone 181-J. Stand at frelghi depot A. Shade, Prop. F. Q. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. Sates, pianos and furniture moved packed, shipped and stored. Phoava Clark and Uolman, No. 69. Resi dence phono 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do ww. Bunch Bros. Transfer Ce. Psoas 897-R. TUESDAY OW HOAX. WEAXLESS cwniHinwui Keep your money at home If you are building u" Beaver Portland Cement which la mannfactured at GeM Bill, Oregon, and la guaraa ted by the manufacturers to be strictly high grade In every pect. Yoa can .buy thJa from your local dealer The Oregon Cement Sewer pipe A Tile Co. Beaver Pcrtlani Cecent Go. ManaunRRui V '1