Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, May 19, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Hitting A dark lecluded spot In
foreat. An old wlth (ndi over
a fir atlrrlng In a cauldron, mumb
ling to herself.
Enter Senior el on ws home
from picnic.
Membare or cl "Oh! Iwik
hr' a witch, lol'i get her In toll
our fortune."
Cl ."Ohl Yea let do." Group
approach witch timidly. .
Members of dais ( Rowing)
"Worthy dame, we the class or 'II
are about lo atop out Into tha world,
would you, who know or . untold
thing, civ ua a peep Into our fu
ture?" Witch "ir you would hava ma
here relate,
"What you In the future will par
taka. "Then out of my aliht,
"Step to tha right, (Motion with
"Double, double, toll and trouble,
Bra burn and cauldron bubble; me
thlnka ma seea a violinist rorm Ind
ent or the fume. (Enter Luclle Oar
her.) "ITar I aee EaMla Feldmaler.
(Enter Estella Feldmaler.) Tou
will travel rr and become an In
spector and demon! rator or fooda.
"Now I Ruth Olealer (Enter
R. 0.) aa editor or one of the fore
most magaxlnea In the United Slate,
you will acquire much fame.
"The arene now channel rrom rlty
life to an open prairie and I ee
a horaeman coming across the
plain (Enter Reginald Robinson).
Aa he drawa near I recognlte lleiil-
nald Robinson, who ntia.ll be rham
plon hone back rider or the went.
"Now the pralrlea fade away and
the mountalna rlie In front or my
night and I aee Clara Knlpa (Enter)
you are painting a acen which will
make you faniotn. (Exit.)
"Here ! ae a large gymnaalum
(Enter Vivian Inhaiii) with Vivian
Iaham aa the moat renouned physical
Instructor In the atate .(Exit.)
"Her I aee a young author, Pau
line Dean (Enter). You ehall be one
or our greatest writer or fiction.
"Ted Blrchard (Enter) I aee you
aa famoua tenor traveling with a
Chautauqua. (Exit.)
Sylvia Duncan, (Enter) you will
become head mine at tha Good Sa
maritan hoapltal at Portland. (Exit.)
(Enter) "Here I aee the office of
the principal of the Junior High
achool, enccesafully rilled by Mar
gare Rathbnne. (Exit.)
"Here I ace a buay newspaper of
fice at a dank atanda Viola Walton
(Enter). You will become a famoua
Journaliat among the largest newa
papera. (Exit.)
"Rhelnhold Schmidt (Enter). Be
cause of your prevloua experience
with Ford you will become chM
mechanic In the Eord plant. You
apeclallxe on ennuis testing. (Exit.)
"A vision of Leah Parkor (Enter)
aa a famous physician, now appear
before m. You will become one of
the beat known surgeons of the west.
"Ah, that curly haired one, Mattle
Wllllama (Enter). Your name at
tracta ecorea of women for your
beauty parlora will be very well
known. (Exit.)
"Foot llghta appear, K aeem to
be a stage. Aa the curtain rises
(Enter Helen Ellis) In the last act of
a grand opera, Helen Kllla be
witches the audience with her lovely
rolce. (Exit.)
"Dea) Wllklna muat have great
capacity for mastering foreign lang
uage a (Enter) for I see him now aa
an ambassador to China. (Bowa and
A large meadow appears to my
view, Burton Robinson (enter) the
greatest naturalist of the time la
catching butterflies.
"The aun la rtelng over the horl
on and a tennla player (enter Cora
Lindsay) Cora Lindsay silhouetted
against the eastern sky.
"The mists now take another
form and I see Elbert Berkshire
(enter) aa a successful salesman for
the Golden Rule Store.
"The odor of ammonium hydrox
ide In now permeating the air and
I see a chemistry laboratory, where
Ella Anderson has performed her
many valuable experiments for the
"Here I see a new favorite In fllm
dom. JoBle Wrltsht (Enter). Whose
realistic ropresentntlon of child life
pictures tins made her well known.
Four long, lovely, well spent
years of blgb aohool life," that Is
what the mighty Senior of Nineteen
Hundred and Eighteen have to look
back upon,
And what have we gained? .r
lost? !eta look back over those
four yeara and pick out a few Item
of Interest.
Ninety two meek little person
agea, wandered up the stairs of 0.
P. II. B., wended their way through
tha hill and Into the aasembly, la
den with booka and aaturated with
Regardleaa of our Inefficiency of
alse, we filled the Frosh rows to
overflowing 'and aucceeded In par
taking In athletics to a large degree.
nder the Influence of Mis Davis,
our advisor we aucoeeded In outliv
ing the first year of our high acbool
Tha fTophomore year wa an un
eventful one, aave for a few flunks
and an occasional reprimand. Mr.
Mlllkan waa our advisor. Under hi
efficient auperrlalon, much talent wa
brought to light.
Our Junior year waa begun with
enthusiasm and Mlaa Parker under
took the atrenuoua tak of "watch
ing over" ua.
Our boy upheld the old White and
Oreen In all llnea of athletic. To
ward the tatter part or the year,
aeveral member of our cits re
sponded to the call of Uncle Sam and
gave up their high school lire for
the pursuit or military duties.
At laat we have become high and
Illustrious Senior, and our work re-
aume a responsible and dignified at
mosphere. We have atarred In, ath
letics, debate, and all forma of achool
actlvltlea and now our lire at 0. P.
It, 8. I at an end.
"Haiel King (Enter), because or
your Industry you will become own
er and commander or the largest
steamship line between San Fran
cisco and Hong Kong. '
"The San Francisco port appears
to my view and docks preparing to
embark, stand Helen Flfleld (En
ter), you are going aa a missionary
to the far south sea Islands.
"Now the Ice fields come to my
view, and I behold Edwin Robinson
(Enter), who has made millions
from hla famoua Alaskan gold mine.
"Rut again the scene changes,
lola Lewi (Enter); you are destin
ed to own the largest and most won
derful green house In the United
Statea. ,
"Ila deGrasae (Enter), In your
career aa a poet, you will become fa
moua. Your works will be known
far and wide.
"I aee a large station. A train
la Just pulling In. At the gate Is
atandlng Arllne Bunch, with a wel
coming hand extended (Enter) to all
girls traveling alone. Arllne speaks.
"Are you' sure some one will meet
you and do you know where you are
going? Follow me and I will ahow
you, the way." (Exit.)
"Gertrude Kerley (Enter), yon
win have the honor of holding the
position of the world's most expert
typist. You will be known far and
wide for your accuracy and speed.
"The mist thkkena and I aee
llghta faint and far away, slipping
In and out among the ahadows Is I
dancer (Enter John Wllllama) aa he
removea hi wig I recognise John
Wllllama. (Exit.)
"I again enter the business world
and In the office of a large law firm
(Enter Hattle Oebera) one whq ap
peara to be of your number, yes, It
la Hattle Oebera, private secretary
to tha head of the firm.
"Ah, here I aee a great pianist,
Ellen Taylor (Enter Ellen). You
will establish a new technique that
will be used throughout the coun
try. (Ellen playa selection on the
piano and exlta.) '
(Noise off the stage). VHark!
Oreat God Tbor Is angry. Some one
la disturbing hla peace. Ah! it la
Grace Presley, coming down from
the clouds (Enter) In the airplane
which she Invented herself. Orace.
'I ought to have known better than
to let Mac drive It. I wouldn't have
brought him down trom Portland In
the first place If he hadn't been due
here In five minute.' (Exit Grace
and enter Mac). Mac, 'Whew! She
nearly threw me that time, I won
der If there la anything left of my
cartoons (takes out cartoons and
exit). Flnl.
The Kit debating team completed
a aui'ceaaful aeason, winning the
champlonihlp of southern Oregon.
The member of the team were
Ella Anderson, Vivian Wham, Helen
Flfleld and Mai Wilkin.
, The queatlon for debate was,
"Open and Closed Shop."
Tha negative team, consisting of
Vivian Iaham and Ella Anderson,
met the Ashland affirmative here
and won with a score of I to 3.
On the same evening, the affirm a
tlve team, Dora Herman ub.iltutlng!,k'n ov,r tne ,0l ,,M- Mr- BUncn-
ror Helen Flfleld, and Max Wilkin. a'd ,n,tn,ed that tr,ck ,nt0 hl
K,,j ...i-.t k. u.At.A .... 'Player o profoundly that It wa
tlve team. ,
Central Point waa the next victim
and waa met by tha U. P. H. S. neg
ative team In thla city. 04 r affirma
tlve team Journeying to Central i
giving them the championship
southern Oregon.
The atate queatlon. "The league
enforce peace after the war," was
now taken up and preparations were
made for the tryout preliminary to
the final debate for the champion
ship or the state. Vivian Iaham and
Max 'Wllklna were chosen members
or the final team.
An engagement waa made with
Lakevlew and the local team made
the long and arduous trip to that
city and carried away the honors.
Upon returning home, preparation
were made for the final debate be
tween 0. P. H. S. and Marshfleld.
The debate took place In Eugene
where the local team was defeated.
The team haa received the heart)
support' or all membera or tbe stu
dent body throughout the most sue
cesarul aeason O. P. H. 8. has known
for aeveral yeara.
We've reached the time or parting
From our old High School days;
Into the world we're starting,
Our hearts are full of praise
We sigh aa all our friends we leave.
Our teachera kind and dear.
. Yet ever In our memory
Are thought of the 8enior year.
We've given boya In khaki
And aailor Jacklea too.
And we-ve all pledged allegiance
To the red, white and blue.
But atlll there la a thrill of aadneaa
Aa parting though we muat;
Hall to our Alma Mater
In whom we place our trust.
Here's to the class of old eighteen.
Hero's to our colors white and green.
Aim HI our motto will prove true,
. Eighteen, we're proud of you.
The white, the green the clasa of eighteen
The class with the name, tha class with the fame,
We'll make the rest o the gang look tame. .
8enlor, Wow!
Class Colors Green and white.
Class motto Aim Hi.
Class flower White carnation.
The football season for 1(18
tarted off with a ruah, and ended in
like manner The aeaaon waa with
out doubt the moat succeaaful ever
enjoyed In the history of Oranta Pas
high school, and waa one which will
long be remembered.
The first move waa In tha elec
tion of a coach and Paul E. Blanch
ard waa choaen. He Immediately be
gan to ahapa hla gridiron machine
Into a nearly perfect a combination
aa ever carried the 0. P. H. 8. pig
accomplished under the
nt ost as-
toundlng difficult!.
Tha famea nlaved h tha fl P
II . 8. football team were: Aahland
at Aahland.. acore, o to 0. Medford
kt Oranta Paas, score, 61 to 0. Ash
land at Grants Pasa, score, II to 0.
All tha vamaa arara n h n tt U
..... B " - - "
IS., giving them the championship or
',,., - n
' On Thanksgiving day Grants Pass
played Eugene and waa defeated at
a acore of 41 to 7. Eugene being an
out of the valley team, thla had no
effect on the champlonihlp or south
ern Oregon.
The 1918 fooball team consisted
of Wilbur Bearss, captain; Howard
Bears, Donald Kearna, Harry Ed-
gerton, Sherman 8mlth, Lee Wilson
Carl Isenberger, Trevls Reynolds
Ted Blrchard, James Lindsay, Stan
ley Summers, Harold McOee, Luther
Ruth, George Booth. Elbert Berk
Basket IU11
The basket ball aeason this year
was successful In the full sense of
the word, although the 'games won
were of the minority, the experience
The entfr claa of 111, on Sat
urday, May 11, wended their way
down tha beautiful southern Oregon
highway to the famoua old Indian
camp ground and battle field, known
aa Table Rock. The picnic la an
annual affair with the Senior classes
of O. P. H. 8. and la one of the out
standing eventa of tha year.
Seven automobile pulled out of
Grant Pasa loaded to overflowing
with the 1(11 plcnlcera, and a very
enjoyable trip waa experienced by
the atudanta. Upon reachlnc the
base of tha rock, a mammouth din
ner, waa produced and all partook of
tha "grub" fcefore attempting tne
aacent of the high rock.
Many attractive pictures were
taken during the climb and after
reach rag the top. There were no
Incident of Interest during the stay
on the rock ailda from the discovery
of a dead horse and Mlaa Joanfta
Parker becoming dlxzy and having
a desire to spring off the cliff, but
due to the aupreme strength of the
rest of tha class they were able to
keep her from receiving such a ter
rible end.
About 1:10 In the afternoon it
waa decided to descend the rock and
journey down to Ashland. The gang
all plied Into tha machine and were
au seven machine except one.
aucceeded In reaching Aahland with
out mishap. Orace Presley, who
was unaware or the fact that motor
cars required lubricating oft to man
ipulate the engine, suffered the ex
tremely embaraaslng sensation of a
burnt out bearing, which Inddently
hindered tha machine from running.
Consequently the party waa forced
to camp alongside of the road until
one of Aahland'a NUMEROUS ser
vice car aallled to their rescue. The
machine waa "towed" to the Aahland
garage, where It wa discovered that
the Oldsmoblle would have to re
main In the hoapltal for a period of
14 hour.
A picnic aupper waa prepared In
'the Inner mot portion of Lythlajk,n, w oS 0,d ,eor ,or tow
Park, after which the remaining six
machines Journeyed to Medford.
where they attended a movie thea
tre before returning home.
The bunch arrived home about
11:10 o'clock at night a very tired
and happy layout.
Mrs, McKlnney "What la the dla
tlngulshlng characteristic of a kan
Ieroy Heston "He alts on his
Ted Blrchard "I didn't know
about this until about two minutes
before I was told."
Miss Oilman "I mant every single
person In the room to write on this
Helen Flfleld "What about the
married people?"
Don Kearns "Reciprocity
crime next to murder."
Photographer (to Mac)
so I can get your dimple."
and Interest aroused toward that
branch of athletics caused the sea
son to be one or the most successful
known for a long time.
Under Coach McWilliams. the
team received many good polntera
and learned much about the game.
Trips were made to Ashland, Phoe
nix, Medford, Rogue River, and Ap-
plegate, where games were played.
tbe local boy holding their own
-1th the opposing teams.
The top floor of the Central school
waa uaed In place of a gymnasium,
and although under slied, made a
very fair place for playing.
The team constated or Ted Blrch
ard, captain; Lee Wilson, Donald
Kearna. Howard Bearss, Trevls Rey
nolds, Deal Wilktnt and Leo Sauera.
The gtrla basket ball team prove,
a thorough success under the direc
tion or Miss Juanlta Parker.
The team consisted or Vivian Ish-
am, captain: Ella Anderson. Hattle
Oebera, Mildred Taylor, t.ynetta
Qulnlan. Vernetta Qulnlan. Ku-i
Glesler and Lavere Brown.
The girl's team played out or
town teams this year, the first time
this has been done for many seasons.
Owing to war conditions there
hns' been no track and baseball,
.military training taking tbe place of
these forms of athletics.
Claa night exerclaea of the claaa
of 1918, were held Thursday night
In tbe high achool auditorium.
Originality waa the key note of
the evening' program. The atunta
were clever, the entertainment uni
que and the music good. A apeech.
of welcome waa given by tbe claaa
president, Ted Blrchard, after wbl'h
Mr. Wardrlp gave medal to the four
members of the debating team
Vivian Iaham, Helen Flfleld, Blla
Anderson and Mac Wilkin.
The aalutatorian of the class, Leah.
Parker, gave a patriotic speech that
howed tha spirit of the class. A
spirit that not only show Itself la
class affairs, but In the affair of our
nation. ,
Inaamnch a the aenlor clasa gave
up the Toka for patriotic reasons.
the atage waa fitted to represent the
annual. Each event to follow aa In
regular order.
The senior' picture always com
first and these were cleverly shown
by the uae of a Mack curtain with
openings for their faces.
The clasa history waa given by
Vivian Iaham, ah owing what an il
lustrious claaa they had always been.
One of the most picturesque ecenea
was portrayed when tha clasa pro
phecy waa given. Mis Parker, elaaa
advisor, made a delightful old witch
stirring heY magic broth over glow
ing coala. She I Induced by the
members of the clasa to look Into
the future and foretell their Uvea.
Aa she does ao each member of the
clasa cornea out portraying them
selves In future life. The audience
enjoyed thoroughly the artists. Jour
nalists, fancy dancer and feminine
aviator presented to them.
Ted Blrchard and Mac Wllklna won
great applause and the Intense In
terest of the audience In their chalk
talk atunt. Both boy have mora
than ordinary ability In cartooning
and kept the audience in laughter
during the entire "Joke Depart
ment" of the Toka.
The class will read by Mac Wll-
Td d "rt'ona of the faetultr.
It waa cleverly written and enjoyed
by everyone.
The laat number on the program
waa the valedictory given by Roth
Glesler. She waa not only-valedictorian
of her clasa, tint received tha
highest grade of any -valedictorian
of the high achool. Her apeech was
good and well given. She paid apo
dal tribute to the boy of the class
who were helping Uncle Sam and
read letters from two of them,
Robert Bestu) and William Pollock.
Their heart were with the clasa that
night and they longed to be back.
A largo silk flag was then raised
and the program waa ended with a .
rousing clasa song. .
X great deal of the success of class
night waa due to Mlaa Parker. Dur
ing the evening a gift waa presented
Jby the class in token of her loyalty
to them, the past two years.
Senior Class Will
(Continued from page 1.)
girls which hibernate in Grants Pasa
high achool under the superfluous
title of Sophomores.
Unto the Freshmen, we very cor
dially invite them to meet ua on the
board walk and sop up the extreme
ly intellectual and Inspiring Informa
tion regarding hooky, excusea, pun
ishment, and all 'other camouflage
necessary for a successful high
school career. Also we donate them '
one and all, Individually and separ
ately, all of our credits, said act for
the purpose of ending all further re
lations for aald Frosh with G. P. H.
S. -
And now once and for all, ad va
lorum ad Infinitum, amid wailing
and gnashing of teeth, we In witness
thereof do hereby testify that this,
our last wail and gasp shajl not per
ish from the earth but shall remain
and continue to do great damage to
all concerned, we set our hand and
seal (not an animal) this seven
teenth day or May, the year or our
Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Eighteen.
Drawn up and approved by:
Fool Killers to Senior Class.
Mlaa Crellln Where would you
go to get passport to France?"
Don Kearna "To the recruiting