... PAGE roiR DAILY ROtUK RIVKll COL'KIKR I Itlll.iV, MAY 17, IIB. THEATER JOY FOR ALLALL rXMt JOY FRIDAY Vivian Martin The Trouble Buster RanUhod the blim fr hosi full of people litM night. I wr du the mum for jrosi SATURDAY Olive Tell in "The Girl and the Judge" Aa Inteceatlag story of a girl with aa Inherited teawlrcy tu steal ' Price 10c and 90c Two Show and r ; i PER52NAL !!B . LOCAL i 11. K. Wilbur, of Seliua, waa la th city today. J. 11. t'ettlngill, of Medford, U la the city today. K. A. Ueulry this morolng for Corvallla to secure mill work. Arthur Hrowu, representing in Oregoniaa, is in the city for a wmk. R. K. Jewell went to lUtell thle Uev, U Myron llooier returned thl morning from Portland,, where ha spent Hvtril day, morning to work tor the summer. Mrs. W. M. Hair returned to Ku gen today after pending several days In the city. Frank . Wooldrlilge end Jack Vlu cent left thl morning for Marsh field and North Rend to secure ship yard work. Mr. and Mr. A. K. Walker went la Kn inn todsv. Mr. Walker. 8. P. I . . . . 1 .1. t fireman, nss oeen iransierren Eugene-Marshfleld run. Mr. A. T. Lswis, of Corvallls. and Mr. Annie Helsell. of Modesta. Cal.. who visited Mrs. J. X. Johnton, left this morning for Corvallla. IKN-ria Matt Knllat ' Jamea Ttlman Howard, of IKirrU. Cal., enlisted here Thursday and left the aama night for Vancouver. He enlisted In the Itifnntrjr. CtMiiH-U of IVfrnne to Meet ' The Counrll of Defense will meet tonight and I o'clock promptly, by order of Fred A. Williams, presl-dent. Engraved falling CanU Script type. $1.75 per 100; If you tarnish plate. 11.25 per hundred. Printed earda SOe for 50; c for 100. Courier office. 4tf Atteetkm IVy Hcouts Meat at forett service office Sat urday at I p. m. to go In a body to ell thrift stamps to Herman Horning. KG BEST MiD r.0ST ALFALFA CROP . O. A. C. Experiment Station, Cor vallls, May IT. Alfalfa farmer' wUl find that they can beat meet the preaent hay shortage by cutting and earing their 118 crops at the time and la the manner that will save the largest amount -possible and make the bast bar. - "Within two or three .weeks." say Prof. O. R. Hyalop of O. A. C. experiment atatloa, "alfalfa hay will be ready for making. Hay stocks hare been reduced durlngjhe winter and spring, and farmer are called ea to met the situation as best they caa. "Some growers In, sections where hay la sold by volume ttaa tonnage being determined by maasurlng tha stack hare followed the practice-of allowing the hay to become over-ripe and woody so that It bulks np larger. This practice not only tends In some Copy for Kaaday All items for publication In th "The besfpart of alfalfa for hay Sunday Courier must be In the office purpoeas Is the learee and floe parte. Saturday morning. The Saturday To save these parte It la necessary afternoon and evening copy will to cut the alfalfa for hay when It la probably be left out. about one-tenth In bloom or when;'.'. the new shoots begin budding out The Nmkir Edition from the crown. ! . Tne gunday Courier will contain "Rake the hay as soon as It Is well lwo pteg of BRn (cnooi Mnor class wilted; care rapidly In the windrow matUr an interesting account of the or cock, and get Into the stack or actlfllteg of ,h, graduating class, under cow with least possible thg edition taking the place of the posure to sad and rain. 'annual Toka. owing o war time "Hay efficiency or value dependa eonduione. Ay one desiring extra much on IU time of curing thorough-j,,, hon)d pBO tne offlc before nes and rapidity of curing, freedom 0.clo(.k Saturdav. Merchanta de from exposure and the saving of lr ac must ordr Saturday morning. I'adrrwond In Tank ftrr lAwrenes W. I'nderwood on Thursday enlisted for 0. 8. tank ser vice and left last night for Vancou ver to the Gettysburg tank headquarters. Kindergarten Ctaaa . - Mine Telford's kindergarten claaa m.t tnr the last time this morning. and the little people were decorated In patriotic colors In honor of their graduation from kindergarten to the first grsde. Mrs. Bailey took a few photographs of the younnters be fore being dismissed. Itel Crosa Rhlpment Nest Week ' A shipment of Red Cross supplies win be msde'next week and knitters sre urged to send In all finished ar ticles not later than Thursday, Miy IS. A return of all outstanding yarn which has been In the hands of knit ters more thsn a month Is ssked for. The Choice of Those Who Know Manufacturer and lead ing motor car distributor recommend ZEROLENE. Th majority of motorists use ZEKOLENE, ZEROLENE reduce wear nd gives more pow er because It keeps its lu bricating body at cylinder heat. Give lest carbon because, being refined from selected California asphalt bass crude, it burns clean and goes out , with exhaust. ZEROLENE is the cor rect oil for a types of au tomobile engines. It is th correct oil for your auto mobile. Oet our lubrica tion chart showing tha correct consistency for your car. At dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Station a. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtlifofaU) .f Correct Lubrication for the "VMype llnglite This, th "V.Trpe of' automobile engine, like all tnfrital eomtxiadoa . engines, requires an oil that holds Its lubricat ing qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean In the combustion chamber and goes out with e haust. Zerolene Alls these requirements per fectly. Smmmm it is ear nelly rHndfrom hch ee Ctllfornle aaphsil see erede. ZERO LEWIS The Standard Oil for Motor Cars V, C. PKHil.KY (11UNTH VANi, OKMMS I. FROITDALZ .i noRX i The CvHirter Short Handed - I Work at the Courier office Is be- HAMPSHIRE Thursday. Msy 1. n)? done undef B,KB preMurt omi,j to Mr. snd Mrs. John Hsmpshlre. ,0 lhorWgt of p,rlenced help, to- n' .gether with a rush of work. The ( condition : of the laoor market Is such that all newspsper are suffer ing from the lack of experienced DIED eases to reduce a four crop country : Lewis, The funeral will be held at . ling irom int iara in ri'-i LEWIS-Thursday. Msy 1. Mr. wt1 M of m uiue a. uewis. agea yeara. prowmeBt. T,urill, the past 1 Deceased wsj a resident of Grants',,,, . 20fl Bew,p,p,r, hsve Pau for a number of years and ls'qn,t pub,lc,OB , th, rnltod States, survtved by two sons. Msx and DolPh'own)t ,0 ,nePWMNl P,,M ,nd la bor shortage. to three eropa a year, bat makes the Clark 4" Holman's chapel Sunday, i hay coarse and woody. IU value Is May 1, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Melville thus reduced and a large amount of T. Wire conducting the services. In- Afllflf riiOriirtlT fir it to wasted. terment at Odd Fellows cemetery, i jJ f j t lVI LM I Ul Heary Waster Layers THE sWaMSM. TUakcWjiaahihOTrmkfM S. C WHITE LEGHORNS BABY CHICKS a,MjH.fcfalilfd ml I, ill WE PAY J EXPRESS CMARCES SUHN HATCHnY kwlkkilaU fixlr m M Qfcfc. PETALUSU.CAJU G. P. H. S. Trip Kada Wish' Mele ..Wllllsm Robinson, of Osllce, wno hss been working In the Portland shlpyarde all winter came to Oranta Pass Tuesday oa business. He hs. however, been eonflned to his room with the messles ever since his sr rival. '' Civil Hervlee KxamlaalloB) The tT. S. civil service commission announces an exsmlnstlon for for est and field clerk to be held In this city June II. A knowledge of bookkkeeplng. typewriting and sten ography Is required for this examination. IBIiBBB HELP Put Josephine County Over The Top Again The work of the Red Cross being so well known it is hoped that each person when so licited will contribute liberally and promptly, thereby saving time for the solicitors who are giving their services in addition to con tributing to this most worthy cause. Cash subscriptions are most desirable wherever possible. '. The commencement exercises of the Orsnts Pass high school will be held tonight at the opera house. commencing at 8 o'clock. Follow ing Is the program: '; High school orchestra. High school ' chorus." ' . - ' Reading Rstella Peldmaler. , Piano solo "The Song of the Nightingale."- '' Tetelovsky, Vivian Isham. Vocal solo "I Gathered a Roue," ! Dorothy Iee, Gertrude Kerley. ; Address "Whst of the Kd id eational Future," President J. H. ,Ackerman, Oregon Normal. 1 Vocal solo "O Dry Those Tesrs." j Teresa del Rlego, Helen Ellis. Presentation of the class H. H. Wsrdrip, principal of high school. Awarding of scholarship and hon or medals. Awarding of diplomss by Dr. B. C. Mary, chairman of board. P. W. Kdgerton, employment man ager of the Rogers shipbuilding con cern of Astoria was In this city on Thursday on business In the Inter est of securing labor from this coun ty. He ststes that three' wooden ships of 4,700 tons for the govern ment are about to be launched at the Astoria yards and these will be empioyea maimy in iraae on ine Pacific ocean. He explained that conditions were Inviting for inex perienced men who desire to work In the shipyards, and that especial ly musicians who can play band In struments are offered attractive In ducements, receiving besides Instruc tions, pay for their services In the employes' band. Tho employes also have a newspaper. Mr. Edgerton has appointed L. A. Launer as act ing asent for this section. .:. ' ' 37 BOCHE IN ONE DAY 17 ENEMY lus P 6 oFOReY London, May' 17. Thirty-seven German airplanes, 15 of which were destroyed, were accounted for by British airmen Wednesday. The of ficial statement on aerial operations lsat night reports a marked Increase In the activities of both aerial force on the western front. ' '' The British continue to bombard railway stations snd billets behind tbe German lines. The statement reads: " "A great deal of work was done by our airplanes and observation bal loons on Wednesdsy, in conjunction with our artillery. Our bombing machines began their attacks at dawn and continued until dark, dropping more than 24 tons of bombs on targets. Including the rail way atatlons at Tournal, Courtral and Chaulnea and billets In the neighborhood of Doual, Bapaume, Menln and the river Bom me and the Zeebrngge-Bruge canal. 'Enemy alrcaft waa active, hos tile scout attacking (onr bombing machines with particular Insistence. Twenty-five enemy machine were brought down, and twelve driven down out of control. One was shot down by machine gun fire from the ground." ' ' Y. M. C. A. IITTS DESTROYED Harry Lyne, a British Y. M. C. A. war work secretary on the weHtern front saw 27 Y. M. C. A. huts des troyed by shell fire within 24 hours. Miss Katella Oakea of Hugo spent the week end with Mrs. P. Slsttery snd visited old friends, v Miss Grace Redding bs been quit sick the past week with throat trouble but she Is Improving now. George A. Hamilton and wife tail ed on C. C. Hammerly Sunday. Last Friday Mr. H. H. Wardrlp, waa dinner guest of Mr. T. 0. Ro per and by pre-arrsngement on the' part of Mrs. Roper and Mr. J. ! Btanbrought th ladles of the valley gave Mrs. Wardrlp a surprise partv In the afternoon. Aa xceptlnnally good time was enjoyed by all. De licious refreshments of 'msrihmal low pudding with' whipped cream, cake, coffee and chocolate, 'were served by Mrs. Roper, assisted by Mrs. Stanbrough and Mrs. Slsttery. Mr. E. R. Crouch and mother. Mr. Hendricks, of Grants Pass.' and Mr. and Mrs. Cash Hendricks, of California, called on Mrs. Charlie Peterson Tuedsy afternoon. j ' Mrs. J. C. Roger ram up from' Engel Mine, Cat., Friday morning to attend to aome business matters and visited her danghter Mr. Chsrlle Mayhsn. Mrs. I A. Kldrlrixe was rtlnn-r guest of Mrs. A. W. Bstes Trlday. ' v Mrs. Mary lloare and Oeo. Honre visited at the Roper home Thursday venlng. Mr. and Mr. Dutcher and friends were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Bylngton last Saturday. Gall Hamilton,' Ernest, Anna and Mrs. Robert Nellson, of the Fruit dale orchestra played for a dance at Rogue River Saturday night. Their work waa highly appreciated. . Th Jacob Redding family now take their pleasure rides in a Ford. Hsrold Potts left Tuesday for Portland to take a short . course In the Adox auto and engine school. Robert Harris. . Gall Hamilton Ernest and Anna Nellson. attended the high school dance at 'Guild hall In Oranta Pass Wednesday night, Mr. Day, of Sgobet and Day of New York City, and a representative of Denny and Co., of Chicago, were In thl vicinity this week looking over the fruit prospect. They say there will be good price for fruit this year and plenty of ear to ship It In, which Is welcome news to the fruit grower. , Prof. H. H. Wardrlp and fumlly entertained Mr. Wardrlp' brother, Glenn, principal of th Central Point grammar schools, Saturday .'d Sun day and Mr. VYardrlp'a fslher. G. W. Crews of Ashland. Monday and Tuesday and Mr. Waidrlp's mother from Myrtl Creek for the week. . Jacob Redding ami to sons and Q. J. llsgen left Monday lo work on the chrome mine road. MKW TOtMY (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. 1 1 words, two I sages, tie; alt Issues, too: on month. !.. whea paid la advance. When not paid la sdvaaoe, I per line per Issue ) THIRTEEN YEAR OLD boy wants work. Address No. II tare of Courier. 14 DRY 8LAII W(K)I-Vsrsoa Fowler Lumber Co, '.. 14 WANTED Stenographer lor work la law office. Address No. US care of Courier. . it (OMIXG KVai.VTt May (,'I7, Friday Comiaeareaient exercise. May IM. Friday-Sunday No- worth I eigne convention la Grants Pass. May 27-Jun I, Monday-Saturday-- Chautauqua at Oranta- Pea. ' Jnn 7. Friday Btrwbrrr feotivai by Presbyterian ladles. Mtf r ifMttsar.r.lt. saaaBMasxasBWSBsaaa W.f.U VPwt.Off Keep K'ds Kleen TV mm miiiwl, kniiMJ, LUIfmW MiiIumUJi if r i J ia avauiaeal asliMMiiawfle. 4 aftBsf.giftatery tufnaswat m4 la4CsW I a ted. Al fa) gMttt a Dtiltli atsx-l tah rtw Jmvm at mgrh wm bm Vaj rman Cm mmwimm W r annals Ml,lit "sT.00 tha ult Wr-0.td Am imt le M JFaH7 cftagkegaj egMtstal aarplV jr4) Wast awkcl VMss CMtV1) WfWa a mll W fmn, 11.00 Mk OVERALLS uniHton A new suit FREE ir they aip UAtovabU IT MU ir- ., LEVI ITtAUSS a CO., Urn (WUm Mfn. f "r-J All.'' a m ssn1 far 1 LtVIS ilHf STRAUSS a CO. RAKlKaCM. 4- LOlKiE NOTICES 4- N'eiKlilxirs of the Woodcraft 'A regular meeting of the Neigh bors of the Woodcraft at the W. O. W. hall lias been called for this evening. All member are requested to be present as Important business Is to be taken up. 63 Mem Wanted AHtoria Wooden Shipyards. Government work. Good pay. Quick advancement. No experience required. Splendid working condi tio. Vol summer. Close to beach resorts, rare advanced, No fees ctmrged. . HEK L. A. LAl'MKIl , T. W. EDGERTON. Astoria. Ore. j 9