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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1918)
MONDAY, MAY t, lit. noi roiB DAILY ROOt'M IUVBH OOilROUl i li' :;FER52TML55 LOCAL .. - LawE t f i;' w : i i f ' i : ! t .? Hose 13c per ft. 4 -Inch wttveu cotton hoe 15c per ft ioml)enr Wlngfoot ruMw Ttoae. Th "don't kink kind." 18c per ft. lkat forget In buy war sav ings fUniN Rcte River Hdwe. Geo. It. Kiddle, Manager MlM Grace lUrity, of Qlendale.j Mlw MrfirniU'k lliiirt visited frlende her yesterday. I MIm Ann McCormlck, thecoma Mum Barkd!, ot Medford. It In demonstration agent,, will hav a th city tuiUy. Mr. U. P. J i or mad trli to Med ford this afternoon. - "Ollvllo" soap Sabln ha It. 53 Mr. Uvdla Dean and James la left Sunday morning for Seattle, ex pecting to make au axtended visit Mn. Uintou Rower Jr., or Aeh Isnd. arrived laat night to visit Grant. Pas relative. 1 O. R. Harper spent Sunday with hi family and left Ut night for hi work with the 3. P. bride gang at Springfield. ' F. R. I.ewts, of Keno, Nov., Pnt a few day her looking after hi orchard trart. He left last night for I Portland. j Mr. and Mr. Harry Slskron ar rived thl morning from San Fran cisco and will apend the summer at the Sl.kron mining property In the Holland dl.trlot. M. B. Durbln left thla morning by stag for the 8mlth river country, where be will apend lorn time for the forestry department In general work, which Includes repair of the government telephone. Ml Jean Atrblnson. of Ashland, formerly matron of th flood 8amar-j Itan hoapltal for fir year, la In th city on professional bnalnesa. I niieilng In the lltiito grange hall Wedne.Uay utorulng at 10:30. All omen Iniereated are Invited to at tend thl meeting which will be held In connection with the Hugo Red Croa toclety. Fhvtrlc Wiring Paul' Electric Store, Medford. Ore. Order may be placed through power company office. go Soldier Take Itrlile Sergeant Fred . J. Croxton, of Camp Lewie, and MIm Marl IJrh nherger. of Wolf Creek, were mar ried at I o'clock thl afternoon at the parsonage or th Methodist church by the Rev. Melville T. Wire. Th ceremony wa witnessed by Mr. J. E. Moloney, alster of th hrlde. intW TOD4T Admitted to Probate The eatate or the late O. W. Mur- -; , - , .. )fty Md illth S. Hobb wer Sat- (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. II ,,r,i .dmltted to probate by Conn- ' m n n 1 1 1 a 0c: on month, f 1 6 when paid In. ty ,ndw c at 4 w at at ma U KaA raI mxIjI I . .Iwan a ' Ic per line per Iseue.) 0. Gillette. FOR SALE: One man folding .aw i .ing machine, hay cutter, camp . stov and other article. Ad dra No. 757 Courier office. 64 LOST On Sunday between North Fifth itreet and th Joy theatre, a $5 bill. Finder please leave with No. 760. car Courier. - 58 OOMINO EVK.YT, Demurrer In Filed A demurrer wa filed Saturday In th cai of C. 0. Murphy against Fred M. Miller. It being alleged that ground not sufficient for a can for action war atated. Th ault I to compel the defendant to keep off of plalntlfT mining property. On Trip to Pennsylvania Mr. J. I Chrl.tlelb and Mr. Alice Ke.chner left thl afternoon on a trip to Pennsylvania and other FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN BEVERLY BAYNE America's Favorites "Red, White and Blue Blood" A society drama interspersed with tense situation and thrills galore LAST TIME Tb Night 10 and 20 Cents GO! Mr. nnd Mr. Hyilncy llrew In "HIS AWFUL CALM" IT'S A IM'KKAM! ! Toy Theatre 1st show 8:00 p. m. mot Important thing ju.t now, he aid, and w muat give our time, our energy and our money unntlntlngly. We must buy thilft ttamp. he said. Liberty bond, give to th Jted Cro.. the Y. M. C. A. and to other war work nntll It hurt u and then keep polnto. Mr. Chrletlleb will on giving until It get over hurting. reUtlve In Philadelphia and Harrla- it. rloed with a lengthy tribute tine win burg, and at 8t. I-onl. III. be abent teveral month. Medford y..ple Here A number of Medford people wer in Grants Pasa la.t night and at tended service at,, the Presbyterian church. Among the number were Mr. and Mr. Gore, Mr. and Mrs. Warner. Mr. and Mr. Hubbard. Mrs. WANTED TO BUY Fairly good cow, Gentle. C. W. Johnson, Merlin rtad. Rd.-l. 54 FOR SALE Team, wagon and bar a eel, $250; fresh cow. $75; Max well touring car. ltl model, $400; 40 laying hens, wire fenc ing, farming toola, etc. Apply t E. C. Roger. 134 North .Ninth itreet, Qranta Pass. 58 May 8. Wednesday Baby welfare meeting under auspice of . Parent-Teacher association at Cham ber of Commerce. May 12, S.nday Baccalai reite ser-Tumv, and Mr. Andrew, mon by Rev. Charles R. Drake at; M. E. church. May t. Thursday Class Day xer- clses of high school. Msy 17, ' Friday Commencement exercises. ' May 27-Jun 1, Monday-Saturday -. Chautauqua at Grant Pass. May 10,' Friday Baptist ladle will give a supper. to th flag, starting with th plana of Betsy Roa and Washington for Its design and running th entire ga mut of emotion up to the present crisis which th country now face. All over the room strong men were seen to sumptuously bring .forth a handkerchief a a result ot the stir- j dlftVrvnt units. All are doing quit well. . Very sorry to read of the death of Fred Vincent, an old school mat of mine. He la the flr.t, so far a I know, from that locality to give his life for bis country's can.. .. Now that the big gm I In full wing again ! expect we ovr her 111 be kept quite bu.y until th doesn't make any difference world Is free once more. It's a tough I much water come over w spend about 10 day out of 10 at sea. When w are In th war ion wa stand It hours out of tn 14 at th gun. For four day going over and three coming back w wear (If preservers, and don't tak our clothes off, and w have canteen est all th way over and hack. Our gun Is on the bow of the ship and It how taf Job, I have found this game of war) there. The guns are loaded all th but It'a one Job ahov all I, time and all we have to do I presa wouldn't shirk. It hss If plenan trtes and tta dark hour, but we are all glad to be here, 'f th imople a button and off they go. If w se anything that look Ilk a sub or mine we fir and ask afterwards. back home will kep th good work. The destroyers wer with u In th '-..I I J . 1. I l.l, H I A SAM rlng appoal to patriotism which he ,n BU ",T" . Sometimes w could se mad1. He anstalned his reputation no ' ht ,h co,t M,'r ,,e a "tne stiver tongued orator or r ton." Senator Plerr came down from FOR SALE On Ford truck. Call evening 1K-Y. 54 tW Mh,MlU Miwllnn - .The district quarterly meeting oil Portland upon th Invitation of K. j the Free Methodist church will hold S. Bramwell to make the lunrh'on enice at th church Thursday., address, and will leave this evening Friday and Saturday evenings, and for Medford tn the Interest of his also Sunday morning and evening, candidacy. ' Although of opposite po Missionary meeting will be held 8un- lltlcal faith Senator Pierce and Mr. day afternoon at 3 o'clock. There Bramwell are friend of many yer will be minister and laymen from' standing. " ' th district In attendance at these fact we'll do It anyway. Bellev me to be, 8KTII BAILEY. In, them and sometimes not. as at ttmea they are under water. If they see anything they go for It. And what la more, a sub want to be gone be fore the destroyers get iher. Th destroyer fir 5-Inch gun at them until they reach the plsr and then drop depth bombs. We are still it se and will b for meetings. All are Intlted to attend. D. D. Dodge, elder In charge. FOR SALE CHEAP Cray team, - weight about 2.300 pounds, and good wagon. Inquire 7J North Ninth. Phone 247-R. 58, FOR SALE Transplanted tomato Her they are the descriptions of planU. C. R. Flfleld, 84 North! John Do and Richard Ro who rob Tenth (treat, phon 2S14L 63 bed R. Botwell and son of over $,- 000 In gold bullion and $20 worth ot J. L. 8cott, of Glendale. wa In lag at their mine 45 mile south- the city yesterday, returning horn west of this city last Thursday even- thla morning. Ing. Th following descriptions sent BUY War Savings Stacps ROGVB RIVER WATBR COMPANY Engraved Calling Cards Script type. $1.75 per 100; If you furnish plate. $1.25 per hundred. Printed, cards 50c for 50: 90c for 100. Courier office. 4Stf SEW HE TALUS (Continued from page 11 Keep your money at home If yoa are buildiag ns Beaver Portland I Cement which ta manufactured at Gold Hill, Oregon, and as guaran teed by the aannnfactarera to be strictly high grade In every respect. Ton can by . tnui from yonr local dealer The Oregon Cement Sewer Pipe A Tfle Co. . ' Beaver Pcrtkcd Cecent Go. out by Sheriff Lewi are given for j the Information ot any person who 'might possibly com onto either of 'the men: John Doe Forty-five years of age; 5 feet 7 or 8 Inches tall; hair quite gray; two or three weeks growth of beard, sandy streaked with gray; wore 1 about number eight shoe, middle fin ger of right hand missing; rather f till face, wrinkled, high rorehead; 1 large, light blue eyes; weight about 145 pounds; wore khaki coat, pants darker and newer; gray flannel shirt; light hat. Stetson shspe, pinched to peak at top, medium brim; smokes cigarette; wor shirt unbuttoned at throat ' Richard Doe ' About 35 years of age; three week growth of beard, rather dark; hair brown; rather thin face; gray eyes; weight about 140 pound; i feet I or 7 lnche tall; wor tag khaki ault with norfolk coat; tan khakl or flannel hlrt; 14-lnch high inn lace shoes. blacK: coin men wor bolt. I " Th two men abore described, held no and robbed R. Boswell and on at the Boswell mine near Hoi , land. Oregon, on th craning of May I, 118. securing about $$,000 In gold. The gold consisted of three melted bar, two bra about eren Inches long and one about five lnche In length, some fin dost, a ' gold tick pin with six nuggeU, five In ' the shape of a star with small nug- get tn center, gold ring Chine de !1gn, engraved on Inside of ring In SOLDIER LETTERS Chines character. , $500 will b paid for arrest and conviction of th abort and $1,000 for recorery of gold I hold felony warrant, arrest and wire at my ex pens. GEO. W. LEWIS, Sheriff of Josephine County, Or. both ot which had been great In their day, had used as the back bone for their greatness Irrigation The Roman soldiers, which held way In the world for 700 yeara, marched to battle with a bag of parched corn and the herd of cat tie which were brought ' along Egypt irrigation wa used exten- seen to lurreptlously bring forth behind them. Both in Italy snd Egypt Irrigation were used exten sively In farming. And than came the overthrow of civilization, and for hundreds of years the art of irrlga tlon was lost, until Us ase was again taken up about 300 or 400 years ago. Irrigation, he pointed out, la Im portant In helping to win tb war by feeding th thousand and mil lion of people of thla country and of Europe. He congratulated the Chamber of Commerce In securing th approval of th federal reserve hoard for th $105,000 bond Issue. hut. cautioned them not to rest at that but to go on and on nntll every available acre . In th county Is brought under th productive Influ ence of th Irrigation canal. "It la a duty you owe. to civilisation," he said, "to keep at It until this Im portant work la done. The Increa. ed food production for war as must largely come from Irrigated lands and It U your duty to put every foot possible In connection with water Ha referred to th women In France who ar producing 100 per cent cropa, doing atrong men' work on only half rations. "It take more grit," h ald, "to stay bom and right for Irrigation than to handle a machine gun on the battle front. I would rather hav a machine gun In my hands for 1$ minutes to pour a stream of lead In to tht mss of gray devils than to be governor." The winning of the war Is the dun Captain Write Home At Sea, April 17. 191 8. Pear Mother: " Three day ago I was a long wars. from home about 3.300 miles from, day or two. and mor If w hav New York. We were "over there." storm like we did yesterdsy and Dewey Anderson of Placer waaust night. The water was coming among the troops we took serosa. 1 1 over like It did on the Oregon. W don't know where they went from j had to leave th guna or water would , have washed u overboard. Th I am sending you some French ( how or this ship Is 30 feet abov the money, altogether 12 In our money, water but It cam over Just the sama. There Is also some Belgian snd Port- The water hit our anchor ao hard ii gal money. The paper frsnc h good that It broke loose and It and 13S only In that one town. i fathoms of chain went over. Thoy Borne of th French sak English said It only coat the government pretty well and there la an army and $10,000, The anchor weighed 100,. navy Y. M. C .A., so we can get 572 pounds. We ssw two mines go- ; along all rlrht. I went through sn Ing over, on right alongside Hie J aid castle over there which was ship, The destroyers went back and j built before Napoleon's time, and I .dropped bombs on them. On of ,h;saw a nlar where Napoleon wa bomb will blow verythlng to home paper. Received the first one twily, And I also ssw th place piece for 40 feet away, ( today, March ,1st Issue. Thsnks. j wnre they used to bang and be- April II. Wll, w ar back In many times, snd I am quite sure people. They now hav a lot th old IT. 8. A., all well and aaf. your kindness at thU time will not(0f German prisoners st the csstle. Received three letter from you and be forgotten. j As I am writing this on ship hoard five others. The mall Is not all out Since arrlvlna- In Franc have met and the shin Is rolling I cn hard- yet so I msy hsve mor. several of the boys from onthern!y. write. This transport life I all. Will close with love. Oregon, scattered here and theie In right but It Is no snap at sea. V RALPH R. BWINDKN. Italley Appm l.iret Courier Somewhere In Fiance March 30. Ill Editor Grants Paita Courier. Dear Sir: Appreciate your sending .me '. 1 I 1 : - ' ...AC . ' . u 1 it i ! COMING Tuesday & Wccbtihy Double Bill MAE MARSH "A Quaint Olri In Quaint Play" Ml 1 Hat Marsh. .1 . QsMerynPkhirt m - Ulll)IIiilU AIM ' CbrEs Chzp !ia In "The Fli orwalier" Hiilf an i lumr of iipntarlonn fan In a deonitment store. You saw Mae Marsh In "The Birth of a Nation." You'll love her atlll more as the temdrr-hoarted little girl of the bird house In "Bunahin AUey. ITS A (M)LDWYN KKATl'HK Plan to Go Price in and 2.V JOY THEATER