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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1918)
MONDAY, MM' 6, 1BIN. ItAILV H'XilH HIV EH (X1 ItIKH PAGE THKT3 TO TIIK NTtM'KIIOl.ltMIM OK TIIK IMKU'K IIIVKH Kill IT A) PRODUCE AHHtKlATlOX Nolle la hereby gheu that Hi' regular annual meeting of th Rogue Rlvr fruit A Product Association for th election of dlrectori and (hp transaction of mrh other bualna may properly com for such meeting, will he held Hi the public library, on Main etrset. Medford. Oregon, the II it day of My, 1111. it 10 o'clock m. noouR river fruit a PRODUCE ABBOCIATKf. Fly R. 0. Washburn, Pres. 0. II. Dean, Berrelary, Dated Medford, Oregon, April 10. 1111. "tiVKIl TIIKIIK" Rrorai of French hill are being leveled to make baseball grmmda for the American soldiers to rise with equipment furnished by the Y. M. 0. A. ' " terre plenty of potntoe and you won't mine tha bread. Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. COBUBK Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Preernl IncnmPenl GEORGE LEWIS Candidate fur licpnblicnn Nominee for SHERIFF Present Inrunilirut c7e. harmon' Candidate for He publican Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Primaries May 17 Everything for the Auto C. L. HOBART CO. 0. & C. Grant Land Blue Print Maps Josephine and Curry Counties ,.... ...,....$1.50 Jackson County $1.50 Both niajte for $2.50 Printed from tracings made by M. J. Anderson Jr. ' Mailed prepaid on receipt of price . i, n , - A; E. Voorhies ; ' Oranta Pans, Oregon D0INC3 C? TXZX VAX! f MNV nnvwii HaT) KAmHB V THT IS THS ART on ,' - J.T"4 T er.N;- I .- o , s ; 5 ; J. I NSW sT opT'CAHotZ-xT ., . ' , - Jt T-oeascauvai- T KNgMV - ' 1 !' ,L ur." ttoxr'A1 ' ' twaiaawniu P ' ALLIES DEMAND RE CEREALS ( i American Meat Restrictions Re taxed to Effect Greater Wheat Savings. ARGENTINE ARRIVALS SHORT. Meat Supply Hera Considerably In. large' Feed AdmlnleUatlea, . However, Warn Against Waete. Tb allle have mad further and j Increased demand for breadstuff. the enlarged demand being rauaed to tutu degree by shortage In arrival ' from lb Argentine. It I, therefor, j necewary for Hi U. 8. Food Adiiilnla ration to urge a nlll further reduction In the consumption of bread and bread stuff generally If we ar to meet our eiport necessities. The food Admin lairatlon baa Issued a aiateineiit ex plaining th altunllnii In detnll, pur tic ulurly I lie reasons which lead II, for llio purpose of iciiicilug effort for the lime being upon th cereal alluailoii to relax leiiipoiurlly th real rlct Ion on meal consumption, Kicrlenc ehoua. thia statement a), dial the consumption of bread slMTa la Intimately aasoclsied with the consumption , of meat for various reason our aupplle of meat for tb Dxt two or Hire month a re consld erably enlarged, and w can aupply tb allle with all of the meat product wbli'h Iranaportallnn facilities render possible and at th cam tlm soin what Increase our own consumption. In thee circumstance th rood Ad ministration considers It wla to relai the voluntary restrlctlone on meat con umilluii (u aume extent with a view to further decreaalug bread rotisiimp ilon. .' , Conscrvstlon of food must he ad Juated to meet nccewdtles from time to time, for neither production, nor al lied demand are constant factum nor can any of the factor be anticipated for long period In advance In the dle turbed fundi I long In which w at pres ent II. While the world altuatlon la not on that warrant any relaxminn LOCI73 ' J EVERYONE MUST HELP. War tannol be fought without mny, and upon tha Traury etnur vry financial d.mand upon th Nation. Th rich of thla country cannot alon meat th need of th Nation; th men f th country cannot de It alon; th woman of th country cannot do It aloni but all of ua, tha peopl of the Unltd Stat, dier. gardlng partlianahlp, frgttlng Mlflt, Interaat, thinking only f th supremacy of right and determining to vindicate th mJty f American ldala and acur th afty of Amtrlea and clvllliatlon, can d th gnat and aplandld work which Ood ha calltd upon u t Co. W. a McAOCO, rtary f th Treaaury. .EKCAN tim CKIK3 In Ui. Amert. ft can navy ar rlaaaeu I aa tb bet fed body I of niun In the world. ) I In th ahlp'a gnlley 'fkl every effort I madv to (xv v wa eiuninai wnaiv. kVVf In th upier pholo ls,J on of the cooka on th i '- Cy North Dakota' la oer- V J cula bacon with th W"'""" rt poaalhl waatage. Kal ii fiifl for fighters. Rncon la badly needed In tb allied armlca and navies. Tb allied nee1a In pork prod ucta ar ino.nufl.0O0 Miund monthly, tbre time a much aa befor th war. Another waateellinltmtor on th North Dakota la the potato eeler, hown In rb lower photo. Nothing la tnet ex cept th actual potato akin, There Is sufficient quantity of po - In the efforta to eliminate waste or to relax economy In food, (he Adminis tration dealivs to nevtir belter adjust men! In food hnliim-e , i So long aa the prwu'nt conditions continue th only apeclal reatrlrtlona we auk are the beelleHa and Mirkleu Tuesday. . . The mcutlvss uifitl and tlm iKirklcs Saturday ire no longer naked. ,' The fanner of the United-Statea are responding to the niilloiinl cull to Incrvusu hog production. Their In crenw, in all nMnram'ea. la lieliiK at tallied more rnpldi.v. Of more Imnie. (Hate riiiMirinini. however, or m-vcriil complfx fitctom alili-h have efTw-ted an liiimedlate Ini'ivuxe In incut aup plica. , The lniiiHNirliilion Ilia govvmineut look over the rail rond, th bad wenther in JHliunr' aud early lu Felminry, the lnre pcrci'iit age of Immature corn 'in the Inst Vet and the neveaalty of fillnu ilil. corn a rapidly as imimIIiI to wive It from decay, Imv not only rcnulte'l In harking up the aniinuln pnrilciilinl) hnira on th farina for a loiiv.1 e rlod of feeding, but have reaiilied In a great (iirreaae In their average uvlgbi and will remilt, with Improveil trana porta tiiui conditions, which already ap (tear. In larger than imriiiul arrlvulx at market for the next two or three montbN. The weight of hog coming to the market for the paat two weekit Indicate an Increase la weight of from an average of 203 pounds Iumi year to the almost' nnptecelentel average of 232 pounds, er a net In crease la their meat value of over n per cent - Thla la a diatlact addliiou te th wattoa'a meet snppty. It there fore now awns certain that we have sitcti enlarged euppllee far at least noma month to" come, that we can not only Increane our export te the allies te the full tetit of their transport (loa fncllltka, but at the name time can proMrty Increase ear -domestic consumption. , , . v ' The response of the public te our re 7? tmimts Waste - J) tatoe In Aluerk-a for greater ua to very borne and for all necda of army and navy. Eat more potatoes, eat , tea wheat quests for reduced cotmuiiiptlon . of meat during the pimt few months hna been most gratifying, and this rervlce Miotic has riinldcd Hie j.o -rn tm-ni dur ing this tI(mI o provlilc mnli mip plics a lmiiHMirluiliin to the nllies liermltled. ' - 1 ' The Ailntliiikim I mi iila.i miickcmis hut In iIh'iU' pii r it of I lie country .there I lie old fiitli!nrcd liome preser nilon of Hirk Is s'l"! 'lie i nslciii;. this cmi'ilii kIioiiIiI lie v "(ended lit the pr'eiil time, ns ll will n-lleve (he bur den iiMin iniiiKjiortntlnn to mid from the tmi klng Imi'HeN ami l eiimomlcal ly Sound n snvlng I lit coki of pmklng oieniliili mid n: the Ktijne Mine will pMvlde hnnie hii-i Mvh of nk to last arr (he iimmiiIik of lii-nnil Kttillca. The Food AilmliU;ril:liii .i sliv to repeat thnt It iNii-H mil vtimi to jrlvt the Impression that thesf. are times when simplicity and modem Hon nf liv ing ar not critically necessary, but that Ita Bole desire la to secure im ad justment between our different food supplies and meet clanging conditions from time to time and to keep the pub lie fully and frankly ndrlxed' of It position with the full confidence and reliance that whenever It I mm -omen nec PHsnry renewed appeals for Hiivlng will met the same loyal response aa In the psat. OHKOON HKNS WIN Reports from the. B. C. egg-laying j contest for the month ending April 25 shows that the O. A. C. pen of j Barred Rooks leads not only for the; current month but also for the term! to date.- Their record for th month ! was 111 egR for the pen or six hens,' and for the term 5SS. The serond best pen laid (15, and the third 52S. all Barred rocks.: - In the light breeds class a pen of White Leghorns, en tered by Horace Dryden, of Corvallla, hold 7th place with a record of 404 j eggs. c.j .t 'tit : - . . ! Qsss'tffed FOR SALB O. A C. OR ANT LANDS Bin prtat plat ebowing land la Joaapbln county, 11.10. Addi A. B. Voorble. Oranta Paaa. tf r'OR SALE Good modern bona, do in, north ld. Inqulr No. Illl, ear Courier. lltf HEM8TITCH1N3 aad ptol dg, 10 caoli par yard. Mall order will recolv prompt and careful atten tion. Tb Vanity Bboo, Medford Oregon. 114 Wt Mala. OTtf FOR BALE CHEAP Three-quarter - ton truck. In good condition. New tires. Churchill and Maxwell, tf FOR BALE Seed corn, audaa graas, Michigan pea beana, alfalfa, clo ver and iraas. Legum bac teria culture for alfalfa, clover, and beana, enough for (0 to 100 lb., 11.15. Ralph Waldo Eldcn. Central Point, Oregon. 36tf TOWNSHIP Ing O. A Joiephln Joaepblne ownership map chow C. and deeded lands In county for sal by th County Abstract Com eenta each. (5 pany. EO 8EKO CORN Seed Corn! Seed Corn! Country cured hams , and bacona. M. H. Shlnn A Co. 51 FOR SALE Baby buxgy and baby sulky. Inquire 700 North Fourth or phone No. 105-R. 54 FOR SALE One Studebaker back at bargain price, phone 117 or Call at 611 II street, .city. 55 FOR SALE One team bay geldings and harness; one ( and one I years old. True In all harness. Weight, 2,650 pounds. Inquire Collins Auto Co. To KK.M FURNISHED ROOMS Urge, com fortable and ronvlently located, 411 C ftreet. Ktf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 60 feet from pavement, a'.so unfurnished cottage on pavement. $S per month. Inquire A. R Voor hies. I2tf FOR RENT 4-room, No. Ill Rogue River Ave., one-hair acre land, well, poultry house,' IS per month. Inquire 208 Foundary atreet - 53 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, hot and cold water . and bath.. Inquire at 233 West I atreet --.'':; . 51 XAT1VK fl!ATI.i3i Ill YWLS OF GILF I LL ATT IS R(J3." B in el tin sno -Refining Co., ill U West Sixth stieet. Los Angeles, Cal., are It the market for clean native Irldo ptatlhum. l IHt'KLLANEOl'8 G. A. BRYAN, 411 Bridge street power and steam engineer BR onia and cold storage refrlgerat .tug engineer. Installation of plants.' Pipe fittings. Llthersge tlght Joint If wanted. , Tf WHITK I.KTTKR8 HOMK One million men every, day accept the Invitation of the Y. M. C. A. to write a letter home. Paper and en velopes are furnished them free. Township Maps Showing; Oregon and Callfot , ala Horn extend Lands, open to (Ulna; April 29, 1918, 1 per , township. Ilea so rnngw give township and DOUGLAS ABSTRACT CO.. ; Roseborg, Oregon Not that AdvertisijUf? ATTORNEYS H. O. Norton, Attomey-at-law. Pracilc In all Slat and rdrJ Court, first National Bank Bldg. COL V 10 At WILLIAMS Attorney, at-Law Oranta Pea Banking Co. Bldg. Oranta Pans, Oregon. E. S. VAN DYKE. Attoraey. PraetlM la all eourta. Wat National Bank RaUdUaa. O. S. BLANCUARO.Attoraay-atrUw Oolda Rul Building. Paoa 170. Oranu Paaa, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHARO. At torneys, Albert block. Phone 114-J. Practice la all courU; land board attorneys. VBTKRIilABY gUK6EOH . DR. R. 1. BE8TUL, VeUrlaarlaa. Office la Winetrout Implement Bldg. . Phone Ul-J. Realdenee Pbon 105-R. PHYHICTAMS U O. CLEMENT, II. D. PraetlM limited to diaeases of the eye, ear, boo and throat Olaaaea flttet Office hours Ml, 1-5. or on ap pointment Office phono, (1; resi dence phon 15-J. I 3. LOUGHRIDUK.. M. D.. I'bystclaa and surgeon. City or country raila attended day or tlsat. Besldeaat phone .,''; offjee , phot. ...Ill- lliki and II. Itifrs -Hullrflox A. A. WITHAM, M. D., Physician and surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I atreeta. Pboaea: Of fice. 1 1; residence, 2S8-J. Horn, I a. m. to 4' p. m. DR. J. O. N1BLEY- Phyatesaa aa4 surgeon. Lundbur- BalMlag. Bnrgeoa Utak-Idako Sugar : Co. Halth Officer. Officer hours. S ta ll a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. Phoa 110-J. IIU PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open daUy IS a. m. to 6 p. m. For 8anday sit tings call Mill 281-R.o.r rsldnc 140-J. 7ltt DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D. U. D. Flrst-elaaa dentistry. 10SH South SIxU ' street. Grants Paaa, Oregon.. MUSICAL l.VSTRCCTION . S. MACMURRAT, teacher of voloe culture and singing. Lesson) alvea at bom of pupil If requeated. AV dret 71S Lee St 861U 1)11.4 Y AGE At) TKA.NSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO All "kind of draysc aad traaafer work eaiafully and promptly doaa. Phone ni-i: SUnd 'at freight depot A. Shade, Prop. F. O. IS HAM, drayaga and traaatar. Safes, pianos and furniture moved - packed, shipped aad stored. Phoa Clark aad ilolman. No. 60..Scl - dene phone 1I4-R. , v, ' v i ' THE WORLD MOVES; so do wa. Bunch ' Bros. Transfer Ca. Phoa The Calilornla and Oreo- coast Kailroad company " TIME CARD I .Daily- except Sunday ,, EffecUve May 1. 11S Train 1 lv. Grants Pass- 1:00 p. an.. Train i lv. Waters Creek 1:00 p. nr. All trains' leave Grants Pas from th corner of 0 and Eighth atreeta. oppoalte the Southern Pacific depot. ! ;. .', . - ;-i : For all information ragardlas freight and passenser service call at th office of tha company, Lundburg building, or phone 131 for same. ; Butter Wrappers printed to coai ply with the law at the Courier. Father Is deceived at all