Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, April 28, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Ht'NIIAY. AI'IUI. lUi, IUIH.
r a mi
t . .
1'uatmastiir Guild, of Merlin, Kdward L. llratliey, of Tacoina, I
In the city Saturday. ,a lnltor In th city.
Mnd lumps nl Rogue Itlver lid. , JuMtti l talcum powder at (lem-
llra scythe ami hand nickle atna. HH
Cramer llroa.
Wlaa Maatln, ioatmaaiir at
dun, waa In the city Saturday.
l,wn mowere sharpened n!
mr Broa.
4tt: II. W. Mercer, of Helurg. la In
'the rlty today.
Now arrival of hala al Mra. M. I.
Cr,.l Anderaon'a. 70S 10 street. 51
41 If you bollwve In food conservation
J. 8. MacMurray annul Krhlny and
Saturday at Aahland.
"Packer 'a Tar Boan." Baliln haa It.
save your appetite (or tha
break faat.
II. K. lU-ndrUka, after epcndlng
Btev and Marvin McDrlda left,y ' ln mower, len yea-
ftnturdar afternoon, returning to ror Ban Francisco,
their studies at tha Southern IV
el Ho agcnte' ichool.
Aladdin dye soap at Clemens, tbt
Rexall etore. 47
Patterns Bun Proof paint saves
your house, (let a color eard at
Cramer Broa. . 46
Mra. O. 8. Illanchard and Mra.
Mlaa Edna Cornall and Mlaa Juan- " - Medford Sat-
Dlla Parker want to Riddle laat "
nliiht and will return thla mornlngi Taka a apln In your auto with
by automobile with Mr. Cornell,
Rlnrtrie auppllaa at Rogue River
Hardware. If
Hand eprayer to kill aphla on
planla at Cramer Broa. 4$
F. T. drova laft Friday night for
Portland, Vancouver and Aberdeen.
friends May day and coma to break
fa t at tha Presbyterian church. 44
All blnda of garden seeds at Cra
mer Droa. 41
Gullce Mm Visit-.
J. P. DeWItt, la registered at the
Oxford. .'
tin aspects to work In one of
Blue graae and wltlta Hover seedi "
. n n. . i Jark C. Hill, of Cour d'Alene,
at Cramer llroa. 4 '
.. t ; , 'Ma., la looking after bualneea In
Mr. and Mra. C. A. Unch went to Mt
Cottage Grove Saturday on account, "
of tha audden lllnaaa of Mra. '',n,'",,.;rctra wiring
mo,h,r I PatU'i Klectrlo 8tor, Medford.
Hani your baaketa aarly May :,,,.., Orders may be placed through
morning and coma to breakfast at;roWfr eompany office,
tbo Preahylerlan church, 44 1 -
flam Ramsey arrived laat night . Kord
a. a a m at a .1 -
irora .vtci-ioiiii ann -in .pen., e . M,f Ml.ElvuMi of Hou Rlver,
waeka at tn Ramaey mlnea near (n h fKy (o(,a). gfc- bough, ,
WondM- ' new Tord car.
!wn fertlllier at Cramar Rroa. (
Mr f n tntihlnanii arrived
kera Ratnrday morning from Port-,"?" M?t ""-
(Ion. logan Worn linn Itcllef Corpa,
wlahta to thank Mra. Margaret
Wood fur the beautiful flag prvaent
d to tliu carta Hnturilnv ftinntn.
The valuable gift, made of tha fin
eat malarial, manuring five and one
half fact by 1 feet, waa unfurled
In tha corpa roonia.
General Logaa poet and rorpa
wlahea to thank O. P. Harvey, Mra.
Ixniiaa Dixon, Mra. Dirk Dland and
Mlaa Valeaka Truax for Iba fraa uaa
of tbalr autoa Bunday aftarnoon at
tha funeral aervlre of Comrade
Two lf llountlea
H. II. MoClung yaaterday receiv
ed M for a coyote bounty and M.
J. Vincent tl for having killed a
troubleaoma bob cat.
IW. MHvllle T. Mire Will 8pek
At tha regular . Monday noon
luncheon of tha Chamber of Com
merce Rev. Melville T. Wlra will
glva an addreaa on "Our Continental
Kelghbora After the War." Ladlea
are alwaya wolcome.
O. K. II. Picnic
The regular meeting of tha Or
der of the Eaatarn Star will ba held
on Wedneaday following a picnic
aupper at the ball. Lady member
are aakad to bring well-filled baa
keta and alao bring their hnibanda
(lay a fthlpprxV
County School 8upt. Bacon yeater
day ihlpped a number of clay earn
plea to California, where the pro
pert lei of Joaephlne county claya
will ba teated.
Hulem, Apr. 17. Acting apon au
thority or the atute counrll of de
fense, J. 'A. Chun hill, atate auer-
Intrndent of w-huoli, haa aent to all
Oregon ichool tearhera an Inaertlon,
written by Dr. Joaeph St-haefer, pro-
fnaaar of hlatory at Die L'nlvenlty of
Oregon, for the text booka In ge
ography to rontradlct teachlnga rel
ative to the flerman empire. Church
Ill found In the book evldencra of
Oerinan propaganda, and be ealla
particular attention to a paaaage
that aaya flermany haa found It ne
ceaaary to keep a large atandlng
army became It la aurrounded by
enemy natlona.
The text book waa Introduced In
to the atata before the outbreak of
the preeent war.
MURRAY At the family real
dence, 711 Merlin road. Saturday
afternoon, April 27, at l;4
o'clock, Orlan Wlllett Murray,
aged (I yeara S montha.
The body will He In atata at
Haifa cbapel on Monday and
the funeral will ba bald at the
Preabyterlaa church Monday after
noon at I: SO, Rev. L. Myron Boozer
conducting the aervlce. Interment
at Granlf Hill cemetery. Mr. and
Mra. Murray returned to OranU
Paaa only a few weeka ago from
aouthern California, where they
apent the paat two yeara.
land. She will go to Brooklnga to
vlalt her daughter, Mra. Roy Mc
General Logan Corpa W. It. C.
meeta Saturday at J: 10 p. m. A full
'attendance la reqaeeted.
! Went to Oeeceat City .
' John Hampshire left Saturday af
ternoon for Creacent City. Ha will
aton at the mine en route and pro
ceed to Creacent City today.
Klenio dental crejm al Clem-
ena, me eaaii ainre, 1 1 , .imit , it lei r... - wn nauuu m. n ruin, uiuiuumio ,
u W 1 1WI r..rn.d PrldaV. Me .ad Mr.. C. O Walla, of Hoi- K . . " . ..... aee..r dealer, with whlrh flrm,,ln,r' courM of term nd hlf'
-.Jv ' .her. aha .r. In th. elt. lokln. over'. " PrM W IM . " ah. enntlnn.4 1 . death. hleh,n tn "ul' and the Work
a he paat v. wk. with W railroad grant land.: . .' 7t EJSL the c.Tw..lUed ; from , pneumonia. ' TfeV"" T'l V"'
father, who 1. In very poor health. . JL. ...! ST. m body will be brought to Orant. P... b" ' ote oV, and other
ARM8TRONO .At the home of her
aon, A, E. Druae, 1112 Ettat D.
atreet. Friday April 2, Mra. E. C
Armatrong, aged 88 yeara 10
montha daya.
The funeral will be held at Ha ire
chapel Sunday afternoon at 2: SO,
Rev. B. A. Finch conducting tha er-r-vlcea.
Jnterment at the I. I. f. F
Percy R. Kelly
Allway, Orrgon
Ihinl JmlliUI Diatrlrt
CaoilldMa for
lleulJirmu Momiiuillwej fur
May Breakfast
Wedneaday, May I
a to o a. m.
. IWltrd Apple With CVram
(hU Meat I'uflcd lUre
ToaMed Cora Make.
t'-KK 1V11, I'oex-hed or lloOol
Hot HUcult With Jelly
Oat Meal Cookien
I'rtoe BOc . Kvrrybody Welcome
HOBBS At Portland Saturday.
April 27, Talltha Hobba.
Mlaa Hobba waa a raaldent of
Oranta Paaa from early childhood
until tha middle of 1J14. when ahe
want to Portland to taka a position
with Ballou k Wright, automobile
DO noil 'M
County School Superintendent
Bacon laat week vlalted the acboola
In tha north end of the county and
found tjiem all In good ahapa and
doing good work. She waa especi
ally Impreeaed with the work being
dona by tha puplla of tha ninth
grade at Oolden school. District No.
(, located near Wolf Creek. Mra.
Jessie Qualf, the teacher, haa put
the clasa through alx atudlea, an or
,T T
gfc m " taeaal
Detroit Vapor
The 03 Stove
WltlMNit a Wick
llnrna 10 houra oa one galloa)
rf oU
InveM nhat you save la War
Snxings Htampa '
Rcgcs Rircr
(fro. It lUddle, Manager
poatofflce; No. S3, Pleaaaat Valley,
closed a week ago. Mlaa Bradford,
teacher, accepted the poaltion to fin
ish out the year at Provolt school
In place of Mlaa Buell, who resigned
to accept a government poaltion la
Washington. '
flood wearing garden hoae In rub-.Seattle People Una
her and cotton at Cramer Broa. 48 Mr. and Mra. French, of Seattle,'
Mra. C. W. Courtney and danthare looking for locations on grant
e MlM'1vrene. went to Gold Hill, lands. ' ' 1
tie red fire extlngulaher will soon
be on the Job.
Saturday to spend the day with Mr.
Courtney, 1 ' ' ' v
Lawn mowers that cut tha grass,
and wear well at Crame- Ttroa.
: , 1 V IWent t Gold Hill-
Rev. IUbwpt MclMa Here ' John Dubnla. engineer for : the
Rev. Robert McLean arrived Sat- Grants Paaa and Gold Hill Irrlga-
8 unlay morning from Loa Angelea Hon projecta. went to oota hhi Kai-
Mra. M. C. Oarver Mt Frldsy;and will apend a few daya, with urdav to attend to miatneaa connen
nlaht returning to her home nt.frlenda and will probably spend a d with the Gold Hill project. Con
Cleona. Wash. She waa accompanied day In hla old haunta on tha river, traeta will he ready to let on this
by her slater, Mlaa Cynthia Weston. Mr. Mrtlcan la asalalant eecretary of project In a rew daya.
Oraaa eatcnera at Crnmer Brn. 48 the Presbyterian home . mission - ,
Mra. George R. Riddle went tOj board and haa charge of the Spanlah
Portland Thursday night, exnectln. work west of fho Mtaalaslppl.
to meet her ann, Matthew,- of the . i
base hospital corps, who will soon Ornnta Paaa Boy Ttrtiirna
leave for France. She will aton off
at Fttarna on her wny hnma , and
anend a few daya with her daughter,
Mlaa Florence, student at the unl
veralty., .
Sen Churchill A Mnnwell for
Chevrolet antos, TtepuWle trucks, leave for Sacramento to attend
Rev. David 'Nnrcross, pastor of ,
tha Christian church at - Puyallnp. i
Wash., arrived here Saturday morn-'
Ing and greeted old frlenda. Mr. '
Norcrosa will apeak at the Christian
church tonlsht and on Monday will
May 1, Wednesday May breakfast
at Bethany Presbyterian church.
May 3, Friday Flrld day cxenl-es
for all the schools of the city.
- . J -. - -" - - r-r---.
worns, two issues, ier-, i i-,
' - . . ,1. ,1
..m . .v,- a v.. j .il... ....i.t.,A..i. ,. ovc; one mourn, .,
mi .iin .njininK ft. umu-ii-uu , u. ... mvanoe. When not paid l advance
ear. an r.inann-wniie cnauiauqus circuit.
Grants Pass Opera House
May Srd'jmdtlr' v
oh- ituin aV . .xi&zn
By the. (1naa f tIH ' V :v V ' '
I'nder the, dlrtMilon of I tiuiii Tliomnw Oiinnoll
All Proceeds for Local Red Cross
j per line per Issue. I
! WHITE LINE TAXI City and coun
try. Popular prices. Call the
! Spa Confectionery, phone 282-R.
: . Reddenca phone 320-R. W Q.
: ... White, proprietor. ' 47
mice, plate (laaa liability j Insur
ance. 104 H Sixth atreet. tf
INSV RANCE Any kind, ; heat of
companies. ' U A. Laasar, rami
estate. tl
FOR SALE Blab wood. $! per tlor.
' PWe 83S-U I 7 ' ? 5 i '47
FOR i.KUK Team. wnon and har-
, ni'sa, $150, 241 West G atreet. In
quire Pastime Cigar atore. 47
FOR 8ALH One kitchen range In
) good ehnpe, $20;. one i heating
stove. ct $20. will sell ror $10,
excellent condition. , Call nt 317
E or phone No. 216J. i' 1
SHOE department of eastern Ore
gon department atore required the
. aervtces of a first clnaa shoe aalna
man. Salary $100 per - month.
Slurried man preferred. .Perma
nent position. In anaweitng stnte
length of service, whore obtained
and name references. Address
anawer No. 703 care Courier. 48
IX)8T One pair of veterinary dent
al forceps. Finder leave them at
Wtnetrout'a and get reward. Dr.
R. J. Bestul. 47
$2.60 CASH will be paid (anil no
questions asked) for return ol
agate scarf pin taken from my
home on Monday, or $10 reward
for arrest and conviction of pnrty
responsible for Its removal. A.
E. Voorhles. 51
t - m it. .. v
for bnrlal, and will arrive here 0n.",aeDC" OI on'f-
No. 1$. Tuesday morning. Funeral Thla week ahe will visit the
announcement will be made later, t . 'acboola In the Kerby and Illinois
valley. .
There are funda in tha city treas
ury to redeem all warrants drawn
on tho general fund numbered No.
1328 J to 13J39S Inclusive. ;' ' . '
Interest will ceaae after April
26th, 1918. Dated at Grants Pasa
Oregon. April 24th, 1918.
City Treasurer. .
The following schools have closed
for the year: '.
District No. 51, Speaker, Mrs.
Stumbo, teacher, Friday; No. 55,
Three Pines, Margaret Cochrane,
teacher, Friday; No. 20, Stella Pad
dock, teacher, Friday; No. 33. Ker
by,, Grace Zelgler, teacher, resigned
to accept a position In the Portland
New York, Apr. 27. George A!
Kyle, of Portland, the American en
gineer held by Chinese bandita since .
March 5, hag been released, accord
ing to advices from the American,
legation at Peking. ' . .
Elsie Jnnls, - famous, vaudeville
star, Is wearing the gray tweed uni
form of the Y. M.-C. A. In Franc
where she la helping to amuse the
United Stntea army.
Bread and buna will
beat the
Oxford Cafe
Special Scday Dinner
. No. 7
April 23 5 to "o'clock
( ; (wm of (lilckrn Simp mi rlx
New lUdlslMiai ' Green Onions
? ' , v ;, Klp t)llve -
4 J Frmh IhingvnetMi Crab Salad
Brollnd HmlUifWd a Virginia Ham,
- J with randled apple'
KricaMNee of Younx ChlckFii, exu
r I'rbtM Hlba of, liert au jus
.Saddle if Yoiinit I'ork, loKanberry
naked' Milk Fed Chicken, chennuit
Crfam CruHhetl Potatoeii
'New AspnrHfTua
1 Green Apple lie
( hoooluto (Yeam IMo
JYtwh' Strawborry Ice Cream and
lwly Cake -Demi
Tea V(Te Milk Iced Tea
Thorp In alunyH n happy crowil
d'ulim liiro Sunday c-U'nlnff.
- -- .. r - f
, , Edith 8tief in "The Eye of My
' Hun. Moiu , . ..
ry-" A two reel Drew comedy.
... I ; i
,Tne. Wed. "Por. the Freedom of the World."
' . , Pauline IVederkk, in "Th HunRry
Thun. Fti. ,
- Hn.n - ' '' ' ".
i n i - - ' .v
Saturday Monriie KalNbury In "Tho Savage..-: ' "
Arc You
- mi, m, , iw fa. ' ' . hT,rr-- r-
See the New IMaaton double duty aav. '
I'v V. . W do "" he repairing ; , .. , v - ,
Jewell Hardware Company