..,,. ,.. ...... Hl'NDAr, APRIL M, 111. DAILY BOOl'l RIVKII OOUIUKR tAQM THKX3 SIX PER CENT TAX IS 'Interest or prln'lal on bond I Furthermore ther U no limit to I the amount that may bo rained If ilthiirlxoil hy a mil of tha people I'll ti mmllil to determine In ad- ivanre whut ufToit ihli amendment will hart on th operation of Irrl- .Wlatant Ht.tie Kni(ltir Ulvee lYo. tallon districts, for whlla It would llun of Inlunlloa i to m 'atom that tha ability of the dlntrlct . ' Viik Vu to pay promptly tha obllsatlon It . , i aiitnorid to Incur, la made to dapt'tid upon tha urn rtalntloa of an Thine liiliwitUid In .Urination will lection, tha Indebtedness of a die And miiie now In the letter from ,trlrt ' limited, einept for prl I'eroy A. Cupper, assistant slat rn-;oPl ' Intereat on bond, that Ita UnMir. to the New York llond liny- ninain warrant mint ha paid r written Tuesday. At tha end ufufor additional ohllKallona may tha lottnr the OraMa ! district.1 Incurred. It would e.sm that In I raferrt'd to. Whllti Mr. Cupper, ""t that the warrant would believes that the alt per ci-nt llm- finally be paid and they are made to llatlon will not seriously affect the percent Interest. operation of Irrtxntlon districts, he, The ruling of the attorney general advise the xrnlne of rare to pre- U equally applicable to drainage din- vent the district from gcltlni Into trlcta. port districts and other alm- position where they cannot mt liar organisations. In case of a their oltllKallona. The letter fo.( drainage, dlntrlrt, which la not to e Iowa: jCeed ont dollar 'per acre for every flU-m, Ore., Apr. ti. Il. cr Inoluded In the district. i Tb flood Buyer. j'ase of a port dlitrtct tha only llm- IS Weal llroudway, llatlon la one par rant of tha aura- Sew York City, N, Y. . ' ) Valuation per annum In addition Cenllemen: l(o the amount to become due aa I hava your It'ttnr relative to the principal and Interest on bonda. amendment to the Oregon conatltu Therefore what may be aald of the tlon limiting the amount talnf Irrigation dlatrlrta will be , largely bodka inn raise to si per pent In true of every other organization of addition to the amount rained the this nature and In fact every tailng proceeding year. body In tha atate. Bueh organlia- Thl amendment, ropy of which la, "on "iiet In the drat Inalance place hereto attached for your Inform-,hm,,,l,,M poaltlon to meet tlon. waa adopted by the people Xlr obligation throogh an election the' general election. November,.0' ""equate original assessment and tall. While I have not aa yet re- mu"' 4J' elr assessment when colvrd an otnlil opinion from the,',y',r moT ,nB Pr rent 1n atlorney general, ho haa advised jer'', required by a vote of the .k. .1.. j i. .....n..,.i.i. i'neonle. The HIT legislature passed U lW Hill tl ItlVUtj IM 1 . j Irrigation dUtrlcta. which meana r providing for the calling of that the board of dlrectora. unlaj,"'',lon 'nr Ptirpo. It la ahown that prompt reeulta will ba Moored In Inrreaaed food produc tlone. I understand that the dis trict la bow preparing to make a upplamental showing to the effect that one unit of the project will be brought under water Immediately end la requesting the approval of a part of the bond leaue on thla basla. Truitlng that thla Information may be of value and that you will advlae me If at any time I can be of tervlca, I remain, Sincerely youra, , PRItCY A. CUPPER, Asst. State Engineer. NEW HOPE apedally authorised by a vote of the. Relative to the approval by the people, cannot raise en amount by capital Issue committee of the aaaeaament more than alt par cent. Grants Pas Irrigation district Mlsa Alslna Pope visited at Now Hope Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Wynant. and son, Kenneth, visited the forraer'a narenta at New Hope Sunday. Mrs. Alma Rowley and two chil dren apent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs H. S. Wyn ant at New ITope. i D. W. Langworthy la working at the Smith aaw mill at New Mope. 1 The Red Crosa did splendid work lost Thursday by piecing a quilt for the aotdler boys. Those present at the meeting, which waa held at Mra. Wynant'a were: Mra. Dull, Mra. Co bnrn. Mra. Melenua, Mra. Langwor tby, Mra. Lawless. Mra. McCalllaler. Mr. Hilton Smith, Mra. Chaa. John son, Mra. Dutchar and Cecil McCain. Mr. and Mra. Dutch er attended the funeral of Mra. Wyatt at Grants Pass Tuesday. New ITope ha a Junior Red Crosa which meets at. the borne of Mr. H. 8. Wynant every Thursday after noon. '. ' ( Bert York and wife and Mra. Will Ohles ,and ion, Floyd, have gone to Klamath Falls for the gammer. " -, In addition to the amount raised the, bond, concerning which yoii also preceding year. However you will make Inquiry. It 'teem that the m n Ik., ik .... ....I... al A mm) 'mmmIIIu mh HMnptw A Ml 1 nA A apply to tunda for the payment of approve any Irrigation bonda unless I Optimistic Thought Rejoice t1ny. for tomorrow few may be aslira. ' ' j Why Ve Are at War With Germany This War is One of Self Preservation '"Hera," says Krerystae. "was Kalaerdom aeeklne world dnminaiion and perilously near eoconial , It aniens the world united to r-xl him." Thus the radical land reformer eeea tha laaue. la there any one Mill blind to Iff 0t were we In America dlrwtly threatened f H'e were, and irt ci lareateaerf. A (lerman book published la the United Htalea In IIU. ami, called "Truth About Germany." nnttt to Inflame ua agalnat Kngtand and Prance, and to persuade us that Ainrr lea and Oermsny had commoit lilu!, . rbaraetartatlca, and mi ho.lt, iMy Ood aave ust) It argued Hiiinniliiy: - "Two nations united by such rmmii'm laellnattona and Ideals. boldnnKi f en terprise, faralghteiliiess. quli knes of decision, admiration for lntillntual achievements, can not help being iit reedlngly cougenlnl to each other." Pleaani words-hut a lying tongue. Would Germany, once mentor of Kit rope,, rememlier our "coiincnlsllty." and be a poit aefoANir In the Amer has? The Oernmna when writing for hom4 nouauuiptlon hold a different language alout world relations and "neighbor. "Formerly Oerman ihopght waa abut up In her German corner, but now the world ahall have lis coal out ao 'cording lo German measure, and ae, Tar i our iwordn flush and Oerutaa blood flow', the circle of the earth, shall come under the tutelage of Ger man activity." "A aturdy German egoism must characterise all political action. . . . The flrat principle of our pollryi both at home and abroad, iiiuoi Ik that In everything that hap liens the Merman . abould . come oft licet, and the others ahould have a . bad time of It", , A , nice, congenial neighbor! , . , .,: . i But Germany, when honest, dlrecttf avowa bar purpoae, ultimately, agstnat America,. We must "wake up," or we will be the eaay "neit Map" In her ambitions. "Oermany , .. . , may la lena than two centuries auoceed la ilonilnattug the whole globe ... If . only It ran In lime strlk out a 'new cmiree,' and definitely break with A glo-Atnerlran methods of government, and with the atatedeatroylng IdeaJe of the Revolution." 8he 11 trying out Iter "new courae" uow. "One thing alone can prollt the Oerman peoplet Hie acqulaltlon of now territory, . . that alone ran really, promote the ; dlffuslou. the growth, and the deep enlng of Oermsnlmu." "Before eea Ing to found a dreater Oennany la ;frr eonttnents, wa must aeek te create a Greater Germany la Central Rurepo." "We roust . . see to It that tha outcome of Our neit auo reeslut war must be the acqolaltlo of colonies." "We must make room for an empire of Germanic raoe which shall number 100.OoO.ooO inhabitants, In order that w may bold oar ewa agalnat maaaea such aa tbeee of Raaalm and tbe United SUtaa.": ... . , tin farther. It la a longer a eeeret that Ocraeeny. while . we . were etltt unprepared war neutral and while, Oerataay atlU eatenslbly ' aought our friendship, secretly planned, whan vte terlone la Burope. te ptok a quarrel wltb ua and wring from part of tbe coats of her European war. I l( .tbe Amerlcaa ."eaay obalr" at attll too comfortable . for eerloua thought of what Oennaay rmon to do Is as. than America deserve the fate In store for her. This Is tb material aide of our peril, bat there I another and deeper aide. I , This war la oar war, to secure owf purpose In national and In Interna tlonal development. If Oermany staonid .. H-iM, her principle muat triumph and force alone muat rale the world,-wlta the strong eiploltlng tha earth. It . the war ende In n dranrn battle, with " Germany unchanged In Ideals and pur ' w)es, all that I left or the world will be compelled to engage In the : race ef military preparedness, and the world will be forced to adopt Oer tnany'i method now ao hateful to na. A Oermany undefeated would force m to destroy the ery basis of our government, mir policy, our aoclal and " Industrial , life to devote onrtelv.. 'capital, and labor, person and prop . arty, to oae object a mighty mill tarlsm. Unlena we win this war tbe . , rolghteet, . most upsetting, nirn;! far reaching change thla nation haa eter known la upon ua. We are flgbtlug x " for liberty to confinwe In our accua ' tomed Un of progress. This I' the fifth or a series of ten rrtlclea 1y Professor Douglass .Adnms, executive head of the hi .tory department, Inland Stanford Junior University. j M The IJberty loan general execu- ' tlve .board will furnish Information rcfjurdlng; nuthotlty for the, .above , quntntlons. . . f THIS SPACE DONATRI) IIY THR California-Oregon Power Company jj I i n . T e Loe of tte Test Car Fleet "Linear Miles, 1,044,686. Tire Miles, 4,178,744." Thus runs the log of the SIX FLEETS as it sums up the leagues on leagues traveled by the Goodrich Test Cars In their nation wide tire-testing cruise of 1917. That grand total marks the mileage high tide of tire making. Read in ft the dawn of a new understanding of tire service, the rise of a new tire standard which includes all other standards The TESTED of TEGTEPr wTinEG I.. I f. The cold fifureej of tha log underwrite the luting atrength of Goodrich Tires; for no tire could hide a weakness to that tzmU tiplied mileage. Those records and the tires stand surety focGoodrichTires of 1918. For 1918 Goodrich Tires look at their generous, masterful size at any Goodrich dealer took the bulk of tha ' rough going. ' They measured up to all tha Goodrich Tire qualities, and added new virtues. ,' SpnakthnnOMrt f ' el (rim tfdarnnV tti to Hn. Mrt STASiPS. Baytbeasl CminkTwm StmdU BLACK SAFETY TREADS, and SILVERTOWN CORDS, challenged every handicap of road and weather, and defeated them with stead fast dependability and durability. ' You make the feef your . guarantee cf pure food and , pure gold. Make it your guarantee for tires, and gain economy, comfort, and freedom from tire mishaps. Demand ."America's Tested Tires. w. THE & F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Portland Branch: Broadway and BurnsMe St., Portland, uMiMHHsinisMiimiMRiMiingi(r' m 52a2Mu.,nB CITT DY ooouKicH " arrow, ohk Sn, Kn Gxa Mn i a . a r m. VayaajHBJ beearywMan - Or J nsr -"" I Him in.1.1, J GOODRICH TIRES OLDING'S GARAGE n : j.. ... ... PHONE 45-R I . . , , Vis "Oetrir-6es Coras Peel 02! The rttlcf tact 3ta-R" ' frm coraDaiDS3-Uha aw It ' corns and callus pl off painlsae ' 1 la on placa la on of ui ti, dare ef the world. The woman ia ak XUtoef QdcU IImCsi hfciiil hhhnCstsa J TO ill PATRIOTS , tha homa, tha shoppar. tha ener, tho toot travalar. tha man In tha o , lice, tha clerk In tha ator. the worker In tha shop, hava today, la thla great discovery, ""Geta-It,'' th one sure, quick relief from all corn ' and eallua pains (he on sure, pain lesa remover that makea corns coma off aa eaallr aa you would peel a. banana. It takea t aeconda to ap ply "Gets-lt"; It drlea at once. Then walk with painless Joy. even wltk tight ahoea. Tou know your core will loosen from your toe peel It of with your Angers. Try It, corn suf ferers, and you'll smile! ' "Gets-It," the guaranteed, money- back corn-remover, theonlysure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'dby.L8,wrence&Co.,Chlcago,Ill, SoM In llrants Pass and return- i mom'.ed r.a the world's best corn fi'l'.Pily liy Coo; , t"' Due claril.ltd aas brlns? rea-iUa.' .A