DAILY EDITION VOL. VIII.. No. M. a rants pam, oscntiNi ooumr. orbooh, Friday, a nu i, so, toiM. WHOLE NlHliER 2940. VILLERS TAKEN by en in HERQRIC DASH OVEII HMI PRISONERS AITl IN KR WHEN VII.LKIUt-HKITON. NKtX IS IMrTTLKII IT PRISONERS TAKEH ierauui Lin lWixl lUfk With Heavy Iawmhi to J'olut .Near Where i LaM Drive Started London. Anr. H. Australian and English troopa have recaptured VII Ura-nretanneux and taken more than 600 prlsonere In that region. , Field Marshal Halg report from headquartert laat night. i rarther to the north, on a line I from TIallleul to Wytachaete, there j haa been rery heavy flghtlnf. and ' iia lllait tranui were ohllued to withdraw from thalr position. South of the Somme aereral conn' I tor-attack launched by Australian' nit Rncllih troon Thursday nUht j against the positions gained by the , enemy yesterday In and around VII- Ura-dlrrtonneux carried our line. on '. ward to within a ahort distance of our former front and roaulled In the ' - -....... . mama tK n M An nrlimnere. I -ur ' The tillage now I In our hand. ; The atory from Ylllera-Hretonneux was cheerful. To recapitulate, the ; Herman began their attack on VII- lera-Hretonnrtiix about o'rlo. on Wednesday morning after a heavy . bombardment, Including: gaa ahalla, '', whlrh forced the Brltlah to pull out , of part of the town and hold It light ly. Heavy mUta were hanulng over I the whole region, and under cover of thin, the Oerman advanced, aup- ported by five bulky and heavy ar- mored tank. Simultaneous with their attack at Vlllers-Rrslonneux, the German ! alao began operation to the south . agalnat the Prenoh and north of the river Somme. At Bt!ly-l-Sc and Valre neveral attacke were repulaed i during the early houra. The Brat drive agalnat Vlllervnrwtolineux was 1 made with two divisions ind thl ' irfin hi k" The German Ihv "mediately put two fresh division In to line and again surged rorwarn. t(Contlu4. on pe.gi ) ' ' SEA RBETS Momow, Apr. 26 M. Tchlterchln, Bolahevikl foreign nllnlater, ha aak d Germany, arcordlng to the official newa agency, to give a guarantee that the Bulnn Black fleet, while moored at Sebaatopol, will net he aeUed or damaged by force of the central powera and , th alllea (central) now advanolng into ,me Crimea, or by nny otber .narnl or military force of that alliance. The foreign mlnlater ha takes thla action. It la added . officially, aa hrj hn heard that the Qarmani In tend , to .blooknde Sebaatopor wltb aubmarinea. ParlB, Apr. J6. Ixng-range bom hnrdmnt of Pari wag returned dur ing the night. No on was hurt ana the damage wa not appmlabl op to 0 o'etoek thla morning. . , ... . .. i on -Holland . ' .. .1 ln plncnd nn cnihnrso on exporta-l with cerllllnates to he signed by the tlon from the Dutch Knit Indies of J consumers.4. Each certificate must hln ore, cinchona bnrk, qulnlno and be returned within one week after It !kapok, ,nll needed by the i United la signed, to the state federal food att''for-flf purposed. ";''"1ridmlnrKlrlU6."Hi''""''","""'''"'""''" MAW NTOIlkM Um't IN ' lUOTKNT liKHM.tN DltlVK KukuuIi Ammunition Nw o Hand lo Carry Rig Itnttln Through I'n Ul Winter IxiihIod, Apr. 20. Winston Bpeu- cr C'hurrlilll, Introducing la the houM of common yesterday the es timate or Hi ministry o( muni tion, laid that during lb nv oki lm the battle In Franc not only bid th consumption and des truction of munition of all kind proceeded at th greatest rata, but that they also were very heavy lot by csptur by tha enemy. "We loat," tba mlnlater aald. "naarly a thousand gum by ahell fir or capture; between 4,000 and .'i.UOO machlna guna hav been loat or destroyed, and tha quantity of ammunition, apart from thai which hat been fired and that which baa boon lout In the dump, amounted to something between ow and three week' tola! of manufacture. "But great aa the demand haa been, the expenditure In the laat month did not exceed the maximum potential capacity of the Brltlah factor!, without touching enor nioua reserve, which bad aoeumn- lated sgalnst audi contingency. "In fait, barring unforaeen elr ctinntuncwi. our aupply of niunlllona would enable ua to carry on battle at the supreme pitch of Intenalty ui til winter without compromlalng our requirement for lil.,Thla ,das- plte the fact that a hundred thou a nd men were taken from the mu nition faetorlee for service In the armies. We are making In slngl week more airplane than we made In the whole of lit 4i 1n a alngle month more than we made In the whole of illt; In three montha more than we made In the whole of till. And war are going to mnke thla year sev eral tlmea what we made laat year." GREEK PEOPLE ARE ASSURRED FAIR DEAL Wnohlngton, Apr. 20. The pres ident haa aaaured the Greek people that One JJnltad Statea .will glv .the fuUnt meaftiire. of .support to Greece and preserve that country's right In any final pear negotiation f Pari.' Apr. 2.--MaJor Raoul (.uftborry of Walllngford, Conn., de- atroyed hie 18th enemy airplane Tuesday. Lieutenant Frank' Una', of Mobil, Ala., brought down Ha fifth machine th aame day, thus be coming the lateat American "nee." 10 ' BE BY Washington, Apr. 10. Sugar for domeatlo canning and preserving thla year will be distributed under ,a modified certlllrata system by which each consumer will 1m an appllca tlon for the amount needed. The food administration explains that It purpose, J lo make sure that some, canners may obtain sufficient augar to preserve perishable milt and also to plnce a check upon nny who might try to .obtain unreason able quantities for. household con sumptlort. It Is considered necessary to check . consumption 7 to i : guard against temporary shortaKes which result, from, withdrawal of more ves xta from1 the Cuban trade and the aclmliilnt rntlon prefers the method udoplcd to the enrd system used In lother couhti-les. i Rftnll dialers will he provided by ithelr federal, stnte administrators (EKL HILL TAKEN BY GEimiiiiiu Allies Retire After VtoItij Jsccareziect Est Decs Net f.Icaa That Ypres Szfozl izz Necessarily, (o lndon, Apr. 24. Th derniana la not convenient and we hope to get have occupied Kemmel hill, accord- log to Brltlah war office report. Tbe French oounter-attarked thla! morning trying to reclaim the tier-front of 1,100 yarda. Thla Involve man poaltlona. Th Oerman gtluvaom very Important ground. " were made at a frightful coat In la of Uvea, i "In the end It will be a qneatlon ' of who haa the taut reaervea," mid General Raddlffe, chief director of military operation of the war of-; to . reviewing the battle altuatlon.: General Koch ao far ha employed i only a amall portion of hi rerrea.;The allied effort will be to conren- "There I nothing decisive In the'trate agalnat thla enemy wedge and loaa of Kemmel hill, but It I one of the moat Important tactical feature. It I entirely poulbl to hold onto, th Ypre aector with th enemy on Kemmel hill, but hi preaenee therTpre aallent 10 TAKE SEIIATOfflP Waahlagton, Apr. SO. Speaker Champ Clark, of Mlaaonrl, today for mally declined Governor Gardiner' proffer of th I'nlted State eenator- ahlo to aurceed the late Senator Stone. ' - , - Clark evidently feel that he ran do more good where he la than atart Ing out new member of tb ten ate. HI acceptance would bare meant the appointment of a eon greaaman to aueeeed him and the lection of a new apeaker of . the houae, which would have Interfer ed with war work. Champ Clark waa elected to con- greM from Miaaoun ror tne nrai time In 19I and haa been speak er of the houae for the laat four ea alnn of eongra FRENCH FLIERS SAIL iiOW OVKR GERMANS Paris, Apr. 20. An official note describing the work done by .the French aviator dnrlnt the Oerman advance says that reconnolterlng was carried out at very low altl tudea. After Noyon waa occupied. French airplanes flew over the town Just above the roof of the houses. Some time they descended along the road until the wheel almost touched the heada'of the soldier in column.wwho..scatterd.flr. threw themselves on th ground terrified. The French machine often returned with mora than, a hundred bullet holes In their wings., Vl l'4M)ATJ STOPS MISSION Washington.' Aprv'iolThe Uru guayan mission to France which re cently was Intercepted by a Persian submarine operating off tha, Canary Islands waa, according to latent re ports received here, finally permit ted to proceed, but It Is not known under what conditions. i . . . ". i .i tn T W OUT un-i 1. 1 !i ( C.r ft - I . Wlnlock, ...Wash., Apr. ,26. A crbwd of B0 clttsens escorted W. B. Edwarda and A. Knutson, said to he non-partlsnn league organisers, from town early todny. Knutson was given, a coat of tr and feathers. Scores o( former athlotli! stars are enlisting fof servloe with the Y. M C. A. to Instruct and help the Amor loan soldier overseas to keep him self physically tit to fight. .1X1 il'i ;;i-paii Sbcghter cf Hess; Loss is him off . 1 "In the Kemmel sector the Ger- man gained about 1. 000 yard on , n London, Apr. II. The allied line aeemg to hold fairly well aouthweat of Mount Kemmel, but to th north- ait the Oermana were apparently able to ptnh forward far enough near Vllleratraat to enable them to approach th height on the flank drive them back again. The defl- nlt poaaeulon of Kemmel Mil by the Oerman might mean that th 'Brltlah would have to abandon the T rubiag in th . rlvar continue good. The night seiners who drift down to Jump-off-Joe are making fair catches, largely through good luck la the number of ftih which are able to fcet past the naherlea a th mouth of th rlvep It la under stood that there la a strike on at the Marleay canneries where the fishermen refuse to work for th price of seven cents a pound offered by the cannery, the price set by the food admlnlatratlon. , i The season opened here at 20 cent and t the price la now about 14 cents , per pound. , Many fine catches are being made with hook and line near this, city. Wednesday .Elvln Wallace .caught sli fine rhlnooka on a No. .6 spinner and yesterday Frank r Mashburn brought out a fish yiat dressed 20 pounds, 'The fish are fine Just now and the sport Is good. AKM TOIL . l. 1 r :!t.5J. V;1 1 1?S Washington, .Apr. 28. The sen ate today adopted the . amendment to the Overman bill reorganising the alroraft program and authorising the president to give entire control to on man, who will probably be John D. Ryan. . UBERTY LOAfl-TO I' i ' Washington; Apt;. ;i28. Llcrf day opened with 11,956,776,000 subscription to th third Liberty loan. Th two billion, mark will be passed before alijtt. -xh:- Gl'ARANTKK ASKED KOlt HOI-LAX l'S SHIPS i Th HagueiApr. 26.-i-Rel.vlng to Questions by members of the first chamber of parliament, Jonkheer J. lioudon, ' minister of foreign affairs, said today that no ship would , sail from Holland before a written guar antee had been obtained that there would be no further seizures of ves sels. He said thnt'he had "sthrcl from an , Interview with John W. Garrett, American minister, yester day, that the latter supposed tlirt written, na3W,m;B..Ua4..tthCinji. baa given. PASS KO MILLIONS III OF 21 SOON 10 -BE.UALLED BY DRAFT HOl'HK AlMtrS BE.MATK ItKSOIA TIOX YKHTKItUAV All Mew llnvliig Itearlted tle Ago of - 21 . Mine LaM Jane to Be Called Waahlngton, Apr. 20. The sen ate resolution providing for the reg istration for military service of young men who have reached the age of tl since Jon I last, waa adopted late Thursday by tb house. which Incorporated an amendment by Representative Hull, placing such mn ' at th bottom of tb lists In th classes to which they may be atalgned." Th bill now goa to conference. Tb hone sustained the military committee In striking out a provt !on of the bill a Jt passed tb sen ate, which would exempt from regis tration those eligible who bar en tered medical ' or divinity school lnc June I last. Representatlre Kahn, ranking re publican on the military committee. told the bouse th proposed new reg istration would place from 600,000 to TOO. 000 new registrants available for military service. He recalled that Germany recently called' Into service Its class of 111, consisting of approximately 850,000 men. SIXTEEN INDICTMENTS POIND AT EDWARD8VILLE Edwardsvljle, 111., Apr. 26. In dlctnients were returned , late yes terday axalnst .11. Dersons bv the grand juty .which' Investigated the lynehlns on Aortl S of Robert Paul Praeg'er at fcoflbuvll. fjpirelT In dictment . were .against . civilians, and charged murder and .four In- dctmen were "against .policemen charging malfeasance In office ORE. MILITARY POLICE If any man In Grants Pass be tween the .ages of ,18 and 43, years wants to become a member of the Oregon military police,' the new state constabulary ..now, .being formed In three companies at Salem, Portland and an eastern Oregon town, now Is th time to Join.. The object of the organisation, which was created at a meeting of the state emergency . board last month. Is to - prevent and detect crime and apprehend criminals. Men between tbVages of 18 and 45 are eligible, but men over SI years are preferred. The term of enlistment Is for two years, or unless discharged sooner by proper authority, r ) The pay Is $90 per. month and up and uniforms and equipment i are furnished free. Men who have had some military experience are prefer- v . () j' " 1 ' . ' ". t .,ljd..alUiough,thU la not necessary. 4 JtJhlW. company. OM P-whlch Is being recruited from Wllilamette valley and western Oregon towns. Is commanded by , Captain p. ,.J. Hull o.f Salem, formerly a member of Co.. ', ,tnd -Oregon .volunteers, wbo was in serrie in me rnuipuiDca. a im plication blanks may ho Obtained from Captain Hull, Morgan building. Portland, or from th Courier office t 9nT - ; . 1 BELL1NGHAM AIK PROTESTS j Belllngham Wash.. Apr. 26. The Central Labor 'council today voted la favor 'of a 14 hour strike on May 1 aa a protest against the exe cution of Thomas Mooney. Wilson today bought 1 2.000 worth more of 41ilrl-Liberty -loan "honds. - He recently bouKht $1,000 worth. THREE DAYS IN K GRAVES EMBED THREE AMERICAN gOLMKRS TAKE FROM Dl'GOlTS AFTER SIECHEPRKY BATTLH JHm FIGHT mi ALLIES Wounded Yanks Being Received aa Rm Hospitals Giro Ertdonc ot Part They Are Taking; With th American ' Army la France, Apr. 16 .Two Americas soldiers wounded la the Biechepref engagement were found alive yes terday la a'tfttgout'ln No' Vaa'a Land. The dugout was badly smash ed by shell fir.' Physicians say It Is miraculous bow they kept alive. Another soldier, burled for three days, crawled to the surfae 1 ' and was found In No Man's Land by stretcher bearers. ' 1 " Further details received at bead- quarters of th engagement aronnd Selcheprey show that the American troops were outnumbered, In some Instances, eight to one. More of th American wounded were found today, on of whom waa buried alive for three days and had been trampled over by the enemf when 'he had crawled to the sur face. In the belief that he was dead. The American casualties are con siderably less than the first esti mate. -- . ' . ; -v. . Parts. Apr. 26 American soldiers wounded In the great battle .which now Is being wsged already are ar riving at tb rear. American wound ed and sick to the number of IIS hare reached hospital 25. They ar from units engaged In fighting eld by side with French and Brltlah la stemming' the' German advance'. Hospital 25 la one of the new In stitutions established behind the Ha as It stood, after .th .allies stopped the recent Qerrnan drive In Plcardy. . -Few of .tthe.. Americana, remained at the hospta! jery, long, betngak en "farther to the rear. PRMttis . Rev. L. Jdyron Booser of the Pres byterian church returned home this morning after spending several day around San Francisco bay. ' Last Sunday he preached ' at ' Oakland. During the week he went out ' to Camp Freemont, near Palo Alto, where he was given an opportunity to Inspect the workings of the great army cantonment. He met Major J. F. Truax, formerly mayor of thfs city, and General Secretary lxng, of the army Y. M. C. A., and wa taken from one end of. the big cmp Bto, th other. Rev. Boozer will, descrlb.hla trip at the First Presbyterian cbnrch Sunday evening, which will he "o great Interest to people having rel ative In .the, army, aa .well . as , to others., , ;1. ..,:,( . .,, . GRAZIIIG LAUDS 10 W Washington Apr. 26. The recla-i matlon pervlce has awarded con trarts for the leasing of 60,000 acres of grazing lands In I'matilla, Morrow" and Ollllam ' counties. Ore gon. Robert I. Stanfleld, of Stan- field, was awarded S2.0S0 acres for 5,900. v John Kenny, of Heppner, ' got 12,000 acres,. Residents of Ce-t cil got other contracts. i Kenney. of Heppner. paid 1 095 for 12.150 acres. 119, jRpfilAiira