Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918, April 25, 1918, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    tagb rora
Fashionable new Browns
in. CROSSETT Shoes
iunwi sasr
.TITE are offering this Spring sev
" eral Crossett models in the
new dark-brown leather, khaki and
two;tone effects.
We recommend these colors as
both seasonable and practical.
Come in and see our showing.
The variety of models is at its best
right now.
Formerly the - - '
Hairy Hull loft this moraine fur
Portland for an Indefinite stay.
Maid lamps at Rogue River lid w.
Mr. 11. Fo went to Glendal this
Forhao'a" 'tor the iuiui, Sabln
ha It. ,
Father John Power canie In from
Medford this morning and will lent
a few day her.
Stone Jura for packing g at
Cramer llro. s
Mr. Jonea, who visited Mr. U V
Sharp on Rd. No. 1, left yesterday
tor Maryavllle, Cal.
Stone Jara for parking egg at
Cramer Broa.
Mrs. W. H. Morrlon returned
Wednesday afternoon from Rose
burg, where he pent a week vis
iting. ; Electric supplies at Rogue River
J. V. Moore, of Woodhurn. ar
rived thl morning and will pend
a few day looking after property
Interest. Mr. Moore wa a realdent
ol Orant Pa for everal yeart.
leaving here teveral year ago to
engage In the drug business.
Garden hone at Cramer Broa. 45
Tom R. Pierce, of'Rurley. Ida.,
apent teveral day with hi old
friend. John Dubula, and left thl
morning for Portland.. Mr. Pierce I
an engineer In the U. 8. reclamation
service, and while here he looked up
ome 0. k C. grant land.
Tghorn eggs. $1 setting, at
Cramer Rroa. 5
R( evens Funmd
The funeral of John Stevens, who
accldently shot himself yesterday
mornlng at the Steven ranch on
William creek 37 mile from the
city, will be held Friday afternoon
at 2: SO o'clock at the William
Methodist Episcopal church cemetery.
StiM-Mon .Wimims) H
Mr. F.llsaboto Moraman, f Stock
ton, Cal., I visiting Mr. Laura Loi
ter, of thl city. 3h I investlgat
lug property In the Rogue river t al
AlUsilhMt K. A U H.
All member are requested to be
present at the next regular meeting,
April 26. . Those havlug cash and
emblematic prlios, come and got
them. Mr. and Mr. Saltuursn will
lie present. 41
Ihtltsiea in ilia Air
Kdwln Jiobsleu, who on April IS
graduated front the U. S. military
aeronautic school of the University
of Teiat, spent hi week of real fol
lowing graduation at Dallas, Tex.
At Dallas he wa taken up 10,000
feet In the air by a captain of avia
tion. Fifteen volunteer! were asked
for from the claw for a bombing
squad. Young IJabilon waa one of
the volunteers and wa accepted.
Fiv-mer U. I Hoy Will IVwrh
Rev, David Norrroas, pastor of the
First Christian Church of Puyallup,
Wash., and who now Is on his way
to California to act a superinten
dent and platform manager for one
of the Elllaon-Whit Chautauqua
tent for the season, will speak at
the Christian church 8unday night.
April 28. Mr. Norcross lived here
when a boy and worked many days
st the old Sugar Pine Box Factory.
He will be glad to meet old rrlends.
Klrclrlo Wiring
Psul's Electric Store. Medford,
Ore. Orders may be placed through
rower company office. B0
The American Defense society met
Wednesday afternoon and organised
the lint working unit. Other nnlts
will be added untilall patriotic
womed of Josephine county have
enrolled. Mrs. Elisabeth Oerould
was made secretary and an executive
committee will be named later. Rer.
KelTille T. Wire gave a thrilling
' talk along the lines taken up by the
aodety and the meeting; was one of
einthDsiaatic patriotism.
:.Spy Suspect Is Inventor
L. V. Stevens, who has been sus
pected, of . being a German spy. In
connection with operations at the
Oolconda chroma mines, has been
heard from in London, where It la
stated that he has sold an anti-submarine
device to the British govern
ment for $75,000 and is at present
in London perfecting his Invention
and superintending Its manufacture.
FRY To Mr. and Mr. J. Fry or
thl city. Thursday, a fine liaby
,May 1, Wednesday May hreskfast,
i at Bethany Presbyterlsn church.
iMar S. Friday Field day exercises
. for all the schools of the city.
On May 6th the assay office will
be moved from the Hall building to
the Schmidt building on southwest
corner Sixth and I streeta.
53 . E. R. CROUCH, assayer.
avelopes st the Courier Offlce.
Willamette Valley Jurist. Candidal?
or Supreme JtnUtN Hpemls Day '
In (iranta Pans '
. Portland, Oregon. Ayrll 23, 11H
To the Republican Voters q( Oregon: ;
We, the undersigned, all formerly Progressives and now registered
Republicans, wish to add our endorsement to the candidacy of Ralph K.
Williams, of Portland, for re-election on May 17 to the position of Repub
lican National Committeeman. We endorse his candidacy for the follow
ing definite reasons:
In the first plsce, If Mr. Williams had not invited and encouraged the
Progressives to Join, with the Republicans of this State In 1916, there
would have been no active co-operation between the two forces and Oregon
would undoubtedly have been lost to the Republican cause. Mr. Williams
advocated the adoption by the Republican National Committee of a simi
lar program of amalgamation aod o-operatlve action in the other States.
If bis suggestion concerning California and Washington had been fol
lowed those two States would also have been found in the Republican
column after the national election.
. i 1- . ;- ., . ,
5 Mr. Williams' attitude of friendliness towsrd Colonel Roosevelt Is
enerally known to Republican leaders throughout this Country and
SUte. The same spirit of unity which Mr. Williams was so largely instru
mental in effecting in Oregon in 1916. he also strove successfully to bring
about at the recent meeting of the Republican National Committee at St.
The new Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Will H.
Hays, who was elected at the St. Louis meeting, has joined with George
w. Perkins, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the former Pro
gressive party, in commending Mr. Williams' efforts to achieve harmony at
St. Louis. On the occasion of his recent visit to Portland, Mr. Hays called
attention to the splendid spirit of harmony which now prevails among alt
lenient of the Republican party In Oregon and earnestly urged that It be
maintained.'1"" - ... j .
J?1"' W'N'anis' record as an earnest supporter of the Government in
"ven aTftar activities V knWD' Wlng t0 the ald "e ha"
h'! ntm-M ln. fairness that Mr. Williams' services as outlined
t-' ?tUle nlm. "lectlon. We also believe that you are entitled to
7 IZZ!Ja! Wil? regard t0 h'8 MD(J1dcr and for that reason,
wre nave addressed this statement to you.
Henry Waldo Coe, Progressive National Committeeman for Oregon.
Thomas B, Neuhausen, Ex-chalrman of State Progressive Party.
Ie Party11" BrWn' Ex-cbalrnlan of Executive Committe, Progres-
Soldlorrind f A'"' ot Fathers of Oregon
M H?c'kevPrV p' RnL,tenT" V"111' Charles W' Ackerman. Oliver
n rrtl: m v.d,ler' J?n- Mai,de U Neuhausen, I,on L. Parker. Geo.
B Andrees Miss Vivian Flexner, Mrs. George I. Thompson, Miss Mary E.
Hill, Mrs. Maude M. Povey, Mrs. Anna E. Grevilll. '
(Paid Advestlsement)
Percy R. Kelly, of Albany, circuit
judge of the third Judicial district
comprising Marion and Linn coun
ties, arrived in Grants Pass yester
day afternoon and remained over
for a day In the Interest of his can
didacy for Justice of the supreme
court of the state of Oregon..
Judge Kelly reports that his can
didacy looks very promising and
that he expects to be nominated at
the primaries next month. From as
surance received - from all over the
state hi prospects look very bright.
AH of the prominent Jurists men
tioned early In the campaign to suc
ceed Justice Wallace McCammant,
who will retire, have withdrawn
from the rare and are now support
ing JJudge i Kejly,, some of them actively.
The Hague, Apr. 25. The Dutch
foreign minister, referring to ' the
sand and gravel question with Ger
many, told parliament that he could
not conceal the fact that the ques
tion was a very serious one. He
would not say more about It.
( ;
Amsterdam. Apr. 25. The Berlin
correspondent of Nleuw Rotterdam
sche Courant Is Informed by a per
son In , authority that difficulties
have arisen In the negotiations be
tween Germsny and Holland ' and
that the question of the transport of
sand and gravel and the use of the
railway line through Llmbourg de
pend entirely on the Intentions of
Germany. The correspondent adds
that the Dutch government will ob
serve neutrality, whatever happens.
.Indue Percy It," Kelly, ..Who Was a
Vbdhrr rleflMTmlny T,T '
Judge Kelly Is'o'ne of the most
prominent members of the 'bar In
the northern part of the state and
especially lp Marlon, Linn and Lane1
counties where he has presided most-!
ly over the circuit court. , His can
didacy was brought out by the bar
associations of Marlon and ,! Linn
counties, by whom he Is held In the
highest confidence and esteem, both
as a man and as a presiding Judge.
His decisions are, rendered with
great care and accuracy and seldom
Is a case of his appealed and rarely
is on reversed by the supreme
Judge Kelly came to Oregon
when a bny and settled with his par
ents In Albany about' 3!i years ago.
r r CLAsarmD " ad 7 rate& is
words, two Issue. T5; six Issues'.
S0e: one month, tl.B. when paid In
advance. When not paid In advance.
He per line per Issue.
wHlTE LrTAXI-Clty and eoitn-
try'.;' PopulaV,; ririceit. Call the
Spa , Confectionery,' .phone 282-K.
Residence phone 320-R. W. , (!.'
White, proprietor. , 47
TOR RENT Eight acre apple and
peach orchard, one acre Tokays,
good S-room . house partly fur
nished, good cow, (for sale), few
Black Minorca hens. All plowed.
See Heath ' ft Herman or Isaac
Best.-' t 49
He received his education In the
publio schools of Albany and nt Al
bany college.,, He studied law after
his graduation and waa admitted to
the bar,. He entered the law office
of Charles E. Wolverton, later su
preme Judge and now Judge of the
federal district court In Portland,
with whom-he was associated until
Judge Wolverton's election to the
state bench. t , ;
Eight years ago Judge Kelly, was
nominated , on the republican t'eket
for. circuit judge of the third judicial
district, was elected at the general
election and ha served In that ca
pacity up to the present time. His
candidacy for the higher position Is
an endorsement of his ability by his
fellow-attorneys In his home dis
trict. ,
He left this afternoon for Med
ford and will continue his trip
through tho eastern part of the
state, making the Journey through
Klnmnth, Mnlhuer and Hnrnny coun
ties Rnd reaching tho railroad atrnln
at Rend.
Hy aJTunueniPiit with F. ZlenfoM Jr.
"Arms and the Girl"
A PAKAMOl'NT I'lt'll ItK
Hy Grant Htowart and Itoln-ri linker 1 Dlrertml ly Js. Kaufman
When the cloud burst and the Hun made their futlls dash for
the galea ot Parti, "the Olrl" waa there with a pretty a ro
mance aa piquant, dainty Bill! Burke ha ever played. There'
livS UuKti, Ml venture anil Intrigue a plenty In this thrilling
story ot life "over there."
Adm!iMlon--4tnc and I.V
l P now and all the rest of the year. Wntaua M
v A 1 lor your copy today U'g I
Ml c c MORSE & CO. It
rvJ 721 Fraat Stre4 Sea frwtiee I,
' IP 1 cl O ITEtl -
Morse'g aeedt in a garden of your own will free,
you from the peril of high prices. Not alone
this the vegetable you raise will help conserve
'' the supply of itapl food our country need.
"h smt Hum lA Amm fsiAn si e smNmiW stwrt''
say Carl Vraootaa, Aas't S ef Asricelture.
Our 1918 Garden Cuid tells you what i heel to
tlant now and all the rest of the year. Write us
or your copy today it' free.
You can get Morse' seed from dealer every
where, or direct by mail from u.
The handsome little home of Mr.
and Mr. Morgan on Deer Creek was
destroyed by fire Thursday night.
Mrs. J. II. Campbell and four
children left last Frldsy for Doty,
Wash., where she will make her fu
ture horn. They were met In Orant
Pass by her cousin, Miss Fsy Hoi
linger. Mrs. W. K. Hlnkle visited her
sister, Mr. Chss. Welter, st Waters
Creek, a few days last week.
Messrs. Ssbln and Bramwell were
canvassing our precinct In the In
terest of the Liberty losn Isst week.
, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morrison spent
Bundsy with Mrs. Morrison's father,
Fred Krausa.
I Mr and Mrs. C. A. Hldler sue lit
Sunday at the Kchmltt rsnrh.
Fred Herman returned to Hose-
burs, after spending a few days with
hi parent at Bel ma.
There are fund In the city treas
ury to redeem all warrants drawn
on the general fund numbered No.
13293 to 133393 Inclusive.
Interest wilt cease after April
20th, 19IH. Dated at (Irani Pas
Oregon. April 34th, IIIX.
0. P. JK8TKR,
48 City Treasurer.
Laid Him
"AfilloDJ !Hfli$ louder thaj .
ords-Act - Dont Talk - Buy Now
. ,K .... . "J-j
; Everythjng for the Auto 1
. . j
UILI Rock Salt f9r Cattle