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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1918)
f Till ItMlMY, AI'IUI. lift, IUIH. DAILY 1UXJIC KIVEM OOl'JUCB pagb TBxrx Keep your money at home If yim are bnlldlag nM Beaver Portland Cement r which la manufactured at tloltl Hill, Oregon, end la guaran teed by III maaiifatturer to' he alrtt-Uy high grade la every rrert. You ran buy llila (mm jour locel tlnalrr The Oregon ('cm mi I Kewcr rlt A Tile To. Beaver Portland Cement Co. BUY War Savings Stamps IWKiUK IUVEH WATER IX IMP ANY erfection Tires True to 7,500 Miles Everybody is GRANTS PASS I " 1 I A- LIBERTY f I I mSh y Much More Than Money Your money would be of little use to you if the Germans should win the wcr abroad and come over here to complete ! their work of world subjugation. Invest 1 x your money in Liberty Bonds one Bond y;j arms a soldier and may save his life. "It's civilization against devilization" THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BIT jfl SCHALLHORN GROCERY XOTICR (r DIHHOM'TION OP PAHTXFJUUIIP Th pattnerehlp heretofore tfiUi Ini between O. II. Carner, Ed. II. Alius and II. I 8(onakr, dolnr bualneea under lha nam of OranU Pa (.timber Company, la thla day dleaolved by mutual content, Mr. Kd. II. Allen retiring from tin firm. Hereafter tha bualneea will ba con ducted by 0. II, Carner and II. L. Htonaker under tha nam of Granti Pass Lumbar Company, who will re ceive payinanla of all account and iay all debt of Hie company. Hlgn-d, 0. II. CARNER, RD. II. ALLKN. II. I BTONAKEK. Grant I'aie, Oregon, April II, III. , 44 COUNTY TltKAHl ItKll'H CALL HMl GKNKIUL WAIUIAMTH All Joai'phlna county general war rant leeued prior to September I at, ! lilt mnA nr,,lti4 liflllP to that. data, ar hereby called In, and arel payable at tha county treaanrer' of-, flee on or after the 25th, day or April, lilt, on which date Intereat wilt cease. v GEO, fl. CALHOUN, 45 County Treaanrer. tlH STY TUKAHl ItKHH CAM, Foil ItOAII WARRANT All Joaepblna County (pink) road warrant laaned prior to and Includ ing March 15th, 11, and proteted prior to that data, are hereby called In and ara payable, at the County Treaanrer' office on or after the day of April. 11 H, on which date Intereat will eeaaa. GEO. R. CALHOUN. it County Treaanrer. Name Guaranteed buying them ' HARDWARE CO. These Bonds Mean So "Over the Tc?" By Ai Aaerieu SoliScr WkiWeat AkTHOt COY ENPEY fate Ceeatr 5rf a FreaM lutiui.i. lll. kf AnMu umr Hmmttl YNOPII. CHAPTER 1-rir.d by the aw of the etnalnf ol lha Luilianf br a Oartnao submarine, Arthur Our tmvr. an Amerl- Imh Ma orn id Jf r city ana le Kngland wher ba enllata la Ue ame British army. CHART ICR 11-After a period of treln bif, Kmpy voluntaara for Immwllate wrv. ice and aoon nn4a lilniMlf In rwl billet "ontawhr In Krnc," whara he Drat the acquaintance of the vr-pre-nt "vootlM." CHAPTER Ill-Kmpey attend hla (lrwt hurrh Mrvlrca at the front whlla a Oer l'ol,,' clrclM uvr the congregation, CHAPTKIl IV-F.iiipr'e command tnlo the frunt-lln In mhte and I under Br for tbe Drat time. CIIAPTEn V-Fmp leine to adopt the nigtio of the Hrtiah Tommy, "If you ttJL.T,J Xow'H t 't never CfTAPTKR Vl-Ba. h In real billet. Era- (lie hi Bret ejtparlenoe aa a me tdrrly. niKPtm VH-Emncy learne bow the British illlre ar fed, CHAPTKR Vltl-naek In the front-tin Irenrh, Kinney mi hi Drat trl.uid of the (renin " Wut." CHAPTER IX-Emney rnakae hie Bret 1ail to a ducout la "Uuloid bitch." CHAPTER X-Empey learne what eon. etliuiae a "day'e work" is Uia front-Une trn-h, CHAPTER XI-Empy toe "oror the top" (or the Hrat time In a charge on tti Qrnn (rnrhM and la wvinded by a bayontt thruat CHAPTER XII-Empey Join the "rut aid club" lh bombing (quad la called. CHAPTER XIII -Each Tommy get aa fAclal bath. CHAPTER XrV-Empey h1p dig a advanced trench under Uennaa Bra. CHAPTER XV-Oa "llatanlog port la Mo Mane I And. CHAPTER XVI-Two artlllrymn pm en ovar" on Old Pppr, thalr rgimntl Comma noer. puiprrn TVtl Kmnev ha narrow cap wniw on pirui uuty i rw Lna. riiAPTRR XVIIt-Rack In real billet Empty wrlia and aiag a fare comedy. CHAPTER XIX-oldlr hay many Way to auiua thtnuwlv while "on their CHAPTE1 XX-Emp nliinter for machln. ami rvlr uiJ goc buck Into lh. front -line ir.ncne. XXI-Kmpey again gna "over Hi top" In a chnrae whlrh eoa bta aomoanr It killed and U wounded. CHAPTER XXH-Trlck with a tnachln Bun all.m-M nn. Domeream rru. CHAPTKR XXIII-aernian attack, pr. ewted by gu wave. I repuiaeo. nuPTKR XXIV-Kmney I forced take Dart In an etduilun M a itwmber of lh firing aquad. . CHAPTKR XXV-Prlllah prerar. for lh big Pu.h-th bull I. of the fcuium. Vu bliii'kfn )iur foc ami hunda o tlmt tbe light from the atitr ahell will not reflect on your pule fuce. In a trench rnld there la quite aufflclent reaaon for your fuce to be pule. If you don't believe me, try It juat one. , Then another renaon for blackening your fare and bamla I that, after you hava entered tbe German trench at night, "white face" mean German, "black fnce" English. Coming around a traverae you aee a white fare la front of you. With prayer and wish ing Frltt "tbe beat o luck," you Intro duce blm to your "persuader" or l:nuckle knife. A little later we arrived at tbe com munication trench named Whisky atreet, which led to the Ore trench at the point we were to go over tbe top and out In front. ' In our rear were four tretcher bear er and a corporal of the R. A. M. C carrying pouch containing medicine and flrat-ald appliance. Kind . of t grim reminder to us that oar espedl tlon waa not gnlng to be exactly a pic nic. The order of thing was reversed, la civilian life the doctors generally corns first, with the undertakers tag- King In tbe rear and then tbe lnrar- nnce man, but In oar case, tbe under taker were lending, with tbe doctors trailing behind, minus the Insurance adjuster. The presence of the R. A. M. C men did not seem to disturb the raiders, be cause many a Joke made In aa under tone, waa paeaod along the winding column, a to who would be first to take a ride on one of the stretchers. This was generally followed by a wish that, If yon were to be the one, the wound would be a "cushy Blighty one." Tbe stretcher bearers, no doubt, hoping that If they did hnve to curry nnyone to the rear, he would be small and light Perhirp they looked at me when wlnhlng, because I could feel an uncomfortable, boring sensation be tween my shoulder blades. They got their wish all light Going up this trench, about every nlxty yunla or sn we would pass a lone ly sentry, who In a whisper wouM wish us "the best o' Inck, mates." We would blind at him under our hrenths; that Jonah phrase to as sounded very ominous. Without any casualties the minstrel troop arrived nt Suicide ditch, the front-Une trench. Previously, a wiring party of the Royal Engineers had cut a lnne through our barbed wire to en n hie us to get out Into No Man's Lund. Crawling through thla lane, our party of twenty took up nn extended order formation about ono yard apart. We had a tap code arranged for our movements while In No Man's Land, because for various reasons It Is not safe to carry on u heated conversation a few yards In front of Frits' lines. The ofllcer was on the right of the line, while I wns nn the extreme left. Two tap from the right would bo piiKKitl dnwu the Hue until I received them, then J would scud back one tup. The olllrer, la receiving this tine tup, wculd know that hi order bad gone down lha whole line, bad been under stood, and that the party was ready to obey the two-tap signal. Two taps meant that w were to crawl forward slowly and bellrv me, very alowly for nve yard, and then hairio await further Instruction. Three tap meant, when yot) arrived within striking dis tance of the German trench, rush It and Inflict as many raauallle aa poa Nllile, emr s couple of prisoners, and then hark to your own line with the peed clutch open. Pour tp meant "1 have gotten you Into a position from whlrlf It I lniMMlhle for me to extrl rnte you, ao you are on your own." After getting Tommy Into a mean on the western front he Is generally told that he I "on hla own." Thl mean. Have your skin In any way possible." Tommy love to be "on hla own" behind the lines, but not during a trench ruld. The star shell from the Germaa line were fulling In front of u. there fore we were safe. After about twen ty minutes we entered the star shell sons. A star tlitil from, the Germnn 1 1 iwa fell about five yard In the rear wild to the right of me; we hugged the ground and held our breath until It burned out. The smoke from the stur sin II traveled ulnnv the ground and crossed over the middle of our lino. Home Tommy sneewd. The smoke hud gotten up bis d. We crouched on the ground, cursing the offender under our breath, and waited the volley that generally envues when the German hnve hennl a noise In No Mun'i Land. Nothing huppeiit'il. We received two J tupt and crawled forward slowly fur live yards; im doubt the r nicer be lieved whnt Old Pepper had i-..itl, "Per annuity I believe tlmt that part of the Oerimin trench la unoccupied." By be ing direful and remaining motionless when the stur shells fell behind us, reurhed the German barbed wire with out mishap. Then the fun began. I wu scurcd etlff ns It Is ticklish work cutting your way through wire when about thirty feet In front of you there Is u line of ItiH iit k looking out Into No Man's I-and with their rifles lying across the pnrniMt, straining every sense tr. s." or hear what Is gu'.r.S 'U In No Man's Laud; because ut ulgbt. Krllz m ver knows when a hoiuh with his name und number on It will come hurtling through the air aimed In tha direction of Berlin. The man on th right, one mnn In the center and my aetf on the extreme left were equipped with wire cutters. These are Insulated with soft rubber not because the Ger mun wire are charged with electricity, but to prevent the cutter rubbing against the barbed wire stakes, which are of Iron, and making a noise which may warn the Inmates of the trench that someone Is getting fresh In their front yard. There Is only one way to cut a burbed wire without noise and through costly experience Tommy has become an expert In doing this. Tou must grasp the wire about two Inches from the stake In your right haud and cut between the stake and your hand. If you cut a wire improperly, a loud twung will ring out on the night nlr like the snapping of a banjo string. Perhaps this noise can be heard only for fifty or seventy-five yards, but In Tommy's mind It makes u loud noise In Berlin. i To Be Continued) SWIT7.KIUi.4Xl) WILL NOT PHKSH CLAIM FOR Ml t'h Washington, Apr. 24. Thev Swiss government will not press Its claim of Swiss cltlienshlp for Dr. Kan Muck, former leader of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, who is now In terned. , OH GUARD At this time of the year people feel weak, tired, listless, their blood is thin, they have lived indoors and perhaps expended all their mental and bodily energy and they want to know how to renew their energy and stamina, over come headaches and backaches, have clear eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin, and (eel the exhilaration of real good health tingling thru their body. Good, pure, rion, red blood is the best insurance against ills of all kinds, Altmwt all diseases come from impure and impov erished blood. It is to be nutioed in the pale or pimply face, the tired, haggard appearance or the listless manner. Drink hot water a half bonr before meals, and for a vegetable tonic there's nothing better th n Dr. Pierce's (ioUn Medical Discovery, tha old-fashioned herbal remedy, which has had such a flue reputation for fifty years. It con tains no alcohol or narcotics. It is mndo from Unlden Seal root, Blood root, Oregon prune rtvit, Queen's root, Black Cherry, extracted with gly cerine and made iiho tablets and liquid. Tablets sixty cent:!, ut most drug stores. In order to insure pure blond and to build up the svstetu try this tonic known as Dr. Pierce's UolUuu Medical Discov ery. Getit now 1 roa iauc 6Trc7GRlMTlNDB plats showing land la Josephine county, 91.10. Address A. B. Voorbls. Grants Pass. tf FOR BALE Good modern bouse, cloae la, north aid. Inquire No. 1112, ear Courier. lltf HEMSTITCHING- and poeot edge, 10 cent per yard. Mall orders will receive erompt sad careful atten tion. Tha Vanity Shop, Medford Oregon. 114 West Mala. 07tf POR BALE CHEAP Three-quarter ton truck, In good condition. New tire. Churchill and Maxwell, tf POR SALE Heed corn, audan grass, Michigan pea bean, alfalfa, clo vers and grasaes. Legume bac teria cultures for alfalfa, clover, and beant, enough for (0 to 100 lha.. 91.26. Ralph Waldo Elden. Central Point, Oregon. tlt POR BALK No. 1 stock squash eeed, 76c pound. Inquire of J. E. Hair, Grants Pa. , 15 TOWNSHIP ownenhlp maps show ing O. A C. and deeded lands In Josephine county for tale by tbe Josephine County Abstract Com pany, 50 cents each. 05 TOR SALE Alaskan dog, about eight months old. Mrs. B. B. Loe wen. Rd. No. 1, Box 10. 46 FOR SALE Young black team welghlag about 1800. Address Andrew Johnson, Merlin. Ore. 40 FOR SALE Electric reading lamp, high chair, child's chair swing, feather pillow, kitchen utenstla. Electric cooking plate. Phone S70-L. 42tf FOR SALE Two double beds. single bed, mattresses and springs, chiffonier, 1 dressers, 4 rockers, child's wicker rocker, dining table and six chairs, cook stove, 1 heat era, large kitchen cabinet refrig erator,! center tables, 1 porch benches, 2 picnic tables, book case. Call at (48 North Fourth or phone 165-T. 44 TIMBER FOR SALE JJE t ,' Sec 10-35-5. Crulaea 1,250.000 saw timber and 1,200 cords wood Price $1,000. A. R. Waters. Chlco. Cat 45 USED TIRES Ford slies, at Cham pltn's second hand store on street 4 TO RENT ( furniSHED ROOMS Large, com- furtable and convlently located. 411 C street I6tl PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 60 feet from pavement, also unfurnished cottage on pavement $8 per month. Inquire A. E Voor hies. 92tf FOR RENT Furnished live room cottage with garage, Mrs. O. P. Jester, 215 C street, phone 168-R. , 4Stf WANTED EXPERIENCED mill men wanted year around work, Excellent rook-house, electric lights, men's club, good wages, write to Modoc Lumber Company, Chiloquln, Ore gon. 61 WANTED Oue section steel frame harrow, with lever. W. H. Leon ard, Rd. No. 2. Box 11-A. 46 WANTED One-half horse power electric cmotor. Williams Garage. . 40 LOST LOST Auto crank ' lost on Sex ton mountain or between Sexton mountain and Wolf Creek. Finder please notify No .,6 81 care Courier, or leave at Oldlng's garage. 44 BCYKR8 OF NATIVE PLATINUM GILFILLAN BROS. Smelting and Refining Co., 217 Vi West Sixth street Los Angeles, Cat. ara In the market for clean native Irido platinum. - 8 The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company TIME CARI EffectlveDecember 1. 1017. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Train 1 Iv. Grants Pass.. 1:00 p.m. Train 8 Iv. Waters Creek 3:00 p.m. All trains leave Grants Pass from tha corner of Q and Eighth streets, opposite the Southern Pacific depot. For all Information regarding freight and passenger service call at the office of the company, Lundbnr building, or phone 181 tor same. ATTORJTETS H. D. Norton, Attoraay-at-law. Practice la all Stats tad radaral Court, first National Baal Bids. COLVIO WILLIAM uaraoye-el-Law OraaU Peas Banking Co. Bldg. OraaU Pass, Orsgoa. B. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Prastlca la all courts. Pirn National Baafc. Building. . & BLANCHARD. At to may-at-La w Golden Rule Building. Phono 270. Grant Pass, Orsgoa. BLANCHAKD A BLANCHARD. At torneys, Albert block. Phono 1H-J. Practlcs In all court; land, board attorneys. VETERIlf AMY bTBAUOH DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Vatariaarlaa.. . Ofnca is Wlnatrout Implamsnt Bldg. Phono 111-J. Raslaoneo Phone S0S-8. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLBMBNT. M. IX Prastlo limited to diseases of the era, ear,, aose aad throat Olaaaas OttaaV Offlca hours 0-1 1, 1-6, or oa ap pointment Office pbeaa, 01; denes phone KM. S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D.. Physician and surgeon. City or country call attended day or debt Kesldane phons 'it; offlca pbono lit. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. A. A. WITHAM, M. D.. Physician and surgeon. Offlca: Hall Bldg., corner Sixth and I streets. Pnoaaa: Of Bes. IK; rosldaaea, Ilt-J. Boars, t a. m. to 4 p. a. DR. J. O. NIBLBT Pbyetolaa and surgeon. Landbar; BaUeUatv Surgeon C tab-Idaho Em gar Oo, Health Ofltoar." ODoer boars. to 12 a. m. 1 to I p. aa. Pbono 110-J. , lltt PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MILL open dally II a. m. to 6 p. m. For Sunday sit ting call Mill 281-R or reeldene 140-J. lltt DENTIBTS E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 10V Booth Sixth treat, Grants Pass, Or son. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. S. MACMURRAY, teacbar of Totaa culture and singing. Lessons gtroa at homo of pupil If requested. Ad- -dress 711 Lao 8t I61tt D RAVAGE AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER CO. All kinds , of drayaze and transfer . work carefully and promptly don.. Phone ljl-J. Stand at freight, depot A. Shads, Prop. F. O. ISHAbt , dreyage and transfer. Safes, pianos and furniture moved' packed, shipped aad stored. Phoae Clark and Hoi man, No. E0. Resi dence phone 114-R. THE WORLD MOVES: so do we. Bunch Bros. Transfer Ce. Phone' I97-R. . Township Maps Showing Oregon and Califor nia Homestead Lands, open to tiling April 29, 1918, 91 P township. Please range. give township . and DOUGLAS ABSTRACT CO., . 1 Rosebnrg, Oregoa Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLEEK Present Incumbent GEORGE LEWIS Candidate for Republican Nominee for r , SHERIFF : Present Incumbent " C. E. HARMON Candidate for Republican Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Primaries May 17