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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1918)
vmvx bogits wvr.i COVKIKn Till IWIMY. AI'IUL UA, ItM. El! ROGUE HUB C Published Dally ExMpt Saturday THE FAMOl'8 tAGtTWO OUBIEBI" A. E. VOORHJES, Pb. and Prepr. BataredatthaPoatofloe. Jranta Put, Ore., aa Mcond class aall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, par Inch.. He Local or personal column, par Una lc Readers, per line .. 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year.....0 By mall or carrier, per month..' .60 MEMBER State Editorial Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Asea MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PR3 The Associated Press Is exclueively entitled to the n e tor republication of aU dews dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the :al news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. . THl'RSDAY, APRIL 85, 1018. ORBGOX WEATHER Fair, light frost in the west heavy frost In the east portion tonight Friday fair and warm 4 er with moderate winds. FIUEtAY WITH PRESIDENT IN WAR , Members of the German branch of the Methodist Episcopal church in this country have keenly resented Imputations against their American Ism. And they have not let their resentment smoulder, but have wept away suspicion by unequivo cal action. The superintendents of the ten German-speaking conferen ces of the church, assembled in Des Moines, la., hare Issued a state ment explicitly announcing that their organization "is not playing politics in- the Interest of any for eign potentate," and ending with these fine words: "We hereby pledge the president of the United States that we will not only stand by him, but travel with him, In the complete patriotic pro gram of the government, until the military power of the German gov. ernment Is defeated and permanent peace Is assured on the basis of righteousness. Without mental res ervation, we pledge our powers and our efforts to the dissemination of light on the subject of right-think ing and right action wherever and whenever it is needed. . So bursts another of the kaiser's bubbles of hope. The bitterest pill Prusslanism has to swallow Is the fact, demonstrated more clearly every day, that German-Americans will not pull its war chestnuts out of the fire. CANBY ASPARAGUS WK HAVK IT YOUl MOVE IS TO OKhKIt BOMB KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY QCALITY FIRST her fondness for that sort of kultur extension nearer .home. And when ahe gets through, we may have to learn German to understand the Russians. But ahe will never get very far with the Russians after peace la declared and she la forced to disgorge the vast, fat empires she has swallowed In her ruthless cam paign in the east. Four hundred . horses, en route to an Atlantic seaport for ahlpment to the war. tone, were burled a few weeka ago in Kentucky. They had been poisoned. If the traitorous brutes who did it are caught, they ought to be given some of the same medicine. I Lima, Ohio, Apr. 25. Three Ores breaking out simultaneously In the Lake Erie k Western shops here last night had practically wiped out the $500,000 plant and were still raging early this morning. Water pressure has been cut at some unknown point, while federal agents report that hose was cut In two places with a knife. One man Is being held by the police. Three Bremen are missing, one Is In the hospital unconscious, a workman Is seriously Injured, Fire Chief John Mack Is badly cut, and "several oth ers Injured. Another fire, breaking out In a distant part of town, Is still burning. Homes of several foreigners are re ported afire. The railroad shop fire followed a blase at the same place two hours earlier In the evening. .Later, rail road officials say, flames were dis covered at three different places In the plant. They spread rapidly. Ten to 14 locomotives, urgentlv needed in war work, a new train of troop coaches Just completed In the shops, and many other coaches as well as a score or more of box cars, were destroyed. Ten thousand dollars worth of Liberty bond subscriptions were bnmed in the office of the shops. Three firemen, who were missing for more than an hour after being trapped In by falling walls, dashed through the surrounding flames early this morning and escaped with only slight burns. employment attend yesterday and which destroyed government record containing the names of thousand of skilled and uuxkilled shipyard workers who had applied for em ployment at local yards, waa brand ed by the police aa work of an In cendiary. According to the polite, the first waa started by pouring kerosene through a letter slot In the door and then Igniting It. Seattle Has Fire Seattle, Apr. 25. A small fire In a building occupied by government 0. & C. UND SEHLERS SHOULD FILE CLAIMS The following notice from W. 11 Canon, register of the V. S. land of fice at Roseburg. la of Interest to Tosephlne county settlers on O. ft C. railroad grant lands:-. "With reference to the revested Oregon A California railroad grant lands to be opened to entry, all set tlers oa any of these revested lands south of Township 3 9., In this land district, who are claiming, prefer ence right by virtue of settlement prior to December 1, 191$, and resi dence since satd date, should file their applications for the lands claimed, between April 29 and May 25, 1918. no matter whether the lands Is described In the list of lands to be opened to entry, and no matter whether It has been classified or not. Applications for these lands may be executed before the United States commissioner at Grants Pass, and the clerk of the county court at Grants Pass, for lands In Josephine county, and before the U. S. commis sioner at Medford and before the clerk of the county court at Jackson ville, for lands In Jackson county." (XJTTAGK CHEESE WORKER N'AMED FOR OREGON' INlMtflment of AKriculture) Send Woman to Encourage Production and t'se of Moat Substitute Washington, Apr. 25 The bureau of animal Industry of the United States department of agriculture has named Miss Geneveve Potter, of Port Washington, New York, home economics graduate of the Oregon Agriculture college, to encourage In Oregon the production of cottage cheese on farms and also to stimu late its use In homes. Miss Potter, one of 47 women agents named for as many states, is to cooperate with federat and state agricultural and home demonstra tion agents. Miss Jessie Hoover, of Moscow. Ida., formerly professor of home economics at the University of Idaho, Is the leader In the cottage cheese work for the western states An American officer, landing in France after a week of seasickness, says: "Don't talk to me about fight ing for the freedom of the seas. Any body who wants the blamed ocean is welcome to it, so far as I am con cerned' And that's all right. .Uncle Bam strives to please. He can fight for the freedom of the land. But Just at present we have with us a party of U. 8. naval reserve recruit ers, and it Is safe to say that they will find many young men In this community who will find It attrac tive to them to fight on the seas. Germany isn't worrying much be cause American communities are barring German study from schools. She has plenty of ohanre to Indulge -Our Guarantee- Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for MdB if it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can Coffee Youcanbuy Ask your grocer 111 bid Mm. a m TOT. Your hand my hand Every hand in the land stretched out to help him to VICTORY! That is the way that America is going to win this war. It is the only way she can win it. We are fighting a United German people. Until every American is backing the boys in the trenches, until every hand in the land is stretched out to help, we cannot expect our army to defeat the German armies strengthened by the toil and sacri fice of the one hundred and fifty million people of Germany and her allies. ' This is a war of national resources, arid every one must add his share to America's fighting strength if we are to make our superior resources count. Every hand in the fend must be stretched out to help our boys if we would send them over the top to early and certain victory. '. ' -. ' ' Save for the Third Liberty Loan. Invest in the Third Liberty Loan. That is the way to lend a hand. That is the way to make a . nation invincible for freedom and justice. Every bond ( bought now is a direct, fighting, aid to this boy in the trenches in France. Thi$ Space Paid far and Contributed by Or. S. Loughridge