1 pus. WW i.. V ! ' U DAILY EDITION YOU VIII., No. I nu. LARGE STEAMER OVERTURNS IN ATLANTIC PORT THKKK IAXVH KNOWN TO ItK UWT ANU MANV JUIKI . WHKX HT. PAlli BIN Kg CAUSE Of ACCIDEHT UNKHOWN 0er A4MI Working ihi Yrwri at Tim mill Many I'wiiwnI In Hold IWromo ( Vasal With rVr An AtUnllr I'url, Apr. 2&. Tb Amerlran Hit Htramnhlp Si. Paul overturned while being wrd round a plr from the drydork. From 600 lo (00 workmen were aboard. Th VfMl now Up two-third sub merged wllh th bow on the bottom and th atarn hlh In th air. It is unknown whether th searocka were 1rt open or tha ballast shifted. Workmen ay that six were drown ad but a statement by tha owner of th Vessel placed tha death toll at three. Many workmen wir Imprla. oned In tha hold. Volunteers who entered through holes rut In tha aides of tha ahlp brought out over a dosen hysterical and Injured man s Uinilon. Apr.. 25.-Th ofllelal statement relative to aircraft opera tion!. Insued by th war offlra read; "Tha westher on Turaday waa un (aorabla for flying until 5 p. m., after which aharp fighting occurred In th air. Reconnaissance were carried out at tow altitude through out tha day. Mervllla. Kstalra. Steenverck. tagnrgue. tha Chsulnea railway Junction and tha doc a at Oatpnd ware heavily bombed. 'Fourteen hostile machine were brounht down, two , wera driven down out of rontrol, and one waa ahot down back of our line by anti aircraft fire, One of our marhlnea la missing. . "Purlng tha night 21 ' ton of bomb wera dropped on different targets. Including Roulera, Mervllla. Armentleres, llapauma, the railway stations at Chaulnes, Thourout. Tournnl and Conrlraf and tha dock at Zeebrugge. Direct hits wera ob served" on all thane targets and aqv. era! fires were started. All our ma rhlnea' returned." . ' ' I ' ' Berlin. Apr, 25. The admiralty snys that German naval operation off thy Flander coast have been In no way Impeded by the British raid. ITALIANS ACM i Rome, Apr. 2S. Quite ever fighting In the Aalaga basin, west of Brentri river, la reported in th Offi cial statement Issued by th war of fice today. The atatement read; "In the Aslago basin British rec onnolterlng patrol attacked enemy dctarhments which attempted to op poae them. Before our llnea at Can ore tha enemy was forced jto retire leaving behind a number of dead. T ,nter on. . hostile groups advancing toward Mount Knberlalm were re pulsed by our rlflo fire. Another party approaching our lines south of atoccareddo was nttneked and dis persed bv hnnd Grenada fire.'; "On the other sector of the front thern wss pntrol activity on "both aldea.1-'. Our forces captured mnrhlne, (tuna and rlflca In the Alano dis trict.1" "Four enemy nlrnlnnna were shot down hy British aviator." ORDER GRANTED FOR IIIIUIICIIOII t'. J. Mnr,tiy Itmlraliu I'rml M, Millie From KuUrlng lrtmil" anil Interfering A temporary iujumtlou waa is sued yaaterday avenlng by County Judg C. O. Gillette reatrslnlug FrU il. Millar from trespassing ovr, en tering upou, tba pre in liea of tha Mountain Lion mines or with tam pering with Ilia fanrea trea, ahrub- bury or other appurtenaucoe of the property of C. U. Murphy. Tba com plaint and undertaking waa filed by Atlomay Fred A. William. Th complaint alatva that during March and April Miller want onto Murphy'a mlulog property on wnluh are located nillla, machinery, dwel ling and other bulldlnga and tore down fnca and destroyed property and threatened to continue to do' ao by fore. Murphy asked for a temporary order and the nutter will be threnhed out In the circuit court to make th Injunction permanent. Tha propertlea are located near Carle creek near the Applegate river about five mllea southesnt of Mur phy. MANY GERMANS SAID Mill Amsterdam, Apr. 25. Speaking before the main committee of th relrhatag yesterday, Prussian Minis ter of War von Stein, said that 20. 000 men wounded In the battle on tb western front hav already re turned to their reglmenla, according to German . newspaper received her. . He-Inferred from the small number of American captured that not many Americana had been sent to the front line. Ouatsv Noskf, socialist.' said that tha number of Amerlran on the western front appeared, according to latent reports, no small the minister reported. ' ' , . General 'von fttoln said that gas fighting la not a development of this war. but had been' used earlier In position wsrfare. "Our new powder develops car bonic gases,", he said. "We organ ised the employment of thia gaa and the enemy soon followed. Thanks to our excellent gas masks, the suc cessive enemy gas attack In the Sotnmn battle amounted to but lit tl. t ; ' ' "After the development of the gaa attack, gaa shells made their appear ance. , We, now are manufacturing an Invisible gas. The enemy haa not caught up to us. Our losses through the effects of gas have been slight." e; flan Jacinto, Apr. 23. Two more earthquake shocks occurred during the nlKht. No damage was done but the people ran frightened from their houaes. . Paris, i Apr. ' 25. -The Germans have resumed their long-range bom bardment of Parla. ' No casualties have been reported. OFFICIAL LIST PLACES 3) WaHhington. Apr ', i! J.h It Is an inunend thut'len thfui a dosnn Am orlcnns were killed and about 20 In jured In the. Solchnproy bnttle. This appears to support the Gorman claim of 183 captured, as General pruning set the cnsunltlvs at 200. grant fan, jausraisa cocrrr, BRITISH YIELD HEN HOLD INVADERS 1 IT, '..I Hons Smash Bailleul Sector, Yillers-Bretocsenx, Then Hindecburg at Bay Ixindon, Apr. 25. The British re pulsed German attacks et of Amlen and are now attacking north- eaat of Ilallleul. The BrltUh have regained ground around Vlllera-llre-tonneux and taken prlaonera. Tha aermana, after an Intenae bombardment early today, renewed attack on tha Bailleul sector and eastward. Heavy fighting continue east of Amlana. The Qermana ap pear to have obtained a foothold In D'Aqulenna Wood, weat of Vlllera Hretonneux. but the BrltUh coun ter-attacked and drove them back to the fringe of the wood. At neveral place the British hive retaken ground and their general position ha Improved considerably. Dolli British and German tank participated at Vlllen-Bretonneux. HUH ACT Washington, Apr. 25. Warning wa given today by Attorey General Gregory that acta of sabotage or des truction of any property which might result In Interfering with the war' conduct, now are punishable uuder th new federal aabotage act and that the department' br Justice plana severe action against viola tors. " ' ' r '''' "!' ; The act Is broad In Its application, said atatement, "because ' It In clude every ' possible kind of sup plies of a nature which could be used by the United State govern ment or any of It allies In th prose cution of the war: It inclndes not only the finished articles, nut all parte and Ingredients." ' ' t The attorney general 'explained that It la Impossible for the depart ment 'to categorically deny alt the false reports circulated these dsy about "the 'prevalence 1 of enemy pro pagandist or the Inefficiency of the department of Justice ' In ' fighting enemy activities. Officials of the de partment ! today cited, I however, the conviction of Hindus in San Fran cisco Tuesday; the trial of the f. W. W. leader In Chicago;' the trial or the publishers of The Masse In New York; the' Indictment 'of nose' Pastor Stoke In Kansaa City on a charge of making seditious utterances, and the indictment of prominent politi cal leader In Minnesota;" as typical recent examples of the activity of the department of Justice In, com batting dangerous Influences within the nation. ' , , 1 . ' I P. HONCn f l; 1 I h ? ! R. 1 ' . 'k oreook. tiii'iisday, apiul SLIGHTLY Which Gives a Little at Stiffens and Keeps ca Entire Frost A British tank got among a maw of Germans and did great eiecutlon. Tbla morning the Carman put down an Intense ga barrage on the Anglo-French front In Flanders, which waa later followed by an In fantry attack. With the British Army, Apr. 25. The German attack agalnit the French and British line on the Dra- notitre-Kemmel sector continue. The Teuton assault la Intended to pave the way for' the ' 'capture of Kemmel Hill." M"' ,- -' 'i ' ' r ' ' - Yielding only slightly at the first shook of th German assault , the al lies are now reacting and standing Arm. A decision In the renewal of the battle I not yet with either side. MALICIOUS LYING I -.it1 ; London, Apr. 25. The admiral ty haa issued the following: 1 ' "la today' German wireless the following statement appear: - " 'From paper found on Ameri can aviator who were hot down, It haa been proved that for their own safety many of them eroeaed.nyer on hospital ahlp. certified a member of tb American ambulance service In Prance.' 1 'The secretary of the admiralty make the following statement: ' '"No hospital ship, British ; or American, hat ever carried anybody but Invalid and necessary medical staffs. Further, there are no hos pital ships working on the cros channel route. The whole atate ment, therefore la a fabrication.' The American naval " authorities atate they have some few aviators who were In the allied ambulance service In France before the United State eme Into the war, but even tn'such eases these men'crossed the Atlantic In ordinary ships, taking their full chance of helng'torpedoed.'"' r"'' . ' ' ' -M,-,"., - 'r, . .. j "! ,1- ,1. C.KRMAXS TAKK H.tNOAM ' Parla. Apr." 25. The Germans have captured the village of Han sard, southeast of Amiens.- . The French lost the village and then re captured It and were finally again forced out, but hold the ground lm- i edlatel'y about. FI.AG f - S sa, join. GROWERS TO 1917 PRICES Will Turn (Her Mock at Price Pre vailing July SO, 1017, and avoid ' Commandeering ' Washington, Apr. 26. Th wool grower have agreed to turn over their antlr wool output to th Unit ed Bute government at ' price pre vailing for washed wool on July SO, 117. Th grower hav thus avoid ed government commndeerlng. Portland price on wool last ysar on August 1 were about a follow: Eastern Oregon, fine, 6 S to II cent per pound; coarse, 6S to 1 ; valley. 72 H to 76 cent; mohair, 60 to (S cent. Jefferson City, Mo:, Apr. 25 Gov ernor Gardner last night tendered to Champ Clark,-speaker of the house of representatives, . the ap pointment of senator, to succeed the late William J. Stone.. The gov ernor sent the following telegram to CUrk: ;!" : i 1 ! "I have the honor of tendering to you appointment aa senator to All vacancy cauaed by death of Senator Ston. I hop to hav early advice of your acceptance." , Not Decided Vet Washington, Apr. , 26. Speaker CUrk will not decide until tomor row whether he will resign to accept Governor '-Gardner' offer of . the senatorshlp 'to ' succeed , - 8enator Stone. IN ACTIVE FIGHIInG . Washington,. ,AT. , 2ri,-r4arine corps headquarters -announced today that the marines fighting in -France have had a total of 274 casualties, including 34 killed. Thia is the Brst official announce ment that the marine are takini part in active fighting. - r MOONEY ASKS DEATH OR NEW. FAIR -TRIAL '.! " i i.-.' Francisco,. Apr, San '26. Thomas Mooney Mued a 'statement from his cell today asking no commutation of sentence to life Imprisonment be made, hut that he either be hanged or granted a new trial, tit aald that he had 'not yet received 'a fair, honeaf trial. ' ' ' ,Sea.Ule,Apr. 25. The Central Labor Council has voted a call for a general atrike for 24 hour on May 1 a a demonstration in favor of Thomas Mooney. F IT WITH LI , Portland, ' l', i Apr. J 25. Federal agents today caught Jense App'e- ?ate, sheriff of Washington county, and John Bailey, vice president of the Hlllsboro commercial club, and Charles Buchanan, a Hlllsboro bus iness man, loading liquor into an au tomobile at Fano Btation. Each was sent to Jail 10 days and fined $250. It Is probable that the sheriff will resign. WHOLK .MifBKR HONOR FLAG TO BE UNFURLED FRIDAY KOON JOtiEPHIXK OOl-JITV OVKFUKI fU souBra uiiEirrv loaji QtOTA SLACKEfiS WILL GET ATTEITiO 5 Thoe Who Bare Not UveMed la Bond Will Hve (Iuusm to Eg. plain to Committee Josephine county' honor flag pre sented by th government for hav ing atuined it full qaoU in the Liberty loan campaign, will be nn furled from the flagstaff In the city square near the Southern ' Pacific depot Friday noon. The Liberty loan flag will be ran up nnder Old Glory and will atand a a mark ot patriotism and will tell the thotu- i and of people who pass through the city that this eounty ha done Its part In the matter or aupplylng funda to help fight th kalaer. ' Frank C. Bramweli, chairman of - the third Liberty loan campaign,"' state that tha bank hav now been more than reimbursed for the $40. 000 they advanced in making up the ' quota, and that over $108,000 la bonda have been eubacrtbed. , But the campaign 1 not ovr. ; The committee still haa' the names' ' of about 60 people who are ' able.' but who have not yet bought bond.' They ' will be allowed tto go . nntll about foar days before the-vd of ; the campaign. If they have neglect ed to buy by that time they will he waited on and given ait opportunity to subscribe. "The last three day of the campaign will be devoted to the slacker and no one will he allowed to pas If he I really able to hny a bond without giving a mighty good reason, "'The action of committee''' all over th country ahonld be suf ficient warning; to (lacker. - Chairman Bramweli said thia af ternoon that it ia not his intention to hurry anybody or to cause them' any annoyance. All he want la to' know that they subscribe.' But he ' states that he will' see to it that every person with the means doe" subscribe. - " - It has been decided that there will be no particular . celebration here Friday; The president s proc lamation was Intended a a boost for ' place which have not yet ?HW their quota. Thia county h alruady ,. gone over and another celebration so close to the big affair held here on ' April at the opening of the campaign ' would stale ' the '' holiday M; business. Mayor Demaray and oth-? era are of th opinion that the af- v fair would not be the thing, so all that .will occur tomorrow will be the unfurling of the honor flag at noon. ' U.J BRUGES RAIDERS MADE 1 ; ..-.j. A- n i? J- ! -:il. M i'l :'l ( I' Dover, Apr. 25. One of the most thrilling; incidents of the naval raid Tuesday wa the rescue' by-two Am-" eriran-huilt motor launches of near ly 200 member of the crews of two blockading cruiser sunk in the en trance of Bruges canal. The feat was accomplished Under heavy fire In less than Ave minutes. ' '' AKCH1USHOP JOHX IKKLAND MAY NOT RK.OOVEn HRAITH St. Paul. Apr. ; 25.-Physiclans hold grave doubts of the recovery of Archbishop John Ireland, who 'h3 suffered a relapse after his recent breakdown. It !s understood that his heart has become affected.