TAQKTWO DAILY ROGIK RIVEI) (XH RIKR WKDNHNKAV. AI'IUL 8, IMS. DAILY RQBUE RIVED COLT.IER published Dally Except Saturday A. K. VOORHIES, Pub, u4 Propr. toter4atttePostonea. Grants Pass, Or., as second class sail mailer. ADVERTISING RATES Display epaca, per Inch .. Jj Leal rpersonaleolama.parltns He n&dra. Mr ltae .. - DAILT COURIER By maU or carrier, par ysar....l0 n nr Mmar. ner moan., .v MEMBER Stat 'Editorial v Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Aaan MEMBER OF, ASSOCIATED PMC Ths Associated Preaa la xcluslrely atltled to ths u tor republication ot all newt dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In thia paper and alao the t-cat pub lished herein. All rlsata ot republication ot spe cial dlsDatchea herein are aleo raeerTed. WEDNESDAY, APRIL . 1018. t OREGON WEATHER . , . . Fair, cooler tonight, with light frosts. . . THURSDAY VBEAILESS 7tr nnwocuuu w'HIIIKv KfTV CM miAMJt KXM ' U UnUMM WHEAT Fancy Tasty Cu!!i Goods t IUPB AMI GHKK 014VK8 KWKKT. HOl'H AMI PILL PIOKIJC8 INDIA KKL1.SH AND 8. 8. P1CHLKH SWKKT M18TAHD I'lfKLKS KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY , ...' QUALITY MUST GERMANT AND KINGS Nearly tour years of it already, with millions of casualties, and still tha manhood of the German nation pours out Its blood like water. The losses In the past month during the present German offensive have been appalling, but the kaiser and Hln denbnrg and Ladendorff continue to end their men Into tha shambles. A recent order by Ludendorff, how aver, shows that the Germans rea lize now that the heavy, massed for mations are little more than bales of cannon and rifle fodder, and has Instructed the use of more open for mation. - ' In this last grea battle Germany has shed a sea of blood and shed It apparently, with as much willing ness aa the first red drops split In the exultation of the 1914 campaign. The men fallen In this greatest of battles have been animated, no doubt, to a large extent by. the thought of peace. They were led to believe that It would be the last ef fort, leading to victory. But that alone would not account for the fer vor with which they threw them selves, In dense masses, against the devastating guns of the allies, it was the old war fever of a martial nation, whose dominant Ideal la that of war. And It made the menace clearer than ever to all the, rest of the world. There Is a striking passage, of the same tenor. In James W. Gerard's "Face to Face .with ( the Kaiser" written before this campaign began. Pointing out the essentially militar istic, warlike nature of the German race, he says: "If the Prussian people themselves cling to their gods of war:., if the kaiser and crown prince fulfill their ideals; if the Prussian leaves the reins in the hands of these warlike taskmasters and refuses to join the other peoples In stamping out the devil of war, then the conflict must go on go on until the Germans get their stomachs full of war, until they forget their easy victories of the last century, until their leaders learn that war as a national industry does not pay, until their wealth and their trade have disappeared, until their ons are maimed and killed and their land waste, until the blinders fall front their eyes and they sicken of emperor and crown prince, ot the almost countless kings and grand dukea and princes, generals and ad ulrale, court marshals and chamber lains and majors and adjutants, cap- taint and lieutenants, who now, like Tat, green, distended files feed on the blood ot Germany." It is hardly necessary to explain, in America, that there la no advant age In offensive war for anybody ex cept those "men ot froth at the top and that, aa Mr. Gerard says, "it is this Infernal king business that Is responsible." The whole nation Is guilty, and still persists In tta evil course. But if It were not for warlike rulers. Germany would not have remained warlike. It ia kings and kaisers, wielding Inherited power, and ambi tious to maintain the martial tradi tions of their ancestors, who prevert the naturally aane, kindly hearts of their people and keep the masses from rising out of the brutal war- lust into the light ot genuine civilisation. If only those royal and Imperial gentry could be placed In the front line trenchea and mowed down by machine guns, as the men who die for them are mowed down! But they play safe. And so the rank and file, and plain Germans, must be slaugh tered and alaughtered until, the les son sinks home to the heart of the chastened nation, and by much blood letting Germany is freed from the Incubus of kings, and democracy elsewhere can live without fear. British casualties were consequently increased. Although the desperute fighting lu the breakwater resulted in severe casualties, the lossva In the desuerate exploit ot sinking our ships In the entrance ot the canal were very light, owing to the skill with which the relief ships were worked." London. Apr. St. In the British attack on the Belgian roast, accord ing to reports from the frontier transmitted by the Rotterdam corre spondent of the Dally Telegraph, several German batterlea at Ostend and Zeebruggee were silenced by the bombardment from the sea. There also waa much aerial fighting. The attack began at midnight, the report saya and until I o'clock In the morn ing the German batterlea fired con tinuously. , NOTICE OF DISSOLfTION OF PARTNERSHIP The partnership heretofore exist ing between G. H. Carner, Ed. H. Allen and H. U Stonaker, doing business under the name of Cranta Pass Lumber Company, la thia day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Ed. H. Allen retiring from the Arm. Hereafter the business will be con ducted by G..H. Carner and II. L. Stonaker under the name of Grants Tats Lumber Company, who will re pay all debts of the company. . celve payments of all accounts and Slgnvd, 0. H. CARVER, ED. H. ALLEN. H. L. STONAKER. Grants Pass, Oregon, April 23, 1918. , '46 COrXTV TRKASl KKR'8 CALL FOR GENERAL WARRANTS People who continue to Inquire why, when corn is so much more plentiful than wheat, we cannot ship corn to Europe. The principal rea son, as explained by the food admin istration, Is a simple one the corn germinates and spoils on an ocean voyage, and the wheat doesn't. BMEESMM1 (Continued from' Page 1) All Josephine county general war rants Issued prior to September 1st. 1912, and protested prior to that date, are hereby called In, and are payable at the county treasurer's of fice on or after the 25th, day or April. 1918, on which date Interest will cease. GEO. S. CALliOUN, 5 County Treasurer. that nothing should be viewed as lm possible until it has been tried out. London," Apr. 24. The return .of a damaged British cruiser with its decks torn open Is described in dis patches from Dover. Few of , the crew escaped injury of some kind, while many bodies were brought back and placed reverently In a tern porary Mortuary. The survivors were greeted with hearty cheers from excited crowds who had sought news of the light since they were awakened Monday midnight by the sound of the heavy gunfire. While the action was in progress, the tremendous explosions were violent enough to shake build ings in Dover, v King George has telegraphed his congratulations to Admiral Keyes. Londan, Apr. 24. Two destroyers got inside the mole at Zeebruggee and Mew up the dock gate, the cor respondent at Dover of the Dally Mull reports. The feat, he says seems" Incredible, but there appears to be, no doubt about It. . Some of the men who took part In It nay tliey saw the waters of the Bruges canal running out after the gate was des troyed and the vessels In the dock straining at their hawsers. Reviewing the raid the Dally Tele graph correspondent says: "It was smooth and the wiid fav orable, but unfortunately the wind changed after the operation was be gun with the result that the ingen iously devised smoke screen was less effective than was hoped for and the STUMEZE Stops Stomach Distress Miami, Fla "I never took so small an amount of medicine that relieved me so much. Your STU MEZE took the bloat from my stom ach, stopped ita nervous trembling and I felt so much better. I will praise it's virtues wherever I go." Carrie Davis, 206 Harner Ave. Bod ily health is necessary these stren uous days. No man or woman cun be healthy who allow food to sour and ferment In the stomach and thus poison the blood. Neglect means misery; get a bottle of STUMEZE today If your stomach hurts. This reliable stomach medicine offers yon relier from the ills that beset you. For sale and guaranteed by all druggists. Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Present Incumbent GEORGE LEWIS Candidate for Republican iNominee for SHERIFF Present Incumbent C. E. HARMON Candidate for Republican Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Prissailes May 17 r. f 1 . f;r ' ,- V. ; ri v 7' . A v. t f " ) - . r' . w. ... , "an ( i i i M hi rl 1 7 r WoFftln Fighting Foir ( HALL this little girl grow up in the sort of American home we know, healthy and happy? Shall she have the advantage of living and learning in a free land, under free in stitutions ? Shall such children develop into the Liberty-loving citizens that a free America may4 be proud of? For over two hundred, years Americans have fought valiantly, and died gallantly, to win for themselves and hand down to their posterity the blessings of liberty, justice, self-government and equal opportunity. This precious heritage, bought at so great a price, is now threatened. The question which today confronts America as a nation, and you as an individual, is whether or not a free America is worth fighting for Are American children in this and all future generations to receive unimpaired the legacy of freedom of which we are now the custodians, or shall their country be turned over bodily to the brutal, rapacious, power-mad enemy which has forced us into this war?' This question cannot be answered by word of mouth, but by deeds alone. ' LIBERTY BONDS! THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY COLLINS AUTO CO. Let Your Answer Be Your Investment in