t AG! TWO ItAtLT ROOm RTVKR CVH'RIKR Fltllt.tr, APIUI, IH, lOIH. DAY ME HQ corai r-ubllsaed Dally Cxcapt Saturday V K. VOORH1K3, Pub, tad Propr. alared at tha Poatofflce. Grants Pasa, Or., aa aaeono' elaat mall natter. ADVERTISING RATES Dlaala? spaea, P ; ,15c Local orperaonaleolumn.parllne 10c Bxilm nar Uaa.......... DAJLT COURIER By mail or carrier, par year M.0 By mall or earrlar. par month.. . MBMBER Stat' Editorial Association Oregon Dally Newspaper Pub. Assa. MEMBER Of ASSOCIATED PRESS th. l..nilta4 PrrM la exclusively aoUtltd to tha a a for republication of a'.l news dispatches cradltad to It n. AtharwlM erlllad lB thlS papar and alao tha S cal news pub- Uahe nrrarn. All rlshts of republication of spa elal dispatches herein ara also raaerved. FRIDAY, APIUL 10. IMS. OKMiON YVEATHElt Fair, frost In the east por- Uon tonight: moderta winds, tnoatly easterly. IS IT WORTH WHILE? Thla la tha aeaaon of the year when many a boy begins to look with dread upon his books, studies and tha con finement or tha school room. That Is a story aa old at tha history ol education, tor nearly any normal, healthy boy would rather be out In the woods, fishing along the river or swimming "in the ole swimmin' hole" than sitting stupidly Inactive In a close school room. All this Is natural and Inevitable and it only re mains for the kindly encouragement of teacher and parent to keep the ac tive American boy on the right track. In Germany the stern schoolmaster sees to it that all ara present and there Isn't halt the fun in German schools that the American boy en joys. But that isn't the point Just here Every spring a number of youths completing the eighth grade or high school get It Into their heads that they have gone far enough, and with tha first sfga of a whisker the Idea begins to seep In that any additional effort spent In school la a waste of timet and money. Why should they be In school, they think, when Jobs paying two and three dollars a day, mora or less, are beckoning them? Wa have seen that force to be mora compelling In taking boys from their studies than the necessity of helping to provide a livelihood for a large family or tor a widowed moth er. There Is generally some way out if the right kind of stuff la back In the boy's bead. (Seldom does the boy under 1 8 rea Hie what a superior advantage the educated man has In this world over the entrained brain. Most of them, like the slesta-tndolgtng Mexican, dreams nnder his banana tree where his father makes the living and lets today take care of Itself with never a worry about the fnture. Never was a better Illustration afforded of the value of a colleire or hlsh school tralnln? than Is at hand rl?ht now where hundreds and thousands of college graduates are being soneht by the government at salaries rang ing from fl.200 to $10,000 a year to take charge of Important work in connection with the war. Men with an accredited hlsh school diploma are In demand at salaries as high as I8.BO0 a year. But they must he trained, efficient men. and many a waster has been heard to make the remark that "if I had enough education I would try for one of those Jobs." Green Peas and Hew Potatoes IM.K4HK OIUtKIt KAKI.Y WINMNliKTAUT IWllllAUK STIUWHKHUY Kill UAIUl KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY gl'ALITY FIRST Fi A By thla time It is too late. Their school days are over and but very few can ever pick up from where they left off and catch up with their wiser brethern. It is the sad lesson that they learn too late. Aside from the fact that every day spent In school Is valued at some thing like $11 up to the time of fin ishing high school, and more than that for a college degree, the getting of an education ta worth the effort from the standpoint of the added enjoyments that one gets out of life. To the boy who Is about to commit homicide to a future auecessful ca reer by cutting his education off at the pockets, a word of caution Is given. A decision now may mean the difference between a $1,000 Job and a $5,000 Job at 40 years of age. If yon buy out of town and I buy out of town and we buy out of town and they bay out of town, who in the deuce la left to buy In town? Don't, worry, leave It to Foch. When the French atrateglst gets frightened it will be time enough for us to despair. Vote for the library and tell your friends about It. MEXICO TRIES UNCLE E STUMEZE Slops Stomach Distress Miami, Fla., "I never took so small an amount or medlclue (hat relieved me so much. Your STU MEZE took the bloat from my stom ach, stopped Its nervous trembliuf and I felt s much better. 1 will praise It'a virtues wherever I go." Carrie Davis, 20 llarner Ave. Bod ily health Is necessary these stren uous days. No man or woman can be healthy who allow food to sour and ferment In the stomach and thus poison the blood. Neglect means misery; get a bottle of STl'MKZK today If your stomach hurts. This reliable stomach metliclne offers you relief from the ilia that beset you. For aale and guaranteed by all druggists. VOI R FIFTY DOLLAR LIBERTY HON1I IN ACTION . It will protect 1.000 soldiers from small pox and 686 from typhoid. It wHl asure the safety of 139 wound ed soldiers from lockjaw, the germs of which swarm In Belgian soli. It will render painless 400 opera tions, supply I miles of hamlmes enough to bandage 555 wounds. It will care for 160 injuries In the way of "first-aid packets." It will furnish adhesive plaster and surgical game enough to bene fit thousands of wounded soldiers. Every purchaser of a Liberty loan bond performs a distinct Individual service to his country and to our boys fighting In France. All kinds of leal blanks at the Courier. El Paso. Texas, Apr. IS. "The t'nited States has gone to the very limit In dealing with Mexico In an effort to maintain friendly relational with that country." Secretary Wil liam G. McAdoo declared last night j to an audience which completely fill ed Liberty hall, the new county ati-j ditorium. which has a seating ra pacity of 5.O00. "There. Is not the slightest reason why we should not continue at peace with Mexico, if Germany will only keep her meddling spies out of that republic," the secretary continued. "But Germany, In trying to deal with Mexico, and give her the states of Arirona, New Mexico and Texaa. reckoned without Uncle Sam. I would like to see the autocratic ty rant that could wrest three stars from the American flag. I would even be curious to see the despot j that could even Imagine he could wrest the Lone Star state from this anion." North American Birds. A recent onus of North American birds shows an Increase of 12S specie aod subspecies since 1910. But though there are really new birds In the list, many of them belong to subspecies, op to this time aarecofnlxad. Keep your money at home If you are building u"e Beaver Portland Cement which la manufactured at Gold Hill, Oregon, and la guurun tevd by the manuftxtorcn to bo strictly high grado In every vsprrt. You can luy this from your local dealer The Oregon Cement Sewer Pipe A Tile Co. Beaver Portland Cement Co. WashlnKton. Apr. l&. Tbe fed eral farm loan system has been In ai'tlvs operation Just a year, and has (I c in mi st rated that It la a success, according to a business summary Is sued hy the farm loan board. About :,S00 national farm loan associa tions have been Incorporated, repre senting about tour associations to each five rountlea In (he country. Tha associations have an average of 20 members, representing a total membership of about 66.000 farmer borrowers. "The twlve (ederal loan banks have received applications for over 120,000 loans, amounting to about $300,000,000," says the board's statement. "Many of these applica tions have been rejected, reduced or withdrawn. About 80,000 loans have been approved, amounting to over tlfio.noo.ooo, and on over SO, 000 of these loans money baa been paid to the farmers to the amount of about $so. OOii.OOO. 8m loans ap proved were for reduced amounts which the borrowers declined to ac cept. "Notwithstanding the unusual ex penses Incident to the operation of new machinery and to the appraise. ment and determination of title on many lonna that have not yet been closed, the eipense of the banka In doing business bus been within such limits aa to Justify the expectation of the farm loan board that these banks will easily be able to operate on a difference of one-half of .one per cent between the loaning rate and the rate which they pay on their bonds. , "None of the banks! of course, re- Whnt Is the main difference between a big duck in a littlo puddle and a little duck In a big puddle? The size of the puddle! VK IM NOT ( I..MM TO UK A llHi )t ( K! AMI YKT : AUK TOO OM IX TIIK MK.V7 Itt SINKMS TO UK STYLKI A 11 KI.IXG! WK ARK TIIKREFOHF.. JI ST A M KIM I'M SIZKH IHTK IN A MKIMl'M hlKIt I't DIH.K! MAKING A RIG NOISK AIMMT OIR WARES HE GOOI, XMK HERE- FOR GOO! MEATS AND AVE WILL .MAKE noon with ttie oooi J U VJ U -Ja mm q KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT LIQUIDS AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHm, TAN. DAMN DROWN OR OX-DLOOD SHOES. PtmCXVS TMI MATHER. t fwl I y ftAlUY COKWIATIOWS. UWm. SWTmo.lTv The City Market tO:l O STREET PHONE JW Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for Nominee for COUNTY CLERK lmteot Incumbent GEORGE LEWIS Candidate for Republican Nominee for SHERIFF i'rrwent Incumbent C. E. HARMON Candidate for Republican Nominee for COUNTY CLERK Primaries .May 17 S. LOUGHRIDGE, M.D. Candidate for Republican Nominee for CORONER i'n-M-nl Incumlx-nt Only once In llie pnM two yeum hns trnn"r'a free l-rs) charged. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen PRACTICAL, I IEALT1 IFUL, ECONOMICAL GARMENTS FOR SMALL CHILDREN Practical Because lliry arc made in one piece, and can be slipped on and oft instantly. They fit and look well, and yet loose and comfortable in cvety pari. Healthful Far superior to bloomers. No light clastic bands to slop llie free circulation of blood and retard freedom of motion. Economical Saving wear on Ihe good clollirt saving washing so well made lliat lliry arc oillgrown long be fore they are worn out. $1.00 the suit everywhere OVERALLS ' Accept no other garment Made of Indigo dyed blira drniin, and genuine blue and while hnkmy itritK-s. AU ligV.cf wciKlil. fail-color material in a an iy of p!r.v;ng dniims all appropriulcly tiimmcd wiili i.ul col r g.tLtca. All garments ni.ulo in Dukh neck with elKow sleeves or high nok and long sleeve. Foldct (in colon) showing diiterent materials sent free on request. Suet I to 8 years. f if V Sri ' . Ihti t4Mf tWj HjMsWJy S0 IsWfV. U j mtnfi la ftM, If kift cj ft torn tin j, A New Suit If Look for this red woven label Take no substitute ilsJt sml Cutrsnttfd by LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN FRANCISCO KOVERALLS Rta.u.s.PAT.orr. LEVI STRAUSS & CO. SAN fRANClSCO.CAL Isvwsls srs eaanhs tks gutt rtlH at las Psassvs-rstini Istsrsstlsssl ttsssitlsa. Mh. W "Fnim-AU"f!km iw lmMl tor - in i coked any appreciable income from their business during the tlrst half of the year, but during the last half the biiHincsM of the Spokane Federal loAn bank, for example, w.is sufll- clwntly profitable to cniua with about $10,000 of wiping; out the excess ni expenses Int iirrcd in thw first half, and the volume of business on Its books ass.ires it a handsome sur plus (or the second year. . "Every , borrower, when he tnke out his loan, makes a silm rli'tlnn which Increases the stock of the fed eral land bank to the extent of flvo per cent of the amount borrowed. These stork subscriptions of hoi rov ers'. In Ihe case of scverul of tha banks, are now so larxe that, In ao cordun e with the provision of tha 'net, the retirement of the original stork of the banks, which was prin cipally subscribed by tha govern 'ment, wltl hesrln within a few months." nHICHESTtiM S PILLS W 1 UK .i . i, . I, I, KAMI. a f-iijCOv I'lli.i. II. I . ... ,.v Y - -J I' 4il -HI, I'', W M "vl Tk - n, tw v 1 " ra ' " "i t in -Tr r fun n rv niiiniiMs rvrcvuHi we Everything for the Auto C. L HOBART CO. J "i mwvmvuw mnni ttnutl One Hundred and Forty-Two Years of Labor and Struggle TTIE American people fought their first battle (or liberty and the rights of telf government one hundred and forty two yean ago. I At that tone, and for many years (hereafter, their realization of their national aspirations and of the goal toward which they were really striving was ngue and indiitinct But step by step they struggled oaward and upward toward a light which sjrew clearer as their eyes and minds slowly opened to its significance. Today, at a result of their strug gles and their sacrifices, we possess and enjoy our priceless American institutions. J These mitilutiom must be preserved. The structure to laboriously reared in these one hiav dred and forty-w0 yean wiD be utterly destroyed if we do not spring (o its defense with every atom of our energy and determination. This it not a situation which Fw be tilled with, of evaded, or put off. I: i- r,-. w!,;.J, i.unl he met now today no pi.. i r . i.Vcs il may entail, or what the co i i ; The imme diate need is the invest ment of oar money in LIBERTY BONDS! , e Thl Epcrc 7 Dr. F. H. Ingram i