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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1918)
""Hy of Or,,. I j , ran DAILY EDITION VOU VIII., No. !). OHAMT83 f AO, JOttEPHINI OOUHTT. ORJDOON, Till lUilMV, AI'ltIL, IN. IUIH. WHOLE Nl MBEIt 3M. I'M 1 REGISTRATION BOOKS CLOSE FOR PRIMARIES TOTAL WILL I'ltOHAIlLY K.X KKI S,7AO AM HIIOWH LITTLK (UAMUIC HU)M 1014 CANDIDATES fllE PET1TSDHS Oxtntj Clerk (hil (Mite ( iiutmtix! Tha Far. lint Other right May IeTolop , Just on mor month until the primary election. Yesterday , the registration hooka closed and will ant open again until after the prl tnarln. While accurate figures arc not yet obtainable, County Clerk K. L. Ceburn slates that the rfKUl ra tion fix urea will run In about J, 760. In Kit there were 3.7(1 registered, divided aa followi: Republicans, 3.350; dtnnrrata. 1,011; other parties, SUM, At that tlma Ihe mala registration wa 62.8 per rnt of tha total and the female waa 17. 1 per cent. Tha lima for filing nominating patltlona also expired yesterday with th fottowlng entered In tha rare: For commissioner, our year term. W. F. McCab. Merlin: for sheriff. Geo. W. Lewis, rapubllrart: treasurer. Geo. 8. Calhoun, republl ran: coroner, Dr. 8. Loughrldge, re publican; clerk. R. I.. Coburn, and 0. K. Harmon, of tare Station, both republican; representative, C A. Bid ler, republican. All candidate ex cept Harmon and McCabe live In Grants Pass. The following precinct committee men candldalea also filed: Grants Pasa. No. 1.0. S. Blanchard: No. I. Frank M. South; No. 5. Oeo. W.- Col vlg; No. 6. Herbert Smith; No. 7. Frank C. Bramwell: No. II, George 8. Barton; No,. 4, J. F. Hurke. No dam ocrata have filed for any position. In addition to those filed at the court house, Fred A. Williams, of this city, has filed his candidacy for the office of public aervlce commls aloner to succeed Frank J. Miller, and will make a hard race for the place. The Hague, Apr. 18. A aeries of articles on the "Chemical Industries of the United Statea" has been ap pearing; In the Chemlker Zeltung. The series closes In the latest num ber of tha review with an outline of measure which Germany should take to meet American competition after the war, particularly In the field of dye and organlo chemistry. LIBERTY LOAN RETURNS ARE SATISFACTORY Washington, Apr. 18. Liberty loan subscriptions this morning to talled $1,059,000,000. Washington, Apr. 18. The first preparations for the fourth Liberty loan, which will occur next October or November, are being ' made. It la suggested that pasteboard buttons be used, saving the celluloid and steel for more Important war work. London, Apr. 18. ,Rlotlng attend ed the breaking up of an antl-con-snrlptlon meeting In lleUsst yester day according to a dispatch. Re volvers were utiea y tne ponce, wno thousand persons participated In the meeting, which was caned uy iw in bnr party. CYCLOPS 1YSTERY STILL IS PUZZLE Cliwe Wafch lUtraln No Tr.4V oinmiiml.-r, Wife tJlvr Myster ious AnuoiiiicMtiriil Washington. Apr. 1 f .-Diligent search by naval and merchant ships hava failed to disclose the slightest trace of the missing naval collier Cyclops, and with the passing of the 4 lib day alma tha veasel sailed from llarbadoea for an Atlantic port, be lief Is growing at the navy depart ment that In aome way ahe has been destroy d, or captured by th enemy. How thla coutd have happened, no one professes to know, but officials regard It as almost Impossible that any accident could have caused the sea to swallow up tha big 11. 000-ton vessel and 198 persona on board. without leaving a trace, Roma think that aooner or later an enemy an nouncement will clear tip the my- tery. Publication of a dlspstch from San Francisco, quoting Mrs. A. M. Anger mann, sister of IJutnant-Com- mander O. W. Worley. commanding officer of the Cyclops, as saying their family name waa Wlchtmann. and that her brother waa horn In Ger many, and ram to America aa a child led to an examination today of Commander Worley'a record at the navy department. Tim Mystery ItrriMMut Norfolk: Va.. Apr. 18. Mri. Sel- man W. Worley. wife of Lieutenant- Commander George W. Worley. com mander of the missing naval collier Cyclopa, came to a local newspaper offlce and declared that the mystery surrounding the dissppearsnce of the ship and Its 298 passengers-and crew would be cleared up within the next 84 hours. In one ststement. Mrs. Worley la quoted as saying the Cvclnos waa aaf In a South Ameri can port, and an .official announce- ment regarding th vessel would oe made shortly. Mrs. Worley Is known to hav vis lied families here who have relatives ik. .hi,. nrf told them not to VII lliv worry aa the mystery soon would d cleared. Mr.. Worley visited the newspaper office to request the suppression of an Interview she had given about her husband's change of name and his birth In Germany, "I will he able to Rive a bigger story tomorrow." she said, and when pressed for additional information, she added: "Yon know there are other ships at sea." "Hove von any reason to believe the Cyclops Is safe?" she was asked. "Yes," was her reply. Statement 'a INnied tt'nyhinirton. Anr. 18. At the n.v. rfpiisrtment It was said that nothing had been heard to confirm Mr. Wnrlev'a statement about tne Cyclops being safe In a South Amer ican pbrt. The department reiterat ed the atatement that nothing had been heard of the Cyclopa sine It left the Barhadoes. ' L STREET RESIDENCE The thrllla of a real fire were en joyed last evening shortly alter 7 o'clock when flames broke out in the "Link" McOrew house; on I street Just eutit of Sixth. The Are started from u dufectlve flue over the kitchen and for u time it appear ed thut the entire structure wan doomed to unhiMi. Hut the timet) work of a neighbor with a garden huse kept the flumes confined and with tho urrlval or the fire depart ment t!io cntlro dnngor passed and the cIiciuIcmI quickly smothered the blsta. '" J , The umounl of tho loss will not ')c (ie.;t. it lunlili.'.rt t.l a li.trned of.; : ami' II "1." of tin1 b.illu In nnd iujiw dtnnnp tu tH; kitchen. II OP BATTLE-SWINGS F R01NEI Germans Recapture VYytschaete ad Metcrai and extend W . I at? ass. . - - righting to the Yser, bat British Held Well; French Forces Coming into the Struggle ia Great Naders Uy Associated Press General Sir Douglas lialg reports that th lln today la Intact a it ex isted yesterday morning. No ground was lost yesterday except what had been recaptured by counter-attacks, th Oermana turning their attention to th southwesterly sector of the Ly battlefield. After the heavy bombardment be tween Locon and Kebecq. the enemy will apparently try to widen tha southern side of the wedge in the British line. At Locon the Oer mana are only three miles north of Ilethune, an Important railroad cen ter. (icirmaiis Tse Krrnh Troop With the Ilrltlah Army,. Apr. 18. Th Oermana brought up fresh divi sions for tha hard thrusts which they mad yesterday. Although th Brit ish were unable to hold Wytschate and Metern. which they recaptured by a brilliant counter-attack, they beat off the enemy elsewhere and SiAHTS PASS TO GET TOIL REDUCnOJI TKl.ttl'IIOMC IIATM TO UK lM'KK.,Hr:i hinv titbits Nmrlre ( ommlM.xi Orders) Italitnfcin llriwera Omnia Ihuw and Meitfori! Salem. Apr. 18. The public ser vice commission today ordered re ductions In telephone toll rates to be effective April 21 between several Oregon cities and towns. "Particular person" rates were fixed aa follows, involving a reduc tion of flv cents In each case:, . Albany to Corvallls. ten cents for the first minute and live cents for each additional; Ashland to Grants Pass, 2R cents for the first minute and 10 cents additional; Aahland to Medford. IS cents for the first min ute and flv cent addition; Grant Pass to Medford, 80 centa for th first minute and 10 centa additional minute. London, Apr. IS, The losses to British shipping by mine dr submar ine In the past week totalled 15, ac cording to the admiralty report. Eleven of these merchantmen were 1,600 tons or over and four' under that tonnage. One fishing vessel al so was sunk. Twelve vessels were unsuccessful ly attacked. The arrivals numbered 2.211; sailings, 2.456. In the previous week only six Brit ish merchant ships were sunk by mine or submarine, four of them of more than 1,600 tons. TWO IH K OK VKA II AKTKK Vl AltltKI, Lebanon, Mo.. Apr. 18. A. A. Webstor nnd his son-in-law, Perry N'aylor, qtinrrelod last night. Web ster was shot and slightly wounded and Naylor was stabbed and slight ly wounded. Fearing he had killed his son-in-law, Webster rushed Into hla own home and dropped dead from fright. Nnylor, thlnHlng he wbb rospnniillile for Webster's death, then shot nnd killed hlmnelf. E rooms maintained their line throughout the night. Ilrltlh llirfd luKmlly london. Apr. 18. Southeast of Kemmel hill th Oermana last night pressed back th British line slight ly, but a counter-nttack restored the situation. No change took place on tha British front during the night. The British repulsed three attacks In the Ballleul sector. (It waa reported yesterday that Mt. Klmmel, on the southern end of Messlnes ridge had been captured. I but thla was evidently a mistake.) Langemarck, Passchendaele and I Poelcspello, which Berlin reports tpat th Oermana have occupied. were scenes of desperate fighting In tncBritun advance last summer when the British gained Messlnes ' ridge. Submarine sank 11 British ves sel of over 1,600 tons last week. Only four were sunk the previous week. GERMAN UPS SLAY WOMKX AM (HILDItK.N KILI.KI) ItY MACHIXK (J I X Villain f XovoarJkl Hcirta Armed Inquisition of Money and' Pays Heavy IVnalty Moscow, Apr. 18. Because peas ants of the village of Novoselki, In Mohlev, resisted the armed requisi tion of money by German troops and killed an officer, the Germans burn ed the village and placed machine guns around it and fired upon the inhabitants. Including women and children, killing many of them. The Russian minister of foreign affairs protested to Germany against the atrocity. SHOEMAKER ARRESTEO Frank McDonald, who has been employed for the past few week In Hayes' shoe shop, was arrested this morning by Sheriff Lewis on a war rant issued In San Francisco charg ing him with assaulting two police men with the Intent to do great bodily harm. A brother, Modest McDonald, la also wanted on the same charge, but he left a few days ago for Seattle. Sheriff Lewis tele graphed to that place today. McDonald has a wife and two chil dren living on B street. His side of' the story and that of his wife has something to do with the al leged efforts of certain parties in San Francisco to force his wile into a house of 111 fame. McDonald is said to have resented the Inference and trouble started. When the of ficers came to arrest him he said he took the gun away from one and then got hla billy club, with which he beat up the cop and another of ficer who came to his aid. He was arrested and lodge In Jail, but was later let out on bonds. While thus out he arid his broth er, who was In the flght, left the country, nnd It Is suspected that that is the renl reason ' for the war rant served here today. iirai ID TO TREASURER Attorney Ainrrnl Itule Irrigation IHntrfc-t Fonda Hhoold be Handled By County Treasurer Th Courier Is In receipt of a copy of a letter containing a deci sion from th offlc of Attorney Gen eral Oeo. M. Brown with regard to th transfer of fund from th treas urer of an Irrigation district In Jef ferson county to th eonnty treasur er. By his decision Mr. Brown con cludes that all fund should be tnrn ed over to th eonnty treasurer. In a much a the decision I of Interest to this locality the text I herewith, published In fall. Salem, Ore., Apr. 15, 1918. Honorable Bert C. Boylsn, District Attorney, Madras, Oregon. ' Dear Sir: This la in reply to your letter of April 18th. In which yon request an opinion as to whether the treasurer of the Buttle Lake Irrigation district elected pursuant to Section S Chap ter 189 Laws of 1915 I succeeded by th county treasurer nnder Sec tion 12 Chapter 357 Law of 1917. Section 49 of Chapter 857. Gen. esal Laws of 1917, make any irrt gatlon district organized prior to th enactment of Chapter 357 sub ject to ssld chapter so far as appll cable. Said section reads In part as follows: , "Nothing In this act shall be o construed a to affect the validity of any district heretofore organised on der the laws of this state, or It right In or to property, or any of Its rights or privileges of whatsoever kind or nature, but said districts .are hereby mad, aubject to the prevision of thl act so far aa applicable; nor ahall a defect Impair or discharge any contract, obligation, lien or charge for or upon which It wa or might become liable or chargeable had not thla act been passed. ..." Section 28 of said chapter pro vide that: "Claims against the district shall be submitted to the holrd npon vouchers, and npon order of the board, such vouchers shall be ap proved by the president and secre tary of the board, and shall be filed with the county clerk who shall draw warrants In payment thereof. The county treasurer ahall pay auch war rants If there be fnnds available for that purpose, and If no funds are available for spch purpose, the coun ty treasurer shall so endorse the warranta. and from the date of such endorsement such warrants shall bear Interest at a rate of not to ex ceed 7 per cent per annum until paid, or until uotlce shall have been given that fund are available for the payment of outstanding war rants, or any such" warranta." Section 12 of said chapter pro vides in part that: " . . . . The county treasurer of the county In which the petition for the organisation of the district was filed, ahall be ex-ofllclo treas- (ContJnud oa pat t.) VANCOUVER GETS NEW L . . . , , , . i founded at Gtessen. It Is Intended Portland, Apr. 18. Colonel Brlcei,., , . , . . , " ' "to foster German inventive technlc- P. D sqne has announced that a new I . . . M , , . . . . ,nl work by the selection and promo- Aa . nlnut will Vh a asamIaiI Van. 1 " methods and accelerated logging operations, finished material to be used in the construction of 800 air planes Is being turned out dally. This la shipped elsewhere for manufac ture. sua Kit im.L is PASSKD UY SKNATK Washington, Apr. 18. The ad ministration bill for the withdrawal from, circulation of $350,000,000 in silver to be melted into bullion to meet foreign trade balances, pnssed . the senate today without roll tall. ; AMERICANS IN CONTROL OF MAIJW YAJIkvEK TKOOPM O.V LOKltAISg SECTOR SCXHT INMOIArtTKU IX NO MAVS LAND BELGIANS M 600 PRISONERS Throat Out of IWUooa Oaptared oa the Yaer aad Vom Officers aad Mea , With the American Army la France, Apr. 18. On th Lorraine sector the Americans control No Msn's land. They mak nightly vis its to th enemy entanglement without resistance, making maps and taking observation. With th British Army, Apr. 18. The German's attack extended yester day to the Tser region held by th Belgian. The Germans gained a footing In advanced positions but were thrown out after all-day fight ing. The Belgian took 600 pris oners. Including officers from four different divisions. Ottawa, Apr. 18. A Renter dis patch says that the French ar heavily In action on the northern battle area. Paris. Apr. 18. There were heavy bombardment Wednesday north of Montdtdler. according to the war of fice announcement bat no Infantry action. The text of the statement read: "There were no Infantry attacks during the course of the day. The enemy violently bombarded onr first lines and several villages In th re gion north of Montdtdler. Onr bat teries counter-shelled the enemy ar tillery and carried out attacks od five German positions. On April II and 16 four German airplanes war brought down. It is confirmed that two additional machines were des troyed April 12. "Eastern theater. April 1. On th left bank of the Struma near Keuprt and Prosenlk, 15 kilometer souths of Demtr-HIssar. the British patrols engaged In numerous com bats with Bulgarian advanced posts and brought back prisoners. The enemy attempted two surprise at tacks which failed completely at the Cerna Bend and west of Monastlr. Reciprocal artillery actions took place In, the Cerna bend. In the Mon astlr sector and In the region of the lakes." "Belgian communication This morning the Germans attacked In force our system of advanced posts between Le Blanckaert pond and the Tpres road, and succeeded in secur ing a foothold In a number of onr positions, but energetic counter-attacks by our troops drove them out. About 600 prisoners remained In onr hands." Copenhagen. Apr. 18. A German Institute of Inventions has been ition of persons endowed with Inven tlve talent." Prises are to be of fered for the solution of Important problems. . . . , . TO AUTRO-GERMAN COLONY Washington. Apr. 18. Carrying out their plan to make Ukraine an AuBtro-German colony, the central powers Intend to dissolve the rada and install an Austro-German gov ernment. It Is reported to the state department. :