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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1918)
r.UiK FOl'lt It.llLV ltOGlK Hlti: OOllllMt UMiNNrtUAY, AIMUI. IT. Im. i I 1 I : PER52NdL LOCAL j George Lundburg left last night for Portland on a business trip. Mrs. J. A. Smith left this after soon tor Reno, Nev. "Absorblne Jr." Sabln has It. ST Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bryal return 4 tblf afternoon from Roseburg. where they spent several month. . Maida lamps at Rogue River Hdw. Mr. and Mr. Wiu. Trimble weut to Bray today to tpnd the iummi at the mllla. , Tli Oxford cafe gives moat for your money. 37 Mist Genevieve Pattlllo returned this afternoon from Portland, railed koine on account of the (linens of her mother. Bar a bond Clean np and paint p. Alabastine at Rogue River Hard- war Co. 41 N OeII Falaul, Wm. Gross and Cane Gross, of Lansing. Mich., were In the county for a time looking up land. They left this afternoon for Jackson county. The Oxford cafe for choice steaks, roasts, chops, with delicious pastry aad coffee, prepared by an expert chef. Noon lunch or o'clock dln- er SS cents. S7 Boy a bond Clean up and paint p. Rogue RlTer Hardware Co. ells Aetna Quality floor paint. 41 Rer. D. D. Dodge, presiding elder of the Free Methodist church, re turned last night from a trip to Sac ramento and Dorrla. He was ac companied by his son. Carl, who has boon away for the past six months. Electric supplies at Rogue RlTer Hardware. tf Ctiinnncka Arrive I Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chlnnork aad daughter arrived her yesterday morning and are staying at the New Josephine until their home on Lawn ridge Avenue Is finished. Mr. Chin sock has taken offices In the Fret National Bank building, where he will conduct bis law business. Waltln Woman Nhi Mrs. K. 8. Kslerly. of Waldo. Is In the city today doing some shopping. Are Vint Tied to the Tub? Electric Washer will release yu. Special demonstrstlon this wek. Phone St. SS HnNikliiK" Man VMt J. Emlert. of Brooking, la a vis itor In the city today. Ihftintrr Now Reenter now and be aliU to vote. Reglatratlon books close at 5 p. m. April 17, lit. K I.. Colmrn. coun ty clerk. S7 rrm frrwvat City O. P. GUI. of Crescent City, spent the night here. Ita'k on J oh . C. King, of Medford, the pio neer traveling man, la In the city to day after being laid up at hla home In Medford for the past month. F.Wtrte Wiring Paul's Electric Store. Medford. Ore. Orders may be placed through power company office. 60 Here Front Medford O. O. Allenderfer and J. J. Rurhter of Medford, arrived In the city yes terday. G. V. nirkland Is also here from Medford. Iteturacoi Mum North Miss Anne McCormlck, food dent ouktrstlon expert lor the gowrn- r:V TOKsV ICLAMIFIEI) AU RAVKU. H w - - - i ivwitKifii a . gt w uieol, relumed to the city lat night 'words, two lasne. 3&e; si issues. U.'W, UU UIUUIH. . , MIIVII iait IS advance V hen iui isld iu adtence. from points north. Ftuu y Potatoes If )ou waul some fancy potatoes phoue Dr. Flanagan. ,1.35 per a k, i jc per line per Issue ) ltHrt AU It. f. V The knLMug department of (he Red Cross received a shipment of yarn this week. The military relief committee, having charge of all aup piles, requesla the kultters to report each month on all yarn taken out before the i!tih as the committee la asked to end to headquarm.s b the 10th of each month the number KOtt 8AI.K-J2 line sheep, wool and lamb crop thrown In, $1,000. J. j SlmerWIIe. H.igue Itlver. Ore. IX FOR KKNT A nicely furnished modem cottage, 5 rooms, water, gas, electric lights, at reetoiiaulu1 price, 307 C street. See N. K. Townsend. ll A. 41 WILL TRADK my driving horse tor i0 Uberty bond or price of one. II. C. Uwton. carrier ltd. 3. phone J47-Y. St of completed garments ou liaud. Thls!rtK aA,,K or purpose, reg inclmles the knitted garments. IUs(itrr Now- Only two dsys more In which to, register. Do It now. E. U Coburn. county clerk. lit The Ntam ami Slri I jonn aauer received today a cop" ot the "Stars and Stripes," a soldier paper published in Paris, "by, of and for the soldiers." sent by his son. riorlan member ot the I'. S. marine rorpe, for several months past do ing police duty In Paris. The paper contains a humorous article from the pen of 8cth Bailey, headed "llarberlng over here not like home variety." The "Stars and Stripes" Is essentially American in Its matter and make-up, and la Intercutting In the extreme. Utered Ayrshire hull, J years old season, ft. SO at Red front livery, corner Sixth and K streets. K. Tlmmona. owner, phone r3 3-J. 41 JOY Theatre TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY THE MANX MAN CO Prt'Hcnta (ieoi-jje irfiiuif Tuokor'a pictui'iziitioii of "The Manx-man" With KlizaMh Itistlon Henry Ainloy Kml (Iiovoh Hall Cains Greatest Story Adinisrtittii l.r and 'J! renin FOR SALE Three fresh cows. 1 Jersey. 1 llolsieln, I Durham.' At Red Front livery barn, Corner Sixth and K atreels, R. Tlmmons owner, phone 5S1-J. 41 'Placer and Quarts Mining blanks a( the Courier. Klertric Waher ItenHinotratlnn Free This week only. Phone 3, Rogue River Hardware. SS ltKMOV.1. XtrTH'K On May th the assay olflce will be moved from the Hall building to the Schmidt building on southwest corner Sixth and I streets.' 51 E. R. CROrCH. assayer. FOR RENT After April list. 7 room house, modern, at HI I Or chard Ave., with large garden spot and fruit. Inquire at KOI Orchard. Will sell cheap for rash. John Summers, lbanon. Ore. J7ir KKTI IIX lAMiklng for I'lntinum F. A. Sennett, of I.os Angeles, a representative of the Gilflllon B'oi. melting and refining company, ar rived In the city this morning lo In vestigate platinum deposits In this county. ' HIMIAV It lRKFlJl oxo: AT As we will make a shipment of barrels In a few days all spray bar rels mint be in our hands by April 20th. No refund If returned later than April 20th. 37 EISM ANN PRODUCTS COMPANY. C.Ull OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors and all those who showed their sympathy and for tho beautiful flor al offerings. FRED K RACKS'. MR. A MRS. CIIA9. MORRI SON. HENRY KRA1S3. FRITZ KRAl'SS. LOl'13 KRAl'SS. PEARL KRAI'S. JOHN HERMAN and FAMILY. NtrTICK OF IUNI ltKIEMITIOM Notice la hereby given to owner snd holders of municipal city Im provement bonds that at the semi annual Intereat payment period on the 1st day of May. 191 H. the city of Grants Pass, Joncphlne county, Oregon, will redeem the following outatandlng city Improvement bonds, vis.: Itondi numbered 61, it and 0, ot Sixth street Improvement, said bonds were Issued an d dated the 1st' bonds were Issued and dated the 1st Said bonds will be redeemed at1 the office of the city treasurer of the' city of Grants Pasa, Josephine coun-l ty. Oregon, on the 1st day of May. 1ft S, which Is the time fixed for; aueh redemption, and the time ati which Interest shall be taken up and1 cancelled by virtue of the laws and : arts providing for the Issuing of such1 bonds. Ihited st Grants Psss, Oregon, this 13th day of April, ll. 1 0. P. JE8TKK. S City Treanurer. London, Apr. I (. large con tracts will shortly be placed In Eug land for supplies of boots lo the American army In France It Is an nounced. In anticipation of these requirements, leather supplies - to manufacturers of civilian shoes hate been curtailed and stringent reetrlc. tlont will coma Into force early next month. Units lirilKHAKT To Mr. ami Mrs Claud Burkharl of Houe River, Wednesday, April 17. a son. iomixo Kvcrrn May 17, Friday Primary noinlniit Ing election. Township Maps Homing OreniiN and Califor nia llomealrewl laU, nira to tiling April 1H, IBIN, at Hr townahlp. I'Kwm give luwnalilp and rang. INHOI.AS AIIHTRUT U, ttivwhurg, fmpn CHICHESTER S PILLS M M TsJ Tak m atlwr R.. . V 1 rtf sniOByDw1r1MsrTRHipf ! k " M IUM. AI-,. Mint I ' n oiTirnrrhfcLi OK- 1. fo) i) nnn yui mm ? re it r Only one answer to' this question- DO ii Thit Space Contributed by ; ' KINNEY TRUAX