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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1918)
PAGE FOIK ltAILY KOUIK lUYK'.l UH'IUKK MOMl.tV, AI'llll. IS, IBM. : PER52NAL 52 LOCAL : K. R. Dualap, of Rosoburg. U in the city. A. P. Jones left this morning for Baker, Or. C. E. EilU arrived last night tr:u OrovlUe. Cal. Alex Nlbley. of Medford. waa In the city today. Robert Holme, of Medford, fla tted friends here Sunday.' Mania lamps at Rogue River Hdw. Mrs. P. 9. Smith went to Wolf Creek to spend the summer. 'George Uoyd left Saturday night for Central!., Wash. Arthur and John Denison made a trip to Medford thia afternoon. Postmaster Guild, of Merlin, la In the city this afternoon. Mlsa Marie Edwards spent Sun day with her parents, returning to Medford Sunday night. O. S. Dlanchard and Frank Br to- well spent the day In Medford on business. A. E. Carlson, of Oakland, Cal.. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. diaries H. Ernst. Mrs. Fred Merrill returned this morning from En gene, wheYe she rlslted a brother, who Is 111. Elertrie supplies at Rogue River Hardware. tf Herman Bergman, of Placer, spent a few days hero with Yelatlv and left-on 8nnday for Klamath Fall. Dick Cramer went to Corvallls Snndar night to spend a few days with his brother, Ted Cramer, ma jor In the first battalion. Dick wit nessed the annual Inspection of the O. A. C. regiment Miss Catherine Miller spent Sun day ' with her . parents at Medford. returning bare this morning. "Arch Tooth Paste." Sabln has It. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Carson, of "Warren, 111., who spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hobart. left this morning. Mrs. Ira Dions and Mrs. V. E. Irwin went to Albany this morning to spend a couple of weeks wilt their parents. ItrtftKter Xow Only two day more in which to register. Do It now. K. I. Coburn. county clerk. 35 Shoot the- Cmlliiijt Moth With Arsenate of Lead spray, and save your fruit. I can supply ar senate at thta time but am Instruct ed that there ts a shortage and that It Is best to anticipate needs and order soon. Let us give you prices. Sabln the Druggist. 35 F.ntrrw Q. M. In1mft Murray U Hart, of Glendale. en listed In the quartermaster depart ment Saturday and left for Portland. He will be sent to Jacksonville, Pla. Itond Content floee Wednesday The Girls Honor Guard contest for securing Liberty loan bond sub scriptions closes Wednesday noon. The first prise Is 11 0 and the -second prise $5. To lrnve for Seattle . Miss Jessie Masten, who will be stenographer for A. C. Hough at his 8eattle office will leave for the Pn get sound city tomorrow rVets War Now Frits -Welch, a , former Grant Pass man who Is now located at Cbatanlka, Alaska, wh,ere he con ducts a large 'department store, writes that the people of that sec tion are just beginning to feet the effects of the war. There is a short age of flour and some other products but other supplies are plentiful. On a recent hunting and Ashing expedi tion he brought in a moose, three caribou, a barrel of greyllng and 60 pounds of white fish, enongh to last all- winter. The average tempera ture for the past winter had been 11 degrees below tero. while a few days before the time he wrote, March 11, it waa 18 below. He asks to be remembered to his old friends In this city. Will Put Mo to Work Harry Slakroa arrived this tuorn-! lug- from San Francisco and went! out to Holland. Mr. Stskron will! put some men to work on the Janu-j ary First mining property, about four miles from Holland. Fancy Puts If you want some fancy potatoes phone Dr. Flanagan. 1.I5 per ta-k. 39 Kr-ntlMM-wolKht t hump Kotiirus Joe Gorman, featherweight cham pion of the northwest, who ' spent seteral days with Mrs. Jacob Hucoch and family, left this morning, re turning to Portland. He has been on the sick Its but a week lu south ern Oregon and a fishing trip or two have put him in condition again and he says he ts feeling fine. Gorman defeated Chas. Moy at Oakland, Cal., on Thanksgiving day and secured the Paclfla coast championship. He defeated Bert Wenger two months ago. ' . f Cne Company Making Silo The Hlllsboro Lumber k Manu facturing company have taken , a contract to saw thousands of dollars worth of silo lumber and material. and Sve men will be kept busy fil ling orders as soon as all the ma chinery I Installed. Mr. Coe, the proprietor, say they expert to saw and fit about 50,000 feet of lumber per week as soon as they start run ning. The State Round Stlo people have given the order. Mr. Coe le rapidly getting his plant whipped In to shape as there will be a bis; drive on silos this year. The mill will handle local work with machinery already installed. Hlllsboro Argus. Are Ton Tied to the Tub? Electric Washer will release you. Special demonstration this week. Phone 38. - :, 38 Electric Waher Itemonntratlon Free This week only. Phone 38, Rogue River Hardware. ' ' 38 Here for Funeral Mrs. Cecil Hays, of Woodbtiru. and brother, Fred Hermann. , of Roseburg. are in the city to attend (lie funeral of Mrs. Frederlke Krauss. wife of Fred Krauss, who died Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Morri son on ! street, Give Your Little Ones An Interest in the Future i hey are your hold on the future, nd America is fighting to make their future safe. They are too little to realize this now but some day must learn to reverence the traditions of America, the ideals of America, the great cause for which the men of their father's day gave their lives. Be ready then to put in their hands bonds of their government They will be for them inspiring evi dence that their fathers planned sac rificed and invested for their sons' future. Liberty Bonds will mean more to them than money. They will make them proud of the fathers who in America's day of great need proved themselves true American patriot Invest in Liberty Bonds for Your Little Ones THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY BERT BARNES Iterator Now Register now and be able to vole. Registration books close at & p. m. April IT, 101 H, K. 1.. I'obiirn, coun ty clerk. 3T K.pcrt llano Tuning William C. Debley, always able. Phone 11J. . rell-0tf Patriotic Address Commandant Oldonberg, of Seal-' tie, will deliver a patriotic address at the assembly room of the Cham ber of Commerce it S p. m. Tuesday April II, on the activities of the Salvation -Army oa the western front and at our encampments in this country. K.lccirto Wiring Paul's Electric Store. Medford, Ore. Orders may be placed through power company office. 60 Drill Momlay anil Thursday There will be drill of the home guard every Monday night at 7:30 and every Thursday night at T o'clock. HOUX ' WEST To Mr. and Mrs. W. K. West, Isham street, Sunday, April 14, a daughter. HARMON To Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Harmon, of Jerome Prarle, Mon day, April 15, a son. IS. FRED KB DIED JOE SUNDAY Mrs. Frederleke Krauss, wife of Fred Krauss, died Sunday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Morrison, 633 L street. She hud been III for the past six month with stomach trouble and two operations fulled to restore her health. She waa born In Germany Janu ary 12, 1867, and came to this coun try in 1H94. settling in Grants Pass. She Is survived by her husband, two daughters and three sons. The children are Mrs. Chas. Morrison, or this city, Frits, Louis and Henry Krauss and .Miss Pearl Krauss, of Sclma. One brother, John Hermann, resides at Svlma, and one brother and one sister live, In Germany. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. R. A. Finch of. the Baptist church, Tuesday at 2 o'clock and in terment will tske pface in (Iranlle Hill cemetery. Washington, 'Apr. 13. The bronxe statue of Frederick the (ireat has been removed from the wsr col lege building. It was believed to have been done nt the Instance (of the president. OF IS Another car load of rattle and hogs is being shipped to the North Portland stock yards through Coun ty Agent C. D. Thompson. The re ports for the past three month show f,hat on January 8 a car load brought $2,002.47 nt the Portland yards, which, after deducting $123. 33 for freight aand other expenses, left the shippers a net or $1,879.14. On February 12 the total was $1, 921.06, with an expense of $111.85, leaving a net of $1,809.21. For March the total was $2,640.71, the expense was $119.90, leaving a net of $2,620,81. In each case an ex pense of from $20 to $50 was de ducted for the man who went along with the 'shipment to guard and to feed the stock. COMING EVENTS May 17, Friday Primary nominat ing election. vou' vui 'use so little SALT veil oiford the besi ETQT IT!? SALT JOY Theatre TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY rf 4CNt HON .lk-BSW-V i: I i THE MANX MAN CO Presents George Ixune Tucker's piotiiri'atioii of "The Manx-man" With Kliznlwth Uisdon Henry Ainley r'red droves Hall Cains Greatest Story Admission 15 mid 'J5 cents MS PLACER MINE Fi O. A. McCalllHter, who, with lien Watts, bus had a lease on the Alex Watts mine on Williams creek IS miles south or this city, haa given up the work (or the year and will go to Dorrla, Cal.. 'Wednesday, where he will engaged In sawmill work. Poor health and the In ability to get men are assigned by Mr. McCalllstcr ns his reason (or giving up mining work. The Alex Walts mine Is one of the oldest pnylng pln-er mines In th's section. For over AO years It has been producing gold, and the Instal lation of modern machinery would make a good, paying proposition !n the opinion of Mr. Mct'alllster. Ow ing to lack of help this past winter the lesseee but little, more than broke even. Wh,lla there Is plenty of water at present ror limited hydraulic work, It Is stated that with the pressure rained another 100 feet a force could be obtained which would sufficiently hreaw up the heavy clay to permit a thorough working of the ground. Mr. MtCallister exhibited a few nice samples takpn from the winter's diggings. NAVY ENLISTMENTS IN Portland, Apr., 15. Commander B. F. Kckhardt, In charge of the navy recruiting station here, has been notified to enroll men In the naval reserve force to the maximum. Five thousand men can be accommo dated In this district at once, he was informed. The local recruiting station has been limited in Its work for several weeks, being permitted to enlist only 25 men per week. This re striction, which held down recruit ing at all stations to a total or one thousand men for the whole country per week was necessary until . con gress relieved the situation by leg islation. This evidently has been accomplished. Oregon has ' furnished approxi mately 5,000 men to the regular and reserve corps of the navy and the raising of 5,000 more will give men! of draft age a ne opportun ity for serving their country, The age limits for this navy recruiting are from 18 to 25. " Men of draft age must have permission from their lo cal boards. Four mess attendants are, needed at once, the recruiting officers an nounce. AH recruits are to be sent to the naval training camp on Ptiget sound. Forty men per month from this training camp will be sent , to the navy's new, .officers' trnlnln? camp at Chicago. Although defeated by Mamhflel.l In the semi-final debate In the Ore gon high s hoot debating league, which waa held at Kugeue Krlday night, the Orants Pass . simtiters nude a good showing and their friends are proud of them, The de cision of the Judges, lr. Jaiuea II. Gilbert, of V. of 0.; A. R. Tiffany, registrar at V. of 0., aud A. Hurley Cash, of Eugene high school, wsa two to one In favor of the Coos bay team. That one vote was teemed Is re garded as an honor, tor In ninny of the large universities In the snt where the sfme question has been debated the negative team has never won a vote. Orants I'sss had the debate well In hand tip to the time of rebuttal by the Marshfleld debat er. It was thought that the local team would win, but at the lust, the Marslifleld speaker followed out the aet speech and disregarding ths fact that hla arguments did not fit the line taken by the locals, launched out and In some manner won the de cision of the two Judges. Mrs. Ounnell. the coach, ssld that Max Wllklns msde the best tslk of i the evening and made a splendid re buttal speech. Miss Vivian liliam was at her best. Her delivery was perfect and her arguments unas sailable. The question 'which Is being de bated In the high school league In which originally there were 60 school;). Is, "Resolved, thnt at the close of the prenent war the Coiled States should Join a league of na tions having a police power to en force the decisions of Its Interna tional court." Due to the Import ance of the final three debates, all are being held on neutral ground, By virtue of their victory over Orants Pass, Marshfleld will meet the winner or the Salem-The Dalles semi-final which will be held : In Portland jwon, the last contest to be held at the University of Oregon dnrlng Junior week-end next month. STUMEZE Stops Stomach Dlstrees ) . Miami, Fla "1 never took so mall an amount of medicine (bat relieved me so much. Your 3TU MZB tpok the bloat from my atom ach, stopped It nervous trnmhiimr and I felt so much better. 1 will praise It's virtues wherever I go." Carrie Davis, 206 Harner Ave. Bod lly health Is necessary these stren uous days, No man or woman can bo healthy who allow food to amir and ferment In the stoma. h and thus poison the blood. Neglect means misery; get a bottle of STUM KZ is todny If your stomach hurts. Thin' reliable stortiach medicine offers you relief from the Ilia that boHet you.. For sale and guarnntocd by all drunnlHts.