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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1918)
MONDAY, AIMUli IS, 1UIN. DAILT SOUL'S UVKB 001'KUCa PACK TK3 "Over the Top" By Aa American Soldier Wh.Wiit AITHUR GUY ENPEY Madia Cvaae Stin$ 1 Ftt IOer ntM. Ml, k AASaf Wat I YNOPSIS. I CHaTTr-ll lln,...i hv ik. .... ataUii.ii u ilm Liiallanla by a Herman ulunarlii, Arthur Uuy tCmpoy, an Amvrl-i an, Ihvm Ma of n. In J.naay I'lly ait Cwe lo KnaUiid wnare lit eollaie In the rlllth army. CltWTril tl-Afir a period of train. B(, r miwy vnluniMia fur lniniMliaia rv. Ira ami imku nnta lilwaoif In rail bll-U ''euiiiaKtiaie In t'lanoa," where be firm Snak-a Ilia erqualiitnlit: Of Ilia ever-pree-nl 'iiMiilaa." C'll.MTKII W-Kmpey etlwll his Aral hun h aarvlraa al Ilia frmtl whlla a Oar, man Koaaer elrrlaa war Ilia rongraaallun. IIIAI'TKH IV-Kiiive command ( Into Iha front. Una iimi hn anJ la umlar Bra fur Ilia Ural tfcna. CIIAI'TICH V-Rniir Iraina lo a1'M Iha nmlia nf Iha lliliah Tummy, "If you era !" lo (a It. you'll (nl It, ao navar Miry." rilAITFfl Vf-llaik In real bltlete. Fnv pay ees hla Aral aiperlenr aa a maa ororly. i rilAPTrn Vtl-ICmpey learne how Iha xil.n.ra arc fail, rilAITf ll Vlll-llark In Iha front Una Iranrli, r:niy tae lila Aral I r I. out of Ilia Ireiu'hea "u Waal." rilAITKIl IX-Kiiipay mnkaa hla Aral Vlalt lo a tluauul In "Huldda liilch." rilAPTKIt X-r-wr learna what mti. eiNut-a a "day a wurk" in li (ruin-lint Iran- It i. , CIIAITKH Xl-Rmpay " top" for Iha Aral lima In a rharaa on Ilia Oarnian lrm-lie and la wo inJad by a baronet thruai. CHAiTKIt Xll-I'mriajr Jnlne Iha "an' rlila ilub" aa Ilia bombing a-jiuj la call' HUfTKIt XIII-Karh Tommy (al a., aftklal balh. rilArTr-ll XIV-Kmny hlf " an advamed tiench Umlar llirinnn Hi" CIIAITKH XV-On "llalonlna Boaf In No Man's Lana. CIIAITKH XVI-Twn artillerymen pm na ovee" oa Old I'appar, lUeir ieunetilal umniandar. CIIAITKH X Vll-Kmpay narrow aa. Cpa whlla on patrol July In No Man ind. CHaPTITIt XVTlt-IUck In raat billet Kmpoy Write anl (iaca a fare oomrdy. CJIAPTKK XIX-Aolrtlaro have many waya to amuaa Uieniealvea whlla "on liiair own." 1 f i f CHAPTER XXI. About Turn. Tli next evening we wera relieved by tin th brigade, and once again return. -d in ivm billet. 1'iHin arriving at tln'o Mllct kp wiTf icl vtn lwiiit.y. f"mr liinirn In whlrh to i Ioiiii up. mil Jiimi lini'liiil K iiliiH Hi" muil rrimi my uniform -u ilu nnlorly arrcunt In fiiriiiril mil (tint my minii wna in ordem In linvc, ni'il Hint wan In report In Hi., miiciiy i.h.iii in th iiinriilni; fur r iIitn trimiiir!iiilon ami ration. , I'cnr y linil n fit. Iiuailcil nhoiil 1 1 r' lii; t p, n;ilnu my puck with iu- ' n a -liMI liciiila. iluil liomlia. LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE EVERY month we make enough Lucky Strike Cigarettes to reach, end to end, from New York to China, ' the long way around. . That' v 15,000,000 A DAY Regular men like the Lucky Strike Cigarette good, solid . Kentucky Burley tobacco, fine for a cigarette txtcause IT'S TOASTED lien a . a w comaaar m caanraia. aan r fl Guaranteed by Bum rain, alirapnxl linlla, and a l'ru alan fuanlanian'a In liin-t. In fact, b for I turned In Hint nlglit, I had ery thln rady lo ri'imrt al Ilia orderly room at nlaa Iha nr-n nmrnln. I waa Iha anvy of ilia whole awllon, awanklng arnnnd. t-nin( of t), i.mhI Uma ! wa (iiIik In hava, Iha pluic would vlNlt. and Ilia rral. old Kiiillub borr I td (umI. Hurl of mtilxxl II Into lliini, Imauaa i.y all do It, and now that It wa my turn, I took pallia lo H my own hark. At ulna I rMirtid lo iha raplaln, ra Calvliif tny travel ordur and piaa. lie Mk nia bow much monry I wanted to draw, I giddy nnwrtd, Three liumlrrd fraiir. alri" tm Jut aa glllily nandvd ma on hundred. R"HrtliiK at hrlifnda hi'adiiinrliTi, with my park ai'litliltig a Inn, I walled, with forty oiliera, for tlia adjiilunt to lunpevt ia, AOer an houKa wait, he rauia out iiiuhI hnva hi'cii aora bocauia A waan't do with u. The quarlcriiiiiaicr acrgeiiut laaued Ba two day' niilon, In a llttla white canva ration hug, which wa tied to oar Mia. Then two motor lorrle rama alona and wa piled In, lauKhliic, Jokliig; and la Iha beat of aplrlla. We even loved Iha Oerinnn, we were feeling ao liuppy. Our Journey to aeven dny' bllaa lo Dlliflity had I'muiueured. Tha ride In the lorry laited about two hour; by ihla time we wera cov a red with fine, white dual from the road, bul dldu'l mind, even If wa wera Daarly choking. At Hi railroad iVntlon at F wa rvHirled to an nmcer, who had a whlla band around hi arm, which read "It. T. 0,M (Itoyal TrnnHKrtutlon Olflcer). To ua till olllccr wa Hum Cluua. Th aerRimnt lu i'lnire idiowed him our ordi r; he elum-t'd through them and aald: "Muke youriudvea comfort, able on th pliiiform and don't leave j the train la llnldo to he along la Dva mlnutva or five hoiira," - It ram In live hour, a atrlog of eleven miiti-h bote on big, hlKh whiH-ia, drawn by a dinky llitl engine with the "con." i-niutm match twira wer mfilerum. nn tha hide of which waa painted tha old familiar algn, "lloininea m.ichevaux . , The It. T. CI, atuvk ua all Into one car. We dldu'l cure; It waa a good ua a I'ullninn to ua. Two duy v M-ut on that train, humping, atopplng. Jerking aheud, and aoinetlmea alldiiiR buck. At three atn tlon wa aiopped long enough to mak aoine tea, but wera unnblo to waah, o when wa arrived at B , where wa wer to emlmrk for Blighty, we wera aa hluck aa Ttircoa and, with nur un nhnven furea, we looked Ilka a lot of trutupa. Thouuh tlrad oiit, we wera happy. W hud tuirked up, prepnrntory to dctrnliiliig. when a It. T. O. held up hla limid fnr'm to atop where w wera mid cnni over. Till la what he nnlil: If row dealer iota aat carry rm, aena i,v lor a canon 1 1 aackaiaaJoTh Tobacco 'JB .Vi3.-s i ; t ils ifc t ii;. 7 Ocad Oodiei Iverywhare. "Itoya, I'm aorry, but order have JuM been r'i hi'd (iinccllliig all lenv. If you hnd been three hnura earlier you would have gollcu auuy, Juat aluy In thill triiln, n It la going buck, Ilutlona will be homed lo you for your return your reapecilve aditlon. ItciiNtly rotten, 1 know," Then he left. A dend allelic rciulted. Then men tnrted to curve, threw their rlflca on iho floor of the ear', other mid noth ing, acemed lo he aliiHAid, w hile anine hud Die teur running dowu their eliecka. It wu a hitler dlHiippnliitinent i nil. How w blinded al tha rnKlnerr of ,int train ; It wna all hla fault (an we .vnaoned) ; w hy hadn't he apeeded up a little or been ou time, l lien wa would have gotten off before tile order ur rivcill, Now It wiia no Itlltlity for ua. Thut return journey wu mlaery to u ; I Jtmt cun't dencrlhe It, When we got buck to real billet, wa found that our brigade wa In the trem lie (another agrecuble aurprlne) und that an uituck wa rontempluted. Seventeen of th forty-one will never pet another rhnne to go on leave; they wvr killed lu tha attack. Juat think If that train hie been nn time, thoae aeventeeu would atlll ba alive. I hnte to tell you how I wna kidded by the hoy when I got hack, but It wii giMxl and plenty. Our machine guu company took over their part of tho line at aeven o'clock. the ulght after I returned from my ear leave. At 8:30 the following morning three wavea weut over and capjured the firat and aecond German trenchea. The muchlno gunner went over with tho fourth wave to consolidate the cap tured line or "dig In," a Tommy call It Crowing No Man'a Land without clicking any curtinltlea, we came to the Ormun trench and mounted our gun on the purado of annie. I never aaw nuch o meaa In my life bundle of twlNted barbed wire lying about, alien hole everywhere, trench all hushed In, parapeta gone, and dead bodies why, that ditch waa full of them, their and our. It wna a regu lur 'morgue. Some were mangled hor ribly from our ahell Ore, while other were wholly or partly burled In the mud, the result of ahell exploalon cav ing In the walla of the trench. One dead German waa lying on hla buck with rifle atlcklng atrulght up In the air, tho bayonet of which waa burled to the hilt In hla chest Aeroaa hla feet lay a dead English soldier with a bul let bole In hla forehead. This Tommy muHt have been killed juat aa he ran hla bayonet through the German. Rifle and equipment were scattered about, and occasionally a ateel helmet could be aeen atlcking out of the mud At one point Just In the entrance to communication trench, was a stretch er. On this stretcher a German waa lying with a white bandage around hi knee, near to him lay one of tha stretcher-bearers, the red cross on bis arm covered with mud and hla helmet filled with blood and brains. Close by, sitting up against the wall of the trench, with head resting on hla chest, waa the other stretcher-bearer. He teemed to be alive, the posture waa ao natural and easy; bnt when I got Closer I could see a- large, Jagged hole In hla temple. The three must have been killed by the same shell-burst The dugouta were all smashed In and knocked about, big square-cut timbers splintered Into bits, walls caved In and entrance choked'. ' . Tommy, after taking a trench, learnt to hla sorrow that the hardest part of the work la to hold It , In our case this proved to be so. ' The German artillery and machine guna had ua taped (ranged) for fair; It was worth your life to expoae your self an Instant. w . Don't think for a' minute. thar the Germans were the only sufferers; we Were clicking casualties ao faat that you needed an adding machine to keep track of them. t ' v Did you ever see one of the. steam thovel at work on the Panama canal? Well, it would look Ilka a hen scratch Ing Alongside of a Tommy "digging In' while under Ore, lou couldn't see day light through the clouda of dirt from hla shovel. ; After losing three out of alx men of our crew wa managed to aet up our mu'clilne gun. One of the legs of the tripod waa resting on the cheat of a half -burled body. i 'When tho guu wa? tiling, It gave the Impression that the body wat breathing. . Tula waa caused by the aiceaalv vlkratlea. I boat three feet from the ground. foot waa protruding from tha earth. Wa knew It wa a German by the black . leather boot One of our crew need that foot to bang eitra bandolier of ammunition on. Thla man alwaya wa heady fellow; made nae of llttla point that th ordinary person would overlook. The German made three counter attacks, which w repulsed, bnt not without heavy oa on our aide. They lao suffered severely from our (hell and inachlne-guu Ore. Th ground wa allotted with their dead and dying, Tha next day thing wer aomewhat quieter, bat not quiet enough to bury th dead. W lived, ate and slept In that trench with the unhurled dead for six day. It wa awful lo wntch their face be come swollen and llcohred. Towards tha laat the airnch wa fierce. What got on my nerve th moat way that foot sticking out of tha dirt It aeemed to ni, at ulght, in the moon light, to lie trylug to twist around. (Several tlinea thla Impn-imlon wa o airong thut I v.ent to It und gruxped It In both hiiud, to ee if I could feel a movement, I told Ihla to the man who had used It for a bntrack Just before I lay down for a little nap, as thing were quiet, and I needed a rent pretly badly. When I woke up the foot wa gone. Ui hud cut It off with our rhuln aaw out of th spare purls' box, and had plastered the (tump over with mud. I'urlng tha next two or three day, before we were relieved, I mimed that foot drendfully; acemed a If I hud uddeuly lout a chum. I think the worst thing of all waa to watch the rats, at night, and aoine tlmea In. the day, run over and play bout among (lie dead. Near our gun, right acrnaa the para pet, could he seen the body of a Ger man lieutenant, the head and arma of which were Imaging Into our trench. The man w ho hud cut off the font luted to sit and carry on a one-aided convcr talloii with this officer, used to argue and point nut why Germany was In the Wrung. During all of thla monologue I never beard him aay anything out ui the way anything that would have hurt the oillcer's feellugs hud he been live. Ue was square all right; wouldn't even take udvantoge of a dead man In an argument To civlllana thla must seem dread fa, bat oat here oae geU to used to awful sight that It make no Impres sion. In iwsMlng butcher shop you are not shocked by seeing a dead tur key hanging from a hook. Well, In France, a dead body Is looked upon from the eame angle. - But nevertheless, when our alx daya were up, we were tickled to death to be relieved. Our machine gun company lost seventeen killed and thirty-one wound ed In that little local affair of "atrnlghtenlnit the line," while the other compante clicked It worse thun we did. After the attack we went Into re aerve billets for alx days, and on the seventh once again we were In rest bil lets. (To lie Continued I REX , Arsenate of Lead ! Manufactured by California IU'X ftpray Co, , Eismann' Products Co. ' Distributor HAVE VOV REGISTERED? I( All . elector who were registered but did -not rote at the primary or general election in 1916, knd those who have changed their residence must re-reglster. Electors not registered must do so on or before Aprll'l 7. 1918, at 6 o'clock p. m. .. E. L. COBURN. , ' - County Clerk. Political Cards. ' Paid advertisements v. EUGENE L. COBURN Republican Candidate for , ,. Nominee for .. COUNTY. CLERK Present Iucumbeat - GEORGE LEWIS Caudkkte for Republican Nominee for SHERIFF Present Iucumbeat C.E.HARMON Candidate for Republican Nominee for .. , COUNTY CLERK Primaries May IT " Three or four feet down tha trench, Classified m - von ralb 67"C. OitA.vr LANDS lllue print plat b'olng lands lo Josephine county, fl. iO. , Addreia A. E. Voorble, Cranl Paaa. tf FOR BALE Good modern bouse, close In, north aid. Inquire No. 2111, car Courier. Jltf HEMSTITCHING and pecot edge, 10 eanta par yard. Mall ordare will receive prompt and careful atten tion. The Vanity Shop, Medford Oregon. 114 Wast Mala. 07 tf KOIl 8AIJC Good aurry, Shetland pony and buggy, large rosewood bookcase; one typewriter; Singer sewing machine; dresser; walnut deak; dining extension table; aide table; two bed room atandi; wlr ot; large refrigerator; rocker, range, beater, high chair, book ahelvft, bedstead; washer; Hoc picture frame; barrel churn; but ter molds; fruit Jara. Oscar Wll klni, 30 North 'Second street. Call In afternoon or evening. 17 KOK SALE One good team and one 1,450 lb, horse. Phoue 123-R. or call 407 Rogue River Ave. F. O.. Wilcox. 37 FOR SALE CHEAP Three-quarter ton truck. In good condition. New tire. Churchill and Maxwell, tf KOK RALE Two milk cowa,-fresh. 150. Wal'er Ferren. Phone 607-X-4. 85 POTATOES at 11.25 per sack. Phone W. H. Flanagan. 4i FOR SALE Fne young cow, , Jut freab, heifer calf. K. Hammer bacher, Rd. No. 2, Phooe 606-F- FOR SALE Right fine tract alfalfa land half mile from city, ' on Rogue river. Will subdivide. Terma to suit your pocket book. Address No. 613 care Courier. 39 uu,'cwr;a shipment or new wheels Just received The Grant. 135; the Snell, $45. High grade wheels, fully guaranteed. Para. mount Cyclery. 35 Til RK.vr FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convleutly ' located 411 C atreet 86tf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent, 50 feet from paveutent, also unfurnished cottage on 'pavement f 8 per month. Inquire A. 5 Voor hies. - 92tf FURNISHED o-room cottage for rent, Mrs. G. P. Jester, 215 C atreet. Phone 16S-R. 23tf FOR RENT Two room cottage on F atreet, next to the creek, well water, $3 per month, for key call at corner Second and F streets. Also 6 -room house at C and Clark streets, bath, city water and ' well, $8.50 per month. Call . at houae opposite for key. 38 RENTAL 85 acrea. sandy loam ) bottom cultivated land, 4 . miles out on river, north -aide, old build ' Inge, 5 acrea bearing' apples, rent V for one-fourth of crop. L, Launer, realtor. 36 RENTAL Elegant 5-room .s bunga low, furnished very nicely, piano. K and third, at $15. Also 6-room furnished houae Eighth, and ' D gas and bath, at $10. 7 rooms ' And bath, Pine and G, at $7. L. A. Launer, realtor. 36 WANTED EXPERIENCED mll men , wanted year tj around work. '' Excellent, cook-house, 'electric lights,-tnen'a club, good wages, write to Modoc Lumber Company, Chtloquln, Ore- gon. 52 WANTED to buy One horse about 1,200 lbs. for farm work, must be reasonable. C. W. Johnson, R. F. D.'No.-l. Two blocks from city limits on Merlin, toa&v'r- 37 MAI4E HELP , WANTED Mill-yard men and laborers In logging camp wages , $3,25 and up eight hour ' day steady work right , now, . few , empty o houses k-frea rent 11 miles east .of Cottage Grove on O. P. & E. Ry. The Bo hemia Lumber Co., Dorena, . Ore. s" ST WANTliD-Positlon In garaga as trouble shooter or demonstrator. H. D. Didenhorn. .212H Union Ave., North Portland.-: ' " 38 LOST CHINOOK ' blcyo i taken, from "Ma sonic building. Double bar frame, wide handlebars, spring seat, heavy: clincher tires. Rewara of fered for Its recovery. Notify "James Martin. .? 35 Butter Wrappers printed to cea ply with th law at tha Caurier. Advertising ATTORNEYS H. D. Norton, Aitoraay-at-iaw. Practice la ail guu and Fadarai Courta. First National Bank BMc COLVIO A WILLIAM Attorney. at-Law Ortate Pea Banking Oa. Bldg. OranU Paaa, Oregon. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Praetie la til courts, first Natloaal Bul Building. O. S. BLANCUARD.Attorny-at-lw Golden Rule Building. Phaew 270. Grant Paaa, Oregon. BLANCHARD BLANCHARD. At torneya, Albert block. Pbom 236-J. PracUce In all courta; Uad board attorneya. VETEKI.1AKY BIK&EO DR. R. J. BBSTUL, Veterlaartaa. Office In Wlnetrout Impleaaeat Bldg. Phone 113-J. ReaJdeaet) Phone 105-R. PHYSICIANS L. O. CLEMENT, it. D. Practice limited to dlea of the eye, ear.i note and throat 01 me fitted Office houre 9-12,' 1-6, or oa ap pointment Office pbene, 62; resi dence phone S59-J. S. LOUGH RIDGE. M. D.. PhysleU. and aurgeon. City or country calla attended day or tight Kealdaoat pbone. 9; office phone ., 112. Sixth and H. Tuffa Building. A. A. WITH AM, M. D., Physician aad surgeon. Office: Hall Bldg., corner' 8lxth and I streets. ' Phone: Of fice, 111; residence, 2S6-J. Been. 9 a. m. to 4 p. at. DR. J.' O. NIBLEY Physician as aurgeoo. " Loadburz BalMtag, Surgeon Utah-Idaho Saga On. Health Officer.' Officer houre, t ts) 11 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. Pfcaaat 110-J. 9Mf PHOTO STUDIO THE PICTURE MUX open dally 1 a. m. to 5 p. m. For 8uodar (fa ting call MM 283-R or realdetwt) 140-J. TM DENTISTS E. C.MACY. D. If. D.- dentlstry. 109.H Sooth Stttli street. Grants Paaa, Oregon. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION J. S. HACMCRRAT, teacher of t culture and alnglng. Leaaons glvaai at home of pupil If requested. AaV dreaa 716 Lee St llltf MISCELLANEOUS THE RED FRONT Livery, 411 South Sixth street, has cha hands and will hereafter be ducted by the undersigned aa a feed barn, 50c per day for .each animal; patronage aollcited. AH accounts previous to March 9 ara to br handled by R. Tlmmona. at B. Baber. 94tt DRAYAGB AND TRANSFER COMMERCIAL TRANSFER OO. AM -kinds of drayage and traaafer work carefully and promptly dnoa Phone 181-J. Sund at fretgat depot A. 8hade, Prop. F. O. WHAM, drayage and traaafez. Satea, planoa and furniture metal packed, shipped aad atored. Paeaa Clark and Ilolman, No. 50. .. dence phona 114-R, THE WORLD MOVES; ao de we. Bunch Broa. Transfer Ce. S97-R. TO KI CHANGE WILL EXCHANGE corner lot . at Second and C atreet- for dairy cowa. Addreaa Con Sohaeffert, R, -vP. D. No.. 2, ' ' IS The. California and Oregoi Coast Railroad Company TIME CARD ..:! i . EffectlveDecember 1, 1917. ' Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday , j 'Sill ?.,i.-",v ; 1 v U'm-U Train 1 lv. Grants Pass 1:00 y.aa. Train 2 Iv. Waters Creek 3 :00 p. aa. : jbuiw it: rri,e. . iwt i All trains leave Grants Paaa from Ua earner of G aad Eighth street, opposite the Southern Pacific depot 1 For all' Information regarding freight arid passenger service call at the efflce of the company, Lundberg building, or phone 131 for tame. ONI ADVERTI8EMSNT WTX NOT ' MAJOJ YOU A. FORTUina, BUT ,IT,. WTXIfc 8ERVB AS A "ST0KBIN 4 TBCB FOUTTDATTOH OF BtTSDTESO HTJCCESS :: tt