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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1918)
FA6I TWO DAILY KOQVM UTTER COCIUVK MOMIAV, APUII, IS, IBM. mi m RIVER COURIER published DUr Except Saturday X. K. VOORHIES, Pib. and Propr. stntered at tbt Postofflo., Grants Pasa, Or., cond class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES DUalay space, per Inch . He Local erpersooalcolumn, per line 10c Readers, par Haa. DAILY COURIER By nail or carrier, par year-JI M Br mall or carrier, per month.. .SO MEMBER State Editorial Association Ore ion Dally Newspaper Pub. Aata. MEMBER 0? ASSOCIATED PRESS Tie Associated Pre la exclusively entitled to a e for repuUketion of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In thla paper and also the 1 cal newt pub lished herein. All rljhU of republication of apo dal dispatches herein are alto reserved. ..""k EAT HOKE FRUIT VOKT LlMON HAN ANAS XAVKL and VALKXtlA OIUNGK8 KINNEY & TRUAX GROCERY JIAUTV KIIWT MONDAY, APRIL IS, HUH. 4 . ORBGOX WEATUEK 4 Fair tonight and Tuesday. 4 4 Froet tonight. 4 444-444444444 44 4 4444 PACIFISM In no better war than the behav ior of Henry Ford la the progress of pacifism represented In thli coun try. It ti only a couple of years alnce that quixotic idealist made hie peace cruise to Europe, In the belief that the mere preaching of the gos pel of love would persuade the war ring nations to lay down their arms. 'How different now! Mr. Ford's present activities, In which his work are as great as the fa mous Krupps at Essen, are now be ing utilized for the production of war materials, he has cut the pro duction of his well known car In half. He has greatly enlarged his factories. He Is now making im mense quantities of parts for Liber ty motors and will soon be making the motors complete, by the thous ands. He Is also making thousands of small military trucks and cars. He Is building 50,000 farm tractors, primarily as a war contribution. He Is engaged in the construction of a new type of submarine chaser, which the government has named the "Eagle," and expects to have 1,000 of these craft in action before the summer is over. He Is said to be preparing to manufacture tens of thousands of armored "tanks" to hold only two or three men each, armed with machine guns, for use when our armies start their great drive for Berlin. This Is pacifism with a vengence. But there' Is nothing at all incon sistent about It. The whole tiling is the very essence of consistency. Mr. Ford Is simply doing what al most any American pacifist would do if he bad the opportunity. He has learned, as the rest of us have, that we and our allies are fighting war Itself, and that the only way to put down' war Is to use war-like meth ods. Our game is to "fight the devil with fire." We must use whatever effective weapons, the enemy1' him self employs. And "we must use them in overwhelming quantities, with 'overwhelming force and v un yielding sternness back ' of them. There Is no other way to restore peace and good will to the world. OVER THE TOP Although not the first county In the state to complete Its quota of subscriptions for Liberty bonds, Jo sephine "went over" In a most cred itable manner at the end of the first week of the campaign. The signif icant fact In connection with the subscriptions in this county to ante Is that they are all voluntary. Prob ably no other county In the state haa done so well in that respect. Although County Chairman Frank C. Bramwell has his organisation perfected and was ready to start out the first day, the volunteers were given the opportunity to sub scribe first. Great credit Is due the banks for taking up the un-aubscrlbed balance of the quota Saturday. They will not oe overlooked In this matter during the rest of the campaign The excess purchases which they hold will be taken off of their hands. They should be. The banks, of 'all Institutions, have done more to help the government float the war loans than any other business, for, besides subscribing liberally to the bonds they have turned their fa cilities over to the government and have given service valued at thous ands of dollars. The drive In the county will start Tuesday morning and every section possible will be visited, giving all an opportunity to do their bit There should be no let-up. Secretary JIc- Adoo has Increased the loan to five billions and every available dollar should be subscribed In this county before a rest Is taken. SKNATOR STO.VE II Is coincidence that two of the "wilful twelve" who stood In the wsjr of the govvrnuieut'a war pro gram a year ago are now dead? Poor Harry Lane, one of Oregon's brightest statesmen, found It Impos sible to stand up under the dire criticism of his mistake and collsps ed. And with the passing of Sen' ator Stone Sunday another brilliant member of the congress has gone to rest. As chairman of the foreign relations committee In the senate he did valuable service of unquestioned character for his country. He was a man of ability. But his criticism of the government's war program, whether rtght or wrong, threw many monkeywrench Into the worka and caused the officers of the govern ment a great deal of trouble and worry. MANY BOOKS GIVEN The recent call for books tor camp libraries resulted In securing about 450 books. Thla la quite a satisfactory showing, especially as the books were nearly all well chosen and In good condition. The Boy Si outs, under the direction of Scoutmaster Reynolds succeeded In teeth, breath, appetite, digestion. "Give If to me. please Grand daddy." "Why Bobby. If you wait a bit for it you'll have it to enJoy longer!" Too-poo! That's no argument with VRIGLEYS cause His flavor testei, anyway I! collecting over halt the total num ber. Preparation f those books for circulation l dona In the local li brary as a part of war service, using supplies furnished by headquarter? In Portland. WAR OAKIKX8 HAY K.I) (iKIOIAM War gardens In Germany have pulled her through two summers I den. Food, labor and transport that she could not h weather-1 u r, u,, thr, ,g wmr uHortt ed olherwlH. says the Inderal foodUml the gardens help relieve all administration. In the laer cltl-i !,hrp,; for (D, 0 A c ard- as much as ID per cent or tho tmd UullttliiM. and make your tardea communed was frmh vegetables, re-'ro;inl for the most. Iea!n rerlals foa the llithilng front.! ' War inidi'na In thla rouniry will, ' save rood end rellote the Jsbur. HresJ and buns ll brat the Khortuun and the traunportniUm bur- Huns. i .; After every meal I ... . XiSuZ J .'"!VI 'MR1' ... y .u FigMia grot TJIHALL this little girl grow up in the sort of American home we know, healthy and happy? Shall she have the advantage of living arid learning in a free land, under free in stitutions? Shall such children develop into the Liberty-loving citizens that a free America may be proud of? For over two hundred years Americans have fought valiantly, and died gallantly, to win for themselves and hand down to their posterity the blessings of liberty, justice, self-government and equal opportunity. This precious heritage, bought at so great a price, is now threatened. K The question which today confronts America as a nation, and you lis an individual, is whether or not a free America is worth fighting for Are American children in this and all future generations to receive unimpaired the legacy of freedom of which we are now the custodians, or shall trieir country be turned over bodily to the brutal, rapacious, power-mad enemy which has forced us into this war? ' , This question cannot be answered by word of mouth, but by deeds alone. Let Your Answer Be Your Investment LIBERTY BONDS! THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY E. FIRTH S CO. . i ! ; . 5 in