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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1918)
TAG rOCB DAILT WMVn RIVKR COCKIK Till IIMUAV. APIUL II, IBIH. Fonvard, March! That's the spirit of the Hart ScbAffnei' ft Mrx mill t Ury models we're selling here. It's the rtgh spirit, too; the thing that wins in war and business. Vou'll "catch the spirit" with this Ave seam bark model. All-wool for long wear and economy; careful tailoring for the same reasons. Joe Swartz Formerly the , WONDER CLOTHES STORE INK OF AMERICAN DEFENSE SOCIETY If in this war, you cannot go to the front you will want to serve at home, especially now that our own losses are beginning to be felt, and " we are at last actually realizing the war. " i Germany Is mobilized to. the last -man and woman, and if America is 'to win this war, ve must also mo- A .'Whirlwind of Eloquence and Information. An Qetkarst of Patriotism and devotion. bsIsbbbbsSSIbbbbbbGbbbsS Lieut. MacQuarrie Lieut. Leslie O. Tooze THIRD LIBERTY LOAN RALLY OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT Pi. Let us turn out and give Kaiser Bill a fit of chills bills those t home every man and woman. We must also concern ourselves with the desperate activities of the German empire tn this country. Some of thea activities are politi cal; other are Industrial attempt at dynamiting our war plant nd burning building. Still other are In the realm of propaganda spread ing propaganda under the guise of peace talk. The spreading of false statements meant to lower the con fidence of the American people ! their government, etc., these sinstcr hostilities ran not be met and de feated by the government alone, hence the American Defense Society, a voluntary organisation of patrio ts cltttens, working without pay. for the purpose of doing collectively those duties necessary for national defense which Individuals are likely to leave undone. MRS. W. C. HALE. Chairman American Defense Society for Josephine County. IT. BOARD OF PLACES RESPONSIBILITY The board of Inquiry which met In Grants Pass March 29 to Investi gate the freight wreck near Granite report that the derailment was caused by "sun kink where the lec tion foreman had dug out between the ties to a depth of four or five Inches below the bottom of the tics for one rail length, to renew balast on account of adobe spot. The rait kinked under the leading helper en gine tender which was first to leave I the track by climbing rail on tan ,gent. Section foreman responsible for derailment account failure to ad I Just expansion and work under slow . flag." J Damage to track. 1200; to en ;glne and cars, $S,S0O; contents, $500. Cares for War Dog Veteran. War dogs discharged from active service with glorious wounds are be ing cared for by Countess Tourkevicb In charming surroundings In the Rue Chauveau, Neully-sur-Sclne, reports a Paris dispatch. The Old Brigade Includes Pax, who four times saved his master's life; Dirk of the Somme, who had a leg am putated after a heroic exploit; Dick of the Yser, whose regimental officers decorated him with the Croix de Guerre. Altogether the countess Is caring for nearly six hundred dogs who have been the devoted companions of stretcher bearers and the friends of the pollus. Already these faithful heroes are fasting us a result of food restrictions and with the more severe regime of bread cards there are fresh clonds Tutboring on their horizon. All kinds of Commer lal Printing at the Courier Office. PER52NdL R. A. AUen left last night tor Portland. y U II. Jamison returned tq Hilt this morning, after spending a few days In the city. Aladdin Dye Soup colors while It' cleans Clemens, the Rexall Store. Theo. Hobgood returned this' morning from a business trip to northern California town. Mr. I.. U. Allensworth, of Mcd (ord, who stopped oft here to visit friends, went to Hugo laat iilhl. Mania lamps at Rogue River ltd. Ml Anne McCormtck goes to Ku gene tonight to attend a conference at the university. She will he ab sent until the first of next week. Mr. II. C. Telford departed this morning for her home at Klamath Falls after spending two weeks with the Misses Telford. Jonteel Talcum Powder, face powder and' creams Clemens, the Rexall Btore. S3 Mr. and Mrs. P. t. Wllham and two children and Henry Winter ar rived thl morning from Columbus, Mont., for an Indefinite stay. Marshal Hooper, of Salem, ' state bank examiner, waa In the city yes terday returning north this morning. Electrto supplies at Rogue River Hardware. ' tf Mr. Emmett Iee left thl morn ing to Join her husband In northern ! California. They have not yet defi nitely decided upon their location. I Liberty .loan dance Friday. 33 I Mr. and Mr. F. Franson. of Seat tle, returning north from Oakland. Cal.. stopped ofT here thia morning I for a day. I Maurice Rorork was a southbound passenger this morning en route to Mare Island, having, enlisted In the marines. i Honor Guard dance at the Wal dorf hall. " J Mrs. Ella Wilson returned today to bar home at Cottage Grove, after 'spending the past five weeks with' her daughters. Mrs. S. J. Naior and Mrs. C. A. Unch. j Cleon Williams, of Portland, slop- ped off here this morning to spend a few hours with his parents, Mr. !and Mrs. F.' M. Lucas. Mr. Wll- llama Is In the navy and left this af ternoon for the naval station. Past Noble Grand 'Club The Past Noble Grands club will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Harold Johnson, 21 B street. W. C. T. f. Meeting The W. C. T. V. .will hold a bus iness meeting at the home or Mrs. Graham Friday afternoon at 2:30. Business of Importance to ei'ery member. Nominating Petitions Nominating petitions are on sale at the Courier office. Al candidates must have them. 20tf Telephone Man Here C. E. Van Houtte, district com mercial superintendent of the Pacific Telephone Co., arrived In the city this morning from Eugene to attend to business matters with the local office. Returns From Spruce Inspection M. S. Durbln, of the local fores try office, has returned to Grants Pass after spending several weeks In the Sound country in company with 3. A. Nelson, from the office of the district forester at Portland. They were Inspecting a tract of spruce for the government. Oregon Life Rays Bond The Oregon Life, through the re quest of District Agent A. B. Cor nell has purchased through the Jo sephine county committee $1,000 on .third Liberty loan bonds. The Ore gon Life Is the only Insurance com pany doing business In. Josephine county which has, up to this time, ' purchased bonds to apply on this i county's quota. JACK PICKFOKI) " ' - and LoriHK m .vr in . ; "The Ghost Hoase" Alxo i 2-HeH L-KO Comedy liOo and 5c Joy Tonight LOCAL IMurned r'mm INwtland A. C. Hoofer, of the Preston Peak Mining Co., returned to the city to day after a business trip to Port land. Spring Chickens Attract A flock- of newly hutched chicks In the window of the Cramer Bros, hardware store, attracted consider alle, attention today. The Salvation Army Commandant and Mrs. Oldenberg 111 visit Grant Pass for the week end, April IS and 14. Saturday evening Mr. Oldenberg will speak at the hall, 413 0 atreet. at X p. tn.; T:J0 p. m. on the atreet. Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock he will speak attfh Presbyterian church. All are welcome. Envoy McKay, officer In charge. i:Hr1 Pimm Tuning William C. Debley. always reli able. Phone 1!8-J. SOtf . IrM Salmon Caught What are thought to be the first Chinook salmon taken from Rogue river at thia place this season were caught yesterday by Scroggln and l.ewfilcn, well known exponent of Isaac Newton's art. They are said to have caught some very line spe cimens of this palatable fish. Other fishermen have hooked many good sited fish, but yesterday's catch, as far as known, were the first to be landed. It's Coming What? Murphy's big dance,' Sat urday. April 20. 3! The H. A. at presttyterian Church Commandant and Mrs. Oldenberg. specials from Seattle, with the as sistance of the local corps will have charge of the services at the Beth any Presbyterian church Sunday morning, April 14. at It o'clock. The comniandent Is an old and ex perienced officer and can give many and varied Inside llghta on the work of the army, aod with the help of church talent. It should be a very Interesting meeting. Envoy J. T. McKay, officer In charge. liruoklngs People (in North Mr. and Mr. Will C. Shoarer nnd baby, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Shear er, Mr. and Mrs. John Crlsell and two daughters arrived here last night from Brookings. Ore., and left this morning for Portland. In the party coming, over from Rrookings were also Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Shear er and daughter. Miss Maude, and Arthur Thomas, who will be In the city during 'the day. They have been working for the C; A O. com pany during the winter. F, OFFIREPiNELIS Considerable annoyance was caus ed to the telephone company Tues day evening and yesterday morning through their wires having been carried down by a falling tree seven miles south of the city. Manager E. T. Ludden received word from Medford that the line was out and the Instruments In the local office showed that the trouble was seven miles south. Within ' a very few minutes a crew was assembled and was on Its way to the scene of disaster. It was found that tn clear ing some land the wood choppers had allowed a large fir tree to fall towards the road and the wires were snapped in the fall. The road was cleared, but no attention waa paid to the wires. In getting word to Mr. Ludden It was necessary for the message to go from Medford to San Francisco, thence , to Salt Lake, then to Port land and up to Grants Pass, a dis tance of over 2,000 miles. It is 32 miles to Medford by rail and about 28 by wire. After working all night and until nearly 4 o'clock yesterday after noon the linemen succeeded in get ting service restored to norma.. While the line was out the news papers between San Francisco and Portland were greatly Inconvenenc ed. It Is not generally known that about 95 per cent of the 'Associated Press and United Press dispatches are sent over wires leased from the telephone company. Over four wires It Is possible to send four telegraph messages and conduct three long dis tance conversations at the same time. ' f New "Kinks" in Spring Clothes TIIMtH'H MAW . KW KINKS AND I t HVM IN Ol H N KV HI'llINO CLOTH KH! WK'IK A WHOM! IaVT OF Nr.W THINGS TIP! TWO AMI TIIHKK IUTTOX HACK HUTHXU HWrtJj THKi ARM. TIIF.SK. 81ITH IU'N.AUNI AT $18 $20 $25 up to $40 HV ALL OIIM YOl 'I.l. KIND THK HUST Or' Ol T HTTINO II Kit K. OTIIKKM MAV HO ANl YOC'I.L MY -HO AFTK.H V(H"VH UNlKKIa, GRANTS PA53. OkilOON f i GtsA ChthUrt THIRD JUNIOR RAINBOW IE The roster of the Second Junior Rainbow Regiment was received In Grant Pass today. This Junior: Halnbow Keglinvnt Idea Is a very happy plan originated by J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of public Instruction. Any boy or girl who hss purchased or aold t"" worth of thrirt stamps Is entitled to membership In the Junior Kalnliow Regiment. Josephine county has only one member In the roster of the Second Junior Rainbow Roglinent and does not appear at all In the roster of the (Irs l Junior Itulnliow regiment. This Is not at all the fault of negligence of the teachers or pupils of Jose phine county but Is probably due somewhat to misunderstanding In the premises end the fact that the second Junior Rainbow Regiment filled up so rapidly. For membership In (he third Jun ior Rainbow Regiment which will soon be mustered Josephine county shows 37 names entitled to member ship and as these names have gone In they win undoubtedly appear In the roster of the third Junior Rain bow Regiment. The names of those boys and girls who have sold or bought more than $5p worth of war savings stamps Is given below. Laurence Poole. Julius Keller. Orln Naxor. . Robert Rlggs. Albert Jewell. , Charles Ernst. Rosa Johnston. ' Gordon Hoo'd. Lee Wlnetrout. Thaddeua Oreen. Paul Rlsdon. Paul Oentry. . Helen Spauldlng. Elizabeth Chapln. Iietta Barrell. Kathryn MacVlcar. Marie Garrett, dlern Ice Cox. Selma Cox. Mary Bramwell. Don, Barnes. Waldo Baker. , Ralph Bobzlen. , Norrls Clement. Jack Blanchard. .Walter Smith. Howard Knapp. Chester Edgerton. , Chester Britten. ' ' Beulah Lowe. Howard Flfleld. ' LeRoy Heaton. Harold Lundburg. Thomas McKlnstry. -Newell McKlnstry. . Claud McCracken. Theodore Handle. William Ament. The name of Laurence, Poole Is given In the roster of the second Junior Rainbow Regiment. H'ls be lieved that there will be a good many names added to this list. If you have anything to sell try classified ad, Envelopes nt the Co trier Office. i Amino mknth April 11. TliurnU) Poultry meet ing at Wtldorvllle. afternoon. April 13, Friday-Honor Guard dance at Waldorf hall. 33 May IT. Friday -Primary nominal. Ing 'election. Big Surprise to Many io Grants Pass People are surprised nt the ' IN. ST A NT action of' simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, eti as mlted In Ad ler l ka. ONE SPOONFCI. flushoa the KNTIIIK bowel tract so com pletely It relieve ANY CASK our stomach, gas or constipation and pre vents appendicitis. -The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-l-ka snr prlsea both doctors and patient. It remove foul matter which poisoned your stomach for months. National Drug Store. NKW TOI)f v (CLASSIFIED AD RATES. J& word, two Usuei. 2&c; Hi issues, i0; one month, tl.&u, when paid la advance. When not paid In advance, ic per line per issue. I FOR 8AI.K-- One kitchen range, one wood heater, .cheap. 317 K atreet. Phone 216-J. " 33 TEAM WANTED at Wolf Cre.k. Road work. Klght hours. $7. ,J. W, Shook. 1 FOR SALE Good surry, Shetland puny and bunny, large rosewood bookcase; one typewriter; Singer aewing machine; dresser; walnut desk; dining extension table; aide table; two bed room stands; wire cot; large refrigerator; rocker, range, heater, high chair, book Mielves, bedstead; washer; tins; picture, frames; barrel churn; but ter molda; fruit Jars. Oscar Wll klns, 630 North Second street. Call In afternoon or evening. 37 WANTED to buy One horso about 1.200 lbs. for farm work, must be reasonable, C, V. Johnson, R. F. D. No. 1. Two block from city limits on Merlin road. 37 FOR SALE One good team and one 1,450 lbs. horse. Phone 323-R. or call 407 Rogue River Ave. F. O. Wilcox. V 87 MAI43 HELP WANTED Mill-yard ,men and laborers In logging tamp wages $3.25 and . up eight hour day steady work right now, few empty houses free rent 11 miles east of Cottage Orove on O. P. K. Ry. The Bo hemia, Lumber Co., Dorena, Ore. 37 REX Arsenate of Lead Manufactured by California lU'K HM'ay Co. Eismann Products Co. Distributors