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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1918)
THI IIMIt.lY, APUII, , huh, ti"jr terra czrzrx covzzzi MJ.B,Coffc3 we v v an v ; Best Coffca at any price You can make more cups of jnkhI coffee with less M. J. B. than with any other coffee. Ground just right to make the best cup of coffee. BlendccJ from the finest flavored coffee grown in the world. ' ' Thoroughly aged before it is roasted. Quality never changes. It's the moat economical. It goes further. Vacuum Packed by Spec ial Process to Preserve its strength and flavor. It Rttda Yea Fresh K.vibv Cam Guakaktiid ON ROAD TO DESTRUCTION tptdlfl Tim AppolnUd for tho eUrth'a Ending, but It la Still Some Pow Yearj. Apparently nil "In off 1 Thla tilth idd bnftle-senrred Mirth, . 0 mere rhiy timr!.! niuonj; i!m billiard '. bnllM of tho great solar 'atstiiiua, It . headed fur tin r;li,nt mm, Vrcn. and humping itMolf at cult of r.10.000,000 ' nilloti i ycnrl Hut there I no Jtixtlflc ntlon f ir that Inaunt desire tn get off nnd vtiilk, say th 8vnUle I'oM-iiiielllCKitcer. We need not worry ..thuut what will hap pen when our ap-'fd.v Itttlo spher reaches It present ilcstlnntlon. It will ue our i-icr-iMi;'iii w year hence tlmi will he yelling for transfer to home .other Hup. And ten when that tlim come there la a poartblllly tlmt Vega will have aide. tt'pixxl or ducked, o w fun whli tight by, . Bo. 8. L, Bnothroyd, aaaiiclat pro. feasor of astronomy at tlio University Of Washington, tolil a Inn audience of men and women recently. In a leo ture on "The Nebula of tbe Stnm." The eclipse of (ho nun, which will ' be almost complete In Seattle on June ' 8 next, will lie on of the most re markable althls ever permitted man to eo, declared ITnfesaof Boothrnyd. Th amrow'inwv with powerful tol- eeeopes, ciin wltnviw an eclipse every , M bourn, If .they wish to. Th atnr Algol, which it a hug aun, and la lo . fulfil In tin northern heavens at thla ' time of the year! Jn tho awnrd hand of tvnntjtna ' tm twtlnii.i! AvniHp RA hnnr hV a (lark star thut passes between It and tho mirth. Thla accounts, aaya professor Hoothrnyd, for lb fart that ' Algol will gradually (trow dlin ' and t. ...ll V I .. - jtm kilnltln. MmmIi t,M llll'll, WIIIHII B ITU IIIIIHIII-. HtVlv My brlHhthly flRiiln. . f '' i Nw world nnd atina aw In proMas of crration In tlm hrarcnly nrbulaa, 1 aald rrofwmor Biaithroyd. ; Tha rar flrd Raara romnialna; tha nebulae, and wblrh cohalat of atomic partielea leaa ' complvi than tha atoma of Iron and mercury on our aphere, ar aradually ' becomlnf moro denae. After couotleia ; aca they . become aolld planeta. or " aom cafaclyum of th heavem may ao heat th partlclea coupoalnf them that ' they bocom aunt. t; h; HtiiM auk ' ' ' ' IIIXri Mt XT HVMH WaHhlnVton.'Apr. ?. In the face of Miter winter gnleai Ainorlcan atib marlnra, primarily deBlgnedTor op Wntlona off the honm roants, have 'crowied the Atlantic td annxe lit the common flRhtintt HK.ilnst Germ an V-bonta. They are now aiding allied naval forcoa na ara American dea troyera and American naval airmen, and they have been In the war zone for aome mnnthi. j ; Siilem, Apr. 10. -Thomna R. Ry-, en, chief deputy atate treaaiirer, to day filed his petition for the repub lican nomination fur treasurer at tho May primaries. : ' A IIATEFLL G'LUI'IIY" American uclne:s I'zn Ready td , Make Sacrifices With - out Stint TAXES HERE AND AEROAD. Amarlean Taaatlen tha, Moat Dam, aratlt In tha World. 1 ly OTTO H. KAHN. Nothing la plainer than that bualnms and bualneaa mn had averyttiliif to Kaha by preserving tha cuinlltlmis which itated during the two and a half yeifrt prior to April, 1017. under which many of them made vary large pmflii by fur nlahlng euppllea, provlalona and finan cial aid to tho allied nation. Tat hi era light, and thla country waa lap Idly becoming tho grent economic roa ervolr of tbo wurlil. Nothing la plainer tlmn that any eaoe bualuraa man In thla country muat bava fureaaen that. It America anlorvd tha war, theao profits would ba linmrnacly rod ti cad and omo of them rul off en tlroty, hecaua our government would atop In and ako charge; that It would cut prtcoa light and left, a a. In fact, It baa dona; that tnoruioue bunlroa of laatloo would bava lo ba Imposed, tho bulk of which would naturally ho borne by tha well-to-do; to ehort, that tho un ! proeedented golden flow Into tha coffera of bualnoaa was bound to atop with our Joining iho war, or, at any rata, to ho much diminished. Rut It la aald tho big financier of Now Turk wore afraid that tha money loaned by tbeni to tho allied aatlona might bo lost If theao nations wero de feated, and therefore they maneuvered hi get America Into the war lu order to ave tbelr Investments. Proof That tha Charge la Absurd. A moment's reflection will sho the utter absurdity of that charge, Let ua assume, for argument's sake, that 'he allies had b"n defeated. Let ua wake the wildly improbable assumption that they had defaulted for the time bolng upon these foreign debts, the greater part of which, by the way, la secured by' the dt-jioalia of collateral In the shape of American railroad bonda and stocks and of bonda of neutral coun tries, aggregating more than sufficient In value to cover Uieae dehta. Let ua assume that the entire amount of al lied bonda placed In America had been held by rich men In New York and the eaat Instead of being distributed, as U la. throughout the country. la It not perfectly manifest that a single year's American war taxation and reduction of profits would take out of I he pockets of such assiitped holder h viutly greater sum than any possible loss they could have suffered by a de fault on tbelr allied bonda, not to men tion tho heavy taxation which Is bound to follow the war for yes re to come and the abrlnkuge of fortunea through the decline of all American ' securities In consequence of our entrance Into the wart '' r; '' Not only la the "rich man's war ao absurd myth; the charge Is a hateful calumny. . , Uuslneas meri, crept or small, are no different from other Americana, and we reject the thought that any Ameri can, rich or poor, would be capable of the hldepua and dastardly plot , to bring upon his country the sorrows and Bufferings of war In order to. en rich himself. Business men are bound to be exceedingly heavy financial losers through America's entrance Into the war. Every element of self-Interest should, have caused them to use tbelr, Utmost efforts to preserve America's neutrality, from which they drew ao much profit during the two and a half years before April, 1617. Every con sideration of personal advantage com manded men of affairs to atand with and support the agitation of the "peace-at-any-prlce" party. They spurned such Ignoble reasoning; they rejected that affiliation ; they atood for war when It was no longer possible, wtth safety and honor, to maintain peace, because they are patriotic cltlsena first abd bualneaa men afterwarda. t Our Income Tax and Taxes Abroad, (t.) The largest Incomes are taxed far more heavily here than anywhere else In the world. ... . , The maximum rate of Income taxa tion Into la 67 per cent. In England It la 42Va per cent., Ours la therefore 60 per rent, higher tlmn Rnglund'a, and the rate In England Is the highest pre vailing anywhere In Europe; And In addition to the federal tax we must bear' In mtnd our atate and municipal taxes. (1) Moderate and email Income, a) the other hand, are subject to far smaller rata of taxation here than a England. la America Income of marrtod met op to 12 (Km ire not subject to any fed oral Innmie inv at all, la England lha Ineonio las la'. ' iwr c.iil. na ll.'x l,t"0 lit " " " two (These are the ratt-a If the Income te derived from salaries or wanes; they are Still higher If the Income Is derived from rents or Investment.) The Kngtlah seal of taxation on In comes of, say. S-'l.opo, t). flo.taK) and $l.iHt reH'ctlcly averages no follows as compared to the American ratea for married men: Income las In In Miami Knalnnd. Amrlra II.IWO , 1-loMp. . - 1.0)10 IS r c.nt. IS P e. ivpvrewt. ISS-o. 1S.UV U r cant. 4 e . (If we add the ao called "mi-upa tlonal" tax our loial taxation, on in cornea of 110.000 ia 0 per rent, and on luc-omee of f lft.000 1 per ceiit.) v In ether words, eur Income Uxatten le more domoeratle than that of any ether country In that the largest In comas are taxed much more heavily and the email and modsrate Incomes much mere lightly than anywhere else and Incomes tip to 12,000 for married men net taxed at all. (3.) It la true, on the oilier bund, that on very largo Income--ss distin guished from the largest Income our Income tax Is somewhat lower than the English tax, but the difference by which our tax la lower than the Encllah tax la Incomparably more pronounced la the cae of email and moderate Income than of large Incomes. The "laceaa Profits" Taa Her and Abroad. Moreover, If we add to our Income tax our ao called "exevaa profit lax,' which la merely an additional Income tax on earnings derived from business, we ahull 3nd that the total tux to which rich men are subject la In the great ma Jorlty of cases heavier here than la England or anywhere else. (1) It la likewise true that the Eng. Hah war excess profit tax la 80 per cent (Iraa various offseta and allowance), whilst our so called exresa profit tux range from 20 per rent to 00 per cent Rut It la entirety misleading to bust a conclusion aa to the relative heavi ness of the American and British tax merely on a Comparison of the rates. because the English tax la assed on a wholly different basis from the Amer ican' tax. -.. It.- The American excoaa profit law (so called) taxse all profits derived from buslnese over nnd above a certain moderate percuntime, regardless of whether or not such profits are the result of war conditions. The Ameri can tax la a general tax on Income de rived from bualiiess in addition to the regular Income tax. The Kng llsh taa applies only te oxeoss war profit that Is. only to the sum by which profits In the war year exceed the profits In the three en r preceding the war, which In England were year of great prosperity. - In other words, the Engllah.. tax la nominally higher than ours, but it appllea only to war profit. The normal profits of bualneaa I, t., th profits which business uaod to make in peace time are exempted In England. There, only th sxcoa ever peaee profile Ita taxed. ' Our tax, on tha contrary, appllea to all profile over and above a very moderate rate on th money Inveated In business, We Tax Normal Profits, They Taa Only i War Proflta. In short our lawmakers have do creed that norma.1 biialueas protit ar taxed here much more heavily than la England, while direct war proflta ar taxed leas heavily. " Ton will' agree with me In question ing both the logic and the Justice of that nlcthod. ; It would seem that It would be both fairer und wiwr nnd more In accord with public sentiment If th tax on business lu general wer decreased and, on the other hnnd, aa Increased tax were Imposed on np clflc war proflta. (8.) Our federal Inheritance tax la far higher than It Is In EnKluml or any where elae. The maximum rate her on direct descendants la STVa per cent as against 20 per cent. In England. , la addition to that we have atate In heritance taxes which do not exist la England. (6.) Of her total' actual war expen dltures (exclusive of loans to her al lies and Interest on war loana) Bnp land baa ralaed lose than 18 per oehi by taxation (France and Germany far less), while America la about to rale by taxation approximately 28 per cent, of her total war requirements (exclu sive of loans to the allied nations nnd of the amount to he Invested in met rantlle ships, which, being a produc tive Investment, cannot properly bo claaaed among war expenditures). , We men of business arc ready nnd willing to be taxed In thla emergency to the very limit of our ability nnd to make contributions to war relief work and other good ramies without stint The fact la thnt. generally aponklug, Capital engaged In bualneaa Is now being taxed In Amerlcn more heavily than anywhere clxo In tbo world. W are not cnmjilnlnlne nbout thla; we do Tint eraiNG omvis Our boys are going "Over the Urn' and inio " No man's land" this sprinc. No one lias any doubt of Uieir alnlut lo get there. There will also be t spring drive on this side of the ore".., because March ia the year's" bin M-ie dsy." It is the most fatal month ol th year. March and April is a time whei, resistance nnually ia at lowest ebb. 1 la a trying suuum for the " run-dowu" man. Hut medical science stejis in, and ssys, it need not be" I We should cultivate a love of health, a aene ol responsibility for the csre of our bodies. Do not allow the machinery of the body to clog. Put Uie stomach and liver in proper condition. Take l)r. I'ierce'i (iolden Medical Discovery, to be had at moot drag store in t&ilct or liquid form, tablet sixty-cents a vial, oom nosetl ol native herbs. This puts the stomach and liver lu proper condition. Yon- may lie plodding along, no spring, no elasticity, no vim, Lot as soon ss you have put the body Into ita normal physi cal condition oiled the machinery, a it were you will Cnd new vim, vigor and vitality within voo. A little pep," and we laugh and live. Try it now. Hend Dr. Tierce, iiuffalo, N. V., 10c. for trial package. A liule energy will save the day. The prime necessity of life is health. With spirit and energy voo nave tii power to force yoiirw-lf into action. The Uoldeq Medical Dine very ia the spring tonic which you need. . not sny that ti may not ix-come ncrc. snry to1 imiMine stilt furthc raxes: we are not whimpering ur! kiicIIii nnd agitating, butwe do wain tho people to know what are the prcnent fticta, and we ak them not to glve.hrel I the dcmtigogue who would make them bellev that w are camping our ahaea ef the common .burden. PHAtTICK OY HPHAYIXO . .M.IK EM (itl)l) I'ittMiltKKK Mnuufarturcra of Kpruy .Materiida ItrjMirt Sale Three Time Normal in Country Corvaills. Ore.. Apr. 11. Nearly all the big spray manufacturer- of the country report about three times the usual volume of sales thla year. Thie means, says Prof, H. P. Baraa, or O. A.'C, that farmers nnd "fruit itrowers throughout the nation rea lize that the chcapcat and most ef fective way to Increase tbe yield on every acre of crops la to protect the cropa against the losses due to plant dlaeaees and Inspects penis. Oregon farmers are taking the same view of the situation as la In dtcatcd by the 'demand not only for spray materials but atari for the lat est dlrectlona for scientific applica tion of the sprays aa publlsHed In the recent O. A. C. Extension bulle tins on orchard spraying, potato di seases, and seed treatment tor cer eals. These bulletins deal with tbe subject as 'related to Oregon condi tions and can be had upon request of the college at Corvallis. ; The t'nlted States . government baa accepted the offer of the tech nical schools and colleges of the country to ploee their entire plants at the service of the nation In, Its war crista, to train technicians for special military service. , The edu cational committee of. tbe war de partment and the federal board of vocations education are holding a conference on the subject in Wash ington this week, with P. U. Shep herd, of O. A. C. representing the western state. 'Our classified ads bring: results. Thrifty,shrewd,care- ful people make it a habit to read our clas sified ads - - - t Do you?, v. ' . These ads. are mon ey savers and money makers. ' ! your eyes on them. FOR SALK 67TcTb RANT LAN Dil- E lue'pri n't plat showing lands In Josephine county. 11.60. Address A. E. Voorble. Oranta Paa. tf FOR 8ALE Good modern bouse, close la, aorth aide, lnqulr No. 1113, ear Courier. IStf l"OR B A LER'l sailed ed w heat; Llttl Club, 11.11; Jenkins Club. IMS; Washington Hybrid No. IIS, 13.60; Marnula, $2.60; also Beardlesa Barley, Whit Oats, Al falfa Seed and all Oraaaea and Clo vers. Ralph Waldo Eldso, Cen tral Point SStf HEM8T1TCHIN3 and pcot edge. 10 cents per yard. Mall ordera will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Th Vanity Shop, Medford Oregon, 114 WC Main. 07tf HEAVY TEAM for sale at Grants Pass Livery. Good logging team. 32 rXK SALE RIGHT Splendid tract of land partly cropped, suitable for alfalfa, half mil from city, on river. Terma to ault your pocket book. Address No. 560. care Courier. , 31 KOK SALE One doren pure bred . Rhode Island Red bona and one rooster. Inquire 331 Bridge St. Roy HigRlna. -. ,31 CH ICKEN8 IX)R SALE, mo.tlj Plymoth Rock. Inquire of Mrs. W. H. Wlmer. 831 Eaat I atreet. Oranta Paaa. 32 FOR 8ALE Saturday, April 13th. beginning at 10 a. m., food, war candy and mended and laundered clothing, by th Junior Red Crosa auxiliaries of the East, Riverside and Junior High school, la tbe building formerly occupied by the Clemens Drug store. ' Come early and buy food surprises for Sunday dinner. . Bargains In all lines. 33 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Large, com fortable and convlently located. 411 C Btraot SStf PARTLY FURNISHED cottage for rent 60 feet from pavement, also unfurnished cottage on pavement $8 per month. Inquire A. B Voor- ,hi. . a- ' 3tf FURNISHED b-room. cottage for rent, Mrs. G. P. Jester, .215 C street. Phoc? 168-R. , 23tf WANTKD EXPERIENCED mill men wanted year around work. Excellent rook-house,' electric lights, men'a club, good wages, write to Modoc Lumber Company, Chiloquin,' Ore gon.'" ' 5 J WANTED Married man for farm work., Call 61I-F-3. C. N. Culy. 33 HAVE YOU REGISTERED? All electora who were- registered but "did not vow at tbe primary or general election la 1916, and those who have changed their residence moat ro-register. . , r - . ' ' - Elector not registered muat do so on or before April 17, 1918, at S o'clock p. m. ' : . . E. L. COBCRN. V . 5 ; County Clerk.' ' STEAMElt THREAENED BY GALE ARRIVES IN PORT A Pacific Port, Apr. . The steamer Costa Rica, threatened with destruction by a gate, has arrived In tow of a tug. . ' i . . Placer and Quart Mining blanka at the Courier.; ' j ' ',, iV: Political Cards. Paid advertisements EUGENE L. COUUIiM Republican Caiididate for .... Nominee for v " ; COUNTY CLERK Prewent Incumbent GEORGE LET7I3 Candidate tor Republican omineefor . ; ':.',' ' ' ' j i. ' Preaeat lacnaahent 0. E. HARKON Candidate t for Republican Nominee for , COUNTY CLERU Primarlea May IT ATTC-rrJ H. D. Norton, Attoraey-eJ-U v. Practice la all Cut and Nir 1 Court. First NaUoaal Back tlly. COLVI0 ft WILUAU AUrc; at-Laar Oranta Pea Eaazj Co. Bldg. OraoU Paaa, Oragoa. B. g. VAN DYKE, Attoraey, Prac t la all eoarta. first National ti Building. O. 8. BLANCBARD.Attoray-t-LC7 Ooldsa Rul Building. Flo; 370. Oranta Paaa, Oregon. BLANCHARD ft BLANCHAEO. At torneys, Albert block. Phot 231-J. Practlc la all court; Ifcii hoard attoraey. VETEK1NAKY Sl'E&a DR. R. J. EiTUL, VeUrlBArtLJ. Offlc la Wlnatjeut IicpUf t . Bldg. Phono 113-J. Eac.:-; Phone SOS-ft. rBTsicur j LTor'cir l DPi . a limited to dlaaaa of tho ayo, ar. . . boso aad throat. Olsaasi CUci. - OfSc hour 0-13, 3-6, or 08 -- polntaent Office pbea. S3; rc dene phon SSSsl. 3. LOUGHR1DGE. M. D.. PbyalcUo and aurgoon. City or country caH. atteaded day or tlcit TLmZlK f pbon e; office phone 183. Sixth and H. Tuffs Building. ' A. A. WITH AM, 11. D., Physldaa aaft urgon. Offlc: Hall Bldg., cormer Clxth and I Btroeta. Phoxri: O Sc. Ill; realdeaos, 3IS-J. Eovn.. a. m. to 4 P- ' DR. J. O. N1ELCY Phyata azl argeon. , Load bar; EilUl Cargooa Utaft-Uaho tzzt Cj Health eaoor. OSeer koan. t It a. at. 1 to 6 p. am. R: Sltsl. t.jr puoto btve:o THE PICTURE MUX, opa daSy 1 a. m. to 6 p. m. For Snaday i'V UngB call Mill 383-R sr r-iic:'-U0-J. ' : ; , , v 7C.1 E. C. MACY. D. U. D. Ilr-2-c: J - dentistry. , 11 CawVk ti..X trt Granu Paaa, Or a. xr;:cii i..rr..;t i J. 8. UACStT, teller a t culture and alnglng. Leesons (Jro. ' at homo of pupil If reiuested. A4 draa Til Loo Et SSUl a'uscnLANIX) THE RED FRONT Uvery. -13fc South Sixth atreet, baa chaccc hands and will hereafter bo ooa ducted by tbe underalgnod a a. . red barn, 60e per day tor. u! ' animal; patronage solicited. A3 accounts previous to March- S ar to br bandied by R. Tlmmona. fi. B. Babar. , r C: . eayac3 A.XO xoir.-- i . COMMERCIAL TRANSFZ1 CO. X i klnda of dntyas aad traacT.r work oar:ui:y and promptly dar. Phon 18W. Stand at frJ;lV depot A. Chad. F;op. , F. O. IS HAM, drayag and traasTcr. . Sal, pianos and. turnltur morO packed, shipped aad stored. Phor Clark and Ilolmaa, No. SO. Red dene phono 134-R. - r THE WORLD MOVES; so do wi. Bunch Bro. Transfer Co. Phoco 317-R. i ,- TO XZUL2,-3 WILL EXCHANGE corner lot at Second and C streets tor dalry cowa. Address Con Scbaeffer. B. F. D. No. I. ' SS Th California &zd Crt3 Qzzst cailrcsa Gentry ' ; TIMS CARD ' .. .rr EffectlveDeeeaiker 1, 1S1T.. S . Tueaday, Thursday, Saturday T Trala 1 Iv. Grants Paaa.. 1:00 . aa. . Trata I Iv. Waters Creek :00p. aa. All tralna leave Grants Paaa froaa th corner of G aad X."ghth atnota, oppslt the Southern Pacific depot. 4 For . all information regardlat frl;it a&i paaaeam service call at th 2co of tho eeaaaany, Laajburg, r peon isi for osn jLDVxa.TtxixzzTS vex JTOT hIAJDS YOU A TOBTCZTZ . BUT IT WILL BXRVX AS A STORE US THE FOXHrDATIC3 or Buzzxxza success : u