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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1918)
PAC3TWO DULY R0CT3 OOVK3 Till rUlAV, AriUL II, IBIH. ! ID! BKB CCL7.B luh)lBed Dally Except Saturday A. K. VOORHIES, Pnb. ud Prop. Catered at the Postoffloe, Grants Put, Ore, as second elm mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, pr Inch . lSe Local or personal column, per line 1 Oc Readers, per line .... .. 5e DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year....fl.e By mall or carrier, per month., .10 ' MEMBER State Editorial Association Oregon Daily Newspaper Pub. Assn. MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS . The Associated Preea la welualvely entitled to fie n e for repulltcatlon of a!l news dlipatchea credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the -cal newt pub- Uahe4 herein. All rtjita of repeblleatlon of spe cial . dispatches herein are also reserved. Quality, Styla end Price Pc?ird Slim For Men KINNEY & TRUAX 103 XOltTH SIXTH STKEKT Everylliiig for tlia Auto C L HOBART CO. THTBSDAT, APRIL 11, IMS. 4 ORBGOS WEATHER 1 ' Western Oregon, tonight and 4 Friday, showers. Eastern por- 4 4 Hon. gentle, variable winds. 4 44444 444 444 444 44 44 "NOBODY CAN FORBES" 8peaking to the German press, af ter a week of the big drive, General von Lndendorff said: "A great battle has been fought and won. Nobody .can forsee what will result from It" . These words, from he man gen rally admitted to be the real gov. train foi-M in Germanv. admirably picture the precise situation from the German standpoint A French man could hardly have put it better. Germany has plunged Into an epoch- , al campaign. She has fought what was meant to be the decisive, con cluding battle of the war. On the face of things she has had reason In the first phase of the drive to con- elder herself victorious but there stands that fatal confession. "No body can lorsee wbat wui result from it" '- If Germany had won a real vic tory, there would be little question of , the result . A program of world domination. Including vast land- grabbing, huge Indemnities and widespread measures for the perm a sent crushing of her rivals would have been Imposed without delay. She would have proceeded to deal with her foes far more severely than Napoleon's conquerors dealt with that adventurer. But this has been no Waterloo. ... The battle has Just begun. The first phase favored Germany. The second phase has been a stand-off. The third phase Is beginning. If the contest is really won by either Ide, It win be won by the allies And in that case, we can all forsee what that result will be. and will take pleasure in drawing a diagram of It for Lndendorff. BUILD THE LIBRARY . By all means, build the library. A good, well-equipped public library Is one of the greatest assets a city cen have. It not only serves as a read Jng room and a place to keep books, but, properly conducted, it Is Indeed center of Interest for the whole community.' Build In It a lecture ball, committee rooms and other features for the convenience of the public, . The lectures given by a 11 brary board add much to the wel fare of a city. And from the start make It a county library so that every resident of Josephine county may have the benefit of It. The county should help keep tip the oper ating expenses. The sooner it is constructed the better. , Although it Is not two weeks since the daylight saving plan went into effect, everyone baa adapted himself to the change without the slightest Inconvenience. It Is merely a mat ter of habit. As long as the clock points to the accustomed time, we are ready to get up, whether in real ity it is some other hour or not. The change was a One thing. Perhsps he meant that be would take dinner In Paris next April fools day when the allies invited him there for a conference.' The nearer Hlndenbnrg approaches Paris the closer he comes to his doom. , .NEW LIBERTY LOAN SOXQ MAKES HIT "What are you going to do to help the boys?" Make Hit as Cam. pais Song . ... .'it- Portland Ore.,' Apr. 11. "What are you going to do for Uncle Sammyt i : ' , ' ' Wbat are you going to do to help the boya? If you mean to stay at home While they're fighting o'er the foam The least that you ran do is buy a Liberty Bond or two. If you're going to be a sympathlc miser The kind that only lends a lot of noise' You're no better than the one who loves the kaiser So what are yon going to do to help the boys?" This is the chorus to a song which has been donated to the services of the Third Liberty loan. Through an arrangement with the publishers. copies will be furnished free a for campaign 'purposes.. "What Are Ton Going to Do to Help the BoysT" may be obtained at Liberty loan headquarters or at the Remlck Song Shop, Portland. " ' Liberty loan committees through out the state may obtain the song, words and music,, free of charge by communicating with H. E. Langlalse, 324 Washington streetPortland. The song Is . the product of Ons Kahn and Egbert Van Alstyne. The former wrote the words and .the lat ter, composed the music. : The song probably best epitomizes the spirit of the Liberty loan drive of anything yet written. ' It is snappy and 'full of "punch" -and In the eastern states where It has already been adopted, It is being sung at all patriotic gath erings. Even the school children have taken It . up, and In Philadel phia alone, 150,000 children are singing It. ' . ed him to be a true Hoheniollern. They supported him la every effort he made to drench the world In blood. They shared in the spoils, and eagerly robbed their neighbors. They committed themselves abso lutely to the plan of conquest by the sword. They have gathered strength by evil and with drunken confidence they are now striking at the heart of civilisation In the hope of making the whole world slave to Germany. 'Where are the pacifists and cow ards of the United Btates who dare look on the scene in France, and then oppose the arming of this pa- itlon of free men? Where are the skulkers and slackers, and defeat lata and the disloyalists? Let them consider what Is going on. Has It not been plain from the first that the United States must fight the German people to a finish? It is American vs. German, individually and collec tively. Either Germany or the Unit ed States must go down. The bat tie may be won for America by Its Indomitable allies, France and Eng land,. If not. If the - present battle ends In German gains, the entire American nation will be face to face with the terrible reality of a death struggle or surrender. Washington Post. . ' ' XO Ql'ARREL WITH THE GKKM.4.X PKOI'LE? Well, let them die. German sci ence, religion and culture have cult ruinated In. a race that worships evil. The " German people deliberately turned from good to evil. They ex alted falsehood. They set up the god of brute force "In place of the Lord God of Israel and the Redeem er. They applauded the monster whose diseased body and mind prov- DEXI.M, OF- FAL8K AOCTB.ITIOX Kerby, Oregon April , t18. To be called a pro-German at this time, of all times, when our coun try Is undergoing the perils of this awful world war, Is more than I, sn American born citizen will bear, much longer, and I take this way to make known to the public that I am a loyal American citizen, and Intend to remain so, In spite of the idle gossipers who sowed the seed . for this accusation nearly a year ago when my wife and I became mem bers of Kerby branch of Red Cros. False and misleading statements hsve been made for malicious pur poses, that I was pro-German and did not contribute to the Red Cross. I hereby brand all such statements as false, and refer to Red Cross re ceipt No. J, 28,222, dated July 10, 1917 signed by R. K. Hackett. The rumor In regard to this re ceipt has been started , three times and I hope this proves satisfactory, to the minds of some . who have spread the gossip from door to door, Instead of reporting' to proper au thorities. , ; ' 23 Signed! J. H, WITTROCK. MUST GUARD AGAINST iGUE WaKhJngton, 'Apr.. - 11,Warnlng of a new German policy "of Intrigue, far overshadowing Zimmerman's ef forts to embroil Mexico and Japan with the United States, and designed to cause a demoralization in tne al lied countries similar to that In Rus sia, was given to the National Con ference of American Lecturers here today, by William English Walling of New York. Declaring that the recent Inter. allied labor conference at 1 London had for its, real purpose the arrang Ing of an International, eoclallitjc conference to which German social ists would be Invited. Mr. Walling vigorously attacked the socialists of the allied nations. He asserted their purpose Is to bring about a peace of their own dictation and that unless their efforts are frustrated. lb ''democratically elected govern meats of France, England and America might as well abdicate." The conference today discussed so cial, economio and historical aspects of the war, speakers Including Pro fessors Robert McKlroy of Princeton and John Bates Clark of Columbia; Dr. John A. Ryan of the Catholic university, and Oustavui Meyers historian of this city. YAt;XEES CAN KOLD m. SAYS LAKE Chicago, Apr. 11. "The line In Plcardy la thin, and the Oerman on slaught Is terrlflo; but America's men In khaki are gradually being woven Into the line, which thus strengthened will be competent not only to hold the Teuton hordes, but to drive them back and. bring the allies a decisive victory." This statement was made by Franklin X. Lane, secretary of the Interior, in an address before the United States chamber of commerce here last night Mr. Lane said that If he were asked to say two words to the people of America, they would be "Hsve faith." Mr. Lane outlined a plan for the rehabilitation of all fighting men upon their return home after the war. Millions of acres of land In the west, he said, can be reclaimed by Irrigation and would provide the men 40 acres each 'of tillable soil. By the erection of dykes, he added, u Uovqoo tbed Conservation Ooodo Rait your own vegetables and help conserve the supply of staple foods for our army and our allies. Good seeds are essential to a pro-' ductive garden. Morse's seeds art tht best proved so in a world's competition. Besides, they cost no ' mors) than others. You can buy them at your grocer, florist, druggist or hardware merchant Write for Morse's l9l6CardenCuids. It's free. Tells you when to plant such food conservation seeds as .; . fM lt.. ' R,Sw ' Inn ('tnlc . qMk C C MORSE & CO. Tit Freat Street fee Frsacbee : t 9 We Sell MORSE & CO. GARDEN SEEDS J. PARDEE several million acres of flood land along the Mississippi ul. could be reclaimed. " Butter Wrap per a printed to com ply with the law at the Courier. All kind, of Wank. , it. I ' or wamerrini I'rinuog Courier. "l "1 -0l,rw' omce. 'THE LIBERTY BOND IS VICTORY'S WAND" -My II. . A 1111, Hht.orn r v I. "7 Wl MlhW I WW , ir mm mm CJ'eoK Ay fob' r ty m. S.ftrApnrcCf SUBSCRIBING for Liberty Bonds does not mean giving anything It does not me.n . ...rffi i yon call It that to spend more needfully here snd use more heedfully hew It mn. f! ,M1rJ,fc"-''e INVESTMENT, backed by the best security In the world-our whole United Stages and f;om .hf,,vbl ,',b,UDt,W reasonable Income In INTEREST. , i . kuhbu niaies, and rrom which yod will receive Mro..C,7e.rpaU ,"k,n "'others, husband, and bank aVUrj'ffiOU SoLrAV0" ' ' M M 3Z U y.or . Thit space paid for and contributed by C. L. HOBART' COMPANY