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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 19??-1918 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1918)
(!M(r? J ) 'u i . i iVl I i 1 i DAILY EDITIOH VOU VIUh No. I4T. prr MIX UilLHI ATTACK I MO KOIU'K OK MM mil MAM It IIOITED HV MXl. KATK HUH OK YANkKKM ;0 fSOS ct ran MomIhH AltaHi Yet MimI m Amrr ' trauu Prwra Fatal Ui (hx-mana Who Taeto Yankee OHt With the Amrlcaa Army la France, Apr. II. German torcea last Dlgbt attempted en attack od Ainerl. an oltlont north wi of Tout and were eomilrl)x repulsed. Two German prisoners who wore taken In th attempted raid, said that thy started to attack with 100 man, but that th effertlvenasa of tha Amarlcan artillery stopped them, Th Oermane lot heavily. Tha Americana loal no prUonera. Ooa of tha German prisoner later died of wound. Thla waa the heaviest attack yet made on tha Amarlcan forces. Brll lUnt work by tha mnnara dispersed tha anemy before they reached the barbed wlra entanglement!. Thoae who tot there war accounted for by machine gun and rifle fire. Tha attack laated two hour. FlEED o:i -m .Washington, Apr. U. For the protection of American trada routea to aouthem Europe tha United Btatea with Portugal' eonaent, haa estab llahed a naval bate on tha Airoee ItUndt. - It will lino be homing Mellon for aJrplanee. Ounn hart been landed there. IU U IL.UI I Washington, Apr. M. President Wilton will lieu a proclamatlod to night ordering ail American! eoeat wm veeaela turned over to the rail road admlnUtratlon. '-' Portland. Apr. 11. Will M. riaya.' chairman of the national republican committee, aald that the republican party atanda (or wanting war. peace hy rlctory. and a reconitructlon pro gram to aolve the after-the-war problem, He leave tonight on ,the Bhaata Limited for Ban Franclaco. W. 8. Brown, of tha Oregon Agri cultural college department of hortl- , culture, arrived In the , city this morning and will conduct a eerie of apple tree apruylng demonstrn tlona on farm In thla vicinity. , One doinoniitratlou will be on the Country Club farm, another on the 'Rlverbank farm and the other nn tha A., Wylberg place. Prof. Brown la belmt "accompanlod !)' County Agent Thomimoft ' The obei!t of the demonntratlons la to prove the nereiinlty of thorough apraylng of fruit treei. In each or chard a block will be given a thor ough trflRtment another unction will be treated with ome element left out and In another, pmothlng ela,ej will be omitted. The rmtulta win oe carefully watched. ' ) n'nAM nron WIN UUTO DNFB nil on ana ma SPKS HIT MnuUstanl MwOjiaitIi, llrltl'h lloy. 1 Artlllnry, mil (live AI t ( U ()rra IIimm , Hector Martjuarrl, of the Royal Drill artillery, wllf de liver an Interesting address on tha treat war at the opera houee at I o'clock thl evening. He la apeak Ins In Oregon under the ausplcea of the National Council of Defence and baa attracted large audleneea wher ever he ha appeared. Tba report! route to thla city that Lieutenant MacQuarrle la . the must intereetlng speaker of all Ilia Canadian and English aoldlera who have toured tba itate. , IJeutenant MatQuarrle, accom panied by UHUtenant Lealle O. Toose or the l4th Infantry, atatloned at Camp Lawla, and Lieutenant V. C. Clement, arrived In the elty thla morning from Medford, where they appeared before over 1,000 people lat evening, Lieutenant MacQuar rle'a addreaa waa thunderously ap plauded by 1.000 people In the I'age lliatr. and another meeting waa held. l.leulensnt MacQuarrle la grad uate of Cambridge unlveralty, Eng land. He la known la thla country a a writer of great ability, being author of aevcral well known book. When the war broke out he hasten ed to England and enllated aa a pri vate. He waa later advanced to mc ond lieutenant and la now a drat lieutenant. He nerved on the front for year and I bow off on leave. The "meeting will begin at I o'clock eharp and a large attendance la expected. i Thla morning and thla afternoon tha member of the party were taken on auto drive through the country mrroundlng flranta Pate. FEES TOTS 93 CI.OT LIST Waahlngton, Apr. 11. The cau alty Hat received today from General Penning contalna the name of S American aoldlera. One waa killed In action, two died front wound, five from accldente and 1 trora dl aeaae. " ' v Washlnnton, Apr. 11. Twenty four American killed In action war tinted in the aecond caaualty Hat mad public today.' It total 111 namea. . Three llutenanti krt killed. MJUiHU-..iOJ LIU, Ltade g:i F.ESTc:i r.r.a I3am Egger, of Watdo, who la mov ing to Dorri. Cgl., for th aummer, wr In the city today. He report excellent progrc being made on the road from Waldo to th . Chicago copper mine, M pile back of Wal do. .Work I juat opening up and a camp la about to be eatablUhed on the top of the mountain five mile south of Waldo, , ' aTon Ollmore. who I In charge . of the construction of the road, expecta to complete the work by July 1. The hew highway will not only facilitate the getting out of ore or the mlpes in that district, but will open up a wonderful wenlc drive. , , More men will be. put on the work at once and the construction rushed to completion a rapidly aa possible. Every day lost hold back the ship ment oh quantltlca of copper and chrome, which will bring much wealth Into the county. With the completion of the road the ore will be hauled td Water Creek by.totot truck, and from there shipped over (ho C. A p., C. Railroad to the smelters. : ' . ' ' ' , . i , ORAffT) rxrv icrr;-c:x3 ocrxTT. C:nru fcr: U Gr:-J b b 13 C:!J London, Apr. 11. Th Urltlsb have evacuated Aruieallarea, but are still holding Meaalnea ridge, th key to the British line la Flanders. The Oermans have been oa the ridge several time, but were repulsed on each occasion. The Oermaa leader' plan ' 1 to wipe out the British army by twing ing attack to the aorta, It la re ported. Londoo, Apr. It. Ualntalslng their powerful attacks la th north ern part of th Dritlah line, the Ger man continued to gala ground to day. Th oOclai report from Field Marahal Ilalg taya the Britlab troop were forced back to the line of Wytachaele, Meatlne ridge and I'loegateert. . . The statement add: "Following upon bombardment al ready reported, ' the enemy thla morning launched a freak attack In atrengtb against our positions be tween tha hi river a ad Armeatlere and th Tpre-Cominea eaaal. Heavy fighting baa been taking place In thla aevtor throughout the day, at well aa on th who! front of yeiter day'a attack, north of Latiaeee canal. "North of ArmentWr, th w:;tt of th enemy' aaaaalta preated oar troop back to th line Wytacaaete Meaalne ridge and Ploegateert" "Bod la of Oermaa Infantry who bad forced their way Into MessJjt were driven out thla morning by a counter-attack. "South of Armeatlere the enemy succeeded, after a prolonged strug gle In establishing hlmtelf on th left bank of th Ly river at certain polnf east of Eatalre and In the neighborhood of Dee 8L Vast. 'This morning tba enemy ' alto ikes aov.':::e CTJ fU'llR'i London. Apr. 11. British troop advanced on a line north of Jeru salem one and one-half mile over a five mil fnnt: They . captured the! village df f-afat and El Kofr. BHETP KIlJJXO DOG3 ' A KT3f ACR TO KLOCK8 Need for More Wool and Mutton Make PtwreaUv MewMirr '" Weceeaary ' Wgshlhgton, Apr. 1 1. To meet the menace of the aheep killing dog. whkh la recognised, aa one of the greateat hindrance to mutton and wool production In the United State, several method are auggeated In Farmera' Bulletin MB. "Th 8heep Kllllng Dog." Issued by the United State department of agriculture. Uniform atate dog law are advo cated aa probably the beat method, and a digest of exlatlag atate law and the complete text of two satis factory law (those of Pennsylvania and West Virginia) are given In the bulletin. The use of dog-proof fences I suggested and the cooperation of owners of dog I (aid to be import ant. . '., -' ' v AMKUICAV AV1ATOK SHOT; ,..' DOWN BV OKUMAN8 Amsterdam, Apr.' It. The Ger man have made their first capture o( an American aviator, a Beml-ofll-clal Berlin dispatch report. He la said to have been shot down on the western front on Sunday and la de scribed ns an eiiRlneer by profession. who since September of last year haa served witii' the French forces. c"cca, thuu;iav. apum, ETzrt b V.'i;j C;l Crb Ij C.rj ' I crossed th Law at Lestrem, but wa counter-attacked by our troops and driven out of th village and bick serosa th river. ' Bet wee Eatalre an4 tilvenchy our poaltloa have been maintained. On other parte of th British front th day again passed comparatively tjuleUy." Berlin, Apr.- 11. Six thousand prUonera and 100 gnu war captur ed by th Oermaaa, between Armea tlere and LaBataeo canal,, the offi cial statement from general head quarter announce today, Th text ra4: "Between Armentlere and I Bta see canal, after itroag preparation by our artillery and minethrower. w attacked tb English and Portu guese positions. We took the Oral enemr line and captured about (.900 prisoner and 100 guns." With the Brlttah Army, Apr. U. Fighting la continuing today north of Armeatlere with th British still holding Meeilne Ridge and Wyt- tcbaete, .which changed hand sev oral time yeaterday. . During the day the .enemy alao entered J Creche, Nleppe and Hoi leboke. fjt Tlrromly ,countr-at- Ucka forced them oat,' Th German today hold aboat half of th Tillage of 'Ploegsuert and Ploegateert Wood on the Flan dera front Juat north of Armentleres, and parties are reported near Bteen werck, five mile west. , Violent fighting continue from La Baasee canal to Tprea-Comlnea canal. London. Apr. 11. Th British last alght withdraw from 'Armen tier. There le little ehaage other wlae. - ' ' lr WHil lav Vis Vwl If 14 London, Apr. 11. The tanking of British merchant ships by mine or submarines last week reached the next lowest level of any week sloe Germany began her intensive sub marine campaign ' early In 1117. Four vessels of more than 1,(00 tons, 4wo of let than 1,600 tons and two fishing boats were tent to the bottom. ; ' , : 1 The admiralty statement adds: "Vessel unsuccessfully attacked, 11; Including two previously." The low, record In sinkings for any' week alhc Oernany began ner intensive submarine warfare was. In, the aggregate weight of tonnage aunk the week 5f November 11, last. Then only one vessel of over. ,600 tons. Ave vessels under that tonnage were destroyed. 1 Pari, ;Ait. 11. Only two French merchant ahlpa, both , over 1,600 tons, were1 sunk hy mine or sub marines during the, week ending April g, according to. the official statement tonight. Ki'jioranE v.ini h;;;;;sh ricas Stockholm, Apr. 11. German troops numbering 15,000 operating along the southern coast of Finland, has hadeveral encounters with Finnish rebels, It is believed that they Intend to capture Helslnsfora. n, ibih I1EP0J1T ILED :i tii sb:i Htrtkrrs KebnluMl by Vote on 1C1 Containing Ct re to Striae Washington, Apr. 11. The con ference report on the bill providing for sever peaa:Uea for ti dtrn tlon of or Interference with tha pro duction of war materials and con taining a clause giving workmen th right to strike for better wage or working condition, waa today .re jected by the aenat by a rot of It to IS. Senator Chaa..H- Me)rr. of Ore gon, voted for the adoption of tha report, and Senator Chamberlain voUd to reject ft. Many aenator considered th vote a rebuke to th strlkteg ehlpyard and factory workmen. Tb rejec tion oT the report will eanae the bona to re-eoBilder th b3. 8TATK. EMPIiOVES GET ANOTHER ItnlSE OF IJt.OOO 8alem, Apr. 11. The atate board of control expected to grant a wage Increase to employee of atate Insti tutions today amounting to IS, 000 This will make a total of 138.000 granted. . tiI.T f Ful'llC Petrograd. Apr. 11. The com mlsaloner of commerce today an Bounced that under the peace term Russia ha lost S6.000.000 of Its In habitant, or II per cent of the en tire population.'' FD EG'. CjilO Minneapolis, Apr. 11. J. O. Ben- tall, socialist candidate for gover nor, waa found guilty today on two count for violating th espionage aot. The maximum penalty 1 20 year imprisonment and $10,600 One. He will be sentenced Friday. He 1 now. under sentence of ' one year for obstructing the draft. Philadelphia, Apr? 11. The Ger- maa-American alliance is to disband and will give Its- funds to the Bed Cross. -. - " - - -.- Max Wilkins, a member of" the Grants Pass high school debating team, left thla' morning for Eugene, and he waa followed this afternoon by 'his. co-ed, team, mate, Miss Viv ian Isliam. and their coach, Mrs. Laura Thomas Gunpell, where Fri day evening they meet' the team from Marshfleld . high school. The winner of this debate will meet the winner of other aemt-flnala for the state championship at the Univer sity of .Oregon In June.' From, pres ent appearances Salem will ie tne otheij contender. The local debaters, jf ft wttn a reel ing of confidence, ever the outcome. They 'will have the soTie aide of the question on which they1 defeated Lnkevlew last Saturday. Marshflela recently defented Eugene on the same question, Which Is. "Resolved. that at the close of the present war he United States should become a member of a league of nations with powers to enforce the decisions of the international court." , The debate Is being held in Eu gene In order" to save expenses and to do away with the long trip thot would be necessary for one team or the other.', 1 rrxxs srrr- i 1 1MB) SK m f i! io pics': L'XCLS BASI S EOVS A.ZZZ IT rem: ;a trrx:! to sr nan rzj OrwuLoa prre a fz-r Lery J Im Sector oa a I "5 rr-nt ta Otu4 E-Jc LL American troop are bow re'.::ro- Ing th British L- la rri 3, J th greater portion of whkh tit Germans are ke-rlsg up ttzttX-'.'Z attacks with horde of men a 1 great conc-trationa cf t5vy arv lery In aaaaulta that now have aa their objective la C j: tratlng of tb bat-e frctt In b .;': era France and Ea!;inm. , From the aoath, of Tpre U r ' glum to the region of Le, tic, ix France, th new offensive 'of tl German 1 being carried oct great desperation. , On aeveral sectors of the new 10 mile battle line a few de-p t:'.e 1 have been driven by Ct C.rnk.i, but In the process the enexy no where ha been' able to t V through, th line merely " t:x " back under th great C "-n r iir. , Part'.w'rly ( t v northwest of Arn'ei'.: if 1 1 west of Lfcl . s ,' t teem to mai eertIa I J i -by Ue Brittth Cf Arr"T " "1 1 1 f threelea acrloitr'y t" f : , railroad Junction of I- ' British position wC: t cf I r mentlerea, lying between l i--" i' Lya and Double, norta of Ar . tleres along the five-mile frcit t twees the Plocrrteert wcsl fit') Wytachaet Medina rlZt, i'-t been pressed back by tie , C:is t. East of Glvenchy, the key to Cw une. haa been tenaciously hJl 1 the British and the town of G'.rex " 7 retaken, while to the norti Ij V 1 region pf Tpre the tr r'a . Uck agalnat the hl;i gr--1 1 ' . t Meesines ridg everywhei I -. been decisively repulsed. the British, In recapturing C..- chy, made nearly 1.009 prL- J. The famona Vlmy ridja, w:a a year ago by the Canadian, la re: '7- ing a prodlglou vtitatioB ct " " from German batteris. , While the, battle la tse ,ncrth been in. progress, the Chtl? j ii- i of the Somme, where the Lii ait aligned against the Germane, his been rather subdued. Not so, however, on the : sectors where, the French and German ct disputing the occupancy, of the ter rain. .. . ... Furious assaults and counter-a- sanlta have been going on aroo-1 Chauny, the village changing haxlt many time. At last, accounts, tv French not alone held. Che yi"sr. but bUo the nearby cemetery. , . V., L. Upson, Jr., government exten sion poultryman for Oregonls con ducting a aerie of interesting lec ture In this county. Last evening he spoke before) an interested group of poultry fanciers In the coORty court room of the court house,. An other meeting held at. Provolt yesterday afternoon was well attend ed." This afternoon Mr. Upson is at Wildervllle. ' ' ' The slogan of the government Is "One .hundred hens, for every farm and 100 eggs, for every hen." An effort to Increase the poultry and egg production Is being earring on In the Interest of food ' conserva 1 "